The Original Plans for 2007

Skullz Crack'Em

Lord of the Skulls
We all know that 2007 was a dark year for the WWE, many plans had to be changed due to multiple mishaps. Here is the list of mishaps that made the WWE so unlucky this year:

1. Right at the beginning of the year, Triple H, one of RAW's top stars gets a career-threatening injury at NYR that puts him on the shelf for over half a year. Original plans for Trips was rumoured to be him vs Cena at WM23(their second consecutive match at WM). Shawn Michaels was the one to challenge Cena for the WWE title at WM23, but came up short.

2. MITB winner Mr. Kennedy gets injured and the WWE decided to give the MITB to Edge, which he used it pretty quickly to win the World title. Kennedy claimed he would use it at WM24, but it was rumoured that he was going to use it the same way Edge did.

3. The Undertaker gets injured at Backlash. It was rumoured that he was going to have a very long and deserved title reign since his other reigns have not been very memorable. This collides with the previous mishap about the MITB. So far, one man is benefitting from all of this, Edge. It seemed to be Edge's year, because he was given Kennedy's MITB AND Taker's World title. As the saying goes "Hitting two birds with one stone" which is what the WWE just did to fix two big problems.

4. The tradgedy that is the Chris Benoit incident. Vengeance was near and Benoit was drafted to ECW where he and CM Punk both became #1 contenders for the vacant ECW title. Benoit did not make it to Vengeance due to the incident so WWE had to make a quick decision and replaced him with Johnny Nitro(now Morrison) who went on to beat Punk for the ECW title. It was rumoured that Benoit was going to win the ECW title that night and give more credibility to the ECW brand. This also nullified the huge Vince McMahon Death angle.

5. Edge gets injured. The WWE fixed two of their problems(MITB and Taker's injury) with Edge as the solution and it just backfired on them. The rumoured original plans was for Edge to keep the title until WM24 where Taker will get it back and become 16-0 at WrestleMania. The Great Khali won the vacant World title in a 20 man Battle Royal on SmackDown.

6. The Steroid Scandal. Most affected by this was Mr. Kennedy(suspended due to the scandal) who was rumoured to be Vince's illigitimate son where he was to receive a huge push. Hornswoggle was eventually revealed as Vince's bastard son(what rotten luck for Kennedy lol). John Morrison was also affected by the scandal, he lost the ECW title to CM Punk on an episode of ECW due to his suspension.


7. John Cena gets injured thanks to Bad Luck Ken. WWE gave Cena a year long title reign and it had to end like this. The original plan was for Cena to surpass Bruno Sammartino's WWF title reign which was nearly 8 years(okay, I am just joking about that one lol). Seriously, it was rumoured that he was going to drop the WWE title to Randy Orton at No Mercy anyway.

My Thoughts

1. I think WWE handled HHH's injury very well and Shawn Michaels was more than a suitable replacement to challenge Cena. If Trips did not get injured, I believe he and Shawn would've had a friendly bout on RAW to decide who takes on Cena at WM23, I also believe he would have won the WWE title that night.

2. I think WWE made a great decision in giving Edge the MITB, although Orton would have been a great choice as well. If Kennedy did not get injured, I believe he would have used it in the same fashion as Edge to replace Taker as World champ, preferably after a grueling PPV match with Taker and Batista.

3. I already agreed with the WWE's actions by giving Edge the MITB and the same goes for the World title. If Taker did not get injured, I believe he would have defended his World title against Umaga OR a heel Bobby Lashley at WM24.

4. I think WWE should have put the ECW title on CM Punk first and build up John Morrison as a serious contender, he would eventually beat Punk for the title after he is fully established(vice versa of what WWE did). If the Benoit incident had never happened, I believe Chris Benoit would have been a 2-time ECW champion right now(He would have beat Punk for the first reign, lose it to Morrison, and win it back from Morrison for the second reign). He would be feuding with Big Daddy V right now IMO. The Death angle would have ended with Kennedy being Vince's accomplice and receiving a big push IMO.

