The Perfect Time To Turn Him Heel?


Getting Noticed By Management
As of late Dean Ambrose has stepped up and is going head to head with the current WWEWHC, Seth Rollins. They are set to face off in a one on one match at the Elimination Chamber.

Dean Ambrose has found a helping hand in his former shield brother, Roman Reigns who also has a strong hatred towards the Authority and specially towards Seth Rollins.

Seth Rollins was the man who cashed in Money In The Bank when it seemed that Roman Reigns finally had started taking Brock Lesnar down. It was Rollins who cost Reigns the title. At the same time, Dean was not on his side. Ambrose chose to find his own championship glory while his brother faced all the odds.

So why not have Roman Reigns end up costing Dean Ambrose the title?

Lets say that Kane, J&J, Big Show all end up getting into the match for the title at Elimination Chamber and are distracting Dean Ambrose. Out comes Roman Reigns who has a steel chair in hand. He takes out the Authority members and ends up spearing Ambrose.

The reason is simple, he doesn't hate Ambrose but he doesn't feel the need to be the one helping Ambrose out when Dean wouldn't do the same for him.

This heel turn doesn't see Reigns allign himself with the Authority but it separates him and makes him a solo guy...the lone wolf.

Do you guys think this is an idea which would work? I think you follow it up by having both Dean and Roman in the Money In The Bank match followed by a one on one at Battleground and finally the big Shield Triple Threat at Summerslam.
I could see this happen. If it leads up to that triple threat Shield match at SSlam then I'm all for Rollins keeping the title. I just would rather a one-on-one straight up match between Ambrose and Rollins, regardless of who wins.
If they were turning reigns I would like to see a bit of a rip off of the Bobby rude heel turn on James storm from Tna. For those who didn't see it it goes something like this:

Reigns spends a while chasing the title, just missing out and getting closer every time. Throughout this he is feuding with the authority and Dean ambrose has his back throughout. Somehow, ambrose ends up being the one who wins the title (despite it being booked to seem like it would be roman)and out of respect gives roman the first shot. Have roman do something seriously underhanded to win and become a dispicible nasty heel.

It establishes reigns as a main eventer and gives him a heel turn that you could argue he needs. Keep him as a bad ass, just a nasty one. When they decide to turn him face again down the line he will be much more over for having portrayed an edgy character. It could be the making of roman
If they were turning reigns I would like to see a bit of a rip off of the Bobby rude heel turn on James storm from Tna. For those who didn't see it it goes something like this:

Reigns spends a while chasing the title, just missing out and getting closer every time. Throughout this he is feuding with the authority and Dean ambrose has his back throughout. Somehow, ambrose ends up being the one who wins the title (despite it being booked to seem like it would be roman)and out of respect gives roman the first shot. Have roman do something seriously underhanded to win and become a dispicible nasty heel.

It establishes reigns as a main eventer and gives him a heel turn that you could argue he needs. Keep him as a bad ass, just a nasty one. When they decide to turn him face again down the line he will be much more over for having portrayed an edgy character. It could be the making of roman
I really like this idea. Only issue I have is I don't see Ambrose winning the World title any time soon (not within 2-3 years) and when Ambrose finally does win the World title I don't want it to be a transitional title reign for like a month and its over.

What I don't like is the OP's idea of Reigns randomly turning on Ambrose. Ambrose had Reigns back when he was feuding with The Authority (because of Wwe dumb booking it was mainly seen on Smackdown), so it would only makes since for Reigns to have Ambrose's back when he's dealing with The Authority.

I'm all for a Reigns heel turn but not a random one. We still haven't got a real reason why Rollins turned to begin with. Wwe had him saying that he bought In, but bought into what? If he was the architect of the Shield they would've helped him win the championship any ways and I would rather have Reigns and Ambrose watching my back than J&J and Kane.
I am all for Roman turning heel it will help him in the long run, when he turns face again. I see it happening at MITB, Roman does something nasty to Dean during the match and costs him the briefcase. Roman wins MITB and is a heel, I am not sure about Roman joining the Authority. If Roman was to join the Authority he could do what Randy did, be there friend for a while and than turn on them.
I'd rather not. Reigns has been getting positive reactions again and a heel turn would make no sense. Why would he want to play second fiddle to Rollins? He's actually beaten Rollins in the majority of their 1 on 1 matches. Maybe it would be a psychout, but Ambrose would likely go batshit insane and hamper any attempt he made at going for the gold. Maybe they'd work together, but Ambrose has shown that he also wants the WHC championship, so that wouldn't make sense.

