The Motor City Machine Guns: The Next D-X?

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Since when they first teamed up, two talented, cocky, flamboyant, and charismatic guys known as Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley have been bringing me flashbacks of the old D-X.

D-X had the same qualities as the MCMG do now back in the late 90's. They did what they pleased, they always rolled together, have hand gestures, they were rule-breakers, and most importantly, they were pure entertainment.

On last night's iMPACT!, Alex Shelley's commentary really reminded me of how Shawn Michaels' mic skills were back then: very entertaining. I just think that both groups are similar in a lot of ways but what do you think?
They are kinda similar but The Motor City Machine Guns aren't on television nearly enough to shine. Also, for now they aren't big main eventers so them becoming a stable to rebel against TNA authority is yet to be seen. With the MEM and The World Elite, I really don't want to see any more groups created. I would like to see Shelly and Sabin receive a giant push and challenge the MEM or World Elite, but it doesn't look that way for now.

I would just be happy to see TMCMG in the race for the tag team titles, instead of seeing Team 3D in the title hunt every month. But the MCMG are funny and entertaining on commentary. I love their work in the ring. I don't think anyone could be as big as DX once was with Shawn and Triple H, but I do think MCMG have a bright future ahead of them.
you got to be kidding they are no where near D-X stop wasting peoples time with these lame posts

Yes because yours is almighty now isn't it? Bus wanker.

That's a good thought and I see the similarities but I think in this day and age, such controversial stunts won't be replicated in any company on the same level. DX would be the focus on television back in the past and you wouldn't know what they would do next. Motor City Machine Guns, as talented and awesome as they are, are more questioned whether they'll ACTUALLY BE ON TV each week.

So I'd have to say no.

But seriously, what are TNA doing not using them properly?!
you got to be kidding they are no where near D-X stop wasting peoples time with these lame posts

if you think he's wasting your time then why did you continue to waste it by degrading him?

i really wish that the guns would be pushed a lot harder then they have been. it sucks to see young talent wasted on a character from a video game that did shitfull.
DX?? Not quite. The Guns would need more tv time and start really pushing the envelope with management just for starters.

I will say they are a wasted talent and the match on Impact with Sabin and Aj Styles was remarkable! TNA needs to utilize them more often and possibly give them both more single pushes..of course if they can can keep heat off themselves!
DX in the current incarnation is a joke. the origional DX was sucessfull do to the number of members. A two person DX come on. But anyways MCMG and DX are NOT alike. MCMG has great chemistry but need to be split up. Alex Shelly is a great tallent in my mind he could potentially be the next dare I say it, "Rock". As for Sabin he has no personality he reminds me of a actuall rock. TNA needs to put these guys in a fued with eachother and turn Sabin face since he will be better that way because he deffently is not a convincing heel. The match for the X Division title the two took part in early in the year was one of the best no gimic matches in a long time. It was a technical jem and I enjoyed it because it had allot more excitment then most technical matches. I see the sky as the limit for Shelly I see many heavyweight championships in his future. As for Sabin I see him as a solid mid carder till he retires kind of reminds me of how X-Pac or Billy Gunn. Will fued from time to time in the main event but not quite their. 2010 will be the year of Shelly and he will defeat AJ for the title at no surrender (of course sting (retired), angle (fired), Foley (old age) and joe (injury) will be out of the picture)
I can see where you're coming from...kind of, but I don't see it even close. DX was a good faction, but they weren't really a great tag team. Sure Triple H and Shawn Michaels are great individual wrestlers, but they don't use tag team moves, other than Michaels hitting Sweet Chin Music into a Triple H Pedigree, which isn't really a tag team move, more just 2 seperate finishers. What makes TNA so great is Knockouts, the X division and their tag teams. Look at Team 3D, Beer Money Inc, formerly Naturals, AMW. And the MCMG, what's so great about them is their tag team moves which is so quick and agile. And their footwork is just awesome. Ex. The ASCS Rush combo, double superkick, I think it's called Made In Detroit (powerbomb/slice bread combo), the turnbuckle highboot/enzuigiri combo, etc. I could go on and on, but the point is, they're a tag team, and will eventually get tag team gold, they are not DX, which by the way, I never liked. Their segments suck compared to Rock's and Jericho's, and they're only 1 person.
Comparing the genius of Shelly and Sabin to the shock tactics, lowest common denominator toilet humour that DX use/used is outrageous. I genuinely think the Guns could be massive; young, modern, original, edgy, good on the mic and great in the ring.

I've been watching TNA for several years now and I still think they're the untapped potential in the company. They have always provided laugh out loud moments, whether its Sabins mockery of Jerry Lynn ("oooh you young people with your balloons and your stickers") or Shellys awesome performances during the PCS ("It would be an inspiration if someone with Chlemydia won this thing).

