The Naturals [Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas] Released

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM said:
Breaking News: TNA Releases Top Tag Team Today
05/10/2007 by Ryan Clark

TNA released former Tag Team champions The Naturals, Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas earlier today. While the reason for their release is still unknown, their profiles remain on the official TNA website.

The Naturals haven’t been pushed in TNA since the days when they were managed by Shane Douglas.

Honestly I could care less. I figured I'd post it here however for those who do care as this is semi big news. The few matches I have seen them in were allright, but not exactly spectacular.

The only problem I have is that its a potential tag team taht could have feuded with the Dudleyz, and now we pretty much have only one established Tag TEam in TNA. TNA was supposed to be the rebirth of tag wrestling, but sadly it seems there is no place for it anymore in the business. The Naturals were okay, but they filled their niche nicely.
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Well from what I saw of them wa snothing special as their matches were ok but nothing that would make you sit back and go damn! nows that was a match. The thing I dont get is why didnt TNA do this eariler or re-establish them as Hemme's new team, but oh well wish the best of luck on the indy circuit. To add what Shocky said TNA is moving away from Tag team wrestling as when you come to think about Tag team wresting is dying thing in professional wrestling.

on a weird side wacky note does anyone begin to think TNA will start releasing wrestlers it doesnt use often any more as a cost cutting moves for a soon to be relased wrestler?
I always liked them, I thought they were very good and had a lot of potential. Their charisma needed some work, but overall they were not too bad. TNA made a mistake, with how weak their Tag division is they needed all they can get.
This is one of the dumber things they've done in the past year or so (the others being misusing Skipper and Killings, if you ask me). Looking at what they've done to their tag ranks in the past year, it's par for the course, I guess. The Naturals are a solid group that can work well but that, like so many others in the business, need direction. They wrestle crisply and know how to get a match done well, but when there is no emotional content built for the matches/feuds, who cares? They bled out the push with Douglas at the reigns because Shane was the only one doing any of the talking and there was zero direction for their angle. They needed to at least have a vignette or two that showed something from them other than being boring mutes with sans charisma. Plus, they never really had any heat with the other teams that was worth pissing on. Not speaking for everyone else, I think that if there isn't a bankable feud for a tag team of their caliber, then they're doomed to fail...and they did.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I think The Naturals were going to necessarily be the savior of TNA's tag division, but looking around there is pretty much zero competition in the tag ranks at present. This release is part of the greater problem. TNA episodes have replaced the core elements of each division i.e. wrestling. Instead, they've replaced it with vignettes and other stuff that takes up the precious one-hour of real estate that the tag teams like this used to get their shot in.
So I guess the question is worth asking, and hopefully this is the right place... Will WWE be interested in signing the Naturals? They seem to be trying to revive the tag team divisions, but do the Naturals fit in anywhere? I actually think that they might, as a heel team. I could see them in fueds with the Hardyz, L&K, or maybe even the Major Bros in ECW if that team continues to get TV time.. Thoughts?
This news can't be seen as a surprise. I t was pretty clear that the run with Shane Douglas was their last chance. Tna didn't like it therefore they fired them. I have serious doubts that WWE will be interested in the naturals, but around these days you really don't know what McMahon is going to do.
I don't mind. The Naturals were never able to capture the fans attention including myself imo. As heels even with Shane Dogalus they were never able to get that special interaction that each superstar has. I also wasn't a fan of there in ring ability but I do think this will impact the tag division as it has been getting more lack luster as each month passes.
It seemed to me that the one time they were any good was when they took on AMW and now I'm starting to think it was Harris and Storm carrying them. I thought that Shane Douglas managing them would have helped bring them up to another level. It didn't. They had the skill in the ring, just not the charisma and as much as we want to deny it, charisma is the cornerstone for a great wrestler
This really isn't a surprise. They were a steady tag team, but lacked the work rat or ability to get over themselves to keep around. With the emrgence of LAX and the arrival of Basham and Damaja, they became nothing more than dead weight. If TNA wants another strong tag team, they have enough X Division and heavyweight teams to fill that role. The four main teams in the tag team division are going to be VKM, The Bashams, LAX, and The Dudleys. With only having a one hour show right now, they don't need to overdo it. If they get he 2 hour expansion, then they should look into expanding beyond those 4 main teams. And trust me, there are more than enough excellent free agents out there that can be signed to fit the bill. Losing The Naturals is really no lose at all for TNA.
They never really got across with the crowd at all, no one seemed to care what they did. They were moderate wrestlers, they could work short tv matches and stay fresh, but there abiltys never carried over to PPV standard bouts. I am not too bothered about there release, i will be happy to watch them develop in indy feds, or even watch them sign a WWE contract and get buried in ECW, and return in a few years, better and more focused and hopefully with a bit more character to them.
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