The Purse Reviews: Raw Matches

The Purse

Dark Match Jobber
Hello guys. I am a 12 year old reviewer from Australia. I hope to make a impact with my Raw Matches.

Owen Hart vs Mankind 1/6/97
Hart starts this match by giving a decent Belly to Belly sideslam to Mankind. Hart then does a punch combination to Mankinds face then attempts a Sharpshooter but Mankind goes to the ropes. Mankind has his feet caught in the rope but Hart frees him out. Mankind changes things with 3 punches and a headbutt to the face. Mankind then irish whips him to the bottom left turnbuckle and talks crap about him then he opens Hart`s mouth. Mankind then chokes Owen out with his hands and the turnbuckle however Hart backs Mankind into the turnbuckle twice and gets three punches to the head. Hart then does a arm to the should tactic until Mankind gets Hart into a rear choke hold. Hart powers out of the choke hold and elbows Mankind in the face 5 times as they announce Bret Hart vs Vader for that nights main event. Mankind puts Owen Hart in the mandible claw but Hart powers out. Hart gets Mankind to the ground and stomps on his fingers. A weird bleeping sound is heard as Mankind punches Hart in the face. He then headbutts him then does a over the rope clothesline which puts both to the ground. Mankind grabs a chair but Hart punches him in the stomach. Hart suplexs Mankind to the railing and grabs his title belt. He then smacks Mankind with it hitting his hands. Hart then throws Mankind back into the ring and does multiple stomps onto his arms. Hart then kicks Mankind into stomach three times and does a headbutt to the stomach and then a kick to the head. Hart kicks mankind in the groin and stands on him while he is on the ropes. Then Hart does a Arm stretch on him. Then Mankind does a fireman`s carry but Hart does a kick to the face and Mankind goes out of the ring. Mankind then throws Owen to the guard rail as they go to a break. When they come back Mankind does a swinging neckbreaker. Mankind tries to do another one but Hart reverses it into a DDT. Hart tries a flying clothesline but Mankind does the mandible claw. Hart reverses it into a kick to the head. Hart runs at Mankind but hits the turnbuckle. Mankind does a piledriver and gets the 1-2-3
Winner: Mankind
Rating: C. It was a decent match

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