The Miz RAW/Smackdown = The Next "Super" Superstar


Australian Heavyweight Champion
The Miz, I remember is deubt on smackdown all those years ago, i cheered for him, he didnt seem like a normal heel. ECW came by for him, i think his best match in ECW was the championship scramble at unforgiven, his tag team matches with john morrison where awesome (no pun intended) but he wasnt his own person really.


What does the future hold for the AWESOME superstar? Will he be the next Cena type superstar? I see the Miz being a World Champion one day but I see him being a double champion for some reason.

Yout thoughts??? Please note that the Draft is coming up also...
I dont think he will ever be the "IT" guy, sure he's very entertaining and solid in the ring, but if you look at top guys most of them were still better wrestlers.

Not saying he cant, i never guessed him to stay in the WWE for a year, let alone hold a title.
I could see Miz as a or the top heel in WWE within the next few years. He's easy to hate, or cheer for if your a heel fan

Can't really explain why I think so but if you look at the WWE roster Miz's name to me just goes along with future main eventers like Swagger, Drew, etc.

I can hear Striker now..."Miz is going to be an AWESOME Champion":banghead:
"Future" main eventers rarely pan out the way the IWC thinks they will. Why? Because they have enough of the "it" factor to stand out to a wrestling fan, but not enough of it to stand out to the mainstream audience. Another reason is that they aren't as passionate nowadays. Back in the day, a wrestler slept in his car, wrestled in bingo halls, finally got a chance in WWF, climbed the ladder from nobody to tag champ or IC champ and maybe to world champ after five or ten years. These days, the guys are home grown. They "pay their dues" inside the WWE's rings and have catering in the back. The strong are not properly separated from the weak and that's why we have so many bland guys wrestling in prominent roles. When they do make it, they're eyeballing other opportunities like being a movie star or an MMA fighter and they just ditch the WWE the moment they become stars. The ones who truly shine in WWE are the ones who love professional wrestling more than becoming famous. They are the ones whose lives are devoted to in-ring storytelling, not releasing a rap album. HHH, HBK, Austin, Edge, Jericho, etc all fought and clawed their ways to the top from obscurity. They weren't in WWE when they were 21.

For any number of reasons, 99% of the "future main eventers" fall flat. Ken Kennedy? Brock Lesnar? RVD? Heidenrich? I like the Miz. I really do... but twenty years ago he'd have been smothered out by the competition of better wrestlers in a year. I don't think he'll ever be mainstream.... but he fits in with today's program.

On a side note... I was in the front row at the Monday Night Raw the night after King of the Ring (the one where Brock beat RVD in the final round to win). The night was built around those two future WWE main eventers and they were definitely the focal point when RVD crashed Brock's celebration ceremony. Fast forward to now. Both are gone. If you were a WWE writer, you'd have to be so disappointed that all the hard work you keep putting into new guys is for nothing as they keep letting you down.
i am probably gonna catch crap for this but here me out, if miz can continue to progress and get a little bigger he has all the potenial to be the next rock like superstar. he's got the mike skills the belts and seems to be big with vkm. after the draft i think youll see a lot of the younger guys on smackdown. miz, drew, ziggler,jomo just to name a few. im excited to see these new young stars come up the ladder and do think if booked right miz and drew will be huge in the future.
To UseYourBrain,
In that case why bother pushing anyone, there is a good chance they will eventually piss off?

Why rubbish people purely because of odd cases?

Also, Lesnar and RVD WERE superstars., Plus HBK was in the WWE at the Young 22-23's, HHH was around 24 so both were fairly young, so its silly to drag their age into it

And your "Back in the day" Talk is utter Crap, How can you measure passion just because guys are treated better then guys who are signed early and given an oppotunity while another guy works harder for it, Name a reason WHY Guy number 2 is more passionate then guy number 1? For all you know guy number 1 if he wasnt given a shot early would be sleeping in a car driving around america wrestling for 10 dollars a night.
I think he needs some more time, but I don't have the feeling he is going to be "The Man" and by The Man...I you see him headlining Wrestlemania with the title. I can see him being similar to where Rey Mysterio is and CM Punk is close to being. Someone who has "enough" to be thought of in the title hunt without being that John Cena type of guy that Needs to have the belt. He might be able to elevate some Mid card players some day but again, I don't see him being an HBK, HHH, Chris Jericho type of Top Card all the time player. Remember he is really popular right now, but back in the day, so was Matt Hardy. Hardy held titles and is STILL very popular, but can you really in vision him versus the Undertaker at Wrestlemania?? I don't think so
I see him keeping the belt until Daniel Bryan wins the NXT; then he challenges Miz for the title and wins it. (the NXT can challenge for any title) On the topic of NXT; I am not swaying away from Miz, but Darren Young looks like a seriously over tanned John Cena even in the face? Is he black or tan or both or what? I am seriously trying to figure that one out. I would like to see Miz get seriously meaner and more technical. He may be there and is handcuffed to show what he has; but until then he is not Rock or Cena bound.
Big fan of the MIZ because of his mic skills and the work you can see he has been putting in. Physically you can see he has come far in the last year and his in ring skills seem to only get better with experience. As long as he stays "relatively" healthy and keeps progressing he could easily be a main-eventer in the coming years.

Nice to see the WWE reward him with championship belts. Obviously they see the work he is putting in and his great potential of being a top guy in the business.

As someone who watches only RAW, i expect to see him and Show go to Smackdown but will be very disappointed to see him leave if that is what happens at the draft.
To UseYourBrain,
In that case why bother pushing anyone, there is a good chance they will eventually piss off?

Why rubbish people purely because of odd cases?

Also, Lesnar and RVD WERE superstars., Plus HBK was in the WWE at the Young 22-23's, HHH was around 24 so both were fairly young, so its silly to drag their age into it

And your "Back in the day" Talk is utter Crap, How can you measure passion just because guys are treated better then guys who are signed early and given an oppotunity while another guy works harder for it, Name a reason WHY Guy number 2 is more passionate then guy number 1? For all you know guy number 1 if he wasnt given a shot early would be sleeping in a car driving around america wrestling for 10 dollars a night.

Lesnar and RVD "WERE" superstars? Very wrong. RVD never accomplished what we all hoped he would and he never drew big crowds. Again, big with the wrestling fans but not big with the mainstream audiences. Lesnar was on top for a few years before complaining about the travel and ducking out. Both were given the opportunities to be headliners for years to come. One failed to stop smoking, learn ring psychology, and stop hurting people. The other was pushed to the moon out of nowhere, given an undefeated streak, accomplished what he wanted to, and walked away right after.

Michaels was in WWE and ruined his opportunity the first time around, but only after having proven himself in the indies with TV exposure and a secure fanbase. Triple H had been through the indies and even WCW before getting a shot on the big show. I agree with you that age really doesn't have much to do with it... but those guys proved it BEFORE they got a shot on the biggest stage. They earned their stripes and paid their dues. CM Punk, Edge, Christian, and a few others have done the same... but most of these vanilla dudes haven't done anything other than being a reality star or somebody's kid or grand kid.

I'm not saying somebody isn't passionate just because they got a shot early. I'm saying that if you let 100 kids in the door you never gave yourself a chance to find out who actually deserved to come inside. It's not WWE's fault. They killed all competition. It is, however, WWE's problem regardless. They know it, too. Funk, Flair, and others have all said exactly what I just did before. I guess they're dumb too.
I don't give a s*** to those people who say Miz doesn't have the " IT " factor.

For what reason do you make such a statement?his look?Awesome.His body type and size?Similar to Y2J,6-time world champ.His Mic skills?How many guys can cut promos like him in WWE?Remember the promo he cut when he talked about JBL and not having the permission to enter the locker room?That was pure GOLD.Remember when he said he was the better guy in his tag team with JoMo and we didn't think so,but now we see that Miz is on the same level with JoMO or higher , perhaps.

What i see in Miz is a future main-eventer and a jericho type of Superstar.Cocky,can be heel,face or twiner anytime,some decent ring-skills and one hell of a mic-man.But I don't think he becomes a new Rock or Cena.

By the way,the guy is really well-known in these days.when you hear the word " awesome" the first thing that comes to your mind is the Miz.Even Bischoff used his name in his tweeter account when he talked about TNA awesomeness.

He is the perfect guy for next year Mitb and I bet on him to become WWE Champion by the end of 2011.
The Miz simply put is Awesome. He's one of the few superstars the WWE is actually building up right. They aren't shooting him up the ranks by giving him the briefcase when he isn't a legit title contender. They aren't having him win bullshit battle royals then beat John Cena in a tables match. He's working through the mid-card eventually to where he'll become champ.

Is he the next "It" guy. I don't know at this point he definitely appears to be the next Jericho. At best I see him as a hybrid Rock Jericho. I think Miz could definitely make it as a face, but at this point he's a very effective heel so why change that. He's gold on the mic, sure he doesn't put on the best matches, but neither does Cena.

Just remember guys, The Miz is 1-0 at Wrestlemania, 17 more victories and he's the Undertaker. I laughed when he said that.
I cannot believe there are people in this thread that say Miz doesn't have "