The "New" Atittude Era Vs. The "PG" Rating


Pre-Show Stalwart
A few weeks ago we heard an interview by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson about returing to the WWE on a short term basis. The Rock (or Dwayne) says that he talked to Vince McMahon about returning by Summerslam where The Rock's schedule would allow him. The Rock stated that if he returned he would NOT like to wrestle John Cena, and...If he could bring the edgyness that is "The Atittude" era with him in which help build the Rock!

Now with the (so-called) competition with TNA, will Vince McMahon allow this? I remember about this storyline the WWE had in Smackdown Vs. RAW 2006. Where on the Smackdown brand Kurt Angle & Stephanie McMahon wanted to keep a cleam image in the WWE. And the other superstar (my custom made superstar of myself) would be in a storyline feud against the pair representing the edgyer side of wrestling. Extreme violence, profane, sexual content, ECT. And which it lead to a match at Wrestlemania.

But can you picture this? What if it was all a work by all three parties, Vince McMahon, The Rock, and John Cena. To have the match up between The Rock Vs. John Cena at this years Summerslam after years from when John Cena bashed the Rock in an interview about the Rock's (repeat, or Dwayne Johnson) passion for the wrestling industry and leaving it for Hollywood?? Where if the Rock won, the atittude era would be reborn in the WWE. And if John Cena won the WWE would remain PG??

The WWE has hinted in the past on RAW. Where we seen Santino playing with two action figures in the locker room. And has the male figurine kissing Trish Stratus'es plastic breast. This could slowly see the infamous "Atittude Era" returning by this year! Can you picture it?
i would love to see the attitude era back as i am so fed up with the whole pg thing. it would be a huge let down if cena won though. man i am so sick of him.

Anyway i would hate to see the WWE slump further into its almost pathetic kiddy programing. Vince needs to bring an edge back to his promos and matches. but we all know vince, i say it, he does the opposite.

Sad, i know, but the attitude era revival would be exactly what WWE needs right now. so long as it is not more middle age fail attitude like the "new" DX.
i dont know about the attitude era coming back but we may be seeing a more edgier wwe in future remember the jerry springer segment on raw i think that was the first sexual thing theyve even hinted at on wwe tv in more then a year not to mention bret telling vince to get his arse out the the ring although this could be due to the run up to wrestlemania i dont know but it looks promising
The Attitude Era Returning? I Doubt It, It Hasn't Been About Since 2002, Even With John Cena Around It Will Still Be PG Since All The Children Are Involved, Just Because A Few Things They Are Doing Right Know Have Nothing To Do With Change, Its Gonna Stay The Same No Matter What Even With Austin And Rock Guest Hosting It Isn't Gonna Bring Back The Attitude Era The WWF/E Once Had, Now Heres A TV Show That Has An Attitude Era TNA, Watch It And Your'll See Change In Wrestling
I don't think so. You're going to have to let it go. As long as Raw is on the USA Network, which it's going to be for another 5 years, don't expect anything to change. This is a network that had the attitude era at it's peak, and dropped it. Vince has to answer to network suits, shareholders, corporate sponsors, and other people. And here's the kicker: the WWE makes money. They're highly profitable.

I really think if the Rock came back and did a guest spot, it might be a little funny, he'll probably mock some people, but he's gonna be very Disney-like. Remember, the Rock has also gone PG, and done pretty well doing so.
This is all just wishful thinking I'm afraid... Just because Bret said 'ass' (very controversial...:rolleyes:) on RAW a few weeks back and just becasue the Rock could be returning short term does not mean that WWE will revert back to the Attitude era.

The Rock is such a good entertainer it doesn't matter that the WWE is now PG it doesn't need to be the attitude era for him to put on a good show.

Would all of us find it more entertaining if the WWE were to put out a attitude style product? Of course we would. But the WWE aren't exclusevly aiming at us anymore, people really need to get over the fact that the Attitude era has ended and stop getting excited about it coming back at every opportunity.
That's impossible, because the people that wrote the majority of stuff in the Atittude Era ie Vince Russo/Ed Ferrara no longer work for the company, and are now at TNA. WWE tried carrying on with the Attitude Era after they left, but couldn't handle it so just went back to a more simpler and boring product.
Wrestling has periods, in a few years time we will have the edgier period back, look at Wrestling today and that of the late 80s early 90s.

It's Platitude, because for one, they 3 guys on top who are unbeatable, and rarely job clean, and it's like that of the 80s and early 90s.`

Give it 2-3 years and we'll have an edgier product I'm sure of it, WWE are in a transitional period, changing PPV names, they're tying to build upon what they've got, and once Linda's political dream fades Vince will go balls to the walls, as he can't like what he's seeing with HIS product.

Fans will have to accept we'll never have the attitude era back, or ever have anything that is remotely like it, that period was around at the right time, it's like ECW, perfect first time, any second runs will only screw up the legacy.
Like DL23 said, WWE goes in cycles, this cycle is the Transitional/Get the Younger Generation of fans, to watch WWE, begin to love it, and therefor get sucked in for life.
Yes its crappy for the older folks to have to watch but we still do, why? Because we got sucked in as kids.

