The most shocking face turn?

The Yes Guy

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We all know that most of the times it's the heel turns that have a shock valve. Whereas face turns are generally gradual, spread over a span types..

So, I ask you, which was the most shocking face turn in history.??
Well, by your definition (which is fairly accurate), a well paced slow burn into a face turn is somewhat the antithesis of shocking. There's exceptions to every rule, though. I think the most shocking, sudden face turns, were also products of double-turns. I'm referring to Ziggler/del Rio, and the more iconic Steve Austin/Bret Hart.

There's not much i can say about Bret and Stone Cold that hasn't been said a thousand times already. With Dolph Ziggler and Alberto del Rio, it could have just been another event with a smarky crowd (Chicago, I think), cheering the heel over the face. WWE leaned into it though, with del Rio cast as the aggressor on Ziggler's recent concussion, and of course del Rio's post match gloating. A sudden and effective, if not entirely active face turn for Dolph.
Undertaker turning face when he saved Savage and Elizabeth from Jake the Snake's chair.

I thought Taker's character was made for him to be a heel in the early days. When he saved Savage to fued with Jake it was shocking because Taker and Jake interupted Savage's wedding at Summerslam 1991.
One of my favorite face turns was also one of my favorite Wrestlemania moments. Icon vs Icon, it's late in the match The Rock has just put Hollywood Hulk Hogan in a pinning predicament..but he defies the odds and kicks out, but he doesn't just kick out...he kicks out and starts Hulking up brother ! WWE fans haven't seen Hulkamania hulk up in X number of years and the place just happened to be filled with Hulkamaniacs . IMO he turned face right there during his transformation from Hollywood Hogan back to Hulkamania Hulk Hogan..the fans were going nuts while King and J.R continued to lose it on commentary and Rocks reaction to Hogan hulking up was awesome. It's one of those moments that will never , ever happen again and I'm grateful to have witnessed it.
CM Punk - from leader of Nexus to "The Voice for the Voiceless". Probably the best promo ever in WWE, and also his follow up feuds with Kevin Nash and John Cena didn't even slow his momentum down. Ironically, it was his turning heel again that did (after the initial heel heat he got)
I agree that the Undertaker's 1st face turn is the most shocking.

It's pretty hard to explain to a non-wrestling how the Undertaker, aka Big Evil, is a good guy... until you point out that he was defending Miss Elizabeth from Jake the Snake.
I know I was shocked as a kid when Lex Luger made his first face turn against the other members of the 4 Horsemen. It was in a Bunkhouse Stampede Battle Royal match I believe. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard eliminated themselves and wanted Luger to eliminate himself as well so that JJ Dillon could win the match and Luger refused and beat both Arn and Tully and through Dillon over the top rope to win the match.
Playboy Buddy Rose face turn in Portland wrestling back in the early 80s was shocking.

WWF/E wise. I have to go with Mr. Perfects face turn. The Undertaker was a good one too. What about Lex Luger? He was the narcissist one week then was getting off the helicopter on the Intrepid the next week. So any. Shawn Michaels first face turn as the Heart Break Kid.
Playboy Buddy Rose face turn in Portland wrestling back in the early 80s was shocking.

WWF/E wise. I have to go with Mr. Perfects face turn. The Undertaker was a good one too. What about Lex Luger? He was the narcissist one week then was getting off the helicopter on the Intrepid the next week. So any. Shawn Michaels first face turn as the Heart Break Kid.

Yeah that was another shocking turn by Luger I'd forgot about that one.
How about Macho Man at Mania 7? Maybe not COMPLETELY shocking but a great moment nonetheless.

Hogan at Mania 18 has to be up there. I don't know if anybody was expecting that Toronto crowd to react the way they did. Basically FORCED a face a turn midway through the damn match.

And of course, Stone Cold at Mania 13. I think both turns were shocking that night.
Brock Lesnar from 2014 to 2015. It's shocking to me that quite a few fans actually accept Lesnar being a face. And even though it got gradually more pro-Undertaker as it went along, the fact that the SummerSlam crowd started off almost 50/50 is equally appalling to me.
Nikita Kolloff.....Koloff was a mega heel, maybe only behind Ric Flair and Randy Savage in all of US wrestling in 1986, the NWA had gone out of its way to promote the "Russian Nightmare" as the man who would help Ivan Kolloff, the former Olympic Medalist and the man who cleanly beat Bruno Sammartino to end his historic 7 year run as WWE Champ, win the top titles in wrestling and take them back to Russia. He had suffered a minor set back when Ric Flair turned face and managed to beat him (barely, taking a bloody and horrific beating in the process) to maintain The World Title but over the following year Nikita terrorized fan faves like The Rock & Roll Express and nearly ended Magnum TA's career, and in fact defeated TA in a Best Of Seven Series to win the vacated US Title, which Kolloff was preparing to take back to Russia.

