The Most Awkward Moment In WWE History!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Simply put, what is the most awkward moment in WWE history? Strictly WWE here, so no Shockmaster, lol. Give details please.

For me, the most awkward moment was when GrandMaster Sexay returned earlier this year for the Cole-Lawler feud. He literally got NO reaction whatsoever. The dancing he was doing was hilariously corny!

What's yours?
For me it was probably Edge and Lita almost having sex in the ring. I was watching it with people who were used to the wrestling of the 70's, 80's... I think it's the first time I have ever gone red and wanted something on TV to stop (for their sake)... It was just strange if you ask me... I didn't really know where it was going or how far they would push it. So yeah, if we are talking "awkward" then it has to be that one.
Golddust soul kissing Savio Vega in the middle of an Intercontinental Title match. There was a long look around the room I was in, then we changed the channel.
Rosie O'Donnell Vs Donald Trump was pretty bad. Seeing Vince sitting right there as the fans chant "Boring" and "TNA" was rather painful for him.

The Buff Bagwell Vs Booker T match that killed off the idea of WCW as a seperate show was painful to watch too.

But none of those, NONE, can even come close to the Gooker at Survivor Series 1990. Hector Guerrero running around the ring with Mene Gene was dreadful...Made worse by the fact that the contents of the egg was one of the main selling points of the PPV....although anyone who bought that PPV to see what was in the egg deserved the shit they got served!!!
Most awkward moment...anything the original golddust did...the new gold dust with booker t stuff is funny but the original gay one not so cool.

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