The Rated RKO Feud Dropped?

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I haven't actually seen Raw this week. But I've read the results and it appears to me that they have blown off the feud. You would think they would save their first singles match for a PPV. Or at least have a dusty finish.

Personally I think this is a huge missed oppertunity. If there punishing Orton then fine. but they should elevate Edge in the process. They could still have competitive match's between the two. Just have Edge win every match so he get's elevated and Orton looses momentum.

It just seem's like a waste to me.
i personally dont like this fued for one main reason, if these 2 fued, wwe is gonna turn one of them face.
orton honestly sucked as a face too me, edge seems to be alot more into it as a heel too.
honestly wwe should have kept these 2 together (not necessarily as a tag team) for a long time. juss have eachother backs.
wwe is lacking GOOD top heel power ex. edge,rko,kennedy,umaga
They don't need to turn anyone face for them to feud. This is a heel vs. heel feud that actually works, IMO.

But I think the reason this match was on RAW was because it was supposed to be on RAW last week but because HBK/Cena went an hour they didn't have time for least that would be the proper way to explain it. I don't think it's necessarily over either, but we'll see.

By the way, the match last night on RAW was REALLY good, I fully enjoyed it and I hope they have more in store for us. If they play their cards right and don't just drop it it could be the feud of the year.
Rated RKO could be a truly amazing feud sholu they continue it. I think everything involving Orton at this point is still up in the air until they figure out his punishment for the whole hotel deal
I really enjoyed the match that Edge and Orton put on last night, but, to echo Jake, I think it would have been better off on a PPV. It was the kind of match that made them both look good, but the rub would have been that much more if it was upper mid card at Judgement Day, rather than opener on Raw. Plus it would have given JD a sell-able match that didn't involve a title, which is something these tri-branded PPVs really need to have. Hopefully the stare down after the match was an indication that this fued isn't over yet, although I have no idea how the fued will mesh with them both getting taken out by Khali...
the chance for this feud to continue is still there..they are put into positions where they must work as a team but then they still share the same disgust for each other...this would make for excellent promos, and costing each other matches throughout a slow but progressing feud...this situation with Khali i believe puts them back into a position where they cannot face each other because something is blocking both of their paths to reach what they want and that is the wwe title..
The Rated-RKO feud could of been very good but it looks like WWE did an injury angle in kafaybe for all three guys so it could be Khali vs. Cena at Judgement Day or maybe there going to do a 5 way or something at Judgement Day. I think the feud is pretty much over since they had Edge win cleanly to my suprise. Probally a way to punish Orton some. The match last night was given at least 12-15 minutes. It was a ppv calibure type match and should of been in the main event since they cancelled HBK vs. Cena later on in the show or at least close to main event.
I think just becuase the WWE brass is still up in arms as what to do with Orton that they figured they punish him by losing to Edge on Raw and making him miss out on a PPV pay off starting now. Though i think WWE will come around and start this fued and run it though the summer with the ending being at Summerslam with the winner i say Edge getting a chnace at the belt and run with the gold after that. I hope they dont blow it off as that match on RAW was great and that what we need to see from WWE.
Orton and Edge never fail to put on a good match, they know each other so damn well in the ring. I don't mind the fued being over. Edge gets a clean victory over Orton last night, it puts Edge over and drops Orton down a bit.

The fued needed to end, because Orton gets the spotlight in this battle. The sooner he is out of the spotlight, the better. Edge got over, he moves on, while Orton sinks to the bottom of the lake for a few months, before he gets yet, another opportunity. This would have been a very good program, maybe one of the best htis year, but I undestand the reasons for getting this done with now.
This is a feud? Looks more like ownage to me. A couple years back Edge beat Randy the wonderboy for the I.C. title. Edge still owns Orton.
Why people dont appreciate Edge is just baffling. The guy is a tremendous talent.
^What are you on about we all appreciate Edge's ability as both a wrestler and a Heel. This is a feud that people want to see no because both of them are bonafide main eventers which they weren't back then, this match up could headline a major PPV if one of them held a title when it occurs. I want this feud to happen just on TV. think about it because WWE wants to punish Orton in some way, then why not have him have some great mattches on TV you will get new fans of Wrestling in it would generate ratings, and it would punish Orton as well if it is booked as a series of competitive matches where Edge comes out, you aren't completely burying Orton but you are punishing him by taking off of PPVs and having him lose matches against Edge while losing momentum. I want this feud to Occur and if they have another SNME after this one that is coming up or blow this feud off on SNME, it would gain ratings and new Fans. But this has to be kept Heel Vs. Heel, it would make it so much more interesting than having a traditional Face Vs. Heel feud.
Orton is just a huge screw-up. Whata little shit. That punkass doesn't deserve to feud with Edge. He needs to get the 'f' out.
After Ortons interview on Monday about turning his life around and stuff it seeems like they're trying to make him turn face and be the good guy like he was when he won the WHC and quit evolution. Honestly the arrogant and cocky Randy Orton is more interesting to watch, back when he was in evolution and now, Orton being heel is more interesting and with the lack off people contending for the wwe title I wouldnt be surprised to see him main eventing in a title match and possibly winning. Raw needs a new champ, Cena as champ is just way to old. Orton/HBK feud would be awesome. Also HBK is the only "legend" left on raw and the Legend Killer tour started when he beat HBK.

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