The Next WWE Champion

Little Jimmy could be in for a rude awaking this Sunday at Capitol Punishment...

R-Truth has been on a ROLL for the past month. He's taken out a fan favorite in John Morrison on TWO different occasions, he's performed a beat down on Rey Mysterio several times now, and at the end of Raw this week we saw R-Truth leaving the ring with Cena's WWE Title. Lets not forget the classic interactions he's had with "fans" at ringside by splashing them with water, stealing their hats and calling them out for being the Little and Big Jimmy's of the world.

The fans currently HATE him. He went from a gyrating, rapping, middle card jobber to one of the best heels the company has offered up in a while. Now don't get me wrong the WWE is not lacking heels what so ever, but what they are lacking is interesting and quality heel characters. R-Truth has quickly elevated himself into the top 3 as far as heels go on Monday Night Raw. He's right up there with CM Punk and the Miz at this point in time.

Miz is currently tied up with a program vs Alex Riley, which will probably last until Summer Slam.

Punk is currently tied up in a program vs Rey Mysterio, this feud has happened before on Smackdown and has now moved to Raw. Right now it appears to be filler due to a lack of programs for the two superstars to be involved in currently.

Ziggler and Swagger are both former WHC, but they are no where near the Main Event on Raw at this time and are leaps and bounds behind the biggest Truth, Miz and Punk...

Truth has gotten a great build up going into this program with Cena, and could believable beat Cean for the WWE title this weekend at Capitol Punishment. If the speculation about Cena being injured are truth, Truth could "injury" him for a good portion of the summer allowing Truth to capture the WWE Title, while writing Cena off TV for a while. Lets face it Truth has already injured Morrison, so that's a story waiting to unfold at a later date, and if Truth does the same to Cena it will be more than enough to catapult him into that top heel spot on Raw. By "injuring" two of Raw's biggest faces the heat on Truth would be almost to Vicki levels.

Do you think R-Truth is a credible threat to Cena at this point?

Do you think R-Truth can walk out of Capitol Punishment as Champion this Sunday

Do you see R-Truth as being a top contender for the WWE or WHC at any point in the next 6-12 months?

This Sunday at Capitol Punishment, Will the Truth Set Us Free from another John Cena Title Run?
over the past few weeks, truth has passed punk and miz as the top heel IMO.

2 things against truth:

1. cena defending the title at wrestlemania against the rock. will cena hold it the whole time? will he give it up, only to win it back before WM28?

2. i hate to say it because this isn't the 1800s, but truth's race won't allow him to win. i'm not a racist and would love nothing more than truth to be the title holder, at least for a few weeks, but i don't think vince would be comfortable putting the title on an african american.

hopefully i'm wrong about no. 2 because truth is one of my favorites right now.
Do you think R-Truth is a credible threat to Cena at this point?


Do you think R-Truth can walk out of Capitol Punishment as Champion this Sunday


Do you see R-Truth as being a top contender for the WWE or WHC at any point in the next 6-12 months?


This Sunday at Capitol Punishment, Will the Truth Set Us Free from another John Cena Title Run?


This is a filler feud. I seriously doubt R-Truth is going to be the WWE Champion. In fact, because booking has tried so hard to make him look good the last three weeks (including owning Cena and embarrassing him), it only ensures me Cena will get the last laugh on Sunday - per the usual.

At least Truth has gotten to be the top heel for a month, but does anyone really believe he's the best there is? Truth is lucky that his heel turn has even made him relevant. But WWE Champion? I hope not. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd rather have Cena be champion for another month than put the strap on R-Truth. Hopefully this thing doesn't last past Capitol Punishment.