For more absolute concrete proof they're the most inventive pair in wrestling see this interview:
Well, with pics popping up all over the Net of Sabin and Shelley at a party doing weed, I seriously doubt you are going to see them get the same push as a DX anytime soon. It is common knowledge to those of us who follow wrestling that these two are Potheads, but it still isn't good PR for the company and certainly doesn't enhance their image.
I think they are a good entertaining team, no doubt about it. I hope they get more TV time then they have been getting.

DX? Maybe not but they are still one of the key reasons I tune in to TNA
Umm, hell no. How are the MCMG similar to DX at all? DX wasn't just a tag team, it was one of the most important and influential stables ever. They went against the leaders at the time and were something very controversial. On top of that, they were very successful as wrestlers.

What about the MCMG. They are mildy entertaining, are hardly ever on TV, and haven't really won anything together that is worth noting. They are a nice little treat every now and then, but they certainly aren't DX and they never will be either.
I really don't think its fair to either team to say MCMG is the new DX. its like saying orton is the next rock. are they similar? yeah both 3rd generation stars, had bad face gimmicks to start their careers. did well as heels, but thats where it stops. The same thing goes for when people were comparing Kennedy to Austin. The truth is there will never be another Rock, Austin, Hogan, Undertaker, DX, Ric Flair, or any other great who has that comparison made with younger stars.
First off DX as a team isn't as important as the two parts that make up DX, Triple H and HBK as entertainers single and teamed are the reason DX is soo good

I too could see where you'd get that impressioon and you are right, they are cocky amd there current comentary's have been pretty funny they also play off each other very well like Triple H and HBK do.

but thats where the comparison ends IMO

If anything MCMG are The Rockers with a cockyer/funny attitude

MCMG are more like a very watered down version of DX's adult orientated comedy and haven't garned the success that both Triple H and HBK had b4 they teamed up, let aknown after also they aren't even used anywhere near as much as they should be.

When they get regular TV Time again and start heading upto the main event scene then maybe they can be a well known duo like DX, but they will never be on the same level.
The guy who wrote about the pics of MCMGs smoking weed might have had a point... But the true DX fans will remember the first DX tape they came out with had a lot of weed references... X Pac is definately a known pothead... So that just makes them more similar... And yes, I know most of you meant the original DX...

I think they remind me more of the New Age Outlaws... Their ring work is a lot better though... The reasons they compare to me are... Road Dog and Shelly have great charisma and Gunn/Sabin are not as great on the mic, but good (Gunn was decent) in the ring... And I'm not sure I see a main event star in either one of them... Shelly could be great if given the right push, but it's all in how they use him... Lets just hope that when they do eventually split them up, that we don't see the end of a great tag team...
I actually watched TNA for the first time tonight and this is what I think of these guys:

I think these guys have potential to get over big, but the biggest problem I have with them is the same problem that I have with way too many younger wrestlers now a days; they look too pretty. They need some kind of an edge. Bulk up, or grow out your hair, or get a distinctive look. Right now they just look like frat boys.

They can definitely get over, but they need a better gimmick or look.
I see the similarity between the two but honestly, DX, is the top of the line for tag team wrestling and not bashing tna or anything but the MCMG are not getting the in ring time they need. So i love this tag team but in tna at least for now they are not cutting it. I mean you could push this team to great things but i think WWE is the place to do it that is why DX is so above them.
Sabin and Shelley are not and will not be a new version of DX simply because TNA doesn't want it. I completely see where you are coming from drawing a comparison between DX and MCMG. DX in it's first incarnation was intended to be the young cool anti-heroes, and this is the same thing that MCMG is doing today.

The only problem with MCMG is that management are not behind them. As someone said, they have the whole weed smoking photo incident which will probably not do them any good (no matter how many people are fine with it). They are also a bit small in size, so that won't help at a main event level. Also Alex Shelley is a bit of a dick in real like (though probably less so than someone like Randy Orton), just thought I'd throw that out there.

Someone compared Shelley to the Rock, I do not agree with that at all. But, I do think that Shelley has the potential to be the "next" Chris Jericho. He is a great wrestler and decent on the mic. If he gets time I think he could be huge. MCMG can be huge, but I don't think that Sabin can really stand alone. Hopefully we'll see a change and these guys will be pushed. I think there is a huge opportunity here if TNA should decide to pursue it, especially with their "going young" kick they are on (though they really missed the boat by not signing Danielson and McGuinness).

On a side note, I once had the opportunity to speak with someone in TNA at an event and suggested that Alex Shelley should be pushed and get a DVD. Their response? They laughed right in my face. So that right there might tell you why they aren't superstars right now.
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