The most obnoxious wrestling fans that generally cause you embarrassement?

Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner
If you took your significant other to a wrestling show for the very first time, and you know off the bat that this person is not a big wrestling fan, but they are going simply because you are going .... are there fans out there that would cause you complete and utter embarrassment that you wish you never took your significant other to the event to begin with?

This has happened many times. You are sitting at the arena and you have one of these types of fans sitting near you or sitting around you that is doing something to aggravate you so much, that you sit in complete embarrassment and are sorry you ever took your significant other to the show to begin with.

If you happen to know of any specific fans out there that have been identified on WWE TV, or generally fan stereotypes that you know of from attending the Live Events, that generally cause you embarrassment, please share your views.

I'd like to know:

- Who the specific fan is or what their stereotype is,

- What they do that annoys you

- Explain why it causes you to be embarrassed to be a wrestling fan and wish you never took your less-than-impressed significant other to the show at all

Please only share one experience per post, as it is more likely to get more life out of the thread. Only one person or one wrestling stereotype per post.

I will actually start with my own example. And this one is going to be a specific person:


Rick “Sign Guy” Achberger

You want to talk about the definition of a mark, this guy's picture is next to the term in the dictionary. The guy is probably damn near 40 years old, and he acts like he is going on 8.

He is obnoxious, he is absolutely starved for attention, and he thinks he is actually part of the show. What's even worse is that some WWE talent actually feeds his ego and encourages him. However, they are more than likely making fun of him behind his back.

Just so you can see more of him, here is how he acts. Take a look at this clip from "DEAL or No Deal" when he appeared and apparently "had absolutely no idea that the WWE superstars were going to be in attendance" for the show.

It's just unfortunate I can't find a clip that shows when the superstars came out, which apparently "shocked" Acheberger since he allegedly had no idea they were there.


Holding up signs like you are an 8 year old, someone who probably has a blast going to the "Hornswoggle's House" with the rest of the kiddies at this attraction at WWE Fan Fest before Mania.

After sitting next to someone like this, I could never take a significant other to a wrestling show again.

Mod note said:
There you go sid ;)
I hate having to come to Indy shows like Ring of Honor, Jersey All Pro or the local fed called Cyberspace Wrestling federation and hear a Drunk fan yell BORING at a technical clinic. I mean come on. Just because a match isn't as fast paced and exciting like you hoped it to be doesn't mean you have the gal to yell BORING at the wrestlers. You are ruining it for the rest of the 50 or so people that are there to enjoy the product. These drunk fans are an embarrassment
Absolutely agree with you on Sign Guy, Sidious. Somebody could look at him and assume all professional wrestling fans are like that.

The most obnoxious fan to me is the Self-Depricating Smark. He bashes ''smarks'' for being ''smarks'' and yet doesn't realise, whether he likes it or not, he IS what he claims to hate. He is part of the community he rips and is always the guy with the opposite point of veiw for no reason other than to be cool guy who knows better. Years ago it was considered ''smarky'' if you knew the inner workings and backstage aspects of the business. It was cool to bash guys like Hulk Hogan and Triple H, almost any of the biggest stars in the business. The Self-Depricating Smark does the opposite, he will blindly stick up for all the wrestlers that the rest of the ''internet wrestling community'' bashes. He takes the truth that it's okay to be a mark and turns it into something ugly. If your too ''smarky'' he will surely have words for you if you bad mouth any of the top stars.

Basically the Self-Depricating Smark will support the opposite of what the majority opinion is of the rest of the ''smarks''.
I know what you mean about getting embarrassed at a wrestling event Sidious. I've never taken a girlfriend to a live event but I've seen a type of fan who would have caused deep embarrassement if I had. This particular time my two cousins and I went to the ECW/Smackdown TV tapings at the O2 in London and sitting directly in front of us was some guy, an adult at that, fully dressed up as masked Kane. If that wasn't weird enough, he kept acting like Kane the whole night, getting out of his seat at random times doing the throat slash and chokeslam taunts. Me and my cousins were just trying not to laugh the whole time but if I had taken my girlfriend at the time I would have been so embarrassed. She would just think this is what most wrestling fans are like and think I'm secretely one of them.