5. I think WWE made a mistake by giving Khali the World title. I believe Kane should have won the Battle Royal, that way WWE can test to see if Kane was capable of being a decent champion since they haven't really given him that chance with his first WWE title reign(Kane does have a large fan base). If WWE did not like Kane as champion they could've made him drop the belt to Khali at The Great American Bash, at least he would've had the title for a couple weeks this time lol.

6. I am fifty-fifty on this one, I think they did a terrible job fixing the Bastard son storyline, but made the right choice giving Punk the ECW title. If Kennedy did not get suspended I think he would be in a big feud with HHH right now helping Daddy Vince. If Morrison did not get suspended I think CM Punk would have eventually won the title from him in their next title match anyway so not much difference IMO.

7. Triple H and Orton were two of the top choices to give the WWE title to so I got no complaints about this one. If Cena did not get injured, I believe he would have lost the title to Orton at No Mercy AND Cyber Sunday in a Hell In A Cell match which would lead to HHH starting a feud with Orton.

How do you think the original plans would work out? Do you think WWE made the right choices in fixing the above problems?
1. Right at the beginning of the year, Triple H, one of RAW's top stars gets a career-threatening injury at NYR that puts him on the shelf for over half a year. Original plans for Trips was rumoured to be him vs Cena at WM23(their second consecutive match at WM). Shawn Michaels was the one to challenge Cena for the WWE title at WM23, but came up short.

Not a bad thing to happen imo. Not a fan of Triple H. People are complaining about how many people he's squashed since his return. Well at least we got a 6 month break.

He would have faced Cena at Mania, in another stinker. There match last year bored me to tears. Not a good match or bad, just blah. So at least we got to see something slightly better this year. But does anyone notice how Cena usually has excellent PPV matches apart from his Mania ones?

Anyway if HHH hadn't got injured he would probably have won the title at Mania. I imagine him and Cena would do several switches of the title. But HHH ultimatley would have won the feud. And we would be in pretty much the same position we are now, HHH vs. Orton.

EDIT: He also would have squshed Edge along the way.

2. MITB winner Mr. Kennedy gets injured and the WWE decided to give the MITB to Edge, which he used it pretty quickly to win the World title. Kennedy claimed he would use it at WM24, but it was rumoured that he was going to use it the same way Edge did.

I don't think for a second that WWE were going to hold out for a year with his title reign. He would have done exactly the same as Edge. I'm glad that doctor diagnosed his injury wrong. He would have failed miserably. At the end of 2006 he was making great progress. But ever since Mania (coincidentally) he's pretty much sucked. Boring promos and bad in ring work. Not only that but he looked like a complete buffoon when he was commenting on steroids, and even more so when he got busted for buying them. Maybe that's why he's underperformed this year, because his confidence has taken a shot. Or maybe he just isn't ready.

3. The Undertaker gets injured at Backlash. It was rumoured that he was going to have a very long and deserved title reign since his other reigns have not been very memorable. This collides with the previous mishap about the MITB. So far, one man is benefitting from all of this, Edge. It seemed to be Edge's year, because he was given Kennedy's MITB AND Taker's World title. As the saying goes "Hitting two birds with one stone" which is what the WWE just did to fix two big problems.

If Taker still had the title now, which I believe was the plan. Then people would be calling for Batista to get the title. Seriously. Most fans don't like long title reigns. They don't bother me. I don't usually care about main eventers. At least Taker got pinned for the belt. Instead of a stupid Battle Royal for the title.

4. The tradgedy that is the Chris Benoit incident. Vengeance was near and Benoit was drafted to ECW where he and CM Punk both became #1 contenders for the vacant ECW title. Benoit did not make it to Vengeance due to the incident so WWE had to make a quick decision and replaced him with Johnny Nitro(now Morrison) who went on to beat Punk for the ECW title. It was rumoured that Benoit was going to win the ECW title that night and give more credibility to the ECW brand. This also nullified the huge Vince McMahon Death angle.

