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The New Hook For Destination X; What's Next for the X Division Championship?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Most of us saw Aries' answer to Hogan's ultimatum last night, but for those who didn't, and to summarize:

Aries wants to be the main event. Hogan tells him he can get a title shot if he gives up the X Division title, as he doesn't want one man carrying around two belts, and gives Aries one week to decide. Aries comes out this Thursday and says it's neither Option A or B, but rather C. The hook?

Aries gives up the title for a shot at Roode at Destination X, but a new stipulation goes into effect in TNA that allows the current X Division Champion to "cash in" the title (forfeit) at Destination X each year, if they so choose, for an opportunity to compete for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Pay-Per-View.

In my own personal view, this is a tremendous stipulation to add to a division that's been floundering under the weight of it's own collapse for a while now, and should do wonders into tapping into the mostly internet-driven demand for wanting to see X Division stars in higher profile matches/stories. It also gives Destination X a brand new identity.

But this begs two questions:

1. Is this actually a good idea for both the PPV, as well as the X and Heavyweight divisions?

2. While I know we briefly discussed this, what the hell do they do with the now vacant X Division championship? Tournament? Ultimate X match to crown a new winner? Terrordome?​
Yeah, that's not gonna stick. I'm pretty sure everyone will forget about it by next year. You wanna risk giving Robbie E, Zema Ion or Kid Kash a loophole that would grant them a World title shot?

As for the belt itself, a smaller X Division showcase would be nice. You can bring a bit of new fuel to the fire. Who knows, I'd love to see Chavo Guerrero take a crack at it.
That assumes that Zema Ion or Kid Kash or Robbie E are actually X Division champions by this point next year, which I'm just not sold on right now.

If anything this gives TNA another reason to bolster the ranks there by injecting better talent into the division that has the real opportunity to jump the ranks over the years.
Its an interesting idea for the X division to cash in their championship for a crack at the HW title. Right now though, the question is whose the main contenders to the X division title. I would imagine a Destination X match for the PPV like the one Aries won on last weeks Impact. My issue is who in the X division will be able to take the reigns and make it worth watching now that Aries has been elevated. I really think someone like Joey Ryan should've been considered for the main roster. Possibly put Kaz or Daniels in the mix to give it an established star. Also, let's say Zema Ion is the champ at this point for DX '13, I highly doubt that he would be that over like AA is now, and he cashes in to get a HW title shot against someone like Storm, AJ, Roode, etc. Would that be a main event you'd pay to see?
That assumes that Zema Ion or Kid Kash or Robbie E are actually X Division champions by this point next year, which I'm just not sold on right now.

If anything this gives TNA another reason to bolster the ranks there by injecting better talent into the division that has the real opportunity to jump the ranks over the years.

Yeah, but at the same time that makes the X Division belt more akin to MITB than an actual title belt now. Not to mention, it wouldn't make much sense for heavyweights to ignore it now especially when the actual PPV approaches. Hell, for all we know, they'll drop the PPV next year.

The point is that it just seemed Austin's condition looked more like something done to save face rather than a genuine concept that's going to come every year. Unless they announce the 6 sided ring will be used on the show and they'll do the X Division showcase again, I just don't think the option will be showing up this time next year for anyone holding the X Division title.
I think this is a great thing for the X-division. It gives it a better defined role in the company. Now it is where you bring in a younger, smaller talent and give them a chance to break out of the division and go higher on the card. Now the X-division title match at Slammiversary will be effectively a number one contenders match. This is a great way to sell Destination X, which is the "smark" PPV. Not sure what they are going to do with the title, especially now that Sabin is hurt. I'd like to see them bring in outside people to compete for it as it stands now, either new talent or familiar faces.

I disagree with Killjoy, it really is easy to put the title on someone you would want to main event Destination X. There are a few good different directions to tell stories around the stipulation too. I think they keep it up for a few years, especially if WWE is going to try and steal some of their cruiserweight thunder.
If people think that this is going to be an excuse to give a WC shot to the top 165 lb. guy in the company every year, think again. Zema Ion isn't going to happen into a WC match next year, unless people suddenly and surprisingly start giving a shit about him.

I'd see this as a way to refresh the X-Division title every year or so. There are options to run with; for instance, you could have a champion one year who refuses to defend and walks out on his defenses. You could tie it in with Open Fight Night- since the weight limits in the X-Division seem to have come and gone, it could be a way to transfer the X-Division title for a month to a top heavyweight.

It absolutely does become MITB-ish, but that's not a bad thing. I don't miss King of the Mountain one bit; that match always seemed contrived and convoluted. It's an event on the calendar that would otherwise be largely dead space.

