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The Most Disappointing NXT Call-Up

Who is the Most Disappointing NXT Call-Up?

  • Tyler Breeze

  • Cesaro

  • Becky Lynch

  • The Ascension

  • Baron Corbin

  • Apollo Crews

  • Bo Dallas

  • Eva Marie

  • Vaudevillians

  • other (please state)

Results are only viewable after voting.

S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
NXT is the breeding ground that supplies RAW and SD with their stars of the future. We have seen NXT legends come up and completely dominate the main roster, most notably with The Shield and the Four Horsewomen. Unfortunately, not every person who thrives in NXT experiences that same success in WWE, and the point of this thread is for you to tell me who you think has the most disappointing resume thus far.

You can vote on the poll but you know me, I love to hear your explanations for your picks, so please provide as many as you can. I'll hit you with my top 3:

3. Bo Dallas - For me personally, I had the highest hope for Bo out of all the call-ups so this is probably my most disappointing. He's number 3 on this list, however, because although his main roster resume sucks it's actually much better than #2 and #1's resumes. He debuted with an angle that gave him consistent mic time, and more importantly gave him a winning streak (which is a solid gold mine in pro wrestling booking). I honestly forget how many matches they let him win before having him randomly lose to R-Truth on RAW and walk down the path of jobbing. I'm sure all of you are going to deny it now but there were plenty of people who were in Bo's corner when he was atop the NXT mountain and were expecting big things from the 3rd generation superstar on the main roster. Seeing how he randomly was given a squash victory this week on RAW, maybe WWE Creative bolieve's in Bo one more time.

2.Tyler Breeze - I'd imagine this will be the guy leading the poll. Breeze IMO is a contender for greatest NXT star of all-time, he has a whole bunch of memorable matches under his belt and was consistently a top contender for the championship. A lot of people were dreaming of his main roster run as a revamped version of 'Dashing' Cody Rhodes, a gimmick that earned CR several IC title runs and a WrestleMania victory over Rey Mysterio. I think most of those people were expecting Breeze to shatter that ceiling and continue his portfolio of classic matches but that couldn't have been further from the case. I literally cannot name you one singles match he has had on RAW or SD that has lasted for more than 5 mins. He is nothing more than the sidekick to a comedic jobber, putting him in the back of a boat captained by Santino Marella to the wasteland of irrelevance. I'm not denying his talent at all, he is probably top 5 all-around male NXT call-ups ever but he simply hasn't gotten a single chance to prove that notion.

1.The Ascension - This is pretty much for the same reason as Breeze. These guys are arguably the greatest tag team in the history of NXT, and although they recently started getting air time due to the Brand Split (and 8-Team Tournament), I'm pretty sure they were not used at all in 2016. They an be found on the WWE Network on shows like Swerved and probably Main Event or Superstars but they have literally 0 cable television presence. It is actually their failure that makes me so gracious Dash & Dawson got the NXT tag titles a second time instead of getting called up. I don't think WWE Creative knows what to do with strong, physical tag teams. They can really only produce television for comedians or high-flyers, but the bruisers like the Ascension get buried and my poor Vaudevillians seem to be suffering the same fate. At least the 'villians can say they've competed for the tag team titles on ppv (multiple times) this year, have the Ascension ever even gotten a shot!?

Honorable mentions: Apollo Crews (why did they even call him up?), Baron Corbin (I'm starting to think the Andre Battle Royal is cursed), Becky Lynch (she should be seen in the same light as the other Horsewomen), Vaudevillians (see last 2 sentences of Ascension), Neville (not a single title reign for the guy who was once the longest reigning NXT champ in history)
I would also flip it and ask the opposite question:- Who did people find boring, a loser in NXT, and undeserving of being elevated, and yet, when they went to RAW or Smackdown, they grew and you now love this person you once hated in NXT?

