The MVP Part I: 2003

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids
Some have said that 2003 was the worst wrestling year for the WWE post-Attitude Era. On RAW, you saw HHH dominate the World Heavyweight Championship most of the year and had lackluster feuds with Steiner, Booker T, Kevin Nash, and Bill Goldberg. Smackdown started off the year with one of the best title matches ever in which Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit at the Royal Rumble. John Cena was getting over as a heel while Brock Lesnar was as a face. Stephanie McMahon was GM and we saw the inspirational story of Zach Gowen. There were many wrestlers who deserved to be the MVP of 2003 but here is my winner....


He started off the year feuding with Hulk Hogan screwing him over against The Rock at No Way Out which lead their match at Wrestlemania 19. People have mixed feelings about the match but I thought it was a good one. The history between those two made for a great feud and I thought it really delivered. That led to Hogan masquerading as Mr. America which was good for a few laughs I guess as McMahon tried to prove that Hogan and Mr. America were one in the same.

Enter Zach Gowen whose story of courage and determination brought a tear to every wrestling fans' hearts. However, this didn't apply to Vince. He booked Zach and Stephanie against the Big Show for Zach to earn a WWE contract. Gowen did with the help of Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. Vince then booked Gowen's first match as a WWE superstar against him at Vengeance which McMahon.

Around this time, Lesnar was still face and Vince wanted to bring the monster back so he slapped him and supposedly slapped sense back into Brock. Lesnar destroyed Gowen on numerous occasions, turned on his friend Kurt Angle, and became champion yet again.

Vince didn't like how Stephanie was running the show as GM, so he asked her to resign. Stephanie refused and this led to the first ever Father/Daughter I Quit match at No Mercy. It felt like the saga of the Hart family all over again with Linda threw the towel in the ring because she couldn't bear to see the abuse Stephanie was taking at the hands of her own father.

He ended the year feuding with the Undertaker which culminated in a Buried Alive match at Survivor Series. Undertaker controlled that match from the second punch and McMahon was a crimson mess. However, McMahon would win that match with help from Kane and the American Bad Ass was forever gone.

All in all, Vince McMahon had the best year out of any wrestler in 2003. In my opinion, he was the top heel even above HHH. He competed at four different PPV's compiling a 3-1 record. Without McMahon, 2003 would be worse than it actually was.

So who do you think was the MVP of 2003? As always, give reasons why. Thank you.
While Vince was at one of his evil peaks in 2003, and him facing Hogan at Mania was epic, I'm going to have to disagree with you and go with Brock Lesnar. Lesnar had an amzing year in '03. He probably gave Big Show his last exciting feud, and won the Royal Rumble that year by eliminating none other than The Deadman himself.

Please tell me you've not forgot about the other big match at Mania that year between Brock and Kurt Angle. When do you think we will ever see two wrestlers main event mania again with the outstanding amateur backgrounds that these men had? Not to mention the match it self was pretty damn amazing. I know Brock botched the shooting star press (a very scary moment if you've ever seen it) but the match was still great.

I know Brock VS Kurt may not be in the same league as far as historic value when it comes to Mcmahon/Hogan, but it's worth being remembered as one of the greats. Yes Vince did have a great year, but his best evil chairman stuff came from when he was feuding with Stone Cold or The Rock.

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