Of course, this all goes to moot if next year TNA/IW scraps Destination-X when they move to 6-8 PPV's. (Next year is not set in stone, but is the current game plan, and a good move is that I say.)
If people think that this is going to be an excuse to give a WC shot to the top 165 lb. guy in the company every year, think again. Zema Ion isn't going to happen into a WC match next year, unless people suddenly and surprisingly start giving a shit about him.

I'd see this as a way to refresh the X-Division title every year or so. There are options to run with; for instance, you could have a champion one year who refuses to defend and walks out on his defenses. You could tie it in with Open Fight Night- since the weight limits in the X-Division seem to have come and gone, it could be a way to transfer the X-Division title for a month to a top heavyweight.

It absolutely does become MITB-ish, but that's not a bad thing. I don't miss King of the Mountain one bit; that match always seemed contrived and convoluted. It's an event on the calendar that would otherwise be largely dead space.

Of course, this all goes to moot if next year TNA/IW scraps Destination-X when they move to 6-8 PPV's. (Next year is not set in stone, but is the current game plan, and a good move is that I say.)

I agree with you because they have many choices on the roster they can put the X-Division title on that have already held the Belt. Styles, Kazarian, Daniels and Joe are all real good choices. Doug Williams has held it as well and maybe they could try and build him or bring back Petey Williams or Jay Lethal who have held the title. In a pinch they've even had it on Kurt Angle and Abyss so it can be put on just about anyone with the right back story.

I think it was the best way around the complaint many had that Ares just dropping the belt would make it look irrelevant. They in my opinion had a good idea to keep it relevant and I'm wondering if the next move will be for Joe or Styles to return to the division to help build the talent in it and any new talent they bring in.
That assumes that Zema Ion or Kid Kash or Robbie E are actually X Division champions by this point next year, which I'm just not sold on right now.

If anything this gives TNA another reason to bolster the ranks there by injecting better talent into the division that has the real opportunity to jump the ranks over the years.

What about guys like Jesse Sorenson? He has some serious potential. And doesn't it open the door for guys like Daniels, Kazarian, Samoa Joe (who doesn't fit the weight limit), Aries or AJ to re-enter the X Division and get a World title match that way? I think so. Does this mean there's going to be an addition of credible X Division talent? What about guys like Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Petey Williams, Low-Ki, Chavo Guerrero, Shane Helms, etc to be brought in/back to compete? I'd sure love that. I think this is big for the X Division. It makes the division the little brother of the Heavyweight Title division and gives it meaning IMO.
I can see a tournament or a one of match at Destination X for the X title. i believe this is the way Joey Ryan will come back.

Lets say that they offer a open contract to X-division stars from all over the world. Think World X cup with one representative. We get Bashir back for one night representing the Middle East. Chavo, maybe representing Mexico, (knowing TNA they will do that) Joey Ryan representing the USA, and maybe a Canadian, UK, or Japanese representative. But throughout the match they tease Chavo winning, however him and Joey come down with the title from the Ultimate X. Then at Impact we have a match for who is the True X champion. Thus Joey Ryan winning, feuding with Chavo, and becoming a TNA wrestler. Brings two storylines together and to a close.
I'd see this as a way to refresh the X-Division title every year or so. There are options to run with; for instance, you could have a champion one year who refuses to defend and walks out on his defenses. You could tie it in with Open Fight Night- since the weight limits in the X-Division seem to have come and gone

Uhmm, I don't believe there has never been a weight limit in the X-division, that was actually there motto for the X-division for awhile (It is not about weight limits, it is about no limits).
My take on this is that they are making X-Division title have major relevance as the stepping stone towards the TNA World Heavyweight Championship (just like once upon a time where the WWE Intercontinental Title was such that toward their World Championship). In many ways, TNA has now beaten the E to the punch in making their "Mid-card level" championship (and I coin that phrase very loosely because of the strong history of the X-Div title) attain that level...which is something that I notice alot of the internet fans have been complaining about for years with WWE.
So to answer, I feel that this is a TREMENDOUS idea for the division, and the PPV, and builds to better their coinciding PPVs afterwards by making other new concepts more exciting (Ultimate X, or other stipulated matches) or even bring back matches that we have missed that have been dear and near to TNA like King of the Mountain.
Uhmm, I don't believe there has never been a weight limit in the X-division, that was actually there motto for the X-division for awhile (It is not about weight limits, it is about no limits).
Yes, I know. Keeping up with whatever TNA/IW is doing in a given month is difficult, but for a brief period there was a weight limit in the X-Division, which was quietly dropped and not brought up again.
This a great idea but this does mean that Impact needs to start giving the X Division a stronger viewing on the show.