I know this guy had every right to dress up but I just don't get it. I mean if you go to a football match, you go in a football jersey, you don't dress up in the full kit and then start acting like the players while you're watching. I wore my Undertaker t-shirt with my regular clothes and there were thousands of people with various wrestling themed t-shirts and that's absolutely fine but, unless you're a kid, dressing up completely is a bit weird and more than a bit embarrasing.
Ok, so I go to this wrestling show. I believe it was a TNA house show or something.

Anyways this fat guy beside me only bought enough tickets for SOME of his family.

So, instead of the whole family having a seat for each person, one of the kids is sitting in this fat guy's lap beside me.

So firstly, sitting by fat people sucks because they take up too much damn space and are encroaching on your space! :lmao:

Secondly, there's not enough room for a damn 5 year old to be sitting on this man's lap. So this 5 year old is accidentally kicking me throughout the entire time of being there! Not to mention, he's 5, so he's got ADD and barely cares about wrestling and so he's twitching and moving around and just being annoying. All of this slowly driving me batshit crazy throughout.

Later on, the usher comes along, and it turns out this damn family didn't even have tickets for where they were sitting, they were just stealing someone else's seats and that's why there weren't enough seats for them!

Needless to say, people like that are giving all of us a bad name.
One simple group that I hate are the ones who are always bashing a promotion while at that said promotion's event, and then try to tell you why they suck like you care.

Not limiting this to just WWE and/or TNA, but every promotion. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a crowd and sat near somebody who said something like "If this promotion was anything worth talking about, they would've put him over that guy." or "They're taking that from TNA and WWE."

It's quite annoying to hear someone try to be such a smart ass and only end up looking more stupid than they already are. It's like they don't even realize that the more they pay to complain, the more money they're losing.
I have another type of obnoxious breed of fan.


Adult fans who pretend they are Champions

Yep, we have some real authentic fans that actually consider themselves to be Champions themselves in their wonderful world of make believe. And they want everyone else to make sure that they know it.

Why the Fuck would an adult do this? What the Fuck are you a Champion of?

I honestly am not trying to hurt anyone's feelings on here as I know a couple of our members who actually do this, but honestly, what is the purpose? Do you know how ridiculous you look walking around the shows with championship belts draped across your shoulder, or worn around your waist? You look like complete marks.

You aren't a champion of anything, you aren't cool, and actual pro wrestlers would beat your ass within 2 seconds in a shoot fight in the ring. So why bother pretending you are a Champion of anything?

But these attention ****es still are oblivious to any of this and obviously have a priority of attempting to show off and give into their markhood that they themselves will be thought of as "actual champions". After all, the Championship belt doesn't lie, people. :rolleyes:
Well, to be perfectly honest, I've always wanted a replica Million Dollar Championship, because it's cool-looking. I'd probably display it on my wall or something.

Anyway, the most obnoxious wrestling fans I've come across in my whole two-show-experience were these two guys who somehow kept getting beers the whole night. They decided to boo every single face, from Chris Masters to Kofi Kingston, and cheer every single non-Vince heel. Now, to be fair, I had a lot of fun with them and the people in my section the whole night as we talked about what was happening on Impact at that very moment, and we all had some nice chants for Danielson and Bret Hart, but there were times when they really, really annoyed me.

I know if you pay for your tickets, you can cheer and boo whoever you want, but booing every single face that wasn't Bret or Danielson was overkill in my opinion. It kind of irked me that they cheered Orton and booed Kofi, then said that if Kofi was facing anyone else but Orton, they would have cheered for him. I say, if you like one wrestler over another but still like the other wrestler, why not just cheer the first wrestler and maintain silence for the second wrestler?