I'm not really bashing anyone here, but fans get a bit too...silly with their desires for face and heel turns and I think that it's hurting the storylines. The Bella's face turn has to be the lowest point of 2015 for WWE, so far, and even Cesaro's/Kidd's face turn is awkward because it wasn't long ago that they were emotionally and even verbally abusing Natalya. We're supposed to be on Mark Henry's side when he challenges that bully Sheamus, ignoring that Henry was the asshole who injured FACE Sheamus- which lead to him becoming a bully out of bitterness. In WWE, the idea is 'if they aren't getting the desired reactions, then turn them heel or face' and it doesn't matter if it makes no sense or if they're still in the early stages of their 'good guy' or 'bad guy' run.

People give Kane and Big Show shit for their constant turns, but you all want Reigns to become a bad guy again after only being a face for a year? That will hurt his career more than help it.
This heel turn doesn't see Reigns align himself with the Authority but it separates him and makes him a solo guy...the lone wolf.

Sure, that would work. The notion that Dean Ambrose always seems about 3 seconds (Did I say 3 seconds?) away from a heel turn makes any time opportune .....and yes, instead of a Shield reunion at this juncture, I think the company would be best served keeping the estrangement going. Let Dean turn away from Roman and stay at odds with Seth.

It will make their inevitable rejoining that much sweeter. A better question might be whether they'll reunite as heels or faces. But while many of us figure Dean will break from Roman, they might be presuming Dean will align with Seth.....and I'd prefer he didn't. Not yet.
I agree with this mostly, except I wouldn't have Roman be a heel straight up. Like the OP said he should be the lone wolf. . He needs to be a bad ass who has no allies. He should come out mid match and just destroy everybody with spears all over place. The dynamic would fit right into the possible all Shield triple threat. Rollins is the heel, Ambrose is the face, and Reigns is the tweener, or the wild card. The crowd would probably be 50/50 on him which is basically what he gets now. I actually think he would get cheered more this way.
I'm down to have Roman turn heel, but your scenario doesn't make much sense to me personally. When has Ambrose not had Roman's back? If I'm correct, Dean was the one who had his head put through cinderblocks by Seth Rollins without the aid of his "brother in arms". Also, not helping Ambrose out and costing him the WWEWHC are two different things completely... if he didn't want to help him out, why save him from The Authority in the first place?

I'd rather have Roman spear Seth causing a DQ leading to angry Ambrsoe taking a spear as well. He can still run with the lone wolf gimmick, just with the reason being, he's looking out for himself and only himself on his path to the World title. Still, this topic has been brought up many, many times over the past six months and every time it leaves people disappointed. I don't see a turn happening on Sunday.
I wouldn't turn Roman straight up heel but have him be a tweener. The worst possible thing for him is to join the Authority.
I think not the wwe is fixated on having reigns top baby face of the company the face of wwe he's been getting over at PPV after PPV with solid performances the crowd is backing him up with this build unlike his rushed previous I like Reigns and he deserves to be a top card superstar so turning him heel wouldn't be wise at this point
I'm down to have Roman turn heel, but your scenario doesn't make much sense to me personally. When has Ambrose not had Roman's back? If I'm correct, Dean was the one who had his head put through cinderblocks by Seth Rollins without the aid of his "brother in arms". Also, not helping Ambrose out and costing him the WWEWHC are two different things completely... if he didn't want to help him out, why save him from The Authority in the first place?

