The next independent mega-star to come to the WWE/TNA?


That's all folks.
Sorry if this has been done

First, there was punk, he came to wwe and stood out from the rookies. He became champion twice, won the mitb twice, tag team and intercontinental champs. He was a huge sensation in ROH and the independent scene. Then wwe signed him.

Second, desmond wolfe, heard he was signing with wwe and then they dropped the ball. Another huge star in the independents.

Third, daniel bryan, probably the biggest independent star of the last decade. Suprised everyone of his fans and went to the wwe. Got fired, and made an even bigger impact upon return.

Forth, kaval. Wasn't as huge as the others in the independents. Made more of an impact in TNA.

Last....tyler black. We haven't seen his debut. But he's filling the whole the daniel bryan left in ROH but now he's leaving for the wwe.

Joe, styles, daniels, (forgive me if I missed others) have done the same.

So who's next? Brisco bros.? Austin aries? Delirious? My question is, who is the next mega independent star to sign to either WWE OR TNA?
Heard Claudio was signing with WWE then it fell threw, to me he might be the guy that could make a impact more than others because to me he has the total package.
Most of the Old School TNA guys were indie stars (and if TNA let them) still would be. As for who'll be the next big name to join WWE (TNA can be pretty much written off because WWE can outbid them, plain and simple), I'll go with Austin Ares. I don't follow the indies, but from what I remember of him in TNA he's charismatic and with some time spent in FCW could be a decent => good star in WWE. But then, most indie stars would like to be in WWE, and if WWE offered would say yes in an instant.

But then again, some of the best wrestlers are guys who were never stars before WWE.
I'm still wondering why Austin Aries hasn't been picked up by anyone. He has the whole toolkit; he's decent on the mic and wrestles quality matches consistently.
I'm still wondering why Austin Aries hasn't been picked up by anyone. He has the whole toolkit; he's decent on the mic and wrestles quality matches consistently.


He was picked up by TNA. He decided to go back to ROH. I wouldn't be shocked to find out that he'll get offers from WWE and TNA when his ROH contract expires. WWE will probably get him though.
I could see Austin Aries or Roderick Strong getting signed up by WWE at some point in the near future, maybe even Castagnoli and Hero, as we all know WWE needs some decent new tag-teams.

In all likelyhood though, WWE will turn their noses up at these guys as they dont wrestle the "WWE way" or some other garbage and they will end up in TNA jobbing to Brutus Magnus
Roderick Strong not just because im a mark but because of his feuds that hes had the way he carries himself in matches how good he is in the ring and he can work over the crowd Roderick Strong has the "it" factor and I believe that if WWE doesnt come calling him soon TNA will
He was picked up by TNA. He decided to go back to ROH. I wouldn't be shocked to find out that he'll get offers from WWE and TNA when his ROH contract expires. WWE will probably get him though.

To be fair, he was "picked up" by TNA at a time where he could still take bookings for ROH. Had TNA offered him the same exclusive contract they did Samoa Joe, I'm sure Aries would have signed. But TNA didn't really see any value in him for whatever reason.

Anyways, when I heard that the Briscoes had some sort of try out with WWE, I thought for sure they were going to get signed. Unfortunately they weren't. And I say 'unfortunately' because A) There's nothing left for the Briscoes to do on the independent scene and B) They deserve a big paycheck for all they've done for tag team wrestling (and they've done a lot, even if it was just on the independent scene).

So, yeah... Briscoes first come to mind, because they're simply the best tag team in the World. However, I'd be lying if I said I'm not shocked that Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli haven't received contracts with WWE or TNA at this point either. Claudio was offered one back in like 2008 I believe, but something went wrong with his visa or something. However, I'm sure since then he has gotten everything straighten out, and it's just a wonder why WWE doesn't want to sign this guy again. He's huge, has a ton of personality, and can work. And as far as Chris Hero... one of the best workers in the business, without a doubt. Has a great personality, and a ton of innovation and ability in the ring. He would be great for WWE or TNA, as I've expressed here a few times already.

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