The Miz vs. Randy Orton At TLC: What Should The Stipulation Be?


Even though this match hasn't been officially announced, we all know that it's coming and it's coming at the next ppv. Over the next few weeks, I expect the WWE to continue the story with Orton's knee being injured as a means of protecting him should he ultimately wind up losing to The Miz at TLC.

However, what sort of match would you like them to have at TLC? The choices are, of course, a tables match, a chairs match & a ladder match. I suppose it's always possible that the two might have an actual TLC match at the show even though they didn't go that route last time. If a TLC match is out of the question, I'd like to see the two of them in a ladder match. It'd work perfectly with Orton's injured knee being a hindurance to him as it would make climbing the ladder more difficult and slower going.
If the WWE does decide to go with The Miz vs Randy Orton at TLC, which is a good possibility, and makes sense storyline wise, I think it would only make sense for them to compete in a ladder match.

A ladder match would allow the WWE to create a story around Randy Orton's injured knee. It would also allow The Miz to get a clean victory, while not hurting Orton's image.
It's a tough question to answer. I think The Miz and Randy Orton could literally have any kind of match at TLC.

However, I would like to have them wrestling in either a TLC match or a tables match. Mostly because the TLC match is the focal point of the entire Pay Per View, and they most likely have nobody else to truly feature it with.

But on the other hand, a tables match functions very well for both of them. They're not exactly huge powerhouses. So I think a tables match could be absolutely insane to watch between the two of them. Especially looking back at Randy Orton vs John Cena this year with their ladder match leading up to Night of Champions.

The reason why I don't want to see a ladder match or a chairs match however is due to the fact that. Well first off the chairs match sucked, and will continue to do that no matter who is featured in it. Unless it's Christian vs Edge. And we know that won't happen.

The ladder match is something I think should be preserved for some agile guys like perhaps Dolph Ziggler vs Kaval, or Bryan Danielson vs whomever he faces. It should be allowed to get that epic match that Christian vs Shelton had at last year's TLC.
I think it will be contested in a TLC match. Why else would Miz have faced Jerry Lawler in a TLC match last night? With Randy Orton's injury, it would play a big factor into the match and would work out properly.
i'm thinking that a ladder match or TLC match would be likely.

for one, it plays to Miz's strengths as he won a MITB ladder match for the shot at the title. and now, in his first defense, he won a TLC match to retain.

side note -- kinda like Edge's first reign, right? he won the MITB ladder match to win the shot at the title. he waited for several months to cash in. he cashed in on a weakened champion after a match and won the title. his first title defense was in a TLC match with an older veteran (against Ric Flair). just an observation. i don't really have a point to it other than to say that these two have similar first title reigns.

also, it plays to Orton's weakness as i can't recall him ever having a ladder match victory and he has a bad knee. so it'd be easy to sell this match in Miz's favor as he now has two ladder match victories and Orton has none.

so that's my thought.

i could also see a chairs match though as both of these guys have finishers that could be executed onto a chair on the mat. the SCF and the RKO would both be pretty sweet to see as some guy gets his face rammed into a steel chair on the mat being driven in by the other guy's signature move. so that's a possibility too.

not a tables match. anything but.
Well the difference between this year and last year is that ECW has ceased to exist. So I think we might see one stipulation match less as compared to last year. Or I guess that stipulation match will be transferred to one of the midcard title matches.

But coming back to the OP I think the ladder match is certainly the best way to go. There is a story in place with Orton's injury. I think a ladder match between the two could be a lot like the Rock vs HHH match at Summerslam 1998. It would involve less of high spots and more of psychology and that will certainly be a change from what usually happens in a ladder match.

Also we have already seen Miz compete in a TLC match and Orton compete in a tables match. A chair match does not make a lot of sense to me so the ladder match is certainly the way to go.
Hopefully not a TLC match. One on one TLC matches are not that good. They put all this shit around the ring, but they only use like 4 things. Having 3 tag teams made it exciting, but they won't do that again since they don't have tag teams.

And they should stop putting so many damn ladders around the ring and such. HBK and Razor only need one, and in their rematch they had only 2. Rock/HHH only had one I believe.
Im going to go against the grain and say a chair match. I didn't find the Batista/Undertaker match to be that good, but I think we could get something passable from Orton/Miz.

I think we can eliminate a TLC match, as that will likely be the stipulation between Kane and Edge.

A chair match is the perfect way for Miz to go over, without Orton looking weak. Miz can work over the injured knee with the chair. I could see a scenario playing out where Orton hits Miz with the RKO, but is unable to get to the cover in time because his knee has been worked over.

This would allow Miz to go over in the match, and over a big name as well, twice. He wouldn't be "preying on the vulnerable contender" this time, rather, he'ld be making the most of the stipulation.

I think this match would work far better then Batista and Undertaker because Miz and Orton are younger and more agile. They could make better use of this stipulation then any other match I can think of, as I could see a lot of reversals and missed chair shots. In the end, I think this is the match best suited to put Miz over Orton. As long as they protect each other, both have finishers that could be executed onto chairs as well. This would be the match I would use.
Being as Miz just had a ladder match with Lawler, I see that as less of an option. But, the potential of seeing Miz take an RKO from the top of a ladder might make it possible (although I think Miz will retain. A loss so soon would kill this megapush he's getting). Plus, if they plan on playing on Orton's "knee injury," making him climb a ladder is a great challenge.

A chairs match just doesn't seem right for a main event match. There's not as much to them. Unless a chair gets brought into the picture sometime before as a focal point, say if Miz goes after Orton's knee with a chair or something and they start using chairs on each other to build up.