I'd rather have Roman spear Seth causing a DQ leading to angry Ambrsoe taking a spear as well. He can still run with the lone wolf gimmick, just with the reason being, he's looking out for himself and only himself on his path to the World title. Still, this topic has been brought up many, many times over the past six months and every time it leaves people disappointed. I don't see a turn happening on Sunday.

Actually, the whole Reigns/Ambrose angle makes more sense than people realize. Ambrose and Reigns have a very dysfunctional relationship and it's implied- if not outright stated- that Rollins kept them together. Remember during the buildup to the 2014 Royal Rumble? Ambrose and Reigns were at each-others throats, while Rollins worked to keep them together.

Without Rollins, it's only natural that they'd drift apart. However, Rollins has somehow become both of their #1 enemies, which is why they're together. It's actually pretty ironic that Rollins continues to be the glue for the Shield, even though he's no longer part of it.
Without Rollins, it's only natural that (Reigns & Ambrose) drift apart. However, Rollins has somehow become both of their #1 enemies, which is why they're together. It's actually pretty ironic that Rollins continues to be the glue for the Shield, even though he's no longer part of it.

That's an interesting statement and goes to show how much everything at the top level at this moment revolves around the Authority .....and no matter how much some of us would like to see the unit blown away, it's not going to happen as long as Seth Rollins remains a heel champion.

Brothers-in-arms or not, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose stayed completely out of each other's way until Seth Rollins annoyed them. Roman doesn't seem to be coming down the aisle to chase Seth in an effort to take his title; he just does it to knock some heads together, often in defense of Dean Ambrose.

That's fine, it's what a good guy is supposed to do. Meanwhile, Dean Ambrose is the only person to come to Roman's aid in matters involving .....well, anything.

Depending how Dean does in his match tomorrow night, we may see a series of matches between he and Seth. That would be fine, but don't be at all surprised to see Roman Reigns get involved.

The result? Well, due to the interference imminent either by Reigns/Ambrose or members of the Authority, there'll be the usual unclean ending, unless they want to have Ambrose win the title for one night, only to lose it back shortly thereafter.
As of late Dean Ambrose has stepped up and is going head to head with the current WWEWHC, Seth Rollins. They are set to face off in a one on one match at the Elimination Chamber.

Dean Ambrose has found a helping hand in his former shield brother, Roman Reigns who also has a strong hatred towards the Authority and specially towards Seth Rollins.

Yes they both hate Seth, but they both went their separate ways after the Shield break up. Ambrose went after Rollins, and I suppose the plan was for Reigns to go after HHH by going through the rest of the Authority first. That plan was derailed when he had to have surgery. The Ambrose/Rollins feud never had a satisfactory ending, and they still have to finish that.

Seth Rollins was the man who cashed in Money In The Bank when it seemed that Roman Reigns finally had started taking Brock Lesnar down. It was Rollins who cost Reigns the title. At the same time, Dean was not on his side. Ambrose chose to find his own championship glory while his brother faced all the odds.

If you remember correctly Ambrose was put through a ladder outside the ring during the IC title match at the beginning of Mania. There was no reason for him to be in the main event, and if he had been, then he would have cost Reigns the title by getting him DQ'd. If that had happened then Rollins would have failed to cash in. It was all about the cash in.

So why not have Roman Reigns end up costing Dean Ambrose the title?

Lets say that Kane, J&J, Big Show all end up getting into the match for the title at Elimination Chamber and are distracting Dean Ambrose. Out comes Roman Reigns who has a steel chair in hand. He takes out the Authority members and ends up spearing Ambrose.

I can see him helping out by taking out the Authority but why spear Ambrose? Reigns and Ambrose aren't feuding this is between Ambrose and Rollins right now.

The reason is simple, he doesn't hate Ambrose but he doesn't feel the need to be the one helping Ambrose out when Dean wouldn't do the same for him.

I'm sorry but Ambrose has helped him out on numerous occasions, and really didn't have too. So your logic is flawed there.

This heel turn doesn't see Reigns allign himself with the Authority but it separates him and makes him a solo guy...the lone wolf.

