The Past The Future and Everything In Between

Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again
Hey guys, it's been a while.

I think I owe a bit of an explanation of what has been going on. Kingdom Come, which seems like forever and a day ago, represented a turning point for me. I had finally accomplished my final dream, main eventing the biggest show we have. I was gutted that I lost, who wants to lose the World Title? After a day or two of grieving over the result, I got back into the swing of being Head of Creative. With the help of the great team I had, we put together one of the best show in WZCW history and I wrote, in my opinion, two of my best matches ever. Getting to write Austin Reynolds' send off was a big deal for me because Numbers was really the first guy in the fed to take notice of my potential. Getting to write Matt Tastic taking a bloody beating was very surreal to me. Tastic and Stormrage, and by extension, KJ and myself were known as two solid Midgard guys who had s couple bright spots, but never really broke out until we decided to feud and then team together on a whim.

After the mental tax of writing two hard hitting matches and writing a World Title defending RP, I needed a little time away, so I decided to take a round off. Dave, who has done a wonderful job of not only keeping this ship going, but checking in on me from time to time while I was gone, agreed it was for the best. I came back, and while I felt mentally refreshed, I felt creatively drained. I never thought that Mikey Stormrage, a character that was essentially just an exajerated version of my real life self, would make it to the top of the mountain, let alone go there enough times to carve out what will likely go down as a Hall of Fame career.

I struggled with my most recent RP. Sure, my mom ended up in the hospital on the due date, but the truth was I struggled to even come up with a rudimentary idea on where I wanted Mikey to go post World Champion. Then, my computer failed me.

For over a month, I was without a computer. What they thought was initially just a bad hard drive, turned into a power supply issue, which turned into a mother board issue, which resulted in me taking my computer back to the repair shop twice. Then the repair shop decided they were no longer going to work on the computer until I paid extra for their services. A short standoff ensued, the police got involved, and eventually I got my computer back and fixed.

I had fully intended to come back, ready to roll, but I kept finding excuses to not log on. Then my girlfriend decided she needed to get back into League of Legends, so my computer usage went way down.

Then, two weeks ago, I had a mental health relapse. Those who are Facebook friends know a little about what happened, but long story short my girlfriend came home from work one day to find me sitting in my car with a bottle of sleeping pills. I truly don't remember even getting into the car, but texts on my phone showed I had been ignoring my phone for a couple of hours. A few days later I broke down and confessed to her that I was having thoughts of hurting myself, that I wanted to end my life. She drove me to the emergency room, which wasn't much of a help, but they did give me some information on local therapists.

I'm not going to sit here and say I'm better. Without lecturing everyone, people who suffer from depression as severe as mine never truly recover from suicidal thoughts, we just learn to manage and cope and do our best to get on the right medication to manage whatever chemical imbalance we have. I haven't had a day in the last two or three weeks where I haven't had a crying fit. The good news however, is that I am getting help. It's a slow process, but I'm taking steps to learn to deal and manage.

On top of all of my own issues, both of my parents went to get biopsies done this week, and the fear of both my parents potentially having cancer has me nearly crippled with anxiety.

My life isn't all bad. The 26th of this month, my wonderful girlfriend and I will be celebrating our one year anniversary. I know it sounds cheesy and lame, but for the first time in my life I have someone who is happy to be with me for the person I am, and not the person she thinks she could mold me into. Hell, she even surprised me with tickets to Raw next month, the first time Raw has been in my area since 1996. Watch for us on TV on June 19th, we will be wearing Bayley shirts. Yes, I'm such a loser I'm coordinating my outfit a month in advance.

In the eight or nine weeks I've been away, I've thought hard about what I feel I can contribute to the fed. Sadly though, I don't come up with much. Dave and the team have been generous and saved my spot, but the truth is that after two months away, I don't deserve to walk right back to the throne. Hell, I truly feel I don't deserve to even be RPing. I've gotten onto guys for less in the last than the crap I've just pulled.