And again agreeing with DL23's comment, although the PG Era can not all be attributed to Linda's Senate Campaign, thats a big part of it, not a lot of people are gonna vote for a women who's husband is running a show like the WWF back in the 90's, it just makes sense.

Now on to what you said about The Rock coming back, he will, and he'll have no script I assure you of that, but he wont bring back the Attitude Era for One Night Only, wont happen.

Lets get this dream of the Attitude Era coming back anytime soon out of our heads.
CENA VS ROCK - I don't think we will ever see that nor do I want to see it, I remember at the hall of fame in 2008 I don't know if they showed the comment he made on tv or on the hall of fame dvd but he said and I quote " the only match he could come back for is ROCK VS HBK " and if hes comming back at summerslame and HBK is taking time off till summerslam we could see this match happen I would really love to see these guys go at it they have never wrestled each other it would be a great match.
It is sad to see how low Vince has sunk, I mean PG? Ridiculous. I was 11 yrs old when the attitude era started and I was never prohibited from watching! I don't know where Vince thinks that goin PG would change anything as my friends and I and more kids watched WWE all through the Attitude Era. I've even put on some of the old Pay-Per-Views from those days and all I see are kids in the crowd. So Vinman goes out and gets PG for the kids??? I don't get it! I'm a life-long WWE fan but seriously man! If Vince doesn't change things fast, never know what could happen. I DVR Monday Night Raw because I'm not home to watch it, and when I do watch it, I find myself Fast-Forwarding through most of it, cuz its ridiculous! I hope Vince and the WWE lighten up and go back to what made them successful!
I dont think that the Attitude Era will Return,Not to say that personaly i will love for that Era to return,But if it does it wont be the same as what it was 10+ years ago.Second thing I will love to see the Rock beat the living hell out of Cena,But im sure that it wont happend.But hey things might change in the near future.
Oh and although right now TNA may not seem like a threat, it could be later on, Old-school die-hard fans will watch TNA because of the old familiar talent, so if Vince wants to be successful he better not take TNA lightly because just like WCW almost put him out, it could happen again. so something like the Attitude Era would be their life-saver! PLEASE VINCE!!!!
No the attitude era wouldnt work today although i agree they will get edgier in the coming years also i really wouldnt want to see cena vs rock im a big rock mark but i dont like cena
People always seem to relate the attitude era with just cursing and scantily clad woman, but that's not what defined the era, it was the stars that did. We probably wouldn't even call it the attitude era if not for the Rock Stone cold and others. People always say bring back the attitude but if you ask me, there was nothing too great about the stories or whatever, the stars were just so good that it was easy for them to take it and run. I think Vince knows that and is gonna stick to his guns here.
Your not going to see the Attitude era back in the WWE. Your going to see a new era in the next couple years, and it isn't going to attitude. It's whatever the WWE needs to be, to put meat in the seats. Right, it's PG because kids are enjoying the show, and the parents are buying merchandise.

Not also that, but WWE is slowly getting their newer talent out. In another year or two, you won't be having HHH and HBK in the main event picture anymore. Hell, they will be in the back making decisions about matches. Right now, the WWE is in it's beginning stages of have younger talent to be headlining, and it embarking on a new era. But the thing is, the new era won't be the Attitude era.
i gotta agree with everyone who is saying about the PG era being about sucking kids in, they did it to me and im still watchin 21 years on, the bushwhackers, tugboat and earthquake (before tugboat became typhoon and natural disasters formed) the ultimate warrior all cartoonish characters that kept me watching, i was never a fan of hulk hogan for some reason, but as i grew so did the show, as i reached teens people like HBK and bret came about, i know shawn was in the rockers but this was different these guys had gimmicks but of themselves really and it seemed as i got older so too did the show, 1996 i was 13 when austin came out with his 3:16 promo, then DX, then vince and his ministry, shano mac on austins side before screwing him, all of these where awesome and did seem to grow as i did, and i am sure that will happen again this time, as much as i dont like certain aspects of the show there are still things that draw me in, cena maybe about the PG suck up to the fans, but what grabs me, is people like Orton, jericho and even edge when he was a heel, these are guys who in the PG era still push the boundries somewhat (albeit nowhere near as much as in the past) but these guys and esecially orton make me tune in to see what is happening next, and in a few years time in sure we will see orton in the austin role of not givin a crap and doin what he wants on tv, im prepared to wait as i know when the WWE get it right they really are an ustoppable show,
The WWE Marks out there will tell you that blood, half naked woman, and cursing doesn't make a good wrestling show, it depends on the match quality. Well yeah the quality is important, but you got to have something to interest the viewer. I love a hot chick and a good blood bath. I May not know why cussing makes it entertaining, but it always reminds me that I'm not watching a kid show.
Personally I would love for the Attitude Era back...I loved WWE post Attitude Era when it was 2003 to 2007...WWE wasn't as Attitude as the Attitude Era but there was still blood, violence, swearing and all that other good stuff...WWE doesn't need to be full throttle Attitude Era just bring back the edgeiness...and for the love of gof make less shows...seriously less sometimes is more

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