I hate this notion of turning everyone heel. If the IWC had it's way, everyone on the roster would be heel except for Ziggler and Daniel Bryan. Besides Reigns is getting over, the time to turn him heel was after the Rumble when the boo's might have meant something. Now after trying all this time to get him cheered, you want to reverse that. Makes no sense.

Do you guys think this is an idea which would work? I think you follow it up by having both Dean and Roman in the Money In The Bank match followed by a one on one at Battleground and finally the big Shield Triple Threat at Summerslam.

Oh there will be a Shield 3 way, but it won't happen at Summerslam. I think we'll see it at Mania next year or the year after. They need this to happen to break attendance records at these ridiculously huge stadiums they insist on using.
Last night was screaming out for the turn... Let Ambrose win the belt and have Reigns take him out afterwards... I guess they are holding off though, let's make it clear, we all know that Brock is back in a couple of weeks but not that he'll go "right into the feud with Rollins"... Ambrose and Brock vs Reigns and Rollins (the former Tag champs remember) is a perfect 2nd June Network only main event (it really looks like they are going 2 a month and bizarrely, it really is working well) maybe Great American Bash or Vengence if they bring that one back...
Reigns and Ambrose are "best friends" usually this is a recipe for one to turn on the other...I reckon we're gonna see a Reigns heel turn outta nowhere at Money in the Bank... Roman Reigns will win the Money in the Bank and I also think Ambrose will finally win the WWEWHC belt... The Authority will be giving Ambrose a beat down after the match then Reigns comes in for the save... Together they send the Authority fleeing to the backstage... Reigns and Ambrose celebrate with the crowd, Ambrose holding up the belt and Reigns with the briefcase... Then the unthinkable, Reigns hits Ambrose with the spear and then cashes in the contract.
I don't want to sound like a - sick - person. But.... I've always thought that this idea would be the turn of all turns. First off... in this PG era, it would NEVER be done. I doubt ( in the turn's bad taste ) that the attitude era would've stomached it either. But anyway.....

Roman Reigns ( or a popular FACE - Using Reigns but Cena would probably be better...but anyway ) is shown on Smackdown doing whatever, beating up bad guys...normal show , usual minimal crowd response. Saturday , it's announced on some small town local network....that Roman Reigns ( Insert real name after ) was involved in a fatal head on collision on a main highway and died instantly. Internet explodes with the news. Monday Night RAW has a dedication episode to Roman Reigns and what he has done for the company and so on. Interviews with Wrestlers trying to hold in tears as they tell stories of Roman's life.

Smackdown continues the trend of Roman Reigns life and continues to tell stories about him during the broadcast.

TWO to THREE MONTHS pass . Summerslam is nearing it's end... example...John Cena has just beaten Seth Rollins for the WWE Heavyweight Championship. Cena's celebration goes on a bit long and his fans are screaming and cheering for him. The lights suddenly go out. They stay out for a few seconds....then Undertaker's GONG hits and reverberates through the arena , the crowd instantly erupts ...excited and waiting for the lights to come back on to see The Undertaker. But when they come on , John Cena is standing in the middle of the ring looking confused, Roman Reigns is standing behind him.

Whatever attack he hits Cena with now is irrelevant . Every Wrestling fan on the planet has just nearly passed out with a mark. The commentating team ( kept out of the loop ) is screaming in outright horror. The crowd is simply losing its collective mind. If I was witnessing this , I would jump off the couch and exclaim , " WHAT THE BLEEEEP ! " Whatever excuse Reigns uses for faking his own death is also irrelevant now, it's already the best turn ever.

Of coarse , there are impossibilities involved with doing something this epic. For starters, with the amount of people that would have to be involved with a fake funeral, fake news teams, police reports and keeping internet sleuths out of the loop it would be nearly impossible to keep his fake death a secret. Not to mention his highly emotional family that would have to be notified about it months in advance and told to be quiet no matter what.

Best Heel turn ever ? YOU BET !
Reigns will turn heel soon, maybe in 3-4 months from now.

Everybody sees it coming. It's inevitably, Ambrose and Reigns will clash sooner than later.

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