I ask because most people think NXT has the midas touch, and WWE then turns them to shit once they are elevated, and yet deny that any NXT person has gotten BETTER since being on RAW or Smackdown.
For me the answer is Neville. A guy with plenty of potential is he's handled the wrong way and as a guy that was the guy in NXT for a good while, he's is doing actually nothing except having decent matches which will not get you anywhere if you can't separate yourself from the crowd. True, it's how Bryan got over but there was a dearth of in-ring competition at that point.

Bo Dallas had a bit of a run and mic time, being part of a faction and he does well whenever he gets a chance I believe. The Ascension are also majorly disappointing but they were probably over-hyped before they debuted and NXT wasn't quite the talent churning machine that it is now. You've only to look at Enzo and Cass to see what a really work-able tag team can do when they debut.

I have been consistently disappointed by Neville whereas I can't say for the others that I:

a) I expected much more from them

b) They had the credentials to achieve more.
Personally being a big fan of monster tag teams like demoiltion, l.o.d and the apa, I was and still I'm a huge fan of the ascension and I hate that when they got move up to the main roster, the creative decided that it would be a great idea to compared them to those legendary tag teams instead of just let them be the bad ass tag team they we're in nxt. I'm kinda hoping that the brand split can help them a little bit and I saw a little bit of the old ascnsion come out 2 weeks ago against the uso's but I'm not getting my hope up. Wwe drop the ball with these guy, they could have made so much money with them but they threated them as jokes from the beginning.
I voted for the Ascension simply because I think fans expected the WWE to make a bigger deal out of them than they did. They were made fools of by the commentary team the night they debuted, and it's been a downhill slide ever since.

Arguably they were fantastic in NXT running through everyone, but it didn't work out for them on the main roster. The best thing that could have happened is that they were sent back down, repackaged and brought back up at a later date. It's really mindblowing though with the fact that the tag team division needed strong teams at the time, and they would have been a good addition. The way they were handled and treated though made me think that the WWE doesn't give a shit about the division as a whole.

As for the others on the list, well some of them have had disappointing runs, but hopefully with the brand split that will change. Although wrestlers like Cesaro, Breeze, and Dallas will never hold a title, they are good on the mid card, and they are featured on TV, especially Cesaro. Neville managed to get himself injured, and that will be seen as a knock against him. I don't think he was taken seriously to begin with by the WWE hierarchy.

Becky Lynch is coming into her own and has a shot at a title now, which I didn't think she did before. Not everyone in NXT is going to make it big on the main roster, what works at Full Sail may not transfer over. When I look at the Shield, Owens, Balor and to a lesser extent Zayn, very few other than Nakamura and maybe Asuka will be able to reach the main event. I even have my doubts about Corbin.

If the WWE is smart about it and don't screw it up, Bayley has the goods in the ring and out to be a huge money maker for this company. I can see her being the female Daniel Bryan. Already the pops for her are incredible and it can only get better. So with NXT you will win some and lose some that's just the way it works.
Let me break a lot of this down: Becky Lynch is too soon to tell. The split did wonders for her. She is now the Queen Bee of the "B" show. She was never going to be much on Raw. Cesaro's problem is that they have ZERO idea in what to do with him. Keep him face? Make him heel? Make him tweener? No matter what they did, it ended with crickets. BTW, he was FCW and not NXT. He was a Laurinaitis guy.

Let's cut to the chase: Adrian Neville's problem was that he was called up too early. Unless they put him with the Cruiserweights, which should not just be on Raw, he really has nowhere to go. He has become incredibly irrelevant in the grander scheme of things. I believe that someone on this board mentioned that if he got a "Mighty Mouse"-like gimmick, he should ask for his release. Well, he got his cape. It is just sad that Neville should have been more than what he has become. Much more. That is who I chose.
My top 5 disappointments are:

#5 - Apollo Crews. He could be the next Lashley (except Uhaa actually has personality, and is way more athletic) if booked correctly. However, it's still way too early to call him a "bust".