However, it did start a nice round of dueling chants that were a ton of fun, so it's not all bad.
Amen, DocDiBiase. Those are the same drunk guys that happen to be the loudest people in the arena, too. They are the ones screaming "HEY REF, YOUR MOM WAS A LESBIAN!" during a quiet moment. They are the ones who go YOU SUCK AS MUCH AS YOUR MOM DOES!", etc. I HATE those guys. I wish I could say I made those two phrases up, but they were actually overheard by me, about 5 years ago, at an ECW/Smackdown taping. THose are just the two most memorable ones that don't involve vulgar depictions of female genitalia, male genitalia, bestiality, or something else that probably never needs to be repeated, ever. Those fans should be ashamed of themselves. However, if they get really obnoxious, you can tell one of the attendants at the arena, and sometimes you can have them removed. That is always fun.

We sometimes disagree, Sidious...but, you nailed the belt wearing fan dead on. Why the hell would someone take that out in public? Do they have a persecution complex? Do they just want people to openly mock them? They are no different than the people who show up to a movie premiere dressed up like one of the characters...(unless they have a full Darth Vader costume, because that is just bad-ass, and as such, 100% excusable). Leave the replica championship belt at home. The ONLY exception to this is if you actually compete in a local wrestling promotion, actually are their champion, are wearing their championship belt instead of a WWE/WCW/TNA replica belt, and are at the wrestling event to try to drum up support for your organization by giving away pamphlets, tickets to your next show, etc, something like that. Every now and then, when my friends and I go to a local BW3 to watch a PPV, we see the champions for a local wrestling organization there, with their belts. That's okay, they are talking to the patrons, explaining who they are, what their group is, etc. I have no problems with that. I can see them being able to walk around with a championship belt, even if nobody knows what the belt is. Its the morons with the replica belts that are annoying. If you are over the age of 10, leave the damn belt at home.
Like DocDibiase, I got a few replicas simply because they're cool as hell, but yes, those kind of fans annoy me too.

Another one that grinds my gears are the seat jumpers. I swear they get on my nerves probably even more than anything else. I mean seriously, it's nobody else's fault that these idiots waited last minute to get tickets, thus ending up in the nose bleed section. And it's really annoying when you go to the bathroom, come back, and someone has taken your seat. Which means you then have to get security over to settle everything.
The ones that annoy me are the ones who can never appreciate a good match. I went to Vengeance a few years back when it was a SmackDown only show and we were treated to a Benoit vs GUerrero classic. Halfway through the match they started doing a rest hold bit with Eddie holding onto Benoit and this moron behind me started yelling "Pick Up The Workrate!" So because these guys were not going 100 mph all match the workrate sucked according to him. I don't even think he knew what workrate means. Also the fans that feel they have to stand up through the whole match especially when they are in the front. I went to the recent string of house shows in Colorado, my girlfriend and I were especially excited for one of the main event of CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match. These three kids were sitting two rows ahead of us and stood up and watched the whole match like that and my girlfriend and I didn't want to stand up and get in the way of the people behind us and then I notice these people were recording the show. So I ran up and got security and Security came and told them to put the camera away or it would be taken and then left and THEY STILL STOOD THERE! I got so sick of it that my girlfriend and I got out of our seats and went to the row in front of them (right on the barricade) and stood in front of them. They started getting angry and telling us to sit down. Finally another family next to us told them to sit down and everyone could enjoy the show.
The ones that annoy me are the ones who can never appreciate a good match. I went to Vengeance a few years back when it was a SmackDown only show and we were treated to a Benoit vs GUerrero classic. Halfway through the match they started doing a rest hold bit with Eddie holding onto Benoit and this moron behind me started yelling "Pick Up The Workrate!" So because these guys were not going 100 mph all match the workrate sucked according to him. I don't even think he knew what workrate means. Also the fans that feel they have to stand up through the whole match especially when they are in the front. I went to the recent string of house shows in Colorado, my girlfriend and I were especially excited for one of the main event of CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match. These three kids were sitting two rows ahead of us and stood up and watched the whole match like that and my girlfriend and I didn't want to stand up and get in the way of the people behind us and then I notice these people were recording the show. So I ran up and got security and Security came and told them to put the camera away or it would be taken and then left and THEY STILL STOOD THERE! I got so sick of it that my girlfriend and I got out of our seats and went to the row in front of them (right on the barricade) and stood in front of them. They started getting angry and telling us to sit down. Finally another family next to us told them to sit down and everyone could enjoy the show.

