The Pros and Cons of the PG Era

President Evil

Pre-Show Stalwart
The E has achieved a safer, cleaner environment in the ring and in the product they show on tv. Now that we dont have Mae Young french-kissing a guy who could be her grandson and Lawler hosting silly competitions in the ring with 7 half-naked women for half an hour, it has actually opened up more space to show more wrestling. No Blood- it doesnt bother me to see a wrestler bleed from the nose or mouth especially if it is a legit injury, but when I see Triple H, Flair, and Michaels bleeding from head to toe (and I mean doused in blood from head to toe) it is a bit disturbing, annoying to look at and it actually takes away from the match instead of adding to it. Enforced Wellness Policy- now if they see a wrestler drugged up and refuses help he or she will be shown the door. The E has enough deaths on their hands.

It seems like now the E just caters to kids 12 and under and it feels like the adults who've been with the E since the beginning have been given the shaft. The E is safer now, TOO SAFE. Heavily scripted promos, and the wrestler seems so robotic. For example compare the Jericho and Orton from 2005/2006 to the Jericho and Orton of today and you'll see what Im talking about. One of the best things of the era before PG was that the wrestler was allowed to be himself, at least to a certain point, and this makes him easier to get over with the fans. Because the fans know when you're being yourself and comfortable in your own skin, or just following some stupid script you were forced to do.

In my opinion, Attitude and Ruthless Aggression era and day than this PG curse.
To be honest, I just believe that the PG Era has made it safer to be a wrestler on the whole. Those who need drugs to pull of the job don't keep the job for their own safety, the elimination of chairshots to the head reduces the chance of CTE development, and I agree on the blood, it was never too nice to watch.

I guess the cons are that it's not as entertaining anymore, but I'm sure, as the cycle continues, we'll have a new icon in the next 10 years.
I think if anything, the PG era has made me appreciate heels again. Before 2003, a heel would brutalize an announcer or someone who wasn't a wrestler to get some cheap heat. After not seeing that for 5+ years, when Orton cuffs a man to the ropes and molests his wife right in front of him, it makes for some serious heel action.
PG Era attracts more advertisers, it targets the demographic who buy all the merchandise, the regulations they have implemented have made it a lot safer for the wrestlers, the company is less controversial than it was before, and all round better for business

The storylines are less exiting than they used to be (most of the time), the trash talk is not as good, the older fans are less of a consideration compared to the kids, there is less shock value, gimmick matches like HIAC are no where near what they used to be, there are too many gimmick PPVs, the product is too "clean" and stale, WWE is treated much more like a business as opposed to a wrestling company (not sure if people will unerstand what I mean by that), the gimmicks are not "larger than life" anymore, matches have to be stopped at any sight of blood etc


in all, the thing is, most of the kid fans aren't genuine wrestling fans, they are just going through a phase where they like wrestling because its "cool" to them, but they don't appreciate the sport for what it truly is, but of course kids won't think like the older fans, it's not expected. I just think the real fans who have been round for ages should be much more of a consideration.

I also think the PG era could be good, but WWE have just overdone it, I mean PG is a lot less restricting than they have made it seem;they could still say ass and make light sexual references for example, but they choose not to 99% of the time because they want to play safe and not risk any opposition. I put it all down to laziness more than PG in all honesty, but PG earns them more money so they will continue to do it
Vince is only doing this because hes trying to help Linda get a senate seat... You think Linda would get a senate seat if Vince was doing racy stuff on TV? Nope.... And linda just won the republican nominee for senate... So be prepared for years of this crap.
I always been a person who likes to here good trash talk. I mean I want to hear Chris Jericho call someone an ass clown again. I want to her someone say that they are gonna whoop simebodies ass. That's what I really miss. Good trash talkin always made things exciting for me.
I'll go at this in two parts (for the company, and for the viewers).

For the Company

Advantages -

- Attracts many more/bigger advertisers.