#4 - Tyler Breeze. I never expected much from him at the main roster, but given the amount of time, resources, and camera time that has been invested in him, he's amounted to nothing.

#3 - Neville. This is the one that kills me. Super athletic, ripped, could be the poster child for proof that "a cruiserweight that can take on the heavyweights and be successful", especially with the cruiserweights going to Raw. the thing that kills me the most is how rehearsed he comes off. If they'd let the guy be himself, who knows...

#2 - Bo Dallas. For all the "success" he had in NXT, it simply did not equate to the main roster. His physical look doesn't help his cause, either.

#1 - The Ascension. Longest reigning tag champs in NXT history. Sandbagged by Vince & the commentators the moment they got called up. The Road Warrior gimmick didn't do them any favors (thanks, Vince), and Viktor looks like he spent a weekend binge eating at a Tim Horton's.
Remember when the Hardyz use to be jobbers week in and week out back in the 80's. I do.... It wasn't until they became paired with the Brood until they became a star team. These Nxt stars may of been flops so far, but all it takes is the right gimmick, change for them to be awesome. Look at "the new day" for example..... they sucked when they first became a team.... So all it takes is the right storyline..... Lots of failures with stars is blamed on the creative... For example.. Wade Barrett had a great gimmick with Bad News.... then it was thrown away and the king gimmick was his downfall...
My vote would go to The Ascension because they were so dominant in NXT and when they came up they were a joke. They should change their characters, give them a star to protect and do a storyline where they are like bodyguards for a while. Build them up for a while like that. Then go back to tag team matches and feud for the title. They still have a chance...
Cesaro wasn't an NXT call-up so much as he was called down for a time. Cesaro went from FCW (pre-cursor to NXT) to WWE where he worked for a few years befreo NXT. His time in NXT was a call down.

I'd say it's a toss up between Ascension and Breeze. Both were very over in NXT and were pushed initially on the main roster before becoming jokes and falling off the face of the earth.

Basically everyone on this list have been victims of how they've been pushed. Apollo Crews has been a masterclass in how to not get someone over. His push has been bland at best while his agility in the ring is incredible. He's definitely suffering from the Rocky Maivia type of push. I wonder how long before the crowd turns on him?

Ascension weren't allowed to be themselves, therefore they became a joke. As talent, they're highly salvageable. As diet-LOD, not so much.

Dallas and the Vaudevillains were never going to go that far. Dallas doesn't have the size, and neither do Gotch or English. The Villains are never going to be pushed as singles guys.

Neville is missing from this list. He'd be doing a lot better if he had a first name. Neville isn't really someone to get behind. Isn't that the name of Harry Potter's oafish friend?

Corbin is fine, but they've oddly haven't given him much since the draft. He should be in a feud, but he's not for whatever reason.

I'd say overall it's Tyler Breeze. He has so much potential, but he's stuck in a jobber tag team with Fandango. It's never too late for anyone, but the way things are going aren't good. I'd almost like to see him go back to NXT.

I'm giving a runner up to Apollo Crews. I've found his main roster run boring and dogged by bad booking. His theme is cheesy and the pushing him as a future big player isn't winning him a very big crowd reaction. He's jobbing to the stars and would be better suited as a heel.
These 3 names are far from the worst of the NXT call up, but they are defiantly the most disappointing. For the most part its not even their faults.

3)Apollo Crews- Crews is disappointing because he has so much potential but...I just don't know! :shrug: :banghead: :shrug: I guess I gave him too much credit. I thought on the main roster he would learn faster by getting the actual experience of how wwe works. I feel like that was Triple H's thinking as well behind calling him up, but we were wrong! Also can't blame everything on Crews as wwe has given fans zero reason to care about him. (I think a run with TNA first before coming to wwe would've really helped him out a lot, similar to woods.)