With that in mind, and that feud having just ended, Nikita was one really over hated dude, seeing him appear out of nowhere to help Dusty Rhodes, who had been a constant nemesis for two years, fend off an attack by The Four Horsemen was about as shocking a face turn as has ever been seen in televised wrestling. Andre turning heel in 1987 and Hogan turning heel in 1996 were all time legendary bad guy turns, seeing the Russian Nightmare fresh of stealing the US Title and promising to re brand it the USSR Title, come to the aide of a guy called The American Dream was totally unforeseen.

Behind the scenes Magnum's losing of the US Title to Koloff was supposed to cause storyline heat with heel World Champ Flair, igniting a feud between them in fall of 86 that likely would land at Starrcade 86 supershow in Nov. TA had one run early in his career vs Flair a year earlier and connected well with fans, but he wasn't deemed ready to be World Champ material. Now in the fall of 86 there was serious consideration about giving him a title run, though it would have been long term or just a token run was never hammered out. It wasn't definitive that he would go over Flair at SC 86 but it definitely in the discussion and it was almost a foregone conclusion the two would have a full scale war over the title and headline the SC 86 show.

Magnum unfortunately for him was nearly killed in an automobile accident in October, he was hospitalized for months and was left partially crippled, eventually he was able to walk with some assistance but had only limited use of one of his arms and clearly could never wrestle, or even take a bump ever again. Behind the scenes this put the NWA in a tail spin, Magnum was hugely over as a fan fave, second only to Dusty on the roster and Dusty was probably second only to Hulk Hogan nationwide in terms of popularity as a fan fave. Dusty was also at the end of his career and was not a viable option to unseat Flair, He also wasn't a viable option even to oppose hm at this point as they had headlined the two previous Starrcades and had long runs against each other in both 1985 and earlier in 86 when Dusty did get a token title win, ending an epic winning streak for Flair that had become a staple storyline that summer. The NWA needed something quick with SC a month away.

A show previously advertised to have Magnum teaming with Dusty was on the near horizon, Dusty would come out himself unwilling to forfeit the match but supposedly unable to find a partner and attempt to wrestle The Andersons himself, of course it wouldn't go well, and Kolloff would appear out of nowhere, at first looking like he would aide The Horsemen in just destroying Rhodes, who of course was depicted in storylines as Magnum's best friend (and Magnum was Kolloff's biggest rival), yet at the last second just as The Horsemen appear all to willing to let Nikita finish off The American Dream Kolloff unleashes an all out assault on The Horsemen, stunning the live crowd, and as he embraces Rhodes in the ring the Horsemen gather shocked outside and Ric Flair (who emerges from the locker room, he wasn't wrestling in this match) is apoplectic as Nikita makes the "championship belt" sign (same one Aaron Rogers uses as his TD Dance) and points at Flair.

It was explained later that Kolloff had developed a great sense of respect for Magnum's toughness and competitveness, making him feel compassion when he was injured, compassion that was mocked and disallowed by Ivan and their crew of Russian heels. This made Koloff realize the error of his ways and he agreed to help Dusty in honor of Magnum as well as to disavow his Uncle Ivan whom he had come to see as evil. It was a great story, instantly sympathetic, and made the resident heel monster a legit threat to the World Title.

Still seeing Nikita of all people be the one who came to Dusty's aide, that was a shock that quite honestly in 40 years has never been eclipsed for me except Hogan's 96 turn. It was surreal, to this day thinking about the storyline trajectory and the foundations laid down over the previous year plus, it was a brilliant stroke of writing. Best shocking face turn all time.
Definitely for me it would have to be Brock Lesnar 2014-15 especially because ever since Brock came back in 2012 he has been a heel and for him to turn face seemingly out of nowhere is pretty shocking to say the least
The Rock turning babyface in 1999 considering he was a heel in The Corporation and then the night after WrestleMania 15 on RAW Rock turned face in such a shocking way considering how much of a hated heel he was

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