The nWo could have been kept alive in the WWE

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CM Steel

A REAL American
Right about this time 9 years ago on RAW. WWE chairmen Vince McMahon came out on the top of the RAW hour and pulled the plug on the whole New World Order (NWO) faction. Mainly due to the fact that the WWE creative team didn't have anything for the remaing members without the founding members.

Hulk Hogan had turned babyface once again, Scott Hall got released by the WWE (dopefiend!), and Kevin Nash had gotton an injury. All that was left after that was Shawn Michaels in a non-wrestling role. And X-Pac & the Big Show who couldn't be taken seriously as leaders of the nWo. But didn't Shawn Michaels try to bring Triple H into the nWo at one point?

If the WWE didn't pull the plug on the nWo angle in the WWE, Triple H could have made that move! So by having HBK, HHH, X-Pac, and the Big Show in the nWo. It could have brought in old walkway for Eric Bischoff to come in as a boss figure in the nWo as the evil RAW general manager. And with Scott Steiner coming back to the WWE later that year, he could of returned as an original nWo member.

And the New World Order could of had an epic run as a faction of dominant heels which came a year later with Evolution. Kevin Nash wasn't going to be gone forever. And could of came back to pick up where he left off as a founding member.

...But for all of that to have happened, the legendary Shawn Michaels return match against Triple H at that years SummerSlam would have never of happened.

But I think that the whole nWo faction angle could of been kept alive to where the WWE PG fans would remember the New World Order.
Dude, the NWO should have died by at least mid-1998, it should have been an afterthought by the time WCW was bought.

But regardless, this just sounds awful no matter what way you slice it. It's like you just took Evolution and replaced Orton and Batista with X-Pac, Show, and fucking Scott Steiner. Tell me, who in the hell would benefit from that? With your scenario, we wouldn't have had the meteoric rises of 2 of the biggest stars of the past decade and instead we would have had Scott Steiner, Big Show, X-Pac, and Triple H driving the show into the ground. I mean , think about it. Eventually the group would have to split and feud among themselves. You really think that would have been better television than what we got?

I swear, I see absolutely no up side to this at all.
They should've at least given us the dream rivalry.

DX vs nWo!!!

At least for one match!!

It would be pretty awesome to see DX vs. The Outsiders. The whole match involves The Kliq.

We never got that chance and it's a shame. It would have been two of the biggest stables ever and the whole MSG Curtain Call cast at once.
They should've at least given us the dream rivalry.

DX vs nWo!!!

At least for one match!!

Yeah, that would have been great.. we've all wanted to see that happen.. I always thought it would have been funny to have Sean Waltman in the middle of the two teams.. DX could be trying to get X-Pac to rejoin them while on the other side, you got The Outsiders trying to get Syxx-Pac with them :)
Nate already spelled it out above. The nWo had been dead for years before the buyout. Also, Hogan, Nash, and Hall had killed themselves off so hard with their real-life arrogance, terrible decisions and worthless matches, that nobody really wanted to see them, anymore. The only time Hogan got a giant pop again in the nWo garb was Wrestlemania 18, and that was only because he was having a dream match with Rock. Look: as someone who lived and died by wrestling back in the 90s, the nWo really should have been killed off in 98', at the latest. The reason guys like Goldberg never made it even bigger than they did is because of Hogan and Nash and how they did everything behind the scenes to keep new stars down. The nWo was more dead than Steve McMichaels' career by that time, and there was a reason that the angle never made it. Plus, WWE fans didn't really want to see the nWo; that's why they didn't watch WCW. Long story short, I don't care for the idea.
Personally I didn't watch WWE/F at all before Vince bought WCW out. I did tune in for a little while after he bought the WCW to see how things were done and didn't watch very long. I did see the nWo to WWE/F angle and really didn't think it was very good. What made the nWo good in WCW was the fact they were the ultimate outsiders coming in to take over the company as they were the anti-establishment bad boys. To me with Vince being the one behind them being brought into WWE/F that made them the ultimate insiders and they kind of lost the anti-establishment bad boys type image. But as others said it had already been played out and should have been left dead.
Keeping the NWO alive past it's very brief revival in '02 would have been a very VERY bad idea

But, if they had decided to keep it around, maybe Vince would have done it differently than Bischoff and not give them so much power in the company like they did in WCW
nWo would be what Nexus is now. It went from interesting, to stale, to why does it still exist? No Hogan, Nash, or Hall nWo is like having Jeff Jarret lead the nWo.

