The Most Emotional Moments for you in MMA History.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm just curious as to what the most emotional moments for you guys were in MMA history. Both good and bad moments.

For me the best moments would have to be Tim Sylvia vs Randy Couture. Nothing will beat the ovation that happened when Randy hit Sylvia in the opening minute. It was such a surreal fight, and moment in MMA, and I for one will never forget it.

Another moment that was absolutely surreal was Anderson subbing Chael. Seeing Anderson get beaten down for four and a half rounds, and seeming on the brink of losing his title, and undefeated streak to pulling that triangle out of nowhere was just crazy. One of the greatest comebacks in history, and just an awesome moment.

Bad moments for me would be Liddell's last couple fights. It killed me seeing him get knocked out so many times. He was one of the fighters that got me into MMA, and back in his prime he seemed so close to unbeatable. Now he is pretty much the underdog in every fight. It sucks.
Totally crushed both times Arlovski lost to Sylvia, especially when he got KO'ed. However, on the flip side of that, when Andrei knocked out Sylvia I literally jumped up and down and was cheering incredibly hard. Really, any AA fight will either be a great moment for me or a terrible one, mostly terrible now a days. Great and terrible moments for me.

Also, a moment I will forever cherish and love was when Michael Bisping got knocked the fuck out by Dan Henderson. That was another instance of when Bisping got hit I was jumping up and down and cheering as hard as possible. One, because of my hatred for Bisping, and two, because I am a Hendo fan and I felt like his UFC career had been a little bit off until that KO. Also, it was awesome after all of the shit talk Bisping did before the fight and how Hendo was so professional and just whooped his ass.
I think one of the worst moments would have to be Liddell's last against Franklin. Chuck put so much into this fight, quit drinking, and worked has ass off to be in top condition. He came out looking really good, dominating Franklin for most of the round until those last ten seconds, then the counter from Rich but him out cold. It sucks that Liddell's punches and kicks are still damaging, but his chin is just gone.

One of my favorite moments was when Brock beat the bricks off of Mir. I get so sick of Mir and his cocky comments. It was so nice to see Brock turn his face into minced meat. Usually I'm against when a fighter will do what Lesnar did at the end of the fight to Mir, but since it was Mir I was loving it. Watching Carwin rock Mir with those short little punches and crumbling his was right up there two.

Another moment I will love, even though it didn't happen yet, is when either KJ Noons or Nick Diaz or both beat the shit out of Paul Daley. I hope Daley gets the winner out of their fight, I can't wait till someone shuts his stupid mouth.
I'm just curious as to what the most emotional moments for you guys were in MMA history. Both good and bad moments.

For me the best moments would have to be Tim Sylvia vs Randy Couture. Nothing will beat the ovation that happened when Randy hit Sylvia in the opening minute. It was such a surreal fight, and moment in MMA, and I for one will never forget it.

I completely agree with this moment, this is the moment for me that Randy Couture didn't just become one of the biggest legends in MMA, but this performance to me Immortalized him forever as one of the greatest athletes to compete over the age of 40....

I also remember the Griffin/Bonnar clash as the birth of MMA into the mainstream and the genesis of the fastest growing sport in the world today...
The big one for me is Jens Pulver losing his last WEC fight, that was just pure emotion. There wasn't a dry eye in the building, and it truly was a sad moment seeing that once great fighter be diminished to pretty much nothing and lose so many fights in a row. It wasn't all that emotional until I saw Jens break down in tears. His interview after the fight sent a chill of sadness through me, I really felt bad for the guy. He loves fighting and that pretty much ended his mainstream MMA career for good.

Another one was when Charles "Mask" Lewis was inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame. That was really touching. It was a tragic loss and now he will be remembered forever. It really showed the level of respect Dana White and the entire MMA community had for him. Great moment.
Chuck Liddell's last few fights. He was THE man of UFC, he was what everybody watched UFC for and to see him lose it and probably gone from UFC is saddening.

Also Tito's last fight with Lyoto Machida. Even though he's back, he's not the same badass he was during his feuds with Ken Shamrock & Chuck Liddell and that fight with Lyoto was the last we'd see of that badass.