Starting next Monday, I hope it's Alberto Del Rio who emerges (after he gets a big win over the Big Show on Sunday). Start the Del Rio-Cena feud and have culminate at Summer Slam when Del Rio finally gets his first world championship.
Really Peep? You think Truth simply isn't that good? I think he's been refreshing compared to the crap they have pumped out before his heel turn.
I agree that Truth POSSIBLY could walk out the champion, but Truth obviously looks like he is goin to be tied up in a feud with Morrison when he comes back, which i think will be pretty soon, and having those 2 as the main events of RAW around Summerslam just wouldn't make sense to me
The only thing that would hold him back is Vince. He's been a breath of fresh air. He was given a ball and has ran with it. I doubt that Vince would have Cena drop the strap so soon. I hope this does last a bit longer because it's not more of the same shit.
Gotta agree with ClosetFan there, R Truth has been amazing at playing the heel character as of late but i don't think that he's going to win the titile on Sunday. His run at Cena has been put together because JoMo got injured a while back and they wanted to keep R Truths character relivent. He should win the titile at some point but i don't think he's ready yet. Although, i could be proven wrong. If R Truth does win the titile on Sunday he will get A LOT of heat from the Cena lovers (kids) which would make him even more credible.
If Morrison is 100% he could likely cost Truth his title match on Sunday vs Cena furthering both stories for Truth vs Morrison and Truth vs Cena.


I think after Monday its obvious that Morrison isn't coming back any time soon, hence why they had him RE-Injured by Truth in the back. Morrison was expected to be out of action for at least 3 months to begin with, and has only been gone for a month at this point. Morrison will be back, but I honestly do not think he's at 100% and ready to come back now. Morrison may not be back until after Summerslam. Truth could be a great transitional champion for the summer

BTW to anyone claiming that Vince would be the one to hold R-Truth back, check your facts, Truth has been one of Vince's favorite stars for a long time. I don't know if any of you remember the whole R-Truth/Pretty Ricky angle on Smackdown a few years ago, but Vince wanted it to continue, it was very similar to the R-Truth we see today, he would go in the back harass fans at live events, destroy merch tables and be completely outrageous. Do not doubt this man, hes got champ written all over him right now.

I agree that Del Rio could be a top contender to go against Cena for the WWE Title, but placing him in a feud with Big Show does not help him. Show brings nothing to his feuds, does anyone remember Punk vs Show last year? It was fucking terrible, and I see the same thing happening with Del Rio vs Show. Del Rio is hot, Big Show is the same boring character he's been since turning face. The last time Big Show was interesting was when he was in a tag team with the Miz, after he was in a tag team with Jericho.
Do you think R-Truth is a credible threat to Cena at this point?

Not really. He isn't atleast in the ring, but he has been golden in promos.

Do you think R-Truth can walk out of Capitol Punishment as Champion this Sunday

Honestly, I think that they have something planned maybe like they've been doing Miz lately, have him win it, but in the end, ultimately lose it. I don't see Truth wearing the gold on Raw the next night, but I would love to see it.

Do you see R-Truth as being a top contender for the WWE or WHC at any point in the next 6-12 months?

I think that Truth needs to prove himself in the ring as a contender. He is proving that he can promo with the best of them, but as far as in the ring, he is still a joke.

This Sunday at Capitol Punishment, Will the Truth Set Us Free from another John Cena Title Run?

Nope. We're stuck with WWE Champion SuperCena for the entire year. With a Smackdown Superstar winning the Royal Rumble and Cena going into Mania still champ, although I wish that wouldn't happen.

Edit: Or a Raw superstar will win and jump to SD, maybe Miz, Del Rio, or Punk, so they can be in the M.E. picture.
BTW to anyone claiming that Vince would be the one to hold R-Truth back, check your facts, Truth has been one of Vince's favorite stars for a long time. I don't know if any of you remember the whole R-Truth/Pretty Ricky angle on Smackdown a few years ago, but Vince wanted it to continue, it was very similar to the R-Truth we see today, he would go in the back harass fans at live events, destroy merch tables and be completely outrageous. Do not doubt this man, hes got champ written all over him right now.

John Piermarini, the former WWE writer who does the podcast circuit, talks about Vince always pushing for Truth over John Morrison, that he 'looks like an asskicker'. Vince is very much in Truth's corner.

This R-Truth thing has really caught lightning in a bottle for WWE, it's red-hot and, IMO, they've booked it near-perfectly to this point. Truth holds the audience in the palm of his hand on the mic. Why not let him do it with the belt for a month?

Two more arguments for a shocker Truth win:

1. I'm absolutely certain Cena will drop the title before WM28, and that his increasingly desperate quest to reclaim it before Wrestlemania will be the driving storyline for those months. This would be early to pull the trigger on that, but I'm sure it's in the works.

2. Orton-Christian should be the main event for Capital Punishment. That means you can pull a Cena shocker and still send the crowd home happy with an Orton win.