A number of times the division was going to be rebooted only for us to end up seeing Austin Aries dominate the division (not a bad thing) against the same 2-3 people over and over again. They need to start putting the x division on Impact regularly. I see no reason as to why they can't give us a match a week. The other thing they need to do is bring in a deeper pool of talent and actually give them the oppurtunity to get over either through weekly matches or even the odd sprinkling of backstage skits/interviews.

If we see the same as we have done in the past year where we are lucky to see an x-division match once every 4 weeks or something then the agreement will be hollow and i expect to see Aries stomp a mudhole in Hogan.
Seems to be a legitimately great idea for the X-Division. It gives guys like Christopher Daniels, Kaz, Austin Aries and others in the division, a chance to step up and become the stars of the company.

I'm not too much into Hogan turning TNA into a reality show, but it has it's pluses. And that decision is one huge plus.
an idea i was thinking......who ever wins the X division this year can they cash it in there and then??? i.e if James storm was to win at destination X can then forfeit straight away and make it a triple threat? just an observation i was making
what do you think?
an idea i was thinking......who ever wins the X division this year can they cash it in there and then??? i.e if James storm was to win at destination X can then forfeit straight away and make it a triple threat? just an observation i was making
what do you think?

That would make a mess from that all idea. I think it would fit more for one guy to get the title shot, than rather have a 3rd guy win it and forfeit it. It will make it look completely out of place. I see where you are coming from, trying to make the show more interesting, but in my opinion, it will make a completely mess out of that whole planning.
I'm all for this, it gives the X Division championship a whole new significance and angles can be built from it. Once a year the X Division champion can have a free shot at the World Title but in order to do so must forfeit his own title, is one of the best ideas in a long time. Unlike lets say MITB, where somebody with no push gets a cheap way to the top, you must be a champion and actually prove your worth to be granted the opportunity.

It'll be interesting if they ran with it, the X Division champion turns it down and loses at the PPV... only for the new champion to invoke this and enter himself into the World Title match later that evening. Start the division afresh, much like how the IC title was after Warrior forfeited it back in the day.
Yes, I know. Keeping up with whatever TNA/IW is doing in a given month is difficult, but for a brief period there was a weight limit in the X-Division, which was quietly dropped and not brought up again.

To be fair, I believe the weight restriction is still in place and was only dropped for one night, honoring it's history, at Slammiversary X.

This could be the boost the X Division needs. Austin Aries will have the cards stacked in his favor if the 6 sided ring is wheeled out for DX (as would subsequent champions) because the shorter tighter ring ropes are designed to help the high flyer style. The implication since last year's event was that guys like AJ, Jeff, RVD, Daniels and Kaz where above this belt. With an eye on the ultimate prize, this should cease to be the case and it will then provide all named with a viable secondary goal when they are not in the immediate running for the WHC.
1. Is this actually a good idea for both the PPV, as well as the X and Heavyweight divisions?

See, I really thought this would have been a great concept if it were an "always" kind of thing instead of just at the yearly Destination X PPV. I know that sounds insane, but think of how that would ACTUALLY change the landscape of TNA? Not only would it make the X-Division Championship a way more valuable commodity, but it would legitimize the belt and make it the true stepping stone to the main event. Not that it's exactly what the X-Division is set up to be...at all...but you'd finally have guys WANTING to go after it.

Imagine a landscape where the cHampion was always on his toes, because not only does he have his normal contender to deal with, but there's another Champion on the roster to deal with. I know the temptation to say it'll make the title "dispensable", but a smart Champion isn't exactly going to just drop the title on a dime to fight a World Champion slightly out of his league.

2. While I know we briefly discussed this, what the hell do they do with the now vacant X Division championship? Tournament? Ultimate X match to crown a new winner? Terrordome?

Well, it's unfortunate, but the division isn't really blossoming right now. The most interesting thing for them to do is give Zema Ion a shot with it, as he's a really decent up-and-coming heel. Then, when Aries inevitably loses hist title match at Ultimate X, he can return to fight for the belt he never lost.

It would be really cool though, if TNA brought in somebody new (or maybe an old familiar face) to take the title. If Hogan put somebody like Zema Ion in a match with a mystery opponent, and really emphasized that he was doing his best to make sure the division doesn't crumble without Aries as its face. Somebody like John Morrison, maybe? I don't wanna beat a dead horse here, but I still think he could be an invaluable tool to restoring the X-Division to its former glory.
This essentially turns the X Division into the stepping stone. Which is a good thing. Look at the Intercontinental Title of the past. It was a major stepping stone on the way to becoming a world heavyweight champion.