Ugh, I've never been to a live event, myself, but if brainless ***** like that who had the nerve to stand up through an entire match, then get mad because someone else is standing up, I probably would've done whatever it took to get them removed from their seats. Lots of people were probably cut out of a good match because these brainless hypocrites couldn't sit down like everyone else and enjoy the match, like everyone else.

Props for not losing your cool, I would've been yelling at the little bastards.
I would say the drunk people that get so angry they actually pick up their chairs and try to storm the ring. The yelling and screaming for no reason. I was at Raw a few years ago and this idiot was yelling JBL! JBL! and Triple H! for no reason. JBL and Triple H weren't even on the show. You could say tissue and the guy would yell out tissue.

I also hate the people that just show up at shows for no reason and cant control their kids. They wont even watch the show and their kids will be running around spilling popcorn and cotton candy all over you. They usually get up a hundred times to get new snacks and toys and leave within the first hour without even watching the show.
Let me start off by saying that I don't know how common the type of fan is I'm going to tell you about because I have only been to one show in Germany. Maybe you guys can enlighten me though.

It was some kind of "sexually promiscuous" fan, if I had to come up with a name (yeah, I put that pretty nicely).

So, this girl (she looked very young) began by talking to her friend before the show started. Their topic was what irked me though. The particular girl was telling her friend what she wanted to do to wrestler X, how he was so hot or what she'd let wrestler Y do to her in a very explicit and detailed way.

Well I don't blame anybody for having thoughts like that, I will admit that some of the guys are .. nice to look at. I won't say anything if you feel you have to tell your friend about your kinkiest phantasies.
The point where this gets critical - share your phantasies in a public place where you speak so loudly everyone near you, including kids, has to listen.

That already embarrassed me but it got worse, to a point where I just wanted to vanish.
Whenever a moderately good-looking wrestler came out she would scream "Fuck me, XY!" or other obscenities.
Yeah, really classy. I wanted the ground to open up. And she did that to probably half of the fucking roster.
When some guy called her out on it and told her to shut up she would just roll her eyes. The story has a happy ending though because someone told the security and I never saw her again. Don't know if they just talked to her or threw her out, but she didn't return to her seat.

I was with a friend and was embarrassed enough but I think I would've died if I had brought my parents for example.
Ugh, I've never been to a live event, myself, but if brainless ***** like that who had the nerve to stand up through an entire match, then get mad because someone else is standing up, I probably would've done whatever it took to get them removed from their seats. Lots of people were probably cut out of a good match because these brainless hypocrites couldn't sit down like everyone else and enjoy the match, like everyone else.

Props for not losing your cool, I would've been yelling at the little bastards.

Trust me it took everything I had not to go nuts. Thr worst part was the match I reallywanted to see was Punk/Hardy and that's when they were standing up. I then noticed that they were all wearing the Hardy arm things. So as we sat there I kept saying to the guys next to us that we wouldn't have to deal with fans like that for long because Jeff was leaving. I like Jeff but I knew it would get their goat by saying that. They shot me all sorts of looks and I just laughed everytime. Thankfully the eople behind us recorded the show as well and gave me their email and sent me the whole show including the Hardy/Punk match.
Trust me it took everything I had not to go nuts. Thr worst part was the match I reallywanted to see was Punk/Hardy and that's when they were standing up. I then noticed that they were all wearing the Hardy arm things. So as we sat there I kept saying to the guys next to us that we wouldn't have to deal with fans like that for long because Jeff was leaving. I like Jeff but I knew it would get their goat by saying that. They shot me all sorts of looks and I just laughed everytime. Thankfully the eople behind us recorded the show as well and gave me their email and sent me the whole show including the Hardy/Punk match.

