The Police Just Doing Their Job?

Another piece of evidence of cops being nothing but fucked up corrupted pieces of garbage

A mother who was driving with her two kids rolled through a stop sign where a pig pulled her officer. The pig approached her car with a gun drawn told her to get out and handcuffed making sit in the patrol car for 2 hours until back up arrived She was then stripped searched on the side of the road where passing drivers could see everything. You had 5 male pigs and one female pig performing the strip search. The female pig even forcefully ripped out the mothers tampon thinking she has hiding no drugs but of course the pigs didn't find anything. The pigs once again making themselves look stupid and look like the corrupt gang of jocks that can get away with murder because they wear a badge and sold their souls. So are you going to tell me that these pigs were protecting and serving or were they just doing their jobs. I don't understand how these pigs could live with themselves after doing horrific acts like they did to that poor women who was with her kids. Instead of sexually harassing a mother who was driving with her kids for rolling through a stop sign why don't they arrest the real crooks the people who are in charge of the government
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Another piece of evidence of cops being nothing but fucked up corrupted pieces of garbage

A mother who was driving with her two kids rolled through a stop sign where a pig pulled her officer. The pig approached her car with a gun drawn told her to get out and handcuffed making sit in the patrol car for 2 hours until back up arrived She was then stripped searched on the side of the road where passing drivers could see everything. You had 5 male pigs and one female pig performing the strip search. The female pig even forcefully ripped out the mothers tampon thinking she has hiding no drugs but of course the pigs didn't find anything. The pigs once again making themselves look stupid and look like the corrupt gang of jocks that can get away with murder because they wear a badge and sold their souls. So are you going to tell me that these pigs were protecting and serving or were they just doing their jobs. I don't understand how these pigs could live with themselves after doing horrific acts like they did to that poor women who was with her kids. Instead of sexually harassing a mother who was driving with her kids for rolling through a stop sign why don't they arrest the real crooks the people who are in charge of the government

First of all, judging by your general attitude, and how you refer to them as pigs, I'm going to assume you've had bad experiences (or people close to you have) with the police. And as such, you seem to label ALL police as being the same. There are a lot of bad examples of police out there who don't do their job and abuse their power, but you get that in pretty much every line of work. Don't label all police with the same tag, because there are a great number of police out there who genuinely are trying to do their jobs. Wanting to help people hardly counts as 'selling your soul'.

Before I say anything regarding the lawsuit, it's worth pointing out a few things about this woman, Leila Tarantino, that you didn't mention (in fairness, they aren't in the initial article). She's been previously arrested for DUI, Domestic Battery, driving with a suspended license, and violating her probation. So, previous convictions isn't a good start...

Now, I am not condoning the alleged actions of the police. If what this lady is claiming is true, then these officers are scum, and deserve to be punished extensively, no question. They could have quite easily taken her and her kids to the station and performed the searches there, in private. As for the tampon...there's no justification in doing that what-so-ever in ANY circumstance.

Now, with all that said...I have serious doubts on how legit this is. Now, if the cops did pull her over, it will have initially been because of her prior convictions, simple as. From that point on, I have difficulty in actually believing this story.

Number one, after a quick bit of Google searching, I've found nothing in the way of any evidence other than her word, and looking at her past convictions that doesn't mean that much. If she had to strip in public, I would have thought that there would have been a fair few people coming forward about something like this, no?

Secondly, if they were gonna strip search her, they'd have to take her to the station first; firstly because it's the law. Even for such a minor offense as this, it is legal to strip search someone providing they've been formally charged at the station. Doesn't make it right, but it's the law. Secondly, there's no way in hell that a public strip search would be deemed right by the police, regardless of how idiotic they may be. There would be far too many witnesses, and if one came forward then the officers involved would be screwed, especially strip-searching her in front of her kids. And on top of all that...the tampon bit sounds absolutely ludicrous. I genuinely cannot believe that part what-so-ever, but that's down to the vile nature of the accusation. Should that part turn out to be true, that particular officer is absolute scum.

Furthermore, one thing that strikes me as odd is the lack of officer names involved. Surely if this lady wanted to sue, why aren't they named? I'm not big on how things work with the law in the US, so I don't know if there's reason why she wouldn't name them, but it strikes me as odd. Surely you'd want to name and shame them for such a horrific act.

Now, we've all heard horror stories about the police, and should this one turn out to be true, this would be up there as a truly vile one. But I'm having a little trouble believing everything here, and I can't help but think there's more to this that's gonna come out. Just my opinions on this, but time will tell I suppose.
I dislike Cops as much as the next New Yorker, but I'm sorry... the link you posted doesn't seem credible at all. Any time I'm gonna read something about a crime or a police related story, I'd like the article to be sans comedic pictures of fat cops putting on latex gloves like their about to examine my prostate. On top of that, no reputable journalist (nor reputable source) would use the word "whack" in the way they did, especially within the introduction.

On top of that, you're inability to use another word besides "pig" in every other sentence, plus the way you spoke about them in general, makes me think a cop stuck his night stick up your ass. Either way, you don't seem like a credible source for any police related news story, either.