Who knows how long this Truth gimmick will stay hot, but now's the time to capitalize and Truth seems up to the task. Even a four-week reign with Cena winning the belt back on the next PPV would be great.
2. i hate to say it because this isn't the 1800s, but truth's race won't allow him to win. i'm not a racist and would love nothing more than truth to be the title holder, at least for a few weeks, but i don't think vince would be comfortable putting the title on an african american.

hopefully i'm wrong about no. 2 because truth is one of my favorites right now.

Booker T? The Rock?

There aren't and haven't been many viable African-American performers in WWE. But to say that WWE would be uncomfortable having an African-American WWE Champion/World Champion in the year 2011, in the age of an African-American PRESIDENT of the U.S., and also WWE being a company that often changes with the times, couldn't be any more of a wrong and ignorant perception, in my opinion. Hell, if Shelton Benjamin had the half the personality as he did wrestling ability - he could've been a star himself. They tried with him, they tried hard. He just couldn't deliver. Not because he was black, but because he just couldn't draw and lacked the charisma and personality.

If Vince McMahon is the business man he's vaunted as being, then, white or blue, if it'll draw MONEY, then Vince would give it a shot.

If Vince was comfortable with, at the time, King Booker holding the World Heavyweight Championship back in 04/05.. or The Rock becoming one of the biggest stars in the attitude era off the heels of his Nation of Domination, WHICH was a black supremacist Esq stable at the time, then why in the hell would he not allow an African-American WWE Champion IF they can draw? Which is the same barrier for everyone in the company.

Are you saying African-American's can't draw money? Or maybe African-American's don't appeal to "white america?" and the fans wouldn't be able to be behind them?

White America voted in an African-American President of the United States.
Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson were two of the biggest money drawers in boxing HISTORY.

I don't think the matter of his race is as big of an issue as him being a draw, in his case, him drawing heat - and making people want to see Cena knock him on his ass. If he can do that, then he can be WWE Champion.

My two cents.
Do you think R-Truth is a credible threat to Cena at this point?

No, but I think in another month or two he will be. This heel turn/Number 1 Contender push just seems so forced, so quick like they had nobody else ready to face Cena at a pay per view, so they are giving Truth a shot.

Do you think R-Truth can walk out of Capitol Punishment as Champion this Sunday

Again, no. But I do see him as a WWE Champion sometime in his future if he keeps this up. He was going nowhere with the rapping gimmick, but now heads have been turned.

Do you see R-Truth as being a top contender for the WWE or WHC at any point in the next 6-12 months?

Most definitely. Truth has proved he can look legitimate against Cena. He has become the heel that is needed in this day and age; someone the fans can boo the hell out of, and actually support Cena beating him. It's a match that hasn't happened to my knowledge so it will look good on paper.

This Sunday at Capitol Punishment, Will the Truth Set Us Free from another John Cena Title Run?[/QUOTE]

Sadly, I don't see Truth winning in any fashion. I don't know whether to take his heel character seriously or not, because it's like an on-off switch when he goes crazy. I see him giving Cena the good fight in the ring, but this being America's capital I don't think the bad guy can possibly win.
Do you think R-Truth is a credible threat to Cena at this point?

Yeppers. If you had asked me the same question before last night, I would have answered with a resounding no. But Truth did two things that upped his credibility. First, he attacked both Hornswoggle and JoMo, and left Cena lying at the end of the show. Truth looks absolutely maniacal right now and is showing an aggression tahat will hopefully transition into the ring as well.

The second, and more important, is that Truth was incredibly cunning last night. They've done the bit before with both Edge and Randy Orton mesing with Cena's dad to get inside his head, but they've never had anyone mess with his fans before. And it worked, as the slight distraction for Cena was enough to cost him the match with CM Punk. It will be interesting to see how they try to work that dynamic in a one on one match, but I can see a scenario where Cena pursues Truth into the crowd as Truth is antagonizing a "little Jimm", Truth hits a big move on Cena, and rolls him into the ring for a long 2 count. By messing with his fans, Truth has shown he can get inside Cena's head, which presents him as a credible threat.