Should've made it"He won't be here that long, so we won't have to put up with easy marks like them any more" lmao, imagine the faces they'd be shooting after with that one rofl.

I can understand getting to one's feet during an entrance because they are marking out and supporting their wrestler, but come on, during the match that is completely disrespectful, considering people around them are sitting, trying to enjoy, and paid just as much money to be there as them.

Obviously these guys weren't raised properly by their parents to respect others and only gave a hoot about themselves.
If you took your significant other to a wrestling show for the very first time, and you know off the bat that this person is not a big wrestling fan, but they are going simply because you are going .... are there fans out there that would cause you complete and utter embarrassment that you wish you never took your significant other to the event to begin with?

This has happened many times. You are sitting at the arena and you have one of these types of fans sitting near you or sitting around you that is doing something to aggravate you so much, that you sit in complete embarrassment and are sorry you ever took your significant other to the show to begin with.

If you happen to know of any specific fans out there that have been identified on WWE TV, or generally fan stereotypes that you know of from attending the Live Events, that generally cause you embarrassment, please share your views.

I'd like to know:

- Who the specific fan is or what their stereotype is,

- What they do that annoys you

- Explain why it causes you to be embarrassed to be a wrestling fan and wish you never took your less-than-impressed significant other to the show at all

Please only share one experience per post, as it is more likely to get more life out of the thread. Only one person or one wrestling stereotype per post.

I will actually start with my own example. And this one is going to be a specific person:


Rick “Sign Guy” Achberger

You want to talk about the definition of a mark, this guy's picture is next to the term in the dictionary. The guy is probably damn near 40 years old, and he acts like he is going on 8.

He is obnoxious, he is absolutely starved for attention, and he thinks he is actually part of the show. What's even worse is that some WWE talent actually feeds his ego and encourages him. However, they are more than likely making fun of him behind his back.

Just so you can see more of him, here is how he acts. Take a look at this clip from "DEAL or No Deal" when he appeared and apparently "had absolutely no idea that the WWE superstars were going to be in attendance" for the show.

It's just unfortunate I can't find a clip that shows when the superstars came out, which apparently "shocked" Acheberger since he allegedly had no idea they were there.


Holding up signs like you are an 8 year old, someone who probably has a blast going to the "Hornswoggle's House" with the rest of the kiddies at this attraction at WWE Fan Fest before Mania.

After sitting next to someone like this, I could never take a significant other to a wrestling show again.