- Opens it up to a wider range of viewers (not just kids - maybe people who weren't to comfortable with some of the extreme stuff that they put on in the past).

- More comfortable family viewing. The whole reason why they did it, to make it better for family viewing.

- Promotes better attitudes - no necessarily just the wellness policy, but going PG has put a can on chair shots to the head, and blading, two very dangerous acts on long term wrestler health.


- Limits creativity - means they cannot venture into such extreme storylines.

- Might turn fans away - their loss could be TNA's gain. If they're not pushing the limits like they used to - people looking for the attitude area v2 - may just look to Orlando.

- Blood policy - stopping matches totally ruins the momentum, Over The Limit, classic example.

For The Fans

Advantages -

- Kid friendly - as above

- Encourages better writing - creative needs to become better to adapt to the restrictions imposed upon them.

- Less trashy TV - say what you like about pre-PG, but they had some crap on there too (like Bikini contests etc... - albeit they seem to have been replaced by entertainment segments).

Disadvantages -

- Some people want the extreme element

- (Personally) a good chair shot looks and sounds great.

- It's a bit patronising at times - seeing a wrestler stopped for a cut, simple storylines


Just what I think, personally I enjoy the PG stuff.
Now when a wrestler starts bleeding in the ring, they stop the damn match and the ref puts on the gloves. While all this is going on the momentum of the match is gone, it feels like both wrestlers left the ring to go take a piss and come back. And the ref looks like a damn paramedic instead of an actual referee.

I blame this PG stuff to Linda's Senate run. What a coincidence that around the same time WWE became PG, Linda starts running for a Senate seat. She's a MILLIONARE for Gods sake, and you want to do something else?? Go to Hawaii and enjoy your money.

And sometimes Senators can least 20 or so years with their seat. Which means this PG thing can go on forever. My God.
This PG garbage is just too much, i want to watch wrestling not patty cake for the damn kids, and especially since i really don't care what someone elses kids see, and we can also blame john cena for this to, god forbid the kids see some violence!!!
The worse thing the WWE has done throughout this so-called "PG Era" is announced that they're PG, and just done it. No press release, no publicity, just quietly go PG.

Pro Wrestling has always been Family Entertainment. So, what they're doing now isn't more different than what they did in the 80's and Early 90's.
Whenever you put a WWE dvd from 1998 to 2007, you immediately feel the difference. Even though the dvd may be from 2002, 2003. You feel a breath of fresh air. The crowd seems more into it, they're rowdy, hell even the wrestlers are more into it.

Now its so recycled and it feels dull.

If you guys noticed, the main "face" of the WWE is what the whole company is about. For example: Hogan was a sort of PG figure in the E in the late 80's early 90's, and the company was PG. Steve Austin/Rock were Attitude and the company was attitude. Now they have cookie cutter Cena and the company is PG. I really cant wait for this PG crap to be over.
Whenever you put a WWE dvd from 1998 to 2007, you immediately feel the difference. Even though the dvd may be from 2002, 2003. You feel a breath of fresh air. The crowd seems more into it, they're rowdy, hell even the wrestlers are more into it.

Now its so recycled and it feels dull.

If you guys noticed, the main "face" of the WWE is what the whole company is about. For example: Hogan was a sort of PG figure in the E in the late 80's early 90's, and the company was PG. Steve Austin/Rock were Attitude and the company was attitude. Now they have cookie cutter Cena and the company is PG. I really cant wait for this PG crap to be over.

The Rock and Stone Cold were the same kind of babyface as Cena is.

The only difference is they said "ass" and drank beer and flipped the bird.

Austin rarely if ever lost a match from 98 to 01. When he did, it was some hokey B.S. screwjob like what happened during his 1st Blood Match against Kane. Or the Triple Threat Match at Breakdown.

