Because Hogan and Bischoff are at the centre of it and we all must admit that the best time for WCW was when NWO was dominant.
First of all, let's get one thing straight: "They" are not the NWO. They're not even close.
The NWO was one of the biggest stars in wrestling back when he was only a couple years past his prime turning his back on his fans coupled with two of WWF's biggest superstars still at a high point in their careers.
Jeff Hardy is a popular wrestler, for sure, and entertaining at times in the ring, but isn't at the level of stardom that Hogan, Nash or Hall enjoyed when they formed NWO. Half the time, I'm questioning whether he even deserves to still be a main eventer.
Jeff Jarrett is a washed up has-been. I loved the guy back in the day, and Double J was one of my favorite characters of that era, but the dude's an old timer even by TNA's standards (nine years or so since the company formed???).
Hogan is no longer the mega star that he used to be. At least when the NWO started up, he was only a few years out of WWF and still being built as a centerpiece in WCW (whether he deserved that is a different argument altogether). He had always been the superhero, the good guy, the All-American, yadda yadda, so him being part of this group was *BRILLIANT*. As much as I didn't care much for the NWO and as much as I hated Bischoff at the time for all the dick things he did, they all deserved mucho respect for the angle. Genius stuff. Now? Hogan is a desperate old guy worthy of a few spots here and there but not believable as a central heel figure.
Abyss? The guy is only good for one narrow band of match types as someone pointed out in a forum post weeks ago. He doesn't have very much versatility at all, and he seems kind of out of place amongst the rest of the characters involved. Again, not a Nash or a Hall, definitely not a Hogan.
And we're supposed to be impressed now that they've joined forces with a lame attempt at banking on the Four Horsemen that is nowhere near being even a shadow of the classic stable? Come on now.
The guy who takes down this stable could be the next big thing of wrestling.
I'm afraid he can't. Die hard TNA fans hate to hear it, but TNA should feel lucky to be called "second fiddle" to WWE since it's questionable whether they can even be considered real competition. They're nowhere near the size of either WWE or WCW, and they have nowhere near the presence or reach of those companies. They're better than ECW in those respects, but still closer to that indie organization than a mainstream, big time company.
TNA is good for what it is, but people shouldn't fool themselves into thinking that TNA has much of an impact on the wrestling industry as a whole.
The wrestler chosen by TNA management to be the one to take down this new group is going to be a huge star in TNA for sure, but ultimately that's not even going to make a ripple in the industry as a whole. Most wrestling fans don't even have a clue what's going on in TNA because most wrestling fans are watching WWE and nothing else.
By megastar I mean a star on the Austin/Rock level.If thats too high at least on the level Cena was circa 2005
Hells to the no. You can't be a mega star at any of those levels unless you work in a company with a fanbase the size of WWE's during those eras. TNA has nowhere near that fanbase. They're pretty much U.S. only and even here they don't travel all that much around.
How can any particular TNA wrestler be a Austin/Rock/Cena level mega superstar when the TNA fanbase is just a fraction of WWE's
NOW when WWE itself is a shell of its past self?
The reason why I'm saying this is though I am a WWE fan I just cant see WWE doing a great storyline which is going to catch us unawares.I'm not saying they cant but I certainly am skeptical.Also the guy whom WWE is pushing as their next megastar aka The Miz,well he doesnt do anything for me and for a lot of my friends who happen to be marks.So I do believe that this is the best time for TNA to capitalise
We're not going to get storylines at the level of NWO, D-X, Attitude Era, etc. nor should fans ever expect anything like that again. Really, what else is there that WWE/TNA can do to surprise anyone these days?
And honestly what relevance do you think you and your friends have in the grand scheme of things? I'm not saying that to be a dick or to say your opinions aren't valid, but in the end do you think WWE is going to care what the Internet smarks like or what the mainstream fans who buy all the PPVs, come to all the live shows and plunk down cash for all the merchandise think?
I don't care how bland and boring WWE seems to be right now... the mainstream fans who make up the overwhelming majority of WWE's audience aren't going to switch over to a channel most don't even have to watch guys like Hogan and Sting who are a decade past their prime or guys like Jarrett who are a decade past being a midcarder or guys like Anderson and Pope who seem perhaps unfairly like guys who just couldn't cut it in WWE.
1.Do you agree that the guy who takes down "THEY" will be the next megastar of wrestling?Give your thoughts.
No, for reasons already explained.
2.Who do you think it will be??Give reasons
The guy who will take down "They" will probably be Kurt Angle. TNA would be stupid to try propping themselves up on RVD's back a second time. TNA doesn't seem to have much confidence in Samoa Joe these days. Mr. Anderson's not as big a star as Angle who is still the company's best wrestler by far.
3.Do you agree with me that the only way that TNA will be taken seriously is if they create the next wrestling megastar??
No. I think TNA will be taken seriously once they provide a better product. There are a
TON of changes TNA could make to improve their mainstream marketability, but those changes won't happen so long as Dixie Carter et al are still around pulling the marionette strings.