I was gonna say this guy.Has anyone read Batista book?Well this is what happened.This was when batista was in evolution by the way and heel.Sign guy apparently hates heels a lot and lvoes babyfaces.So Batista is walking down teh ramp and sign guy is holding a sign that said look here batista and batista looked and sign guy gave him the finger.Hold on theres more.Another time sign guy had this sign that had Batistas head + Anger = Hospital.And that night batista and HHH grabbed his hat and rubbed it on their asses and batista put his in his trunks(cause sign guy had been giving them shit).A few weeks later Batista was vsing Face Shelton and they ended up in front of sign guy and shelton stuffed sign guys hat down batista trunks again.And the last time was batista was eating with vito and saw sign guy in hooters.So batista tipped a waiter $100 to grab sign guys hat,rub it on her ass and say "batista says hello"
I was gonna say this guy.Has anyone read Batista book?Well this is what happened.This was when batista was in evolution by the way and heel.Sign guy apparently hates heels a lot and lvoes babyfaces.So Batista is walking down teh ramp and sign guy is holding a sign that said look here batista and batista looked and sign guy gave him the finger.Hold on theres more.Another time sign guy had this sign that had Batistas head + Anger = Hospital.And that night batista and HHH grabbed his hat and rubbed it on their asses and batista put his in his trunks(cause sign guy had been giving them shit).A few weeks later Batista was vsing Face Shelton and they ended up in front of sign guy and shelton stuffed sign guys hat down batista trunks again.And the last time was batista was eating with vito and saw sign guy in hooters.So batista tipped a waiter $100 to grab sign guys hat,rub it on her ass and say "batista says hello"
Now don't get me wrong, I think the sign guy is as band as any child in the arena but to do what Batista did to him, especially at an outside establishment such as a restaraunt is just disrespectful and show what a world class jackass Dave really is. I have never liked the guy and I think he shows day by day that he really does believe he is God's gift to the world. Bet he wouldn't have done that to a guy his size. Oh yeah I forgot no one takes that much steroids so they can't possibly be that big.
There's always that one guy who has to try to start a chant, but never, ever succeeds. Usually, there is a right time to start a chant, like when a wrestler begins to power out of a submission, or when something really shitty happens.

But there's always one guy who will start a really bad chat at a random time, and he attempts to do this 9-10 times throughout the show, and it never sticks. Sure, it'll grab some 5-10 people around him, but it never sticks, and the other people around him usually ignore him.

More specifically, a guy like this will try to start a chant, and will keep going with it for a full 3-4 minutes, even when he notices that the chant isn't sticking (you know, because he has to be "consistent").

I've always hated this guy, and I've always wanted to find him and throw my drink at him. Except drinks are usually 9 goddamn dollars at the Bank Atlantic Center.
There's always that one guy who has to try to start a chant, but never, ever succeeds. Usually, there is a right time to start a chant, like when a wrestler begins to power out of a submission, or when something really shitty happens.

But there's always one guy who will start a really bad chat at a random time, and he attempts to do this 9-10 times throughout the show, and it never sticks. Sure, it'll grab some 5-10 people around him, but it never sticks, and the other people around him usually ignore him.

More specifically, a guy like this will try to start a chant, and will keep going with it for a full 3-4 minutes, even when he notices that the chant isn't sticking (you know, because he has to be "consistent").

I've always hated this guy, and I've always wanted to find him and throw my drink at him. Except drinks are usually 9 goddamn dollars at the Bank Atlantic Center.

LOL I also hate when people do that. It's kinda like the person who tries to do the slow clap but it always results in an epic fail. lol There's a time for chants at wrestling events, but it's always that one person who always chants at the wrong damn time. And as they chant, others around him ignore him. I was at Wrestlemania 25, last April. There was this guy, who tried to start a TNA chant during the HOF segment. Everybody just looked at him, like he had lost his damn mind. The guy was obviously embarassed.
I can't stand obnoxious loud mouth wrestling fans, who can't let go of the past. When I say can't let go of the past, I'm talking about the type of loud mouth wrestling fans who start "you screwed Bret" chants. I went to Survivor Series 2007, and in the match between Orton and HBK, there were a group of guys sitting a couple rows behind me who kept chanting "You screwed Bret" so loudly. Also, when HBK put the sharpshotter on Orton, one of them said, "Nice try Michaels, but you're still no Bret Hart!" Fans like this piss me off to no end. The Montreal incident happened back in 1997....let it go already!

