The Miz: Where Does His Character Go From Here?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
I apologise wholeheartedly if this has been done a million time before, but its a little bit heart-wrenching to see how far The Miz has fallen.

The most must see WWE superstar in history has become the least seen WWE superstar on TV for the last couple of weeks.

I genuinely thought that after getting the W for his team at Mania, that he was on his way out of whatever doghouse he had allegedly been thrown into. He could have been Johnny's right hand man. But alas, even after two appearances at Over The Limit, made very little impact on either, losing to Brodus Clay in the process.

I was in Atlanta last year for Wrestlemania 27, and I was pleased to see him in the main event. Sure some people were asking what he had done to deserve it, but I liked the fact that he was playing the cocky heel, had a great video promo made for him for the occasion, and although the match was at times, pretty bad, he took a nasty bump to finish it all off, and got the win.

His character is starting to get a little stale, so my question is, what could creative do to make The Miz more socially relevant again?
If they want to put him back in the main event picture, have him feud with Punk. Sure, Punk is obviously way better in the ring but the Miz is good enough on the mic to build up a solid feud with CM Punk.

If they don't want to toss him right back into the main event picture, how about having him feud with Christian? That would be a great feud as both guys can talk and Miz would be good with the IC belt. It would be a good way to get him back to relavance.

He's still doing a lot of publicity events and PR stuff for WWE so I don't really think he's in the doghouse per se, I think it's more of a matter of the main event scene being too crowded.
Isn't Miz currently filming The Marine 3? And supposed to be on some Disney show? I'm pretty sure that answers where he's been. He'll be back eventually. It's almost guaranteed he has a top spot in WWE for a LONG time. Unless he messes up badly lol
I think his logical next step is a face turn. He would have to come back as a face to promote his straight to DVD slop Marine 3. A face turn makes the most sense for the Mizzard of Oz @ this time.

I also thought for sure as he got the "W" for Team Johnny @ 'Mania that he would be awarded a title shot vs Punk the next night, but that spot went to Mark Henry.

The crowd is already behind him with the "Really" chant. Why not give him a face run? I think WWE is lacking strong faces right now and he's in a spot where it's been a long time since he's been a face.
I think his logical next step is a face turn. He would have to come back as a face to promote his straight to DVD slop Marine 3. A face turn makes the most sense for the Mizzard of Oz @ this time.

I also thought for sure as he got the "W" for Team Johnny @ 'Mania that he would be awarded a title shot vs Punk the next night, but that spot went to Mark Henry.

The crowd is already behind him with the "Really" chant. Why not give him a face run? I think WWE is lacking strong faces right now and he's in a spot where it's been a long time since he's been a face.

A face turn could work but I think he'd have to totally revamp his character if he went all-out baby face. If he went more towards a tweener, he could basically just tweak the existing character.

Right now, he's the annoying bully type of heel. How can he get over as a babyface without totally compromising the character? All the great ones, can go from heel to face and back and forth without really changing their character or gimmick too much. Can the Miz do it?
First off he should start feuding with Santino Marella to gain some levage and get himself back into the picture, then around Tables, Ladders and Chairs they should turn him into a face and have him win the 2013 Royal Rumble Match by then Wwe should have Wade Barrett as Wwe or World Heavyweight Championship. Then leading to WrestleMania he starts a face vs Heel feud and at Mania he win the Title.
He needs a turn that is simple, but effective. Bare with me here and don't scoff so quick.

1st, dissapear for a while until the first 3 hour Raw. Create a situation of joy and happiness (maybe involving a child/children) in some sort of B A Star or Make A Wish kind of thing inside the ring. Have a real ******** come out and intimidate/piss on them.

The music hits and.............REALLY? REALLY? REAAAAALLLY?

Corny, but effective. There's your turn. Put him on Smackdown, and away we go.
they had the perfect oppertunity, to change his character and make him a face, 1. he should have turned on larenitis giving teddy the win, and then teddy give him a title shot at danile bryan, or 2. been on teddy teem and get the pin and same feud
miz will be back in the main event scene. by just looking at wwe merch, miz is considered one of the top guys.
I think we will find The Miz back in the title picture once Y2J leaves - he could get invovled in a feud with christian for the ic title
Creative needs to have something very special in mind for Miz not to be Future Endeavored. He hasn't been around. He's been on a rather spectacular loosing trend, dropped down to undercard and pre-show dark matches. His promos have all been copy/paste when he is on TV.

Time to move on from the Reality Show Reject
I apologise wholeheartedly if this has been done a million time before, but its a little bit heart-wrenching to see how far The Miz has fallen.

I believe you meant to says this has been done a million times before. Plural.

I genuinely thought that after getting the W for his team at Mania, that he was on his way out of whatever doghouse he had allegedly been thrown into.

The word "that" is not necessary in the above sentence in either occasion.