Benoits dead? :( . I bet Morrison on the inside is laughing. He wouldn't be a ''main eventer'' otherwise. He might have been main event material if they hadn't decided to stop pushing him in February. But they did, which meant that when he wont the ECW Title nobody gave a shit. He also only got the title because WWE thought Benoit would be back in on Tuesday, and he could get the title. That way they could continue with the feud they wanted, Benoit vs. Punk.

It was selfish of Benoit to kill himself before he had a match with Punk. I so wanted to see that match. If anything I think this has also exposed the lack of depth to the ECW roster. The ECW title is a ''World Title'' apparentl and yet WWE's mid card champs Jeff Hardy & MVP are bigger stars.

As for the McMahon death angle, well we got something better. The McMahon love child angle. Great.

Also I bet Vince was loving the media exposure when he was feuding with Trump, but hated the media when Benoit went crayzee.

5. Edge gets injured. The WWE fixed two of their problems(MITB and Taker's injury) with Edge as the solution and it just backfired on them. The rumoured original plans was for Edge to keep the title until WM24 where Taker will get it back and become 16-0 at WrestleMania. The Great Khali won the vacant World title in a 20 man Battle Royal on SmackDown.

I was fine with Khali becoming champ. It would have been huge had Rey won the title off him. In the end the title reign was pointless because they just put the title back on Batista.

6. The Steroid Scandal. Most affected by this was Mr. Kennedy(suspended due to the scandal) who was rumoured to be Vince's illigitimate son where he was to receive a huge push. Hornswoggle was eventually revealed as Vince's bastard son(what rotten luck for Kennedy lol). John Morrison was also affected by the scandal, he lost the ECW title to CM Punk on an episode of ECW due to his suspension.

Meh. If they want to take steroids let them. But if WWE's going to have drug testing then there should be no loopholes.

Kennedy (I haven't taken steroids since the wellness program was implemented) = Idiot
Chavo Guerrero (Nobody in wrestling drinks anymore) = Idiot

I was also fine with Umaga & Regal being suspended. Why? Because they obviously aren't using steroids for there physiques. They probably needed the time off.

7. John Cena gets injured thanks to Bad Luck Ken. WWE gave Cena a year long title reign and it had to end like this. The original plan was for Cena to surpass Bruno Sammartino's WWF title reign which was nearly 8 years(okay, I am just joking about that one lol). Seriously, it was rumoured that he was going to drop the WWE title to Randy Orton at No Mercy anyway.

He held the title for over a year then had to vacate it. That's a shame. It would have been better if he had been able to put somebody over, but what ya going to do?

I don't dislike Cena but I'm not going to miss him. He's overexposed. At least, unlike Batista he's ben having great matches. His main events have been outstanding. On PPV anyway. His Raw matches suck.

Injuries happen. That wasn't that big a story to me.
1. HHH vs. Cena at WM23 would've been too much for me. They did it at 22, so I think it was better to have HBK challenge for the title. I think it would've been nice to have him win the title and get rid of the spinner design and bring back the one that Eddie and JBL wore.

2 & 3. Since Edge is my favorite superstar, I'm glad Kennedy had to give up the MITB to him, and then win the WHC later.

4. The Benoit tragedy was really unfortunate, but I liked the way things turned out for ECW. I think that Morrison should've had the title a little longer, then have Punk interfere in his title matches until they held a Triple Threat match with Punk winning the title.

5. Edge being injured was really disappointing for me, but since he was named as one of the guys who violated the drug policy, he would've been suspended anyway, and lost the title to someone else, probably The Great Khali. Edge and Taker at WM24 would've been a dream match, but I'd like it for Edge to come out on top. More power to him.

6. Aside from seeing one of my favorite superstars and him losing his title (Morrison), I really didn't care much for the bust. I don't think Kennedy needed to be the bastard, since he's already got so much going for him.