Another incident I remember is when I went to the Royal Rumble in 2006. Mickie James did some nude pics a while back, and some people feel the need to constantly bring it up. During the match between her and Ashley with Trish as the special guest ref, someone in the section I was sitting in shouted out, "Hey Mickie, get naked for us again!" This wasn't even a big deal, but some people who either just want to be jackasses or get on their high horses just won't forget about it.
I took my Mom to Raw with me a couple of months ago and she was pretty cool. She really didn't embarrass me except for when she tried to start a "WHO ARE YOU" chant to Marty Jannety vs. The Miz claiming she had no idea who either of them are. Ironically she has started watching since and has become a little bit of a fan and now she wants to go back in May when they go to Jacksonville. So my story has a happy ending.
The annoying fans that get to me are the little teenybopper girls that just LOOVE John Cena. I SO remember the date. RAW was in Topeka, KS on 10-2-06, when DX took over Raw and threw out Coachman by having Big Dick Johnson do a dance and scare him out of the building. The evening was going great for me and my fiancee (5 days before our wedding.) We were in for a treat, a steel cage match between Edge w/Lita vs Cena. These girls right infront of us start freaking out and crying about a steel cage possibly shredding their johnny boy. Oh my gosh..they do realize he probably would get out okay with DX running things, right? Could the night get worse? Oh yes, then the girls freak out because earlier in the night for the ECW taping, Sandman comes through the crowd, spitting beer on them, they were crying because they didn't think they would smell good if Cena walked by them. LOL.

Even funnier in that situation, after the show was done, there was this small fight between 3-4 pre-teeners fighting over who Cena would marry. ( Cena is like in his 30's and I'm pretty sure he knows what the meaning of statutory is.) To this day I still get really irked over seeing these little teenyboppers crying for their little marine!! LOL... :banghead:
I went to a Raw/ECW live show last January with a few friends. I was the only one familiar with the current product while they were fans back in the attitude era but had stopped watching years ago. One of them brought his girlfriend along even though she had never watched wrestling but wanted to come just for fun. But there was this one fan that was as embarrassing to watch as hilarious:

The Jeff Hardy Fangirl:

There were these two kids right in front of us, and one of them was a tween girl covered head to toe in probably every piece of Jeff Hardy merchandise ever made. Despite being at a Raw/ECW show, she was screaming for Jeff the ENTIRE night. Her younger brother, the poor kid, just sat there probably drowning in embarrassment. Her parents were no where to be seen; they were probably too embarrassed to even be seen with her.

Then Matt Hardy, ECW champ at the time, defended the belt against Jack Swagger. When Matt came out, she popped thinking that Jeff would come next for some reason. When he didn't, this girl literally burst into tears going "WHERE'S JEFF?! I DON'T WANT MATT, I WANT JEFF!" She even turned to us saying this. I reminded her that Jeff was a Smackdown guy and wouldn't be there tonight and she's like "I DON'T CARE!" I started egging her on after that going "But you've got Matt! And he's a champion! V1 FOR LIFE, GIRL!" to which she responded with an emphatic "FUCK MATT!!!" and just turned around and pouted for the rest of the match. My friend's girlfriend just looked at us and was like "Who's Jeff?". It was priceless.

Ironically, this girl marked for CM Punk later on. If she only knew what would come....
I thought of another kind are hte ones who take it WAAAAAAAAAAAY too seriously. I went to RAW with my then girlfriend a few years back and the main event was Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho. It was the RAW where Vince announced the Million Dollar Giveaway thing. Well this woman all night had been making the biggest fool out of herself constantly yelling "You suck Randy Orton!" or "Jillian Hall Sucks!" (NOtice a pattern? Yes she had to yell BOTH names of the person out. Not just Randy, not just Orton, but Randy Orton. And she did that to EVERY Heel) She would then yell and throw a fit if a bad guy won a match. Which brings me to the main event. After listening to 10 minutes of consistent "C'mn Shawn Michaels!" (yes she did it for the faces too) Shawn and Jericho both got counted out and this woman starts stomping her feet and yelling "Dammit! Fuck! Screw You Chris Jericho!" Then when Jericho grabbed a chair she started almost pleading with him and crying "Please don't hit Shawn Michaels! NO!" Oh my god I wanted to throw her off of the balcony. I don't think she realized just how big of a fool she made herself look.

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