Both are end of eras. They were like the Attitude Era of UFC.
You know, I'm still waiting for my ultimate "happy" moment. Seeing Takanori Gomi knock out Tyson Griffin not too long ago was pretty awesome, and seeing Nick Diaz have this streak he's on has been spectacular as well, but man.. I want to see these two beat the really big names. Once they get their shots at that, that's when I'm sure I'll be REALLY emotionally invested. However, since becoming a fan of MMA, my favorite fighters haven't really had "big" wins. Tito, Diaz, Gomi, BJ Penn, Rich Franklin, Mayhem Miller, Aoki, Fedor, and even Shogun... I haven't felt like any of their wins were huge. Shogun, I mean him defeating Machida for the LHW Title was awesome, but by that point I wasn't nearly as big of a fan of his as I was when he was in Pride (however, my love for him has since returned).

So, yeah... nothing comes to mind for me that rivals something like the Saints winning the Super Bowl. However, if Gomi wins the LHW Title, or if Diaz, Aoki, and Mayhem somehow make their way to the UFC and win a Title there, then those will be the ultimate moments for me. If Shogun can continue winning and defeat guys like Rashad Evans, Jon Jones, Bader, etc... that'll be special for me, too. And if Fedor can beat Werdum and Overeem, then that'll be fucking awesome. However, until these fights come (if they ever do), for now I can't narrow down that super emotional feelings of joy for one of my favorite fighters winning.

However, with that said... there have been some major bummers.

Gina Carano vs. Cyborg, for example... my heart absolutely sunk for Gina. I wanted her to win so badly, and to see her get beat in the last seconds of the first round, and see her so sad after the fight... as a HUGE fan of hers, that was very tough to watch.

Also, the first Diaz vs. Noons fight, I was livid. Same with Tito vs. Liddell 2, which I thought had an early stoppage. I was also really bummed when Fedor lost to Werdum, and when Shogun lost to Forrest. And of course... BJ Penn losing to that bitch who shall not be named a couple of months ago hit hard as well (as did Gomi losing to Florian). These moments hurt way more than any happy feeling I've yet to have while watching MMA, unfortunately. Hopefully that'll change soon though.
Well me being a huge deigo snachez fan it would have to be when he was fighting Paulo Thaigo. Sanchez coming off a loss to Hathaway because he wasnt himself, he wasnt pushing the pace and being the aggressor. In the Thiago fight it looked like it was going to be the same thing. First round he gets taken down, almost gets submitted and then seconnd round it happened.......

He went into mexican mode throwing every punch and kick he knows at the same time and pretty much sprinting at a stunned and helpless Thaigo. After that strange monkey flip that Thaigo pulled off Diego thought he would just pick him up, run across the ring, screaming before launching Paulo to the ground...

After this fight I knew that the old Diego was back.
There are alot of emotional moments for me, I get very emotionally invested in fighters and when they win or lose I am full of emotion. When I see a fighter I love and put alot of stock in lose don't even bother comin near me, but when they win look for me to jump like Michael Jordan and do a victory dance :blush:

Anyway best moments
•When Carlos Condit(who I love) knocked out Dan Hardy(who I hate), not just because he won but the knockout was one of my favorite ever.
•When Brian Stann beat Chris Leben in such dominant fashion, showing he deserved to be recognized as a top middleweight
•When Paulo Thiago subbed Mick Swick, proving he is a beast and didn't just get lucky with Kos.
•Tito subbing Bader and racking up his first win since 06, I was so damn happy for that guy.
Ofcourse I have to include Randy beating Sylvia as well because everyone loved that punch at the beginning of the fight.

Here are the bad moments
•Chael Sonnen getting subbed by Anderson after dominating him for the entire fight, that sucked
•Marcus Davis and Patrick Cote(two of my favorite fights) getting cut
•Marcus's loss to Mike Swick after a 7 fight win streak, after that his career was downhill, losing to that Dbag Hardy, getting KO'd for the first time by Ben Saunders of all people and getting subbed by Nate Diaz.
•Patrick's ACL injury during his title fight with Anderson, Cote would not have gotten knocked out and he could have clipped Silva had it continued.
•Cerrone's decision losses to Varner and Bendo, he won those fights and it sucked watching him not win the title both times.

Do some of these sound delusional? Yes probably, but we all get a bit biased when our favorite fighters win or lose, because we put our faith in them and get emotionally involved. But the bad moments are in the past and the good ones shall come again in the future.

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