The Pope Better Heel or Face?

The pope better heel or face?

  • Face

  • Heel

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As much as I love these discussions about if someone is better as a heel or face, you're running out of guys to use really quickly. Haha

I say face, because the Pope has a comedic aspect to him. I'd actually love to see him and Orlando Jordan have a feud, being as he's the Pope and Jordan is a homosexual. It just makes for MANY openings for promos.
I really hope you don't intend on flooding the entire front page with a "Better Heel or Face" thread for every roster player, or even more than a handful at a time.

While I don't mind the idea as it's something fresh and new, it's too much to be adding more than one or two guys at a time.

Let the other threads fall off before posting another one, please – I don't want to have to delete these because legitimate threads are being pushed off in place for a slew of these all at once.


As for the OP, Pope is far better as a face as he's too charismatic and funny to play a heel very well. He's certainly capable of playing heel, but as a face he's just more over.
Is diangelo dineiro better as a heel or a face.IM gonna go with heel but what r ur thoughts?
Some friendly advice. Punctuation. Space between sentence's. Capital's. Full words, this isn't text messaging. And its D'Angelo Dinero.

As for the topic, face. Playing heel is what made him so popular in the first place. His speech form resembles the style The Rock used to use. Over the top and the 3rd person thing. Not to mention all the crazy catch phrases. The only way to get him over as a heel is to either be like Sting and beat the shit out of any babyface he can, or drop the accent. Neither one are a good idea, he's a marketing campaign waiting to happen with that attitude. Can't wait to see him back. Yeah, babyface works best for him.
Sorry guys, and thanks for the tips.No i wasn't ntending on loading the page down with better heel or face threads.Im new at this and that's all I could think of because I have never talked in forums before.So does anybody else have anymore tips or ideas?Thank you once again.Sorry for the inconveinence.
I have to go with Pope as a face. He's too likable/charasmatic to be forced to go for the cheap heat (which I think he would have to do to get over as a heel with the live Impact crowd). As for forum tips, being pretty new myself (to posting on any forum), I'd just say go with what you're passionate about. Don't create threads just to create them, create them because you really think it needs to be discussed. Same goes for commenting, the main reason I registered was so I could comment on something that I felt I could contribute to the discussion on (though I doubt I contributed much right away lol)
Much better as a face..i love this guy as a face...he reminds me of the rock...well yes..he could be TNA's very own The Rock...I hope he gets another title shot soon and a title run as well...he's comedic, the gimmick is also very good...He is a very likeable character and doesn't need to do much to get a good crowd reaction...natrural Face...

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