I'm thinking tables. Think about it. Both Miz and Riley went through tables on RAW during the Lawler match, which would make Miz gunshy about taking on such a match, but have Orton push him to take it. Plus, both guys' finishers can be done through a table (SCF through a table may be harder than an RKO, but it can be done), which would make for interesting high spots.
i would have them face at a ladder match because; tlc match is edges type. edge has been in the most tlc matches and the first so hes like undertaker with buried alive match. And i have seen kane in a tag team tlc match, where rvd was his partner and kane did cool highlights. I cant see the miz and orton as an extreme type ppl. i would have miz say ladder match bcuz thats how he got MITB, and it will be easier for him to win while orton still having his power.
I Think the TLC match at the payperview is Already taken to Kane v Edge. So a Ladder match would be the most reasonable considering they will probably keep Ortans "injury" storyline going. That way, Orton will have a hard time climbing the ladder, therefore, Miz will have a clean victory. (with the predictable alex riley interference.)
I would prefer a ladder match. The ladder match done properly can be just as good. The Tlc match is insanity and i don't belive can be properly done with just to guys. I could actually see though that they make it a 4 way tlc match through instead of just doing an orton miz match. Beating 3 guys in a tlc match could lift Miz even higher.
I think everyone has already said what needs to be said, the ladder match is the most logical choice for the match at TLC between these two.

The Miz will, of course, need to win the match to be passed off as a legitimate Champion in the WWE. His win at Raw last week came against a severely depleted Randy Orton and I would assume that is the route that the WWE will want to take this feud.

Let's face it, whether The Miz is the Champion or not, Randy Orton is still the biggest thing in the company. Many people, including myself, have noted that Orton seemed to be on a tear much more when he was the one chasing the Championship and that is what I fully expect to see over the next couple of months as he attempt to recapture the gold. With his absence on Raw being quite notable, I think the WWE will try and pass off his knee injury as the reason that he lost the title and the reason that he wont win it.

The ladder match seems to be the most ample stipulation for the match as it protects Orton when he, inevitably, loses to The Miz. Climbing the ladder is hard enough but when you have a dodgy knee, it becomes a whole lot harder and will likely take Orton out of the title picture for a while.
First off I am thinking it will be a triple threat at TLC also involving Barrett however that is really neither here nor there.

Anyway I think that is will either be a Ladder or TLC match. There are a few reasons for this. They can play up Miz's experience in that kind of match given that he has won a MITB ladder match, a match that Orton was also in so they can say that Miz has already beaten Orton in a ladder match. Also I think the Lawler TLC match was used to give The Miz a bit of experience and practice in those types of matches so when it comes time for the PPV he will know what to expect and be able to put on a good match. Also if it is a match that involves climbing a ladder they can play up Orton's injured knee and that way when he loses he wont look too weak.
First off I am thinking it will be a triple threat at TLC also involving Barrett however that is really neither here nor there.

Anyway I think that is will either be a Ladder or TLC match. There are a few reasons for this. They can play up Miz's experience in that kind of match given that he has won a MITB ladder match, a match that Orton was also in so they can say that Miz has already beaten Orton in a ladder match. Also I think the Lawler TLC match was used to give The Miz a bit of experience and practice in those types of matches so when it comes time for the PPV he will know what to expect and be able to put on a good match. Also if it is a match that involves climbing a ladder they can play up Orton's injured knee and that way when he loses he wont look too weak.

I don't think Barrett will be in this match. Im thinking he will be in a match with Cena where if Cena wins he is back.

As for the stipulation, I wouldn't mind seeing a table match, however it doesn't really play towards the SCF. Unless he does it through the announce table and that counts as a win? Haha.

I'm not sure how the PPV works exactly though, is it a TLC Match )For one of the titles), then a tables match, ladders match and chairs match? As in the IC and US title will be defended in stipulation matches also?

If so, then i can see this being a chairs match. More so out of hope than anything, as i would rather see the IC title defended in a ladders match, where the competitors are capable of doing crazy things off the ladder.
Most likely a Ladder match. We all knew Edge & Kane would wind up getting the TLC match cause that's Edge's match but we also know that Orton vs. Miz is a bigger match than Edge vs. Kane so since TLC is already used, the next big stip is a Ladder match plus as others mentioned, would work well storyline wise with Orton's leg. Also I could see some good spots being pulled off on the Ladder like maybe an RKO off the Ladder.

As far as the Tables match goes, I see that being used for a match between John Morrison & Sheamus to end their feud and obviously because Sheamus won his first WWE Championship in that match last year. The Chair match I have no clue who will be used on but I see that being added to the Del Rio - Mysterio match or maybe Cena vs. Barrett.
I'm fine with pretty much anything but chairs match. Seriously, who the hell want's to watch a chairs match?

My first choice would probably be a ladder match. This is a match where Miz won't have to look to dominate over someone like Orton. Plus with the knee injury hindering Orton, Miz will have a distinct advantage over Orton in a ladder match. I also enjoy ladder matches in general, so I would love to see this one.

My next choice would be a tables match, where as again Orton's knee may prevent him from putting Miz through a table. However, I can't really picture Miz finding a way to put Orton through a table. But anything can happen, just look at last year's tables match.

My last choice would be a TLC. I pretty much have the same feeling for a TLC matches as I do for ladder matches, but seeing how Miz and Lawler had one a few weeks ago on Raw I don't think WWE is going to go the TLC route.

However, no matter what option they choose I'm 95% sure that Miz will be walking out of TLC the WWE Champion. I think WWE has too much faith in him to just give the title to Orton after a one month tenure a champ. Miz needs this one to come off as a legit and believable champ.

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