If the X Division can become as important to the development of stars as the Intercontinental Championship...then bring it on.
See the problem I have with this is that there is no way in hell Aries is going to win at Destination X which means he will just go back and either win this belt or if I hand my way enter a feud with another main eventer. There is also no other person in the X-Division who deserves to be champion. Yes this will make the X-Division title look important for about a month before DX every year but besides that the belt will be just an unimportant usual. Which is a shame because that was the thing that originally brought people in to TNA. Plus there's the fact that the champion can't get a title shot every year or it just becomes predictable. I just don't think this will work out in the long shot.
I'm not sure what to make of this all in all. On the surface, it seems fresh & exciting. To me, however, once the unexpected surprise of this stipulation has worn off, reality kicks in a little.

On one hand, as others have said, this could potentially be a means of freshening up the X Division Championship scene all in all once a year. On the other, let's be honest, the VAST majority of guys that've competed within the X Division over the course of its 10 year history are not World Championship or main event material. A lot of this will depend upon how TNA treats & builds the X Division going forward and I don't have a lot of faith in their ability to keep the X Division interesting and relevant.

To be completely honest, TNA hasn't done that in a long time and the only reason the X Division has been at all relevant is because of Austin Aries. Even without any real marquee feuds to speak of since being part of the X Division, Aries has managed to give the otherwise lackluster setting a sparkle of life. Aries is something of a diamond in the rough, wrestlers with Aries overall ability don't exactly grow on trees. Without Aries, and with the way things are looking and have looked in the X Division for a while, there's nothing or nobody to get excited about. Also, in the excitement, I think we've overlooked that Aries almost certainly won't beat Roode at Destination X. So what happens with Aries then? I suppose he could keep feuding with Roode for a bit, building up his stock, but that'll be about all. He's not part of the BFG Series, which means he won't be going after Roode at BFG. This is a good opportunity for Aries to shine again, but nothing more than that.

TNA is going to have to bring in some fresh blood within the X Division over the course of the next year that aren't the relatively one dimensional bodies that we've seen. Guys like Kid Kash & Xema Ion aren't going to cut it, not by a long shot. I'm assuing that Jesse Sorensen will be returning at some point, but that's not going to matter unless the kid's gotten a personality transfusion.

As for the X Division Championship in and of itself, it's certainly going to suffer for the forseeable future. However, there's no way around that because the X Division has nobody of interest without Aries involved. I'm expecting TNA to pull out an Ultimate X match at the ppv. They could just put several guys in the match and go at it or they could have it as a one on one match with the participants being determined via a tournament to be held over the next few weeks. I'm guessing there'll be several men involved, however, if they do go the Ultimate X route. I'd say that TNA will probably bring in outside wrestlers for a one night only sort of deal like they did last year, with one or two of them sticking around.

As for right now, I'm leaning more towards the point that Super Dynamite made earlier. I don't look for this to be a viable hook in the long run. Maybe TNA will surprise me, but I just don't have faith in TNA to keep the X Division relevant or to find someone that can be as interesting and talented as Aries has been. Without that stand out talent, then the stipulation ultimately means little to nothing.
What this entire idea is missing is a strong reboot of the X-Division. They tried and failed with showcase, but now is the time for the real thing. The X-Divison roster should conist of: Sabin, Helms, Low-Ki, Lethal, Petty Williams, M-Dog-20, Teddy Hart, Jack Evans, Tyson Kid, Amazing Red, and Kaz. This would be great for TNA as all of these wresslers should be relatively simple to get and/or keep(assuming none go/stay with WWE) and they are all able. Helms, Sabin, Kaz and Lethal would all be great for the trade in title shot in the near future while Hart, Williams, and M-Dogg could get a shot in alittle more time. This still leaves Red, Low- Ki and Tyson Kid as constants while other step up. Add this to the fact that many who step up will fail and step back down and if AJ, Daniels and Joe come in once in a blue moon they could maintain a decent X-Divison. And with the wealth of strong X-Division caliber talent in DGUSA, TNA could be very succesful here.

As for the Trade in Title Shot its self. There should be some rules.
1. The champ must be an actual X-Division wrestler, not some random guy who is using the title as a stepping stone.

2. The champion must have had the belt for at least 4 months(+ and decent number of defenses). Making him a suitable contender for the world Title.

3. He should just be able to just trade it in. He must first pass some sort of test. Maybe a month before he would have the match he trades in the belt. But that doesn't even guarantee him a title match. Maybe he gets a chance to directly interject himself into a number one contenders match or something of that nature.

As for the X-Division Title. I wouldn't mind a 8 man tournament ending in a 4 Way Ultimate X-Match. Plus all the qualifiers would be ladder matches. With Chris Sabin as the new champ.
I think the new hook for the X-division title is a great idea. IMO it will give the X-division a good kick in the ass that it really needs. If this new angle on the title works well it could give us new stars and give the title the prestige it once had.

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