This is a good question, though. As far as The Miz is concerned, I think he really needs to turn face in order to rejuvenate his character. He's one of those guys (along with Alberto Del Rio in my opinion) that is struggling to get and stay over as a heel because fans want to cheer him. We see how he can get the crowd to play along with his "really" chants, and use subtle references to wherever he is performing at the time, two staples of face behavior. His body type fits well to an underdog type of role (which he has also tried to play as a heel), something that is way better for a face character. Furthermore, I believe that he has the charisma to stay over as a face and really enhance up-and-coming heels.

How to turn him face? I'll leave that up to people with better ideas than I do. But I believe that if and when Miz turns face he will be on track to return to main event status.

He was never any good and has only gotten worse. No one misses him on a nightly basis. And the only thing he does better than some is talk show interviews and maybe star in a movie. Which that exposure could be put towards a supertar w/athletic talent and the whole package.
after he finishes filming Marine.. Stay away from WWE TV the whole time.. then return BIGGER, STRONGER, FASTER, More Ripped.. with a Shaved ( BALD ) Head, new ring gear, new music, new attitude...= future success.


He was never any good and has only gotten worse. No one misses him on a nightly basis. And the only thing he does better than some is talk show interviews and maybe star in a movie. Which that exposure could be put towards a supertar w/athletic talent and the whole package.

This has got to be the lamest excuse for an opinion in this entire topic! You basically just said that you dislike The Miz and didn't give any real basis for where his character should go or anything. Just not liking the guy. That's not a valid reason to future endeavor someone. If that's the case, Cena would've been future endeavored years ago.....

In the beginning, I didn't like The Miz either. I thought he was some reality tv reject who only joined WWE to remain on television. His beginning on Smackdown was awful and he just looked like a bad Ryan Seacrest wannabe.

However, as the years went by and The Miz started showing promise, I started shifting towards actually liking him and appreciating what a true talent Miz truly is. He works very hard for WWE via promotions, interviews, social media, etc. The only guy I know who actually promotes WWE more is John Cena. The Miz has improved ten times over in the ring and can have great matches with just about anyone he's put with. He has a great personality which really comes across on tv and he's the kinda heel you love to hate.

I think The Miz has been heel entirely too long though. When Truth & Miz split, they should've had Truth turn on Miz setting him up as the face instead of what they did turning Truth back face. It didn't make any logical sense considering Truth's whole crazy "Little Jimmy" gimmick and would've done wonders for keep Miz on top and relevant. I believe this time off is good for Miz, though. He'll film The Marine 3 and return hopefully, with a face turn and prove he can be just as effect as a face and be put back into the main events.
Miz is like Ricky Steamboat (Yes, I never thought I'd ever type that sentence. ;)) in the way that he can only play the one side of the coin because his face just doesn't fit the alternate role.

I think his best period was tagging with JoMo, he was inventive in all aspects during that period, I just don't think he has enough to be a sustained main eventer.

However I don't really get why WWE is so down on him right now, he's a good utility heel that could be paired in a team with a newer guy needing to get over, or used as a contender/champion for either mid-card title, jobbing him out relentlessly serves no purpose that I can see.
I think The Miz has been heel entirely too long though. When Truth & Miz split, they should've had Truth turn on Miz setting him up as the face instead of what they did turning Truth back face. It didn't make any logical sense considering Truth's whole crazy "Little Jimmy" gimmick and would've done wonders for keep Miz on top and relevant. I believe this time off is good for Miz, though. He'll film The Marine 3 and return hopefully, with a face turn and prove he can be just as effect as a face and be put back into the main events.

I agree and I think they missed another great chance to turn him face, right after Wrestlemania. After the Miz won for team Laurinitis, they should have played up the angle how Laurinitis owed the Miz for the win but then Laurinitis kept screwing him over. Finally, Miz could have cost Johnny L (or one of Johnny L's cohorts) a match and the crowd would have gone crazy. Boom, Miz is face.

He was never any good and has only gotten worse. No one misses him on a nightly basis. And the only thing he does better than some is talk show interviews and maybe star in a movie. Which that exposure could be put towards a supertar w/athletic talent and the whole package.

There's a 0% chance The Miz gets future endeavored. He was in the doghouse (supposedly) for a couple of different things but he promotes the shit out of WWE, works hard, is good enough on the mic, and is a former champion that there's just no way he'd get future endeavored. I'm asuming his merchandise sells really well as I'm always seeing his shirts in the crowd at RAW.

The Miz will be back. Right now the main event scene on RAW is over crowded but he's not going to be future endeavored.
Taking Miz off Raw would help since he had dominated the show for most of 2010-2011, feuding with Christian for the IC title on Smackdown would be a great place to be right now. Christian is an ideal opponent for Miz. The Miz thinks he's awesome, but Christian is the one holding a prestigious championship. Christian is older and has few years left in his career, The Miz is young and his stardom is still growing. I could see these two having great promo segments with each other and Christian has the experience to get great matches out of Miz.

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