7. I hated Cena's title reign as much as the next smark, but to have him lose it due to injury just seems cheap. Having him lose to Orton, though, would've been a better way to end the damn thing, but he got himself injured, and there was really nothing he could do after that.
1. Right at the beginning of the year, Triple H, one of RAW's top stars gets a career-threatening injury at NYR that puts him on the shelf for over half a year. Original plans for Trips was rumoured to be him vs Cena at WM23(their second consecutive match at WM). Shawn Michaels was the one to challenge Cena for the WWE title at WM23, but came up short.

I really like how they handled this situation. It was good to see Shawn main event a Wrestlemania again (Last one was WM20 I believe). IMO, HBK and Cena worked well together and, even though you knew that HBK would turn on Cena, you always wondered when. I agree with you in one aspect Skullz; Trips would have probably won the title if they would have gone with their original plan.

2. MITB winner Mr. Kennedy gets injured and the WWE decided to give the MITB to Edge, which he used it pretty quickly to win the World title. Kennedy claimed he would use it at WM24, but it was rumoured that he was going to use it the same way Edge did.

3. The Undertaker gets injured at Backlash. It was rumoured that he was going to have a very long and deserved title reign since his other reigns have not been very memorable. This collides with the previous mishap about the MITB. So far, one man is benefitting from all of this, Edge. It seemed to be Edge's year, because he was given Kennedy's MITB AND Taker's World title. As the saying goes "Hitting two birds with one stone" which is what the WWE just did to fix two big problems.

Two and three go together as one affects the other. If Taker doesn't go down, more than likely, even if Kennedy does get injured and no matter how serious the injury, then Kennedy would have kept the MITB and used it, as he said, at WM24 and Taker gets his long reign that he was promised. However, Taker goes down, and, from what I understand, Kennedy was suppose to pull an Edge and beat Taker after a grueling match with Batista. However, Kennedy goes down with an injury that wasn't as serious as first thought, which allows Edge to take advantage of the situation. Honestly, with the craziness that happened, I think the WWE handled the situation the right way. They fixed two potentially huge problems with a great solution.

4. The tradgedy that is the Chris Benoit incident. Vengeance was near and Benoit was drafted to ECW where he and CM Punk both became #1 contenders for the vacant ECW title. Benoit did not make it to Vengeance due to the incident so WWE had to make a quick decision and replaced him with Johnny Nitro(now Morrison) who went on to beat Punk for the ECW title. It was rumoured that Benoit was going to win the ECW title that night and give more credibility to the ECW brand. This also nullified the huge Vince McMahon Death angle.

First of all, aside from his final days, R.I.P. Benoit. This was a huge blow for the WWE as a whole. They lose a great in-ring performer, their major angle at the time was completely shot (which, to be perfectly honest, was a good thing) and it seemed as if they lost all hopes of adding credibility to ECW. It's really hard to say what I would have done differently. I mean, if WWE thought that Benoit would be back for Tuesday, then yeah, giving the title to Nitro just to hold until Tuesday would make sense. However, I agree with Skullz in saying that, if they would have known what had truly happened, they would have given the title to Punk and then repackaged Nitro and made him chase the belt. But, overall, it seems like they did the right thing with what limited time they had.

5. Edge gets injured. The WWE fixed two of their problems(MITB and Taker's injury) with Edge as the solution and it just backfired on them. The rumoured original plans was for Edge to keep the title until WM24 where Taker will get it back and become 16-0 at WrestleMania. The Great Khali won the vacant World title in a 20 man Battle Royal on SmackDown.