The inevitability of a stable formation is it's dissolution.
I would like to have seen the nWo run riot in the WWE, and eventually end up feuding with DX- giving us the rivalry that fans had been dreaming of for years.

However, the impact of the faction was terminally killed off by the face turn of Hulk Hogan, who was easily the biggest name in the group. Adding guys like Show and X-Pac to the nWo did work, but without Hogan it just didnt seem as good. Nash got injured, Hall got drunk and the whole thing just fell apart.

It was probably best to get rid of the nWo when they did, as they really had little impact. Nash was putting on awful matches, the people wanted a face Hogan and Hall was a shadow of his former self. Having HBK join was also a pointless decision, and having the nWo hanging round as a minor part of the show would have been an insult and very sad to see.

It could have been awesome, but circumstances led to that not being the case. After Hogan left all the nWo would have been good for was a feud with DX and when that didnt happen, they needed to be put out of their misery.
they should have never brought it back in the first place. I'll make this comparision. The WWE verision of the NWO was just like a famous band that goes on tour, but its the lead singer and a bunch of studio musicians. The name is the same, but the vibe of seeing the original members is gone.
I think they should have kept nWo around. WWE fanboys think the decision to not keep nwo around was good because they think every decision Vince and WWE makes are good. Well they aren't all good! They completely destroyed nWo. Lol at people saying no one wanted to see them. The merchandise sales and the loud nWo pops told an opposite story of "people didn't want to see them" like post #6 is saying. They came in and were more over than 2 of WWE's biggest faces at the time, Rock & Austin. Had NWO been allowed to be the NWO like how they did in WCW, it would have been a success. And lol at people saying Evolution may have never happened. How? NWO is the type of stable where if you put an NWO shirt on a an upcoming talent, they get noticed and can get over. Guys like Steiner, Bagwell, and K-Dawg all got put over by becoming NWO. So yes, if WWE kept NWO around, not only could young guys have gotten over but it would have made for better tv than the crapfest that Evolution put on.

And don't even get me started with Evolution. Evolution is an overrated stable. They did shit. What did Evolution ever do that was noteworthy as a group besides help bring up Batista and Orton? Evolution has no memorable moments as a stable except when Batista turned and when Orton got beat up out of the group. That is it. 2 moments out of how long? LOL! Trash stable. RAW completely sucked when Evolution ran the show. Smackdown was the far superior show at that time and RAW ratings sucked. From the time Evolution was on TV, they stank up the joint.

So yes, if WWE let NWO work the way it was supposed to work, it would've benefited the company in the long run and WWE probably would've gained some WCW fans and we probably wouldn't have been subjected to HHH's reign of terror and that horrible Evolution run. But again we all know Vince had to fuck up something he didn't create and ran with his vision of Hogan being Hulkamania instead.
they should have never brought it back in the first place. I'll make this comparision. The WWE verision of the NWO was just like a famous band that goes on tour, but its the lead singer and a bunch of studio musicians. The name is the same, but the vibe of seeing the original members is gone.

Agreed, the NWO in WWE was just not the same the whole mystic was gone. Having Hogan turn face, was the first mistake because without him the NWO lost one of his founding members. Add to that the release of Scott Hall, and now you just lost The Outsiders as a tag-team. So the NWO was doomed even before Nash was injured.
They should've at least given us the dream rivalry.

DX vs nWo!!!

At least for one match!!
and that is one of the reasons why the invasion angle fell flat. alot of us were expecting a dx vs nwo angle and sadly we never got it and we never will. it would have been great to see it just once though.
HALF of the NWO could barely walk (Hogan and Nash) and the other half stayed drunk and on drugs (Waltman and Hall) you tell me what kind of good feud that made? lol
The nWo worked in WCW for a number of reasons with the prominent ones among them being that it was structured as an Invasion angle at the height of the Monday Night Wars and because Hogan turned heel for the first time ever in a move that was unimaginable at that point.