2)Tyler Breeze- Ridiculous! He was a guy who stayed talked about in nxt, even though he wasn't in the title picture. He was considered the gate keeper of NXT, as every (potential) main eventer had to go through him. He has a character that is easy to hate and is a pretty much proven success with the likes of Ziggler, Nitro/morrison, and Cody Rhodes. He has the character, great in ring work, a great entrance, and was pretty good on the mic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heck he was even given a valet, which he didn't need, but it could've worked had they actually build it up instead of having him be used as a pond between Ziggler and Summer. Now he's in a comedy team, but he's even some how made that work. Fandango and Breeze are the most entertaining team on Smackdown, and watch the match they had against American Alpha and you can see that they are vastly underrated.

1)Neville- In NXT he was on par with guys like Cesaro/Zayn/Owens/Balor. Then in the first few months of his debut, Neville almost defeated Rollins for the wwe championship, fought Cena for the u.s championship, made it into the finals of the KOTR, and teamed with Stephen Amell(which isn't as big of a deal as the others, but it meant that wwe had faith in him to carry a match).
Now a couple years later and he's in the same "irrelevant" category as the shining stars, Axel, Bo, etc. Neville should at least be in the mid to upper mid-card, as he can hang with Owens, Rollins, and Balor and IMO is much better than Zayn.

As for d_henderson1810 question of who I found boring in NXT, but great now on the main roster? RUSEV! I enjoy Rusev and honestly can't wait to see him main eventing. I thought he would turn out similar to Kozlov, but he reminds me a lot of Umaga, except much better because he actually has a personality and shows it, whether that be intentional or not.
I'm a little surprised so many people have gone with the Ascension as I figured most would go with Bray Wyatt, which is my pick. Wyatt is someone that's had all the markings of a great WWE heel. He's fun to watch inside the ring, he's madly charismatic and his mic work is top notch; I read in a post sometime this week in which someone referred to him as a modern day Jake "The Snake" Roberts in the sense that he's an interesting character, but that he's ultimately used as fodder when going up against bigger stars. Unfortunately, I think that's pretty much become the truth because Wyatt is someone that I think most of us were expecting big things from.

As for the Ascension, I can honestly say that I never particularly cared much for them in NXT. They weren't a bad team, but they just didn't interest me. When WWE debuted them on the main roster looking like a watered down, poor man's version of the Road Warriors, I knew immediately that they were destined to be jobbers.
For me the answer is Neville. A guy with plenty of potential is he's handled the wrong way and as a guy that was the guy in NXT for a good while, he's is doing actually nothing except having decent matches which will not get you anywhere if you can't separate yourself from the crowd. True, it's how Bryan got over but there was a dearth of in-ring competition at that point.

Bryan got over because of the yes/no chant and his promo ability. His in ring ability was not the reason he was over.

Neville isn't over because he hasn't been given promo time nor a character. Crews and Neville are just smiling babyfaces. Nothing makes them standout.

Tyler Breeze is my pick. I thought he was a solid guy. Good character. Good promos. Easy to hate. They had him debut by losing. That was a great start to his career. Couldn't have booked it better. Breeze has a character. That at least puts him above guys like Neville yet the WWE has done almost nothing with him. I actually do like Breezango and can see them being tag champs. He deserves better.
People need to stop wanting every NXT call-up to be mega-pushed. They should start at the bottom.

I was immensely disappointed in The Ascension. They came up and instantly squashed every team put in front of them for months, including ending The New Age Outlaws' careers at the 2015 Royal Rumble, and were then used as jobbers after that point, making the sacrifice of great veteran teams completely POINTLESS.
My thoughts on the poll:

The Ascension is garbage. They have a terrible gimmick, even if it's not their fault. They don't look intimidating at all. To me, they look like two rejects from the Warriors. They are, at best, average wrestlers and are where they belong in the company.
I feel the same about Bo Dallas. His voice is annoying. He doesn't look good and I have not seen him put on a good match. His gimmick also sucks, but I don't think any gimmick could help him. Generational wrestlers are not always on-par with their parent/grandparent (see also Joe Hennig, Harry Smith, and Ted DiBiase Jr.)
Bray doesn't belong on this list, because win or lose, he has received a push pretty much non-stop since he came up from NXT. He may not have held any belts, yet, but I think he will eventually.
Apollo Crews isn't all he was hyped up to be. With all the great signings like Nakamura, Roode, Styles, etc... He just isn't THAT good. BUT he is young and he atleast has the potential and time to improve. He could be the next big thing... Or he could be another Curtis Axel. A decent wrestler with little personality and charisma that belongs at the bottom of the card.
Tyler Breeze, again, average at best. His gimmick is terrible, but he has made the best of it and is much better off as a part of of a tag team with Fandango.
Becky Lynch should be the first Smackdown Women's Champ. No one, besides Naomi or Natalya, deserve it but I still think Becky should get the rub. Not dissing the other 3 ladies, but Nikki has had significant runs and is kind of Mrs. Cena so she will get another run or two. Carmella is hot and okay on the mic, but she looks sloppy as hell in the ring and is just too green IMO.
Alexa Bliss has potential but she is too green, also.
Baron Corbin is a big guy with a terrible receding hairline. Another guy that hasn't shown any real skill in the ring, much less legit charisma or mic skill.
Eva Marie... Hot as all hell but that's it. I will at least give her props for seeming to actually care about improving in the ring, though.
Vaudevillains have a great gimmick and are decent in the ring, but their time may or may not come if the backstage stories about Gotch always running his mouth are true.
My pick is Cesaro. He is one of the best wrestlers in the business and one of the most underutilized and unappreciated wrestlers in the WWE. He may not be gold on the mic like The Rock or Jericho, but he isn't as bad as some of the others that get mic time. I am hoping this will change with the Best of 7 deal with Sheamus, but I am not holding my breath.
Not every star in NXT will or should be a big star when they get called up! (See also Adam Rose).
Neville is apparently so irrelevant that he didn't even make it into the poll.

I voted for Bo Dallas. While I don't think he has that high of a ceiling, I think that he could be a mid-card heel on the level of The Miz. I thought his gimmick is/was thoroughly entertaining and he had really good heat when he debuted and had his streak. They pulled the plug on him way too early... they were even flirting with a more aggressive Bo after his streak ended, which was good character development. It's odd that they're maybe revisiting this angle now - the same week as his airport incident. Like, now you're pushing this guy?

Neville's a close second for me but I can see how they might not have much for him on the main roster. We knew it wasn't going to go well for him after the Mighty Mouse rumors first started popping up.

And Tyler Breeze's current position in the company is exactly where it should be. I feel like people will probably disagree with me here but I actually think his gimmick is solid. It's a modern take on one of the most classic archetypal heel characters and should be a heat magnet. I just think that Tyler Breeze has absolutely zero charisma and, for me, he doesn't come close to pulling it off.
I'd say Baron Corbin, but you can't really be dissapointed in someone who you never had any expectations for to begin with.

I guess I'd have to say The Ascension, especially because absolutely none of it is their fault. I've said this a million times, but I could sum up how they should've been used in 1 sentence: "The Brock Lesnar of tag teams".

They didn't need to change ANYTHING about their NXT presentation. They should've come in, and absolutely destroyed every tag team on the roster, and held the belts for a looooong time, until they finally gave someone the rub to pass them on (presumably American Alpha). Konnor is so much bigger than nearly every other guy in a tag team currently that it's absurd to think he'd get beaten as easily as he does. I despise the fact that they went through so many iterations in NXT to finally arrive at something that worked perfectly, so what's the first thing WWE does when calling them up? Change everything about it! Makes perfect sense.

The ripoff Road Warrior's gear, those terrible vignettes where they run down old team, the red triangle paint on their foreheads, the whole thing was just bizarre. They need to have them get serious again, make them the mountain that other teams struggle to climb, not just one of the crop.