The ultimate travesty. It seemed as if the WHC was cursed. Taker goes down to injury after being promised a long title reign. Next thing you know, Edge is promised a long title reign, then gets injured. Then comes the Punjabi Nightmare... if your nightmare consist of a 7 foot 2 420 lbs piece of crap that can barely move in the ring becoming your WHC. In all honesty though, by the looks of things he was their best choice. As much as I love Kane, I don't think he would have gotten over enough as champion in the WWE's eyes. Unless the WWE would have done what they did when Batista got injured and brought over a superstar from Raw into the battle royal (say a Kennedy or King Booker) then there might have been a better option. However, the worst part of the situation was when they gave Batista the belt at Unforgiven. I thought he was in the match just to give Rey a more "realistic" win. How mistaken was I. The only thing good about it is we get a HIAC match at SS.

6. The Steroid Scandal. Most affected by this was Mr. Kennedy(suspended due to the scandal) who was rumoured to be Vince's illigitimate son where he was to receive a huge push. Hornswoggle was eventually revealed as Vince's bastard son(what rotten luck for Kennedy lol). John Morrison was also affected by the scandal, he lost the ECW title to CM Punk on an episode of ECW due to his suspension.

Huge blow for Kennedy, an iffy blow for Morrison, but it seems like they both are going to recover. Morrison is already back in the ECW title picture again. In some ways, though, they might be able to get Kennedy back in the bastard son angle. Check this out: McMahon starts liking Hornswoggle as his son, starts showing affection to him. In comes Trips saying that he forged the whole bastard son ordeal. McMahon gets pissed, Kennedy comes in and goes through saying that he is a McMahon, has proof and by WM24, we get Trips vs Kennedy for the WWE title. (by this time, trips will have won it from orton and kennedy, possibly, wins the royal rumble.)

7. John Cena gets injured thanks to Bad Luck Ken. WWE gave Cena a year long title reign and it had to end like this. The original plan was for Cena to surpass Bruno Sammartino's WWF title reign which was nearly 8 years(okay, I am just joking about that one lol). Seriously, it was rumoured that he was going to drop the WWE title to Randy Orton at No Mercy anyway.

The worst and best thing to happen to the WWE. The worst part about it is, love him or hate him, Cena is the face of WWE. I have said in previous post that, out of all the superstars on the current roster, he is the one that could end up like the Rock and Hogan and be on a level ABOVE the WWE. The good side of this situation, however, is the fact that we get "fresh" main events now. Not to mention we could possibly get a heel Cena once he returns.

Overall, with the amount of injuries with top stars (Cena, Lashley, Edge, Taker, Kennedy), steroids (Morrison, Kennedy), and deaths, it has sort of been a transition year for the WWE, which can be looked at as a bad thing with TNA started to build a little momentum. But I believe they handled the situations with the best of their abilities. Also, it was a time to see who's ready to step up, and we have seen some promise. Jeff Hardy is improving in the ring and on the mic, Matt Hardy and MVP have the best feud in the WWE right now and are showing promise, and CM Punk and John Morrison are stepping up now too in ECW. All in all, with a little patience and time for guys to heal, we might see an improved product from the WWE.
To the point about how the Steroid scandal has screwed up this year so far, I have a serious problem with Vince and his moral "high horse". He gave us one of the worst story lines in the history of this sport in Little Bastard-McMahon all because Ken Kennedy got busted for roids. This is ridiculous because Kennedy only did this because of the pressures all wrestlers face to get ahead and besides this point, Vince blatantly abuses the roids himself. Kennedy as Vince's son would have been a killer story line and built a real heal top of the card guy. Also John Morrison gets de-pushed for this as well while he could have been built into a main eventer on ECW but now he looks deflated and weak.

I'm also choked that the idea of putting credibility into ECW with Benoit was scrapped just because of what he did. There are lots of mid-card guys on Raw and SD that are already over and could give good classic matches with Punk on ECW. I know it is a developmental territory / holding ground for failed gimmicks but if there was a major heel at the top, it would bring credibility and turn that mid-card Raw/SD guy into "the ECW World Champ" for when he comes back to the big time.
Triple H getting injured was the worst it probably screwed up alot of plans for them
We all know that 2007 was a dark year for the WWE, many plans had to be changed due to multiple mishaps. Here is the list of mishaps that made the WWE so unlucky this year:

1. Right at the beginning of the year, Triple H, one of RAW's top stars gets a career-threatening injury at NYR that puts him on the shelf for over half a year. Original plans for Trips was rumoured to be him vs Cena at WM23(their second consecutive match at WM). Shawn Michaels was the one to challenge Cena for the WWE title at WM23, but came up short.