So it is with a heavy heart, that I am publicly announcing my resignation from not only my position as Head of Creative, but stepping away from the fed for the time being. The truth is, I just don't know where I want to take Mikey. He has done so much and accomplished more than I ever thought possible. I can't deny though, that those last few cycles I was running on fumes. I mean I wrote an RP where Mikey went to the dentist and pissed out a window and somehow managed to win that round, so for now I think I need to step aside and let other talent get their chance to shine.

I apologize in advance for not mentioning you all, but I have a few people I want to say thanks to.

Killjoy- My brother from a Latin mother. The things we did for each other, the things we managed to get away with, I can never repay you for agreeing to most of the crazy shit I suggested. You were a great partner in character and in the back room. You never fail to put a smile on my face when I check your wrestling posts on Facebook. I'm so happy you are doing what you are doing. You're a good man, and I'm glad to call you friend.

Dave- The fed is gonna be in good hands as long as you are around. You are a damn legend. I seriously mean it, how many guys can say they have won gold with multiple characters? I can't wait to see Constantine in the HoF where he belongs. You're PMs suggesting ideas were rarely bad, and more than once I stayed up into the late night so we could bitch about the things we hated in the fed, all in an effort to make this crazy place better. Thanks for checking in on me from time to time.

Ty- Man, if I have one regret, aside from the fact that I used to be absolutely terrified of you, is that these issues came up just as we were discussing some great stuff. I can never apologize enough for failing on my end. Be it RPing against you, teaming with you, or just working with you on creative, you always managed to make me up my game. Without Ty Burna, the fed would be a drastically different place.

Lee- Aside from the thanks you deserve for dragging the fed back from the depths of Hell, you have my thanks for being one of the most passionate guys I've had the pleasure of meeting here. You are full of great ideas, both for yourself and others. It was a pleasure to work with you while I could. I'll never forget the random Facebook messages you would send anytime someone did something laughable, and we would have a laugh about between us.

Prophet- You stole my title. I hate you with a passion. In truth, I could not have asked for a better dance partner for our feud. The way we would work ideas into reality, the passion you brought to making us both look good. Then, you still managed to have something left in the tank for other people. Plus it was cool to have the occasional MMA talk. You took one of the most despicable heels in WZCW history and made him into a picture perfect face. The Justin Cooper redemption story will always hold a place among my favorite sorry archs.

Falk- I don't think you get the credit you deserve for the work you put into the fed. You started as the worst of the worst and worked your way to having not only one, but two great characters, you helmed the fed, you were the first to give me a chance to show what I could do on creative, and you were just a solid dude. We will always have Equestria.

To anyone else, you are all great. Each and everyone of you are like family to me. My life is honestly better because of WrestleZone and WZCW. It's just time for me to let someone else be the daddy around these parts. I'll still be around, and Mikey will be back in the ring eventually. So this isn't goodbye. More like a semi colon. It goes on.
Thanks for your hard work man, you were a great HOC. I have always enjoyed your work. I'm manic depressive, so I know how bad depression can be. My mother has serious health issues and is a widow, so I know how much of a toll that can take on someone having to constantly worry about their parents well being. Stay strong man. There are a lot of people here that care about you; myself included.
I've said it before, Mikey/Cooper is the best built Kingdom Come main event outside of Burna/Cougar and that to me is the best rivalry of all time. You were a pleasure to work with and you made the decision to bring me onto the team, a decision many wouldn't have made but one I hope I made you happy with.

You wrote great matches and Mikey is defo going into the Hall of Fame. Go have some fun and when you return we can do that rematch we spent long nights discussing.
You're an awesome dude. Well, I say that to every Kofi fan really, but you have always been a cool guy to talk to. I had more fun with the fed while you were Head than I had for a while. My small time working with you on Creative was one of the most fulfilling moments I've had on the forums. Loved your character, and hope to see you come back and bring Stormrage with you soon.

