The question of the week

Uncle Phatso

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Allright folkes, here we go simple question and answer thread. I'll post up a question once a week, you have one week to answer it. I'll do the same, just thought it would be fun to see people answer some simple questions. But do try to go into detail on why you answer the way you do.

This weeks question is:

Long or short hair? Or none at all?

Allright what do you like? On you or on other people, Personally I like my hair longer, but it is a pain in the ass, it seems it gets dirty easier because it makes you sweat more. And no one likes a greesy person. I personally can see why some people like shorter hair in the summer, but I have to have long hair in the winter because I get cold as hell realy easily, damn I can't wait for my beard lol finally my whole face will be warm.

But anyways, the only reason why I don't like long hair is because a friend kinda turned me off from it. I still have long hair but I warsh the fuck out of it dayly. He literaly had the nastiest greesy, ass hair I've ever seen, like I touched it one time, and had to sanitise my hand it felt that nasty. He cut it short, but its still fucking greesy. Its actually prety fucking nasty, he says he wants to get a job, well buddie you don't get a job from that stench comming offa your hair. Fucking wash yourself.

I do like short stubby hair tho, love the feeling when people rub my next to bald head. It feels so damn good, I cut my hair about two years about down to about a fourth of an inch long. People would come up and rub it all the time, I loved it.

But my verdict, is this Longer hair wins this question of the week!

So what are your oppinions?
Well i personally like long hair. But I do agree that it gets greasy much more easily. To me though, its not a pain to wash it every single day, Its just part of my daily routine. I just love being able to shake your head and your hair flies everywhere. lol My friedns don't really have long hair, i'm the only one that does. But I hate getting my hair cut, it feels weird when I don't have a lot of hair.

But really, it depends on who you are. For example, I couldn't imagine some of the people I know with long hair and vice versa. There are also some people that look reallly weirdbeccause their hair is long/short. It really depends on what suits the person most. But personally, i'm going to have to say long hair as well.
I just grew my hair for 18 months and it got all long, curly and above all unmanageable. I got it cut the other day to about as long as that guys in Timbo's siggy, and I like it and other people seem to prefer it. Also - I like to play sports and I look like an idiot with a headband so I tended just to play with hair getting in my face, which was not ideal, and as you said, it does make you sweat more.

So yeah, I got it cut and it looks better and I can do a lot more things now. I think a personal verdict and a male verdict is that short hair is better (but not shaven, I have to have mine cut - Don't want to look like a criminal or anything).

Girls - Well, I really like 2 types of hair. Long Frizzy hair just gets a thumbs up immediately from me. The 2nd type is sort of medium length straight hair, I can't see the appeal of really long hair, just past the shoulders is fine.

So I'm going to go with Males definitely having short hair, after my episode with long hair I can't ever see myself going back, my short hair is just so much easier to manage and it looks infinitely better. Girls should have longer hair neck to just past the shoulders being the ideal length. Sometimes girls with short hair look a little masculine, like a pre-pubescant boy, Guys with long hair look like tramps from experience, unless it is well straightened every day (or is naturally straight).

If this wouldn't be spamming, I'd leave my post at that picture, which would explain everything. But yeah, long hair is easily better. There are only maybe 4 guys I've ever found attractive if they didn't have long hair. Hell, long hair practically makes you attractive. If you want to change something for the better - grow your hair!

As for girls, I quite like that bob thing that's cool atm. Not for me though. And the only girls I've ever found hot had long hair. It just works that way. Hair is supposed to be grown damnit.
A thread based on hair? Intresting, in a totally pointless kind of way.

Why would any male want long hair? Not only do a vast majority of males look better with short hair, it's just easier. And most males go bald anyway. I'm balding. But I've been shaving my head for years so nobody has noticed. Ulinke HBK who's balding and it's there for the world to see. He might look odd at first with no hair, just like it was odd when Taker & Big Show had a snip. But in the end everyone gets used to it, and most people will agree that they look better with short hair.

Also having no hair is easier and cheaper. Instead of paying for my hair to be styled every few weeks I bought soome clippers for £5 and away I go. I also go to bed at night and wake up looking exactly the same.

With women it's not relevant if the woman is attractive. But people with chubby faces should avoid short hair, that's just a simple fact.
There is no definate answer to this question as some males would be suited to long hair more than short hair while some people can do both long and short and it would look fine.

I am growing my hair out at the moment because I want to try something different as I have been doing the same thing for the last few years, I think it's time to change it. So far it's starting to cover my ears.

I hated it everytime I would get a haircut because I like to have some good length on it.

For females though, long hair for sure, I just can't find short hair attractive on them.
Lets see, at the greatest of extremes I've had hair that's practically skin head short all the way to lower back long. Its been parted and styled almost every which way including the beginnings of some very unsightly dreadlocks and a full back mohican cut. Some people have prefered it long, others short. I'm mostly indifferent to my own hair. Currently I have semi long hair and wolverine-esque chops. Thankfully my job has no real restrictions upon my chosen hair style(s).

As for the opposite sex. I believe it depends more on specific hair styles in relation to the figure and facial features of the woman in question rather than general hair lengths.
Up here in Canada, hair is used instead of those expensive toque devices. I have medium hair, but I usually only get my hair cut once a year. Why? I am cheap. and it is fun. I grow a big beard, and once spring comes, I cut it all off. Keeping it clean is easy. My hair doesn't get greasy at all, My beard is always looking nice. I use Shampoo from LUSH. American Cream Conditioner, I Love Juicy Shampoo. I do look a lot better with longer hair than with short hair in the opinions of most, except myself. I just do what people tell me it seems.
A thread based on hair? Intresting, in a totally pointless kind of way.

Why would any male want long hair? Not only do a vast majority of males look better with short hair, it's just easier. And most males go bald anyway. I'm balding. But I've been shaving my head for years so nobody has noticed. Ulinke HBK who's balding and it's there for the world to see. He might look odd at first with no hair, just like it was odd when Taker & Big Show had a snip. But in the end everyone gets used to it, and most people will agree that they look better with short hair.

Also having no hair is easier and cheaper. Instead of paying for my hair to be styled every few weeks I bought soome clippers for £5 and away I go. I also go to bed at night and wake up looking exactly the same.

With women it's not relevant if the woman is attractive. But people with chubby faces should avoid short hair, that's just a simple fact.

While its true that most men go bald eventually, some guys just look better with long hair. Many people like me are told that we look much better with long hair, and therefore like to keep it that way. Personally, I prefer women with long hair, it just seems more alluring to me, but like you say as long as they are attractive it doesn't make a huge difference.
I prefer having short hair myself. First for visual reasons but also because it's easier to manage. I find if my hair grows out more than a inch or two when I wake up in the morning it's a mess and a pain to keep down. Also you don't have to use as much shampoo which is cool. I prefer girls with long hair but I guess it depends on the person. Some girls look good with short hair while others look like boys.

OOC: The question of the week will now be posted weekly on sundays! :icon_razz:

Allright ladies and gents! Here is your question of the week?

What is your dream pet?

Well mine is this!


A cobalt blue tarantula, the sad thing is I don't want to really get one yet. Because to really one you should be a trained pro. Because these spiders are really agressive and can get on the large side. Don't want a big angry spider roaming your house do you? Its really an amazing spider though, very rare and expensive. I've never seen one in real life. But I have came close, my pet shop about 10 miles away got one in and the damn thing died 3 days before I got to see it. Shame really.

So the question again! What is your dream pet? Post pictures if its a strange one. Or if you allredy have your dream pet post pics of he or she if you want!
This is a picture of my dream pet.

Don't get it? I don't have a dream pet. I'm not really that big on animals, and I don't really like having pets. You just have to look after them except for a few pets and you get nothing in return. What's the point of havng something like fish? You buy a filter, put some food in every day, and that's all. My family has a cat, and its jus a nuisance. You have to feed it and clean out the litterbox, and then you get to pat it. Whoop dee do. I hate it. My dream pet would be to not have a pet.
I prefer short hair on males because its just so much easier to wake up and not do anything. SOME guys can make it look good, such as shawn michaels, triple H, matt, jeff hardy, and my friend Dakota. I like long hair just past the shoulders on girls. Also, I hate thinking a guy is a girl when its actually a guy, ugh. i like my hair as short as john cenas or randy ortons. Thats just my opinion.

EDIT:i just posted this in the wrong thread! sorry!

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