The most obnoxious wrestling fans that generally cause you embarrassement?

I thought of another kind are hte ones who take it WAAAAAAAAAAAY too seriously. I went to RAW with my then girlfriend a few years back and the main event was Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho. It was the RAW where Vince announced the Million Dollar Giveaway thing. Well this woman all night had been making the biggest fool out of herself constantly yelling "You suck Randy Orton!" or "Jillian Hall Sucks!" (NOtice a pattern? Yes she had to yell BOTH names of the person out. Not just Randy, not just Orton, but Randy Orton. And she did that to EVERY Heel) She would then yell and throw a fit if a bad guy won a match. Which brings me to the main event. After listening to 10 minutes of consistent "C'mn Shawn Michaels!" (yes she did it for the faces too) Shawn and Jericho both got counted out and this woman starts stomping her feet and yelling "Dammit! Fuck! Screw You Chris Jericho!" Then when Jericho grabbed a chair she started almost pleading with him and crying "Please don't hit Shawn Michaels! NO!" Oh my god I wanted to throw her off of the balcony. I don't think she realized just how big of a fool she made herself look.

She is obviously a wrestler's favorite mark...

And I don't know about you guys, but sometimes it's not even the fans that annoy me. Sometimes, it's being put the kiss cam -_-;

I've been caught on it before and to tell you the truth, I felt violated. I mean sure, I didn't mind kissing my girlfriend even in public, but it's what happens after the kiss. As soon as the camera got off of us, I swear everyone was all like "Dude you're going to be on TV. That's so awesome!" and I was like "Uh dude, it's a house show... if anything it'll be on the website."

I mean it might be a little small thing to be embarrassed about (especially when your gf was already pissing and moaning about how much her hair was messed up) and some idiot just makes it worse. Seriously, for the rest of the night I had to sit there and listen to my girlfriend want a "do-over" because the kiss "didn't seem right."

-_- I hate kiss cam
I've only ever attended 2 shows, One WWE one in 2004 and TNA's recent tour of the UK which me and my lady friend who is nearly as nuts on wrestling as I am (all thanks to me :) ) went to in our home town of Manchester, it's not quite the same as taking a girlfriend not really into wrestling but anyway....

I dunno how I would categorize these two cockney (Londoners) fools who were sat behind my girlfriend and I at TNA. They would cheers all the heels, fair enough each person's right, but when Desmond Wolfe came out and slated Manchester and Championed London these two start chanting 'fuck the north!' by themselves. I felt like killing them. Cheeky bastards to do that surrounded by a few thousands Mancs.

What made me and Jenj most angry was when it was revealed to us in the final part of the show that one of them had never watched wrestling before and wasn't a follower!! He had floor a floor seat as well! I have friends who never get decent seats in time and here's this arse clueless to it all with a 5th row seat!!

He had just been doing the opposite of the crowd to wind us up! Fucking cock! He had to ask his friend who was who in The British Invasion and was trying to start chants for the wrong members sometimes.

We turned around at the end of the show and it was a scrawny oily dude with greasy hair and his fat friend. They looked like the type that had never seen a women naked in real life without paying.

Which brings me to one more thing, if I can be cheeky enough to this does make me embarrased to be a wrestling fan. How certain members of the crowd react when The Beautiful People come out. Honestly, it is like some are virgin for life and it is easy to see why with the things they shout and say amongst themselves. C'mon they are hot but it's shameful how some boys and men act.

Thats my rant anyway, awesome thread :)

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