The Next HOF inductee


Dark Match Winner
IDK if their is a their is a thread here already, but i found this on another forum and found it quite interesting

Who will be the next inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame?

I Heard it might be Howard Finkle, but that might be a rumor.

your thoughts

and if your not down with that
i also heard it was the Fink,
and I for one am happy about it.

I know growing up that Finkel along with Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan, were the voice of the WWF to me personally.
I dont think anyone who was a fan during that time will ever forget The Finks trademark anouncement of a neeeeeeeeew World Wrestling Federation Championnn.

This is a good choice.
Congratulations Fink.
I'm betting Damien, Jake the Snake's python gets in next. Posthumously of course. He does deserve to be in there, after all he was the first reptilian in the WWE.
Ron Simmons deserves a spot!

Rick Rude, Jake The Snake, The British Bulldogs, Owen Hart, Bruno Sammartino, Bob Backlund and the obvious Randy Savage are the most deserved but probably wont happen

I predict either Undertaker or HBK to retire and be inducted next year.
The Fink deserves it. He's been and still is the longest WWE employee. His voice is legendary when it came to PPV's especially WM. Also when announcing newwwwww champions. Does anyone know why he's not used anymore? With Lilian Garcia on Raw, Jason Roberts on SD and Tony Chmiel on ECW they could at least use the Fink on PPV's.
I also think seeing Howard Finkle in the Hall of Fame this year would be nice
he always excites the matches, making the victories for normal matches and/or title matches so exciting at the end with his, "and the neeeeeeeeeeeeeeww" or "here's your winner, Rrrandyy ORTON"

he is a def good choice,
I think the Fink is in for sure. He was the first employee hired by the then WWF. It is still a shame to me that Macho Man is not in reguardless of the past tensions with him and the company.
How about a guy called The Rock! IMO Randy Savage, Rick Rude, and The Rock are the most deserving with Savage being at the top of my list. Not saying the other guys are less deserving but it has been a long time since Savage has been retired, longer than the Rock and Rick Rude. It is time for Vince to mend old fences and let go of these petty bullshit things from the past. This guy deserves the HOF, and deserves to be in the legends of wrestlemania game and we, as fans, deserve it also! I am so disappointed that Savage isnt in the new game that I may boycott it altogether!
About time I say! The Fink should have been inducted a long long time ago. He's an absolutely legend and he will always be the greatest announcer of all time! His delivery is brilliant and he can get fans into it alot better than the announcers of today. I hope he's back to announce Wrestlemania 25! Who else agrees?

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