Sorry to see you go Yaz, you're a good dude and I hope you come back soon. I enjoyed the times talking about the Colts with you even though it was probably the only conversations we had. Live Mas and go Colts.
Your RolePlays are always hilarious. I've a lot of respect for ya and your work. You'll surely be missed here for your contribution to the fed with such consistency. Thanks for everything and I would love to see ya come back in future. You'll be fine soon. God bless ya. Take care.
Man, this sucks. I had a feeling that this was coming. Either way, it totally sucks for you that this is the way that your tenure is coming to an end. You say that I'm a legend when, in fact, the same is true of you and more. I can honestly say, without a doubt, that you are the best Head of Creative that I've worked under and maybe that this place has ever had. And that's not disrespect to the other heads, it's just that you were that good. You were always approachable, passionate abouy the Fed and willing to work as a team more than anything else. You're a hard act to follow but we'll do our best.

On a personal note, I'm really glad that you're getting some help now. I'd seen the things on Facebook and was so worried about you. Everyone was. Like I said on there, I'm always around to bullshit with. It might take me a couple of hour to reply but I'm always willing to listen. It sucks you won't be coming around here for a while but I really hope you come back when you're healthy. But your health is the most important thing.

We all love you, my friend. When things are dark, just remember that you're a great guy and that there are people that truly care about you. I'll miss you around here...
Thanks for everything, man. You've been an amazing person throughout your entire tenure in WZCW. One day, we will get together, find the portal to Equestria, and we'll enjoy a day of nothing but happiness and friendship. I don't care if MLP isn't cool any more; it's cool because of you, because you're the best.

I love ya, fam.
This pained me to see this post, but like Dave I had a feeling it was coming.

You've been a tremendous leader for WZCW Yaz, the fed is going to hurt with you being gone, but above all else I want you to get better man. From what I've seen on Facebook you have a tremendously loving support system in place, and you can count me in that system as well. I truly meant it when I said you ever need someone just to talk to, I'm right there for you.

On the fed side I've watched you grow from me cracking jokes about you cleaning my office up, to actually taking ownership of my office. You've been one of the best, if not the best, Head of Creative WZCW has seen, and you ran a very smooth operation in the back. It's a shame we won't get to show the world what we had cooked up, but I feel at least we had some closure between our characters and a small nod of respect between the two. Mikey was one of my favorite feuds leading up to KC, and our small run as an alliance was just as fun bouncing ideas off one another.

Thank you for everything Yaz, and don't be a stranger just because you're stepping away, the discussion thread and Discord are still there, and we'd love to have you around just to bullshit and crack jokes with. You've always been one of the most caring people on the forums, let alone the fed, and easily one of the most genuine people.
I have nothing to say apart from what everyone else has already said. You have been a great HOC and as much as it pains me to see you go, I really hope you get some much deserved break and are able to not only put your life back together, but head in the direction you want to.

Mikey is one of my favorite characters in the fed, and I'd really want him to come back at some point. Till then, stay strong and clear!
I love you man, for someone I've never met it's true. You've been there when I've been down and had my back. If you ever need anything I'm here, I mean it.

Fed wise, you've been phenomenal. As HOC and a wrestler you've gave it all and then some.
Nothing new for me to say except Thank You from the bottom of my heart for giving me a chance when no one else wanted to bother with me anymore.

Love you & come back soon.
As others have already said, I am sad to see you go. You were such a good Head Of Creative. You're passionate about the fed and always very approachable. Someone who it's fun to talk to about wrestling, video games, and all sorts of other stuff. Thanks for giving me a chance at being on Creative and for all you did during your time in the back. You're an awesome dude and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise! :)

Fucker. You had no idea the scare I had when I saw that post. I was having my own issues. But they're peanuts. Then I saw that. I'm glad you have someone that cares and looks after you. Go and be happy. We'll meet down the road. Live Mas.

For everything.

I could make a big paragraph but it would never be enough. You know what you've done. Stay safe.
Thanks for your efforts, openness and optimism. You've been a big part of the success here, and take the time to find happiness. I know from bitter experience that it's not easy, and I know the looming storm cloud never really goes away, but enjoy the sunshine when it comes and brave the rain.
Comrade, I'm proud of ya'. You came into creative toward the end of my first tenure there and you were my boss the second time and it was a joy to work with you both times, genuinely.

If you ever need someone to talk or use as a sounding/listening board, I'm here for you man. We love you brother.

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