Probably the best of the worst things to happen this year. I get bashed a lot because I bash Triple H. The guy is shit, and hasn't been good in five years in the ring. Really, another Triple H/Cena match at Wrestlemania, hmm, theres a dull butter knife. I would rather see how long it takes to cut through the bone with that dull butter knife then to sit threw another Triple H/Cena feud, or a Triple H Main Event push in any capacity. It's time to establish new talent, not rely on a guy that has hogged the main event scene for the better part of a decade.

2. MITB winner Mr. Kennedy gets injured and the WWE decided to give the MITB to Edge, which he used it pretty quickly to win the World title. Kennedy claimed he would use it at WM24, but it was rumoured that he was going to use it the same way Edge did.

This sucked, because at the time, Kennedy was riding such a huge wave of momentum, the guy did no wrong. His matches were somewhat enjoyable, and his mic skills somewhat exceptional. But Oh wait, we forgot one thing. He was coming off a feud with the Undertaker, and the Undertaker can make big Dave Dudd look impressive in the ring. Kennedy was on Smackdown, so the editing of his matches and mic skills made him look like something he clearly is not, and that's a superstar. I think this was another blessing in disguise, because Kennedy is clearly a long way off from being a superstar in the business.

3. The Undertaker gets injured at Backlash. It was rumoured that he was going to have a very long and deserved title reign since his other reigns have not been very memorable. This collides with the previous mishap about the MITB. So far, one man is benefitting from all of this, Edge. It seemed to be Edge's year, because he was given Kennedy's MITB AND Taker's World title. As the saying goes "Hitting two birds with one stone" which is what the WWE just did to fix two big problems.

Edge getting the jump to Smackdown from this was a great benefit. It kept him out of the bullseye of the returning Shovel Wielding Game, and gave him a much deserved lengthy title reign. The Undertaker deserved this title reign though. The man has given so much to this company, and yet, really has nothing to show for it other then the Streak.

4. The tradgedy that is the Chris Benoit incident. Vengeance was near and Benoit was drafted to ECW where he and CM Punk both became #1 contenders for the vacant ECW title. Benoit did not make it to Vengeance due to the incident so WWE had to make a quick decision and replaced him with Johnny Nitro(now Morrison) who went on to beat Punk for the ECW title. It was rumoured that Benoit was going to win the ECW title that night and give more credibility to the ECW brand. This also nullified the huge Vince McMahon Death angle.

On a selfish level as Jake said, this was horrible. We were cheated out of potentially the best feud of the year in terms of in ring ability with CM Punk and Benoit. ROH marks would have ate humble pie as Benoit would make Punk look like a rookie in the ring. The really bad thing to come from this, I'm stuck watching John Morrison and the Miz fight for the Hardcore...Oops, ECW title. That belt lost all meaning after Benoit's death. He would have solidified it as probably, at least in my eyes, the best belt in the company at that time. Another blessing in disguise, the worst story in years was cancelled, honestly Death of McMahon may be worse then Katie Vick.

5. Edge gets injured. The WWE fixed two of their problems(MITB and Taker's injury) with Edge as the solution and it just backfired on them. The rumoured original plans was for Edge to keep the title until WM24 where Taker will get it back and become 16-0 at WrestleMania. The Great Khali won the vacant World title in a 20 man Battle Royal on SmackDown.

This effectively has killed Smackdown and just now it is barely becoming watchable again. Edge brought something to Smackdown that all the shows have lacked, the ability of a champion to cut a good promo, there's my cheapshot of the day. The title on Khali was pointless, because the belt went straight to Batista. Why not put over Rey, or even have the Undertaker beat him, what hte hell was the point of this title reign, and even more, the point of Batista's title reign?

