The Next Ultimate X

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We haven't seen a new Ultimate X match in a while and with Samoa Joe not being champ anymore I think this would be a good time to have one. So who do you think should be in the next one? My picks are Senshi, Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams. What a match that would be.
There was an Ultimate X at Destination X. That was in March, so it aint that bad. I wouldn't mind seeing another one though
The problem is that no promotion can keep using speacial matches all the time. We do not see Ulitimate X alot or any other special match from WWE and TNA like Hell in a Cell, Lethal Lockdown, TLC etc. because then it will just start getting old and the fans will get tired of it. As a promoter they have to use the matches when the time is right and I don't think the time is now. TNA will bring it up at the perfect time don't worry.
SENSHI, Christopher Daniels, Petey Williams, and Jay Lethal. That would be a pretty sick collection right there.
We'll see Ultimate X again eventually. Right now though, I think TNA is setting up another Monster's Ball match, with Raven, Brown, Joe and possibly Raven.
cosmonaut said:
We'll see Ultimate X again eventually. Right now though, I think TNA is setting up another Monster's Ball match, with Raven, Brown, Joe and possibly Raven.

You said Raven twice! I think you meant to but Rhyno, am I right?
gamehead said:
You said Raven twice! I think you meant to but Rhyno, am I right?

Oops, yes actually, that's exactly what I meant.

Thank you.

And if there were to be an Ultimate X, I bet you it would probably be Chris Sabin, Senshi, Sonjay Dutt, and Kevin Nash (possibly to end that feud and to get Chris Sabin into contention for the X Division Title).
id like to see senshi, lethal, petey williams, sonjay dutt.........on that note ive been wanting to see tna push dutt for the title for some time now.....anyone know why they havent?
Ummm....They wanted to push senshi but Senshi injured Sonjay Dutt....So im thinking in the near future senshi/Dutt in a feud with Dutt getting over...
Hopefully its on TV cuz i saw it on the internet and it was awesome
They keep referring to Dutt as "possibly the best wrestler yet to win the x-division title" so i imagine they are going somewhere with that in the near future.
Thye will probably save Ultimate-X for the Bound For Glory PPV since it will be the first outside of Orlando in Detroit. I would like to see Senshi, Sonjay, Petey, Kazarian and Austin Aries. I know that they don't usually have that many people in Ultimate-X but they ought to try it to mix things up a bit
next Ultimate X?
I'd say Senshi vs. Joe vs. Daniels vs. Styles vs. Lethal vs. Sabin vs. Dutt
I'd doubt it'd be that many though
Id like to see Austin Aries, Frankie Kazarian, Petey Williams and id just say Senshi (only because he is the champ). But if it was for the number 1 contender spot id put in Chris Sabin. I reckon that they may very well have an ultimate X match at bound for glory, as posted above, because it is the 1st out of orlando ppv.
pauliminator said:
cosmonaut, you mentioned raven twice I think you mean rhino

Already figured that out if you'd read all of the first page of this thread.

And after thinking about it a little more, if I was to do an Ultimate X Match, I'd have it done elimination style with 5 or 6 guys starting out, the first three lose by pinfall/submission, and the final three go for the X.

With that said, I'd put in Homicide, Sonjay Dutt, Austin Starr (Austin Aries' soon to be new name in TNA, similiar to Low Ki's deal with the Senshi name), Senshi, Alex Shelley, and Jay Lethal.
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