As for cops? I have very little respect for them. They had this grace period after 9/11 where everyone was like "Oh you're a hero" blah blah blah. Truth is, most cops are just people who didn't become what they really wanted to be in life so they sign up witht he force because they figure after 20 years (22 in NY) they can retire and get a nice pension for the rest of their lives. It is ridiculously easy to become a cop. You need the IQ equivalent to mayonnaise, the athleticism of a sloth, and not be crazy.
It won't be too long before what happens with EVERY Todd anti-cop thread happens here too. One of the actual respected posters will do a little investigating and will find the actual unbiased version of the events, and in doing so, completely shred Todd's entire anti-cop tirade , exposing it as a complete sham, based on nothing but a douchebag's wishful thinking. And by wishful thinking, I mean paranoid delusions.
This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have read. There's no way this could be true. Every website has the exact same article, word for word yet there's no mention of anything but that one article and people just like us commenting our views on it.

Really fishy, considering you obviously didn't read the whole lot.
On or about july 17th 2011 at approximately 4:00 pm
This happened over a year ago and there's no follow up on it?

Lots of people place false claims, obviously this was just another one. So it goes to show that police are not as bad as you are trying to make out. Why not provide some interesting read and discuss the real reason you have a problem with the police.
In every field of endeavor you can think of, there are folks who are bad people. Some are engineers, truck drivers, doctors, tree surgeons; you name it.....and some lousy people happen to be cops. We hope there won't be too many of them because, by nature of the job, they're in a position of power over the rest of us; if they choose to detain us on the street so they can find out whatever they need to know, we have to stop.

Because of that, a lot of people hate the police; the original poster of this thread surely being a good example of that. In the manner his post is written, he accepts the woman's version of events completely......and condemns the cops (apparently all cops, not just the ones in the incident being described).

Do bad cops exist? Sure they do; they can be bullies by the nature of their position.....but my presumption is that relatively few are bad. I believe most are decent people who apply the law as it's meant to be applied. Remember, too, they have to take a lot of garbage from citizens who don't want to be told what to do (and what not to do) and regular citizens often aren't savvy enough to understand that mouthing off to the wrong cop might not be the smartest course of action to take. Many folks respond to a cop's inquiry with a gush of respect that often isn't warranted, but might be prudent given the possible consequences. Even if we don't "feel" the respect, we show it if we think it might get us out of a jam. Whether the cop likes being kowtowed to depends on the individual officer, doesn't it?

But when you read of citizens filing complaints against the officers, remember that by virtue of the power cops hold over us, there will a disproportionate number of gripes made against them. Some of those complaints will be outrageous.....essentially anything the citizen can think of will be thrown in there to try and get the cop in more trouble than the incident might warrant. It could be the woman in the described incident is guilty of this; only an investigation will tell....and even then, the truth might never come out.

It's tough to be hassled by a cop who likes wielding his authority, yes.....but being a police officer is also a hell of a hard way to make a living. As in all other professions, some are better at it than others. If you get stopped by a cop, you can only hope you get one of the good ones......but the odds are surely in your favor because I firmly believe most of them are good.
All I gotta say is this:

If this really happened how come she waited a year to press charges? Usually saying "Last July" in an article instead of July makes it sound like this happened a long while ago. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If it did happen then I think she's within her right to press charges and it was completely wrong by the officers to do what they did, but it doesn't sound realistic, especially considering how the article was written in the first place.

Also I think your feelings on cops are negative judging by the way you refer to them as pigs. I've had to deal with asshole cops myself, it's not fun but judging the entire police force on a few cops with small man syndrome is unfair.

Yes some cops abuse their power and I don't care what they put up with on a regular basis you still should act professional, its no different than a McDonald's cashier constantly dealing with idiots, it wears on you but you still have to be a professional.

Nonetheless if this story is accurate than it was complete 100% bullshit on the cops side but as I said before I don't buy this story for one second. As I said before if it really happened like that why would you wait over a year to press charges?
The OP sounds like one of those blokes that screams police brutality over a ticket for a broken tail-light. Personally, I love how the article starts:

Getting pulled over for rolling through a stop sign is whack.

Basically "it's bad to be pulled over for breaking a law that protects bystanders". You have an extensive criminal record and then you eat a stop sign. Ignoring the strip-search thing for now, with that record it shouldn't be surprising they had caution. She just went by a stop sign, they had to expect her being reckless. But what really kills me is:

The cop then placed Tarantino in the back of the squad car, where she allegedly sat for two hours.

Prank by corrupt cops or not, why the fuck did it take nearly 2 hours for back-up to arrive? No follow-up on the case, no quotes from anyone and apparently the Citrus County Sheriff's Department takes about 2 hours to organize sexual harassment and involves the whole department. Yeah, this sounds like bullshit.

Yeah, I understand that corrupt cops are no myth. They can range from extorting free food out of a restaurant (saw it) to smuggling drugs out and such. It's no joke. That doesn't mean they all grow up to be a police officer in order to harass whoever they can.|popular-videos-5min-main|sec1_lnk2|187541

At least he lost his job this cop slammed a women into her car multiple times. Another cop who thought he was untouchable and could get away with anything just because he has a badge. Was this cop was also just doing his job?

I'm also very happy to hear that the sick bastard named John Pike lost his job for pepper spraying innocent protestors who were doing nothing wrong just but standing up for their rights. Those pigs came in there like a gang of bullies and just forcefully removed them when they were doing nothing but standing up for their rights. We are supposed to have freedom of speech but this is what the pigs do when we try to express our freedom of speech

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