The Poop is gone?


Pre-Show Stalwart
For months now on his twitter (dablackpope), D'Angelo Dinero has been posting "5-13-11" repeatedly. Today he posted:

"My time has come, It's time to move on. I've served well. Hope none has been disappointed; hope my hard work has been Applauded&Appreciated."

At the moment, he is still listed on the TNA roster page.-nodq


I really disliked this guy while he was a face (the same way some feel about the current Anderson character) but when he became a heel I felt better and looked forward to his work, but the dirt sheets were saying that he had an ego and he only cared about getting himself over whether face or heel, which had to have shown in the lackluster feuds he had.

Anyway, I remember hearing a number of months ago that Poop had signed a multi year deal with TNA, so if he was released, he must have asked for it probably thinking he'd proved himself in TNA and wanted to head back to WWE, where the money would be better, in which case TNA would have to grant the release.

So is Poop gone from TNA or what?

Without Jay Lethal and Poop Angela Dinero, is D Von the only one left?
Yeah. This is to good to be true, because he has signed a multi year deal with TNA.
On his twitter, is shows that he just "graduated" from somewhere with a degree in Criminal Justice, so apparently he's now a college graduate.

I could see him being cocky enough to think WWE would want him back after his TNA stint (where he was only ever relevent in his Suicide then Anderson angles,) but it's probably some bullshit altogether as this 5-13 announcement is after his graduation and before his birthday.

As far as natural charisma goes, I'd like to see Pope pitted against guys like X and Norcal. For people to say he has natural charisma and this and that, is to sell every other person on this earth short. Pope is an athletic black guy who can jump over a ring rope and carry a southern drawl since he's from the south, yet his character is claimed to be a "harlem street preacher"

There is no one in pro wrestling today whose charisma is on an astronomical scale. I'm not even sure you even need to be that charismatic anymore to become famous, just look at the Jersey Shore. Or even WWE ... Randy Orton is all monotone when he delivers his lines "John Cena ... I've meant to tell you this ... for a long time .. I wanna ... I wanna .. I wanna suck your PENIS! ...In the skull!"

In closing, I'd just like to say that I like the delinquency of TNA. TNA is saying "wrestling matters" right now, but at the same time, that are giving voice to the under card guys and in doing so, they're putting guys on the mic that shouldn't be. WWE would never make this mistake, but that's why it's refreshing in TNA. TNA is drawing a fine line between an indy fed and a corporate style fed and the one thing that they have over WWE, is that they are spontanious or atleast a little unpredictable.

I knew WWE was going to give the title to Orton right away because I read dirt sheets and I know WWE has no faith in Christian as world champion. But I did not think it'd be that quick. But what I hate is that when fans react and bash Orton and such, you get answers like "what if it's part of a bigger storyline" for Orton and whoever else ... but we know it's not. In a few weeks, Christian will be out of the picture entirely and from my phrame a few it just looks fraudulent and cowardly to act like Christian loosing the title is just part of the storyline in which he reclaims it later.

If Christian does reclaim, it's just because Vince has less faith in the current SD roster (Bryan, Sheamus, Sin Cara, Rhodes) then he does in Christian whose worked for him since the 90s. I think it fucking sucks Orton is now being seen as a lockeroom leader on SD and becoming the SD John Cena. I liked SD new roster initially, but now, not so much. I don't see Sin Cara, Sheamus, Bryan, Dibiase, Rhodes, and Riley going far now that Orton seems to have secured his spot. Also as Riley is still being used on RAW, and Kane is getting singles matches on RAW as SD super star and tag champ w/ Big Show.

Anyway, I've let my mind wander because I am pretty sure Numbers is right, and The Poop's place in TNA is concrete.

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