Do you think R-Truth can walk out of Capitol Punishment as Champion this Sunday

No. While I think they did a decent job last night of finally making Truth look like a credible threat to Cena, the idea I feel is to build the Truth character as a heel. While they've done that, I still don't see that translating into Truth being WWE Championship material, or a scenario in which he's able to beat John Cena, even the one I proposed above. Truth has successfully transitioned from a rapper who doesn't remember the name of the city he's in to a deranged, cunning heel, but that doesn't mean he's translated into WWE Chaampionship material. I think they'll have him push Cena to the limit with a combination of head games and viciousness that he displayed last night, but he won't beat Cena.

Do you see R-Truth as being a top contender for the WWE or WHC at any point in the next 6-12 months?

I don't. I expect this to be his title shot at the big one and both he and Cena moving on to other people following. He'll likely get his chance in the Raw ladder match at the MITB PPV, but I can't see him winning that either. The thing to remember about Truth is that he's not young, and has been wrestling for a long time. He's still not very good in the ring and one can expect 3-4 bothces in any match of his that go above 10 minutes. I thing the end result is Truth will get over as a upper mid-card heel, and a very relevant US championship run could be in his future, which would elevate the title because his character has developed so nicely, but I don't see him as a long term fixture in the main event on either show.

This Sunday at Capitol Punishment, Will the Truth Set Us Free from another John Cena Title Run?

And the smarkdom comes into play with the shots at Cena. Gotta love it. :rolleyes: No, he won't. Look at any of the heels or faces who've held the belt over the past year. The Miz, John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, and Christian. All of them move merchandise and are established stars. Even men waiitng in the wings such as CM Punk and Rey Mysterio do the same. R-Truth as champion would be bad for business because he wouldn't elevate the title in any way by holdng it, the way most of the men on the list, especially Cena, do. The bottom line is that R-Truth as WWE Champion would be bad for business. Take nothing away from the man, he's done a phenomenal job at re-inventing himself, but he's just not believable as WWE Champion. I expect an intriguing matchup on Sunday, but Cena will retain the belt and move on.
I'm going with Long Island Ryder as the next WWE champion. People's choice on Monday, he'd be the overwhelming pick if they have the fans pick someone to face Cena, give him a shocking win, and then proceed to completely bury him after that.
I think Morrison appeared yesterday just to make sure that he wasn't totally forgotten as non-existent. R-Truth has been doing his heel role so greatly that people have almost forgotten his original feud was scheduled to be with Morrison. As much as I like Cena, I'd rather have Truth win this one. I can't say I'm sure what happens but that's also part of what I like about Capitol Punishment. At Over the Limit, I knew Cena would walk out as WWE Champion which made it too predictable and uninteresting, and Orton-Christian was a little less predictable but still the same. Now, I am unsure about both results and wouldn't mind having both heels winning.
Really Peep? You think Truth simply isn't that good? I think he's been refreshing compared to the crap they have pumped out before his heel turn.

I don't think R-Truth is that good. His new persona, while refreshing to what he once was, still doesn't feel like main event material and neither do his matches.

I'd much rather see Alberto Del Rio or CM Punk in the main event. Hopefully Del Rio is being saved for Summer Slam and we know Punk won't be in the main event until he re-signs. That's why I described this as a "filler feud." R-Truth fits the bill of yet another heel to be fed to SuperCena.
Putting the belt on Truth right now would be great to see, but I can't see it happening. WWE could give Cena some time off and Truth wouldn't hold the title much past SummerSlam anyway. It would be refreshing to see but like I said, highly unlikely.
[QUOTE Do you think R-Truth is a credible threat to Cena at this point?

Do you think R-Truth can walk out of Capitol Punishment as Champion this Sunday

Do you see R-Truth as being a top contender for the WWE or WHC at any point in the next 6-12 months?

This Sunday at Capitol Punishment, Will the Truth Set Us Free from another John Cena Title Run? QUOTE]

You have to remember that it is WWE. ANYONE can be turned into a threat to anyone.

Truth could walk out with the title, but I don't want him to. Simply because it would be a huge ripoff. Think about it, He wasn't doing really anything two months ago. Now all of a sudden he gets a random ass push out of nowhere?
Kind of bullshit, but whatever. And by the way, I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but If the title can't change hands by Count Out, then you shouldn't be able to earn a title shot through Count Out.

I see him becoming a contender later, but not now. It's too soon for him after a heel switch in my opinion.

Finally, he may set us free with the whole Cena injury thing. You never know how Vince is going to play this one.

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