By the time the nWo came to WWE the angle and its novelty had been milked dry by that point. There was nothing in it that could keep the audience interested. DX vs nWo may have been a cool match-up but with HBK coming back we did get to see quite a few cool dream matches in the form of HHH vs HBK and HBK vs Y2J and I would not take DX vs nWo over that. There was no other point in keeping the nWo. We had already seen invasion angles both in the WWE and WCW and there was little point in doing another one in less than a years' time.
tje question the original poster should of asked was...After hogan went face,Hall getting released,& Nash's injury, What do you think the WWE could of did to keep the NWO as a sucsesful heel stable...???
I think they should have kept nWo around. WWE fanboys think the decision to not keep nwo around was good because they think every decision Vince and WWE makes are good. Well they aren't all good! They completely destroyed nWo. Lol at people saying no one wanted to see them. The merchandise sales and the loud nWo pops told an opposite story of "people didn't want to see them" like post #6 is saying. They came in and were more over than 2 of WWE's biggest faces at the time, Rock & Austin. Had NWO been allowed to be the NWO like how they did in WCW, it would have been a success. And lol at people saying Evolution may have never happened. How? NWO is the type of stable where if you put an NWO shirt on a an upcoming talent, they get noticed and can get over. Guys like Steiner, Bagwell, and K-Dawg all got put over by becoming NWO. So yes, if WWE kept NWO around, not only could young guys have gotten over but it would have made for better tv than the crapfest that Evolution put on.

And don't even get me started with Evolution. Evolution is an overrated stable. They did shit. What did Evolution ever do that was noteworthy as a group besides help bring up Batista and Orton? Evolution has no memorable moments as a stable except when Batista turned and when Orton got beat up out of the group. That is it. 2 moments out of how long? LOL! Trash stable. RAW completely sucked when Evolution ran the show. Smackdown was the far superior show at that time and RAW ratings sucked. From the time Evolution was on TV, they stank up the joint.

So yes, if WWE let NWO work the way it was supposed to work, it would've benefited the company in the long run and WWE probably would've gained some WCW fans and we probably wouldn't have been subjected to HHH's reign of terror and that horrible Evolution run. But again we all know Vince had to fuck up something he didn't create and ran with his vision of Hogan being Hulkamania instead.

LOL...the nWo was long dead before Vince put it out of its misery. The nWo was dead at that point. Even if Vince wanted to keep it around Nash got injured and Scott 'Alka' Hall was in descent mode.

WCW did more harm to the nWo angle than Vince could ever hope to.
i would have had the nWo continue under the leadership of eric bischoff, i mean the guy debuted the same night vince killed nWo, have bischoff come in unannounced and take control of nWo, bring hhh in and stiener later on; hhh world champ, x pac and big show tag champs, hbk and stiener with bischoff as raw gm wouldve been sick, bring nash back the next year, have hhh and hbk turn face and there u have a dx vs nWo....
If I recall, why the nWo was brought into the WWE, was because the storyline had Ric Flair owning half of the WWE. So Vince got pissed and brought those guys in as "Hitmen" if you will to shake the WWE. To be honest with you, it wasn't a bad idea, but not a great idea.

The nWo weren't "hitmen" they were more a stable taking over a promotion. Yes, we did get Hogan vs. Rock, but other than that, we got a really stale stable.

So, Vince pulling the plug on that, was a great idea. Shortly after, we got Evolution. That pushed two very good stars. That was much better, then trying to build off of nostalgia.

nWo was a great concept, but, they never killed it. At least Vince came out, and said it was over. No one could of even done that in WCW.
I'm basically reiterating the thoughts of many others but...while being in a new company could have meant different things for the nWo (in theory), there were already multiple "versions" of the nWo that already happened so to me it kind of ran its course before WWE. (the original, nWo hollywood, the wolfpack, nWo elite, the nWo b team, and the the black and silver version known as nWo 2000)

Plus, even though it made a lot of sense to announce their arrival in advance on television it also took away from one of the nWo's main things, shocking people. Regardless of who hypothetically could have ended up in the group and regardless of what they did as a group, it very possibly would have seemed more like the WWE calilng a group the nWo than it actually seeming like the nWo. That doesn't mean that there couldn't have been a nice and successful heel stable but I'm not sure if it would have felt like the nWo so to speak.
WcW killed the Nwo way before. it went to WWE. They (WcW) watered it down so much, you had Red and black, the wolf pack, gold and silver. They had the LWO.. WcW got greedy, stupied, and lazy. And depened on the likes of Kevin Nash Booking that was not going to happen in WWE. Plus the whole fact that Vinnie Mac won't to show how was the winner and destroy everything WcW.
I think they should have kept nWo around. WWE fanboys think the decision to not keep nwo around was good because they think every decision Vince and WWE makes are good. Well they aren't all good! They completely destroyed nWo. Lol at people saying no one wanted to see them. The merchandise sales and the loud nWo pops told an opposite story of "people didn't want to see them" like post #6 is saying. They came in and were more over than 2 of WWE's biggest faces at the time, Rock & Austin. Had NWO been allowed to be the NWO like how they did in WCW, it would have been a success. And lol at people saying Evolution may have never happened. How? NWO is the type of stable where if you put an NWO shirt on a an upcoming talent, they get noticed and can get over. Guys like Steiner, Bagwell, and K-Dawg all got put over by becoming NWO. So yes, if WWE kept NWO around, not only could young guys have gotten over but it would have made for better tv than the crapfest that Evolution put on.

