The Path For Batista Post-Wrestlemania

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
Batista has been great as a heel these past few months and is defending his title against Cena at Wrestlemania. The question is that what are the plans for Batista after Wrestlemania? I'm going off the assumption that he will lose the title. If Edge beats Jericho, I can see a Batista/Edge feud for the World Heavyweight Championship. Another option is that Batista may get drafted to RAW because there are way too many heels on Smackdown. Either Batista, Jericho, or Punk is going to get drafted to RAW and I rather it be Batista. A feud I want to see is a heel Batista vs. a face HHH because HHH can try to get back at Batista for beating him three straight times in 2005.

So what do you think lies ahead for Batista after Wrestlemania? Do you think he will stay on Smackdown and feud with Edge, get drafted to RAW, or something else entirely?
I think the Cena-Batista feud will carry on till after Extreme Rules, you know the pay per views after WrestleMania is always a Rematch PPV (That was BackLash) So they will make a rematch ppv but with an "Extreme" Twist called Extreme Rules.

I think Cena will win at Wrestlemania, and will defend it against Batista at Extreme Rules.
Cena will retain, and Batista will go on to feud with Edge or whoever the World Champ is on SmackDown!
Over the Limit I could see Edge or The World Champion vs. Batista in some kind of "Over the Limit" Gimmick Match.

Batista will continue his kick ass heel stuff on Smackdown and win the World Title, and be a dominating Champion on SmackDown!
I have no idea what is going to happen, but I would like to see him stay in this heel character. This is the best stuff he has ever done. He's actually showing mic skills no one thought he had. He's funny, entertaining, and comes off like the cockiest prick around. Other than CM Punk, Batista is the only guy who gets as much heat for bagging on the crowd as he should. They are really hating this guy (minus the "you can't wrestle" chant directed against Cena on Raw last night).

I'm not a Batista fan, I never have been. But what he is doing right now, on the mic, is more entertaining than anything else he has ever done. I wouldn't mind seeing an Edge/Batista feud on Smackdown for the WHC. Edge is doing alright as a face (minus the whole Spear! Spear! Spear! thing), and it would be cool to see him feud with a monster heel.
I agree with Nickb03 on this, I definitely think he should stay in his heel character.
He seems in a very very well placed comfort zone when he's a heel, especially as of late, because again as Nickb03 said, He's actually funny as a heel, I must admit I chuckled when he impersonated John Cena in his promo last night.

He also looks much better as a heel if I must say so, I like the fact that he walks to the ring in normal gear, cause it's a thing I've been missing from WWE, a wrestler who doesn't try to sell his merchandises everywhere he goes.

And I actually find him very fitting on RAW as of late, but I also like him on Smackdown, so as of where he should be placed after Wrestlemania I think should depend on the outcome of their match, because if he wins and retains the title, I think it'd be better to move him to RAW, simply because it's ridiculous to have both titles on the same show, even thou it has caused some funny moments when world champions clash (JBL and Triple H at Wrestlemania 21, Triple H and Edge in 2008 I believe it was)
What happens to Batista after Wrestlemania is going to depend on what brand he will be on. If he gets drafted to Raw then the feud with Cena will likely continue through Extreme Rules. He might stay on Smackdown to feud with Edge or other faces there. It's a little too early to say but assuming Cena defeats him at Wrestlemania and also assuming he doesn't get drafted to Raw, then I think Batista will be feuding for the World Championship on Smackdown after Wrestlemania. He will probably enter a feud with Edge because their feud has not been done with the roles reversed.... Batista as the heel and Edge as the face. I think that's what will happen.
Well I predict that Batista is staying on RAw, because I predict that Cena will be the loser in the match on Sunday. Batista and Cena have only met up a couple times in pay per view matches, so I doubt highly that this will be the last in the line. After this, they will be in a match at Extreme Rules in a hardcore battle, where I predict that once again Batista will win in a brutal match. At over the Limit it is a toss up for the winner, but the title will switch off of Batista at Fatal Fourway.

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