If he did, lose the title, he'd get it right back.
Personally I don't like PGWWE which is why I choose to watch TNA. PGWWE just feels to safe/sterile there is no element of danger despite the PPV names. Case in point the latest PPV "Over The Limit" that sounds dangerous in many different ways. You could equate it to driving...driving over the limit=speeding/reckless driving/an adreneline fueled ride...what does the PPV deliver...bland/safe & sterile.

Sorry PGWWE...untill you stop putting on shows for 5 year olds you'll not see any of my money.
Are can be several arguments for both sides of the thread.

The Pros:
- The offering of safety to the wrestling talent on the rosters with a less anarchist way of wrestling.

- The sight of blood might scare some of the WWEs fans in the children and making the parents.

- This gives the wrestlers a better chance to work more on wrestling with a less impact of chair shots/hardcore matches.

- For those blood lusters this PG era is a scare off, because some watch wrestling for the more brutal side of wrestling.

- This cuts the WWEs way of being more cutting edge with innovation because all ideas that can sell aren't PG material.

- The difference of faces is small now, with faces now basically being the same, now people will say that Cena is the same type of face the either the Rock or Austin were but hear me out first.

Austin was a rebel who fought against the powers that be and won ALOT more than he lost...... some might say he was more of a tweener than a face but his mannerisms in then days society were aligned alot better then those of now, making it impossible for someone like John Cena to pull off.

The Rock was the most electrifying guy in sports entertainment and people hung on his words like god himself spoke them his crowd sparking was top notch because he wasn't constrained to the PG era and could be abit more cunning on the mic, thses days this would make it hard for someone like Cena to replicate.
The E has achieved a safer, cleaner environment in the ring and in the product they show on tv. Now that we dont have Mae Young french-kissing a guy who could be her grandson and Lawler hosting silly competitions in the ring with 7 half-naked women for half an hour, it has actually opened up more space to show more wrestling. No Blood- it doesnt bother me to see a wrestler bleed from the nose or mouth especially if it is a legit injury, but when I see Triple H, Flair, and Michaels bleeding from head to toe (and I mean doused in blood from head to toe) it is a bit disturbing, annoying to look at and it actually takes away from the match instead of adding to it. Enforced Wellness Policy- now if they see a wrestler drugged up and refuses help he or she will be shown the door. The E has enough deaths on their hands.

It seems like now the E just caters to kids 12 and under and it feels like the adults who've been with the E since the beginning have been given the shaft. The E is safer now, TOO SAFE. Heavily scripted promos, and the wrestler seems so robotic. For example compare the Jericho and Orton from 2005/2006 to the Jericho and Orton of today and you'll see what Im talking about. One of the best things of the era before PG was that the wrestler was allowed to be himself, at least to a certain point, and this makes him easier to get over with the fans. Because the fans know when you're being yourself and comfortable in your own skin, or just following some stupid script you were forced to do.

In my opinion, Attitude and Ruthless Aggression era and day than this PG curse.

I am okay with the PG era to an extent. On one hand I like the moves WWE has made to ensure a safer working environment for the performers. Like taking out chair shots to the head, excessive bleeding, and having more drug testing and offering rehabilitation for those who need it. These are all simple steps that show WWE cares about its performers and wants to set a good example for everyone children and adults.

On the flipside whenever I watch a match and it gets stopped because there is a small nick or cut on the wrestlers forhead I get upset. If they're gushing like Flair or HBK thats one thing. But a small cut thats barely visible is pointless. It stops the momentum of the match and makes it hard for the crowd to get back into it. You can also see the wrestlers are clearly not pleased to have to stop especially the one who is being attended to. If a cut is bad enough to pause the match then its bad enough to stop it all together right?
How can someone say that Austin/Rock are the same type of babyface that Cena is?

Yes they are the faces of wwe, and more than half of the time they have a belt on them..but what Austin/Rock did in and out of the ring are completely different to what Cena does in and out of the ring. Austin was a guy that every week he would do something different. Beer trucks, fill a corvette with cement, throw a belt off a bridge. Has Cena done something like that? Or something along those lines? Nope.

