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The Miz vs. Morrison- The Inevitable Future

Who will be the Initial Star when the team is broken up?

  • The Miz Mike Mizanan with a hell turn

  • The Miz Mike Mizanan with a face turn

  • "The Shahman of Sexy" John Morrison with a heel turn

  • "The Shahman of Sexy" John Morrison with a face turn

Results are only viewable after voting.


Houston's Hometown Hero
WWE has a rich past filled with tag teams who were put together to capitalize on both men's individual talents and to keep them in the spotlight. But eventually, there comes a time when they greats split and one man goes on to his next station in life while the other seemingly moves down a notch so that focus stays on the other member. In the past, we have seen The Hart Foundation, The Rockers, DX, Cade and Murdock, The Hard Boys, Edge and Christian, and countless others. The formula is simple. One member of the team takes a face or heel turn and uses the other to catapult them to the next level.

And that brings us to the formidable tag team of Mike Mizanan and John Morrison. Now we've seen what each can do on their own, and Miz did so so while Morrison made the most of his stint as the ECW champion. But that was before their reign as tag team champions, chemistry on the mic, and The Dirt Sheet raised their stock quite a bit and gave them the exposure and experience that future singles stars are definitely made of. But alas, when the split happens, one will rise, and one will fall. But that's not to say that the one who falls will stay down.

So who will it be and why do you feel that way?
Tough call. I love both characters, but I would say that the Miz is the next breakout heel. I haven't seen someone who isn't annoyed by the Miz rants, his image is more of a young Rocky Maivia and honestly, I can't fucking stand the guy, lol. I guess this means that he is doing a great job...

Morrison will be pushed too, but as a face. I'm confident that he can overcome his errors (one strike, wellness policy) and become a world champion again. He has the look and the experience, now he only needs the IT factor, the one that sells out arenas and sells TONS of merch.
This is very tough. Both have improved since becoming a tag team, and both have loads of potential. Although the Miz has grown on me quite a bit, I still see Morrison making it and, Miz elevating him. I just think that Morrison has more talent then the Miz. I can't really see the Miz making an impact on the business like I can see Morrison. Miz has a look that u really can't see him being a main eventer. Morrison on the other hand has a perfect look, and perfect body (no homo) to be a main eventer. So I see Miz elevating Morrison to the next level.
Now I know most people will go with Morrison, and why not? He has a lot going for him, his in-ring work is solid and he has a great gimmick.

But for me, The Miz will be a star. Now I voted for him with a heel turn, but face or heel he could be big. I just seem him as a heel for now. Why did I vote for him? Well, now compared to his debut, he has a good gimmick. You can't really define it, but I guess a cocky heel is the way to go about it. His gimmick dosen't get old and he plays the role really well.

His in-ring work has improved A LOT since he started. I'm really impressed. I really saw him being released after a few months, and just not trying. But he's improved his in-ring work a lot. He's solid and can easily carry a match. Obviously there is still some work to be done, but he's well on his way. On the mic he's strong and can gain heel heat easily, probably due to how well he plays his character.
Morrison, and his alignment is gonna be hard to call and will probably boil down to which brand he ultimately goes with, Raw or SmackDown. Raw has a lack of heels to come up, while SmackDown has a lack of faces to come up. Raw's got Batista, Cena, HBK, and Mysterio holding down the fort, facing off with heels in Jericho, Orton, Kane, and JBL. But let's be fair, JBL is terrible lately and Kane is like a fish out of water with his Mysterio angle and will probably go back down to the midcard soon. Raw needs a fresh, exciting, main event heel and Morrison could be the guy to take that role on. There's no denying Morrison's talent on the mic and he's got loads of ring skill, and he's doing great as a midcard heel. With the proper storyline and booking, he could easily become a main event talent. Morrison clashing with Cena, Batista, and HBK (especially HBK) would be a great match up.

Now, if he were to transition to SmackDown, however, I imagine he'd turn face. Looking at the SmackDown climate, you've got the Undertaker, HHH, and Jeff Hardy (kind of) going up with Edge, the Big Show, Koslov, Benjamin, MVP, Kendrick, etc., etc...there's a laundry list of heels on SmackDown and two big faces and a (constantly) up and coming face in Hardy. Enter, again, Morrison, to match up with MVP, Benjamin, Kendrick, and, in what I'm sure would be an awesome feud, Edge. Morrison just has more fodder as a face on SD than he does as a heel.

Either way he goes, face or heel, Morrison is probably going to be the guy to walk out of this team on top. He's got a longer career than the Miz, slightly better mic work (the Miz has great work, to be fair), and better ring skills. He also just has an altogether better look. Morrison is certainly the guy to transcend his team and become a world champion.
I could see it being both at the same time - The Miz being a heel, Morrison being a face. That could be the reason why they have their rift that would split them up, is Morrison turning face. The two could have a very solid feud with one another and then move on to bigger things. Morrison has more potential but Miz is currently doing a better job. Nonetheless, I think both of these guys are going to be world champions in the future and main eventing ppvs. We may very well be looking at the new generation's DX....hopefully WWE realizes that and allows them to win on Monday to start pushing them in the right direction.
Miz reminds me alot of Christian,Chris Jericho and The Rock. He plays that smarmy heel character to a tee. He is so obnoxious you wanna punch him in the face sometimes. When Miz and Morrison were arguing with Cryme Time on commentary a few weeks ago on Raw I couldn't even concentrate on the match I just wanted to slap the shit out of Miz & Morrison because of their 5 year old childlike comebacks. Miz could have a few Intercontinental title reigns and a good feud with Evan Bourne or Kofi Kingston or even CM Punk.Before maybe getting the ECW title. If he improves who knows? He's unquestionably the most improved man on the roster. If he stays healthy he will go far.