Beyond that, there are of course others that have been disappointing like Breeze or The Vaudevilliains, but in both those instances I didn't ever really think their gimmicks would translate well to the main roster, whereas I thought Ascension were tailor made for it.
People need to stop wanting every NXT call-up to be mega-pushed. They should start at the bottom.

I was immensely disappointed in The Ascension. They came up and instantly squashed every team put in front of them for months, including ending The New Age Outlaws' careers at the 2015 Royal Rumble, and were then used as jobbers after that point, making the sacrifice of great veteran teams completely POINTLESS.

I really don't think you really watch the same show as the rest of us. First of all JBL absolutely trashed them on commentary for the first few matches the Ascension had, effectively destroying any credibility that they had coming out of NXT.

Yes the Ascension squashed a few jobber teams but no one of note until they beat the New Age Outlaws. Notice I said beat, not destroyed their careers. After that they were still being trashed by JBL until one RAW where JBL, Farouk, New Age Outlaws and I think Nash and Hall, came out and completely destroyed them. The Ascension became a jobber tag team and never achieved anything or will they ever.

You have to stop thinking that just because a veteran wrestler loses to a new up and comer their careers are over. That should be the reason they are still wrestling, to help the new guys, like the wrestlers did that came before them.
I had voted other because I was voting Emma. Started off hot, got paired with Santino, busted for shoplifting. Back down to NXT . New Gimmick. Back to the main roster, with a big push seemingly ahead. Injury ensues. Emma is now on the shelf. I had high hopes for her when she debuted, but now I see future endeavours.

Then JackHammer mentioned Bray Wyatt. Everybody should vote other on this poll and write in Wyatt. He may be the most disappointing star of all time. Such high promise, due to a great gimmick, all gone to waste due to the fact that he has been booked poorly.

Honorable mentions: Summer Rae, Tyler Breeze, Ascension, Baron Corbin, Vaudevillains.

As for the most surprising of the NXT callups, I would say Rusev and Charlotte.
Remember when the Hardyz use to be jobbers week in and week out back in the 80's. I do.... It wasn't until they became paired with the Brood until they became a star team. These Nxt stars may of been flops so far, but all it takes is the right gimmick, change for them to be awesome. Look at "the new day" for example..... they sucked when they first became a team.... So all it takes is the right storyline..... Lots of failures with stars is blamed on the creative... For example.. Wade Barrett had a great gimmick with Bad News.... then it was thrown away and the king gimmick was his downfall...

I do remember the Hardyz being "jobbers", but I remember it being the late 90's.
Every last one of them motherfckers need to be BACK in NXT

The ONLY one who the WWE have a plan for now (not consistently might I add) is Cesaro and he's also the only one who's currently packaged in a gimmick that could develop into Heavyweight Championship Gold!

NEVILLE is the primary problem because he's talented and can go with the top card guys but has done nothing of note since joining the main roster.:banghead:

Editor's Note: Eva Marie & Becky Lynch are in my opinion far ahead of the guys on this list, Sami Zayn was dangerously close to making it here until this past 9/5 edition of WWE Raw.
Remember when the Hardyz use to be jobbers week in and week out back in the 80's. I do...

Pepperidge Farm doesn't even remember the Hardy Boyz wrestling for WWE in the '80s. Even if this had happened I hope that a 12 and 14 y/o (oldest they could've been) wouldn't be going over the likes of Demolition, Hart Foundation, Twin Towers or even the Bushwackers.

As for the topic I find it surprising so many are disappointed in Tyler Breeze's transition to Raw/SDLive. Sure I was a fan but I'm not blind to the fact he was an enhancement talent to the upper card in NXT. His gimmick didn't transition and he became enhancement to a lower level of stars. Now he has a nice entertaining act with Fandango and he is collecting a nice pay day.
I really don't think you really watch the same show as the rest of us. First of all JBL absolutely trashed them on commentary for the first few matches the Ascension had, effectively destroying any credibility that they had coming out of NXT.