And don't even get me started with Evolution. Evolution is an overrated stable. They did shit. What did Evolution ever do that was noteworthy as a group besides help bring up Batista and Orton? Evolution has no memorable moments as a stable except when Batista turned and when Orton got beat up out of the group. That is it. 2 moments out of how long? LOL! Trash stable. RAW completely sucked when Evolution ran the show. Smackdown was the far superior show at that time and RAW ratings sucked. From the time Evolution was on TV, they stank up the joint.

So yes, if WWE let NWO work the way it was supposed to work, it would've benefited the company in the long run and WWE probably would've gained some WCW fans and we probably wouldn't have been subjected to HHH's reign of terror and that horrible Evolution run. But again we all know Vince had to fuck up something he didn't create and ran with his vision of Hogan being Hulkamania instead.

Oh please, NWO's time came and went. They were awesome when they came out but they ruined that gimmick long before it had run it's course in WCW. "The Finger Poke of Doom"...who's dumb ass idea was that? Almost but not quite as dumb as taking out Goldberg with a cattle prod...Not to mention the sub factions in NWO, and Hulk making them fight against each other, oh wow, what genius. Denis Rodman, Denis Rodman returning and fight macho man? Then Hulk went and talked all that mad shit about Ric Flair and lost to him in a cage match making him look weak weak weak. All of these things ruined the NWO. It had no credibility when it was done running it's course in WCW, it was done, finished, freaking over man. I remember thinking when Vince said he was going to bring them in, "How is he going to do that, they broke up because Hulk went mad with power and ended up looking like a chump." If anything, Vince bringing them back was like raising the dead for one last hurra, and ironically, it worked dumb ass. It made Austin look stronger and ever and, gave Hulkamainia one more run in WWE, which was the obvious reason they did it anyway because like I said before NWO was done anyway, and gave us the epic battle of Rock vs Hulk. If Vince hadn't have brought them back none of this would have happened and like I said, NWO was DOA anyway.

Furthermore, Evolution fucking rocked. You got Batista and Randy Orton out of it, how many other stables in the WWE have produced 2 new superstars simultaneously that lasted as long as they did. Batista got Cena over and Randy who is still around kicking ass and brought about Cody and almost Ted, and is giving Christian actual credibility as a ME. None of this would have happened if not for Evolution, refute that!
yeah i agree with a couple of the other posters...nwo should have been disbanded in 1998. it was rediculous to see HBK in the nwo and for it to last longer than it did at the wrestlemania that year. they always seem to beat a good idea down and rehash it 50 times. (see four horsemen)
My keyboard is spanish so i cant punctuate properly. But heres what i have to say.

i dont agree with those of you who wrote the NWO off after 1998. Yes, the NWO angle was beginning to get stale that year and things just were never the same. But there was so much potential with the angle. So many people say things like the NWO should be phased out since its an old boys clique. They say it like perhaps the Legion of Doom should have had a three year run, or like Cena should retire at 34 before hes way too old. Its bull. NWO wasnt as interesting as it once was by 98 but it was still by far the most interesting thing to tune into each week even when it sucked.

The NWO could have been used to PUSH guys like Batista and Orton, not hold them back. Epic feuds with Nash and Hall would have done just as much for both as with Michaels and Triple H. Batista or Orton could have joined the NWO and kicked old bums out. The NWO as a stable never had to die although i dont think the NWO should have lasted much longer than it did. Yes it would never be what it was in the beginning but really what is. The NWO faction could have remained for another half year since there was so much potential with Bischoff coming in, a major feud with Hulk Hogan, a split into DX and NWO where both factions would feud until perhaps the loser had to disappear forever.

The NWO storyline never ended properly in WCW or in WWE. It was just written out of the storyline plans when guys when AWAL or were injured. That is why some of us look back on it and wish things happened just a little bit differently or better so the best angle and faction in wrestling history could have just as awesome an ending.
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