Morrison makes people laugh. But he plays a heel character well. He puts on great matches. I've seen classics with Morrison against Batista on Smackdown, and against Cena on ECW after Benoit passed. I know he'd put on a classic with HBK,Jericho,and he has had great matches with both Hardys too. It's just a matter of would he be a better heel/face. Right now I have to pick Miz as a character even though Morrison is a better wrestler bc I'm unsure of whether or not Morrison would be a better heel/face.
This is very tough. Both have improved since becoming a tag team, and both have loads of potential. Although the Miz has grown on me quite a bit, I still see Morrison making it and, Miz elevating him. I just think that Morrison has more talent then the Miz. I can't really see the Miz making an impact on the business like I can see Morrison. Miz has a look that u really can't see him being a main eventer. Morrison on the other hand has a perfect look, and perfect body (no homo) to be a main eventer. So I see Miz elevating Morrison to the next level.

I agree with most of what you say. To me, the Miz just doesn't seem like main event calibur yet. Morrison has already proven that he can put on an exciting main event match.

Look at his match with Batista. Though he lost, he kicked Batista's ass, and didn't look out of place doing it. He looks believable when standing up to other main event guys. I don't think I could take the product seriously if Miz started beating the shit out of guys like Taker. Not yet anyway.

So, I predict that Morrison will eventually undergo a face turn around the same time he gets his push, because I don't see him going much farther as a heel. Like I said in another thread, he could be just like Jericho during the invasion angle. He's got the look, the ability, and can be just as funny as Jericho was.
When they split i see Morrison rising up while miz falling. But i see miz surpassing Morrison eventually. Morrison will probably have a face a turn i say more of a tweener like how Mr.Kennedy was on smackdown befor his injury. And as Jackattack said he also can play a jericho type character conceited and funny. But heel in my opinion is definitely out of the question for Morrison once he starts his single career again. He has the look he has the talent i think its only a matter of time befor Morrison finally breaks threw to the Main Event scene.

Now as for the miz. I admit when i first saw him on ECW for some reason i really just did not like him. But he has grown on me alot since then now that i see alot of potential in him. I honestly think the miz can have more successful career then Morrison. His wrestling is decent but thats really doesn't matter as long as he can put on a match. His biggest flaw i see is his mic skills. He gets alot of heat which is great but i feel like he trys to hard to on mic like he has a hard time using one. I think once he can get on the mic and cut a promo naturally will start seeing him have more success.
It is possible that too that they may split due to a draft, and not because one turns on the other. Look at the hardys...they were teammates for a long time, but we still haven't seen one turn on the other and have a feud along the lines of owen vs. bret hart.
I see Morrison going face, and going to SD! for a US title run
The Miz is improving a lot, his wrestling and his mic skills...and i think that Miz is greater as a heel
I see Miz being the one who ends Matt´s ECW title reign
I think Morrison will have the richest future out of the two, i think he will be a main eventer in no time and possibly in a few years time be ready to lead the WWE as a title holder. On the other hand Miz i don't think will capatilize on what he has done already, simply because he has'nt achieved much when being without Morrison. The onlt title i think he has won is the Tag title belt. Morrison has won the Tag title belt too but has also won the ECW belt, this in my opinion is alot better then a Tag team belt because at least Morrison has lead the ECW brand on his own and has had experience which will benefit him in the future.

Another reason why Morrison will make it to the top is because he has everything and is all round much better then the Miz, his mic skills and his acting skills are excellent and his wrestlingbility is by far the best on ECW besides Finlay. Morrison has this sense of cockyness about him whereas The Miz is like a follower he does'nt seem comfortable doing his role.

Whenever WWE do decide to break the Tag team apart it'll be a sad day for their fans, it'll be almost like DX when they "split up" most fans where upset. Maybe they could be like DX and do the odd match together, who knows? whatever happens i think Morrison has a better future then The Miz
On the other hand Miz i don't think will capatilize on what he has done already, simply because he hasn't achieved much when being without Morrison.

Just like Shawn Michael's hadn't achieved anything before he split with Marty Janetty or Bret Hart before he split with Jim Neidhart? Alas, I digress.

I can actually see these two staying as a tag team for another year and then going their own ways in true tag team break up style, of one screwing the other over.

While I see the credentials in Morrison, if I had to pick it would be the Miz but only if his improvement continued. He has grown quite a bit over the past year, in promo skills, in ring work, in connecting with the fans (ie getting a reaction). if he could continue this in a singles match I can say that this man has a bright future, certainly a midcard title. I'm not going to say main title, but ask me that in two years time and I may see where it's going!
The thing with these two is that I think they are both fulfilling their potential to the max. Both of them are portraying the precisely the right character for their individual abilities and they play off each other incredibly well.

I don't really think either of them is a breakout star, because while Morrison started out much better he has regressed while The Miz has improved exponentially. I genuinely think that it serves the WWE well to keep them together for as long as possible, its not as if the midcard is short on talent or that the tag division is bursting with talent to replace them. The dirt sheet genuinely gets gtood traffic for them too, so the most logical option is to keep them together for as long as possible, maybe even forever, in my opinion.

However, WWE doesn't do logical, so I can see a Morrison face turn. He could make a reasonably good comedy face, and is more over than The Miz. I think the Miz would probably get lost in the mid card mix up immediately, while Morrison would take a while to do so, and probably get a US or IC title run.

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