Yes the Ascension squashed a few jobber teams but no one of note until they beat the New Age Outlaws. Notice I said beat, not destroyed their careers. After that they were still being trashed by JBL until one RAW where JBL, Farouk, New Age Outlaws and I think Nash and Hall, came out and completely destroyed them. The Ascension became a jobber tag team and never achieved anything or will they ever.

You have to stop thinking that just because a veteran wrestler loses to a new up and comer their careers are over. That should be the reason they are still wrestling, to help the new guys, like the wrestlers did that came before them.

Their win over the Outlaws came AFTER the segment where they got beat up by the nWo, the Outlaws, and the APA, which is part of why it was so terrible. The Ascension was going on for weeks about the legends being inferior to them, then got their asses kicked by the legends (which didn't hurt the Ascension at ALL since it was what, 10 on 2?), and then ANNIHILATED the Outlaws at the Rumble, thus proving every the Ascension said was true and sacrificing three legendary teams to try to get the Ascension over.

Veterans losing every match is why WWE is in the pathetic shape it's in. VETERANS SHOULD ONLY LOSE WHEN IT ACTUALLY MATTERS. That's the way to build the future.
Their win over the Outlaws came AFTER the segment where they got beat up by the nWo, the Outlaws, and the APA, which is part of why it was so terrible. The Ascension was going on for weeks about the legends being inferior to them, then got their asses kicked by the legends (which didn't hurt the Ascension at ALL since it was what, 10 on 2?), and then ANNIHILATED the Outlaws at the Rumble, thus proving every the Ascension said was true and sacrificing three legendary teams to try to get the Ascension over.

Veterans losing every match is why WWE is in the pathetic shape it's in. VETERANS SHOULD ONLY LOSE WHEN IT ACTUALLY MATTERS. That's the way to build the future.

Yes you are absolutely correct and please accept my apologies for getting the timeline wrong. They did beat the New Age Outlaws at the Rumble after getting their asses handed to them by JBL and others. That was really their only big win since coming up though, and they have been used as jobbers ever since. It still didn't ruin anyone's career but their own.
Based off the options in the poll.... it is The Ascension. They were awesome in NXT and it is quite a shame how they were handled once they made it to the main roster. There was no reason to make a joke out of them when they could been great contenders for the Tag Team Championship. I may be in the minority but I did like the Cosmic Wasteland stable they were in with Stardust. That might be the only part of their main roster run that I've enjoyed though. Allowing them to be awesome and dominant like they were in NXT would have been the simple solution. So much potential that might now never be reached. Crews comes the closest after The Ascension out of anyone on the list, although even in his case I am unsure if he can really be called a disappointment. His main roster promotion was a bit of a head scratcher, however he's still got plenty of time to prove himself. Had he actually been successful in NXT then it would be easier to call him a disappointment or not. His NXT run ended too soon.

As for the other options in the poll.... Breeze hasn't really been disappointing. Breezango has turned into a shockingly entertaining team when I initially thought it would be stupid. Cesaro shouldn't be on the poll. Neither should Becky Lynch. As others have said, it is too soon to make the call on whether Becky has been a disappointment or not. Baron Corbin sucks so I had already predicted he would be a disappointment on the main roster. I am NOT a fan of Bo Dallas, although I did not watch him in NXT. Only his match with Neville at Arrival and I hated the promo Bo did for that match, don't even get me started on the Bo-Lieve stuff he's done on the main roster. Eva Marie hasn't been a disappointment, sure she still sucks in the ring but she gets heel heat like no other, she has turned out exactly as predicted in her main roster return so far. The Vaudevillains were HORRIBLE in NXT, so the less they are seen in the main roster, the better. Another case of where I already thought they would be nothing more than a disappointment.

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