6. The Steroid Scandal. Most affected by this was Mr. Kennedy(suspended due to the scandal) who was rumoured to be Vince's illigitimate son where he was to receive a huge push. Hornswoggle was eventually revealed as Vince's bastard son(what rotten luck for Kennedy lol). John Morrison was also affected by the scandal, he lost the ECW title to CM Punk on an episode of ECW due to his suspension.

The Steroid Scandal, while i think it is a good thing, really did fuck up Wrestlemania this year. This was Kennedy's breakout year, and he shit it all away himself. The McBastard story was intriguing, but then the payoff, in typical WWE fashion, was shit. Did we honeslty expect anything good to come from this. We are talking about the WWE? I see better storytelling in elementary schools.


7. John Cena gets injured thanks to Bad Luck Ken. WWE gave Cena a year long title reign and it had to end like this. The original plan was for Cena to surpass Bruno Sammartino's WWF title reign which was nearly 8 years(okay, I am just joking about that one lol). Seriously, it was rumoured that he was going to drop the WWE title to Randy Orton at No Mercy anyway.

Bad Luck Ken, yup, that's approriate. Kennedy's stock has plumetted, while Cena's rose this year. I'm not a Cena Fan, but I don't think he is shit either, I just think he's incredibly ordinary and average. I'm glad to see the belt change hands, but with a title reign that long, it would have been better to see him get beat for the belt instead of vacate it.

This was done well. Kind of a trivia question for the forum, how often does the WWE/Heavyweight title get retained at Wrestlemania? It always seems to change hands. But yeah, they had the match the year before. Good job replacing him with HBK

2 and 3.

Not a big fan of Edge. But this was also done well. Kennedy and Undertaker have shitty luck.


R.I.P. Benoit. I think ECW would be A LOT better with Benoit on the brand. He would make CM Punk look ******ed. With the short amount of time they had, they did a good job with this too. I think Nitro/Morrison could be a good champion. He has good charisma and great in ring skills. It's an unfortunate situation. I think Punk would eventually win the title from Benoit, with Benoit/Punk and maybe Burke in the feud for the title. Maybe a Nitro/Viscera feud? Along with Miz getting his ass kicked every week by A)Boogeyman or B)Dreamer or C)Balls. The McMahon death angle was beyond ******ed.


Khali was a decent champion actually. He could play the role as an intimidator. When he came down to the ring, you could boringly feel his presence. However, I think Kane should have got it 'till Taker got back. Not Batista, not Khali. Kane's always been a big time guy for the WWE and had a 1 day reign 9 years ago. He's said that he wants the younger guys to get the championship, but I think he would of been worlds better then Khali. Imagine the brothers of destruction briefly feuding over the title? The only time my dad ever watches wresting is when Kane and Taker are on. Bad job.


I don't think Morrison really matters. Punk would have won it soon anyway. He's so over with the fans it's crazy. Kennedy as the illegitimate son would have been huge. It would have opened up a lot of doors for him as #1 contender, a feud with HHH, etc. Hornswoggle is funny every once in a while, but taking 10 minutes out of a show to see him and Coachman is fucking ******ed. Now we have to watch some comedy at a pay per view with him and Khali? No.


I would of liked to see Cena lose the title, not have to forfeit it. Either Kennedy works pretty stiff, or Cena sucks more then originally thought. That being said, Cena is a better champion then Orton, Batista or Punk. 'nuff said
kennedy should be wwe champion right now if not for two
4 would be good but not enough. the only thing that can save ecw now is if they have hardcore match every night, but why dont they hire rikishi to come back win ecw title at one night stand in ecw rules match between elijah burke and cm punk(burke should be champion by then)

in the match cm punk does superplex through table then rikishi song and come out superkick punk pin burke win title or just come out hit both with chair pin burke and win title.

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