The PWI 500


Degenerate Mizfit
OK, I haven't picked it up yet, but I was thumbing thru the PWI 500 issue at the grocery store, and, I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed...John Cena took the number one spot this year. Sure, cena is controversial and creates a media presence wherever he goes, but last I knew, PWI liked to focus on the WRESTLING aspect of the buisiness, which is why, and I can't believe I'm saying this, why the hell is Cena ranked Higher than Samoa Joe?(#4) Seriously, I can't wait to see who else has been over looked in favor of Cena, including the man who was literlly the most watched champion of the last 10 years, EDGE!!!!:wtf: :shit:
The rankings are based on who has the biggest impact on the business that year. John Cena has clearly been the biggest thing in the WWE this year. I have read everything they take into account and basically what it accounts to is that just because you are a great wrestler doesn't mean you are going to rank high.
Good point, just kind of surprised that Joe was 3 spots below him, he made quite an impact himself (no pun intended)
cena def made the bigger impact but joe is way up there and is the biggest thing going for tna. but unfortunately, tna isnt anywhere near the size of wwe yet, so even if he completely builds tna singlehandedly, itl still take awhile for him to become number 1.
i got it today here are the top 30:

1. John Cena
2. Kurt Angle
3. Edge
4. Samoa Joe
5. Mistico
6. Rey Misterio
7. Brock Lesnar
8. Kenta Kobashi
9. Shawn Micheals
10. Jeff Jarrett
11. Taiyo Kea
12. Christian Cage
13. AJ Styles
14. Satoshi Kojima
15. Christopher Daniels
16. Bryan Danielson
17. Perro Aguayo jr.
18. RVD
19. King Booker
20. Jun Akiyama
21. HHH
22. Ultimo Guerrero
23. Batista
24. Ric Flair
25. Kensuke Sasaki
26. Sting
27. Carlito
28. Dr Wagner jr
29. Chris Benoit
30. Randy Orton
Pretty much all the names that I thought would be on it- are on it. Some surprises are Chris Benoit, since he has been inactive for so long and hasn't had a major championship in a while.

Flames Out
WoW, HHH is 21? Does anyone think thats a pretty big drop? i think he shouldve gone rite before or after HBK, but what r u gonna do?
i like the list. edge is in a well deserved position but id put him above kurt angle. but i guess u cant beat kurts work rate.
I think the reason Undertaker wasn't there is because he doesn't make a lot of appearances, and he hasn't won any titles so far.

Flames Out
who is mistico, and orton shood be higher... that must b the wrong year cuz brok lesnar is at number 7?
mr. krinkle said:
i got it today here are the top 30:

1. John Cena
2. Kurt Angle
3. Edge
4. Samoa Joe
5. Mistico
6. Rey Misterio
7. Brock Lesnar
8. Kenta Kobashi
9. Shawn Micheals
10. Jeff Jarrett
11. Taiyo Kea
12. Christian Cage
13. AJ Styles
14. Satoshi Kojima
15. Christopher Daniels
16. Bryan Danielson
17. Perro Aguayo jr.
18. RVD
19. King Booker
20. Jun Akiyama
21. HHH
22. Ultimo Guerrero
23. Batista
24. Ric Flair
25. Kensuke Sasaki
26. Sting
27. Carlito
28. Dr Wagner jr
29. Chris Benoit
30. Randy Orton

If my memory serves me correctly, Mistico and Aguayo didn't do anything noteworthy this year, Aguayo actually turned heel and formed his own stable Los Perros del Mal (The Evil Dogs) but that's about it, they didn't even won the Atomicos Tag Team Title, if there's anyone here from Mexico or follows the Mexican scene, everybody knows that since being unmasked by La Parka, Cibernetico has been on a tear and has been involved in some of the hottest scandals not only of the wrestling world, but of the media scene, he actually picked up a fight with a respected politician not long ago, and Latin Lover has actually turned into the Mexican Rock, he hosts a TV show every saturday morning alongside the unvelibably hot Maribel Guardia and he's been featured in numerous soap operas
this thread is pretty much done

because you kill every single one.....can you generate some type of discussion without using yo, and saying other crap not neccesary. post something that people can build something off of.

anyways, Taker is a part-time wrestler and Shawn Michaels hasn't had any gold happy to see Carlito there, im sure he''ll be comming up the ladder soon. I think that if Shelton was still in the IC run, he'd be there too. No credit is given to the Big Show, maybe in the next one.
tha420dgnr8 said:
OK, I haven't picked it up yet, but I was thumbing thru the PWI 500 issue at the grocery store, and, I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed...John Cena took the number one spot this year. Sure, cena is controversial and creates a media presence wherever he goes, but last I knew, PWI liked to focus on the WRESTLING aspect of the buisiness, which is why, and I can't believe I'm saying this, why the hell is Cena ranked Higher than Samoa Joe?(#4) Seriously, I can't wait to see who else has been over looked in favor of Cena, including the man who was literlly the most watched champion of the last 10 years, EDGE!!!!:wtf: :shit:

the only reason edge is the most watched champion (i cant believe i just refered to him as that) is becuz everyone had to tune in to see wtf beat cena for the title!
www.suckmyarse said:
Where was Taker?

Undertaker is at 59

other noteworthy rankings are
35. CM Punk
37. Shelton Benjamin
50. Kane
64. JBL
90. Matt Hardy
92. Sabu
142. Senshi
144. Khali
159. Homicide
174. Miz
179. Sonjay Dutt
219. Chris Masters
266. Mick Foley
271. Kevin Nash

John Cena, like him or hate him, has had a huge impact on the sport this past year...but it can also be argued that he was given number one over a more deserving wrestler simply to sell magazines...i've seen it in 2002 i think it was , when RVD was given the ranking of #1 over Undertaker

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