Believe me the difference is more much than just saying ass and drinking beer. Theres 100 more things. Plus their wrestling styles were different. Austin/Rock (and I'll admit they werent ring technicians either) they came down to the ring aggressively and whooped ass. Cena just takes all the punishment he can, just to make his Superman comeback, 5 moves of doom, and thats it match over.

Austin/Rock and Cena is as different as night and day.
Just a couple retorts on the discussion at hand:

- I'm 100% fine without blood in this era, but if it's an accident and the wrestler is bleeding, let it go. It just shows you how hard these guys battle it out for entertainment. We all know this sport is fake but the bumps they go through are real.

I'm all for no blood, but if it happens who cares? Why can't we just have a happy medium?

- The "attitude" era will be back in a different form in time. Even now you get a little more sarcasm and a few swear words from time-to-time. Let them build these kids up as wrestling fans then all we need is a few guys like Punk to take this to another level.

When this happens, wrestling will boom once again. Luckily for WWE, they have time to wait it out.

- I am so happy The Teflon Don brought up safety. It's actually refreshing to know these guys lay it all on the line and the company supports them by making it a bit safer than before. I've heard/read some pretty tough stories of the level/extent a wrestler would go just to save his job. I'm not against that, but at the same time it's relaxing to know it's really about the product at this point.
Whenever you put a WWE dvd from 1998 to 2007, you immediately feel the difference. Even though the dvd may be from 2002, 2003. You feel a breath of fresh air. The crowd seems more into it, they're rowdy, hell even the wrestlers are more into it.

Now its so recycled and it feels dull.

Could not agree with this more! I always notice that when watchin DVDs pre-2008 (apart from WM24 which was brilliant). They have so much more energy and exitement in them, I can't explain it but there is this enthusiasm from the crowd that isn't there anymore. If I'm honest, the feeling I get after watching 99.9% of episodes of Raw and Smackdown is laziness. It feels like they do what they need to just to put on a show and don't try to exceed that. When I look back at anything before 2008, I really miss the old WWE.

If you guys noticed, the main "face" of the WWE is what the whole company is about. For example: Hogan was a sort of PG figure in the E in the late 80's early 90's, and the company was PG. Steve Austin/Rock were Attitude and the company was attitude. Now they have cookie cutter Cena and the company is PG. I really cant wait for this PG crap to be over.

The Rock and Stone Cold were the same kind of babyface as Cena is.

The only difference is they said "ass" and drank beer and flipped the bird.

Austin rarely if ever lost a match from 98 to 01. When he did, it was some hokey B.S. screwjob like what happened during his 1st Blood Match against Kane. Or the Triple Threat Match at Breakdown.

If he did, lose the title, he'd get it right back.

Yeah they were shown to be as unstoppable as Cena is, but I think what he meant is their gimmicks represented the era, which is very true.

The fans got behind the Rock and Stone Cold was because they were faces without being shown as the unaturally good guy who kisses up to the crowd. The Rock actually got over with the crowd by insulting them constantly. Stone Cold started out as being the type of guy people should hate (KOTR96) but he ended up getting over that way as well. Cena if you remember also got over by just being himself, his heel rapper gimmick ended up turning face because it was so entertaining that the crowd cheered for him.
When he dropped that and started being all "the fans are amazing, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, i fight for you" people began booing him because it was just plain annoying. We don't want someone who is too much of a face, who is constantly given the same scripts of sucking up to the fans to get them behind him; it works on the kids but not on the others. Most were constantly behind Stone Cold and the Rock because we liked their whole gimmick and persona and found it entertaining, but what WWE seems to think right now is that we will like Cena because he is all pro-fans. He lacks all the attributes that got Stone Cold the Rock support (mentioned above), and he has the ONE attribute that they didn't which stoped them from losing it (mentioned above).
With this PG thing, it feels like the wrestler is coming down the ring handcuffed and with duct tape on his mouth. By that I mean he is so limited right now in the ring. Even veterans like Triple H have to behave. During matches back then you could hear some wearing when they got hurt, and did some gestures to eachother like the middle finger or something to tick off their opponent. That made them more human. Now it feels like robots that are being radio controlled from behind the curtains.
With this PG thing, it feels like the wrestler is coming down the ring handcuffed and with duct tape on his mouth. By that I mean he is so limited right now in the ring. Even veterans like Triple H have to behave. During matches back then you could hear some wearing when they got hurt, and did some gestures to eachother like the middle finger or something to tick off their opponent. That made them more human. Now it feels like robots that are being radio controlled from behind the curtains.

Complaining about swearing and middle fingers not happening in the midst of a match? Really? Really? I'm quite glad that we don't catch them swearing if they fuck up a spot. That means the performers nowadays are more professional. If I catch you swearing then that takes away from the suspension of belief which takes away from the in-ring product and the entire show. I quite enjoy the new attempt WWE is taking at putting more of a focus on the in-ring product and younger talent. No more giving birth to hands and grown men making their employees kiss their ass. Instead we get a wrestling show.

PG Era > Attitude Era
Complaining about swearing and middle fingers not happening in the midst of a match?

People might be intrigued by this, Ask people what they would rather see a 5 Knuckle Shuffle or Stone Cold drinking a beer, same goes with R-Truth's entrance or Stone Cold flipping off someone during a match.

Really? Really?

You didn't just quote The Miz did you.

I'm quite glad that we don't catch them swearing if they fuck up a spot. That means the performers nowadays are more professional.

You could also say that they mightn't really care as much these days..... just going through the motions..... whatever way you want to see it.

If I catch you swearing then that takes away from the suspension of belief which takes away from the in-ring product and the entire show.

You get all of this from 1 swear word, Are you sure your not taking this abit too serious. One swear word changes your whole perspective of the WWE as a whole............ product.

I quite enjoy the new attempt WWE is taking at putting more of a focus on the in-ring product and younger talent.

You might enjoy it as it is now, but you mightn't have been around in the Attitude Era to fully understand the impact those days had on Wrestling as a whole.

No more giving birth to hands and grown men making their employees kiss their ass.

Agreed on this.

Instead we get a wrestling show.


PG Era > Attitude Era

I'd have to disagree with you, Attitude Era produced the biggest names in modern history.....Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind... etc, etc. They are some of if not the best sellers of merchandise. These days WWE merchandise is hung on Rey Mysterio or John Cena. The Attitude Era also boasted some of the highest ratings in Wrestling history, because WWF were cutting edge and people wanted to see who and what has going to happen next. You compare the ratings and success of those days to now-a-days and it proves that the Attitude Era was far greater than WWEPG Era.
Vince McMahon and the WWE fans have to be forever grateful that it was the Attitude era of the late 90's that saved the WWE from sure demise in the Monday Night Wars/WCW vs WWE.

Imagine if WWE was having this PG crap back in the late 90's while Bischoff was stealing their big name wrestlers in a weekly basis. The Attitude era gave birth to names such as Austin, Rock, DX, just to name a few.

Its interesting how people here love Austin and Rock but dont want to acknowledge they were created thanks to that era. If Austin and Rock would be new guys starting in the E today, while this PG thing was going on, they would have never been able to do the crazy things they did on tv.

For those of you who think this Cena-PG thing will last forever Im happy to tell them they are so wrong. Vince McMahon does not have a PG bone in his body. He is simply doing this because his wife is running for a Senate seat so he has to keep things nice and clean. Im all for Wellness Policies and no chairshots and the well-being of the wrestler. But too much of anything is bad. And now instead of it just being safe, its too damn safe.
People might be intrigued by this, Ask people what they would rather see a 5 Knuckle Shuffle or Stone Cold drinking a beer, same goes with R-Truth's entrance or Stone Cold flipping off someone during a match.

You didn't just quote The Miz did you.

You could also say that they mightn't really care as much these days..... just going through the motions..... whatever way you want to see it.

You get all of this from 1 swear word, Are you sure your not taking this abit too serious. One swear word changes your whole perspective of the WWE as a whole............ product.

You might enjoy it as it is now, but you mightn't have been around in the Attitude Era to fully understand the impact those days had on Wrestling as a whole.

Agreed on this.


I'd have to disagree with you, Attitude Era produced the biggest names in modern history.....Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Mankind... etc, etc. They are some of if not the best sellers of merchandise. These days WWE merchandise is hung on Rey Mysterio or John Cena. The Attitude Era also boasted some of the highest ratings in Wrestling history, because WWF were cutting edge and people wanted to see who and what has going to happen next. You compare the ratings and success of those days to now-a-days and it proves that the Attitude Era was far greater than WWEPG Era.

I said during a match the things your describing happen during wrestlers entrances. Austin's entrance was great but theres nothing wrong with R-Truth's entrance or the PG era preventing characters from doing the things Austin did. Different eras entirely.

I did Miz is awesome lol

Attitude Era did produce a lot of big names. But so did the PG era and the 80's too. Attitude Era had better ratings but WWE is making far more money off merchandise sales and sponsorships now due to the PG rating. Kids can watch so parents approve and this makes sponsors happy. Means more money for WWE.
To be honest, I just believe that the PG Era has made it safer to be a wrestler on the whole. Those who need drugs to pull of the job don't keep the job for their own safety, the elimination of chairshots to the head reduces the chance of CTE development, and I agree on the blood, it was never too nice to watch.

I guess the cons are that it's not as entertaining anymore, but I'm sure, as the cycle continues, we'll have a new icon in the next 10 years.

You don't get into the wrestling business because of how "safe" it is. Chairshots to the head, I understand...Unnecessary. But come on... bleeding has been apart of wrestling for the last 25 years. Do we really need to make it safer for children to watch? They get their violence in TV, Video Games, and Movies... Kane can rip kids apart in "See No Evil", but we can't watch a wrestler get busted open? Gimme a break... And now... Oooooh, my biggest peeve... We're being TOLD who to love and who to hate. John Cena is the biggest face in the business right now. He gets booed everywhere they go. Sometimes you can barely hear it, other times you can't hear the cheers... But come on... Does Jericho really need to call us hypocrites to generate heat? Where's the "assclown" comments? Oh...PG. Randy Orton hasn't even made an obvious face turn, but hey...he's not RKO'ing handicapped kids, cheer him! It's ridiculous. We don't need another attitude era, but please... Let these people be themselves... They might as well hang an old school WCW "Cheer or Boo" sign over the ring. Bret Hart comes back and can't even properly give Vince what you KNOW he's wanted to for 13 years... It's depressing. But I guess it beats watching Mr Anderson call the fans and himself "Assholes" every week... Only because the WWE isn't doing it, doesn't mean doing it makes you cool... Come on, WWE... Give us some middle ground to work with. Let US choose who to love or hate. I find myself conflicted every week... Watch or Turn it off... It's rehashed crap from last week anyways. How many times can John Cena face Sheamus before the fans riot??
Well TC you pretty much covered it all. The new product is making more money for being directed at children, and wrestling fans who grew up with WWE aren't going to change now. It is "more safe" I guess. I do agree with things like the chair shots to the head being taken out but no blood is just ridiculous, kids know what blood is.

Cons: Product entertainment for me has gone down. It's just not the same and never will be again. Why? Because no one will ever be able to compete with WWE to force them to change their product. Weekly shows up to 06, I couldnt wait to watch every single week. At this point im looking more forward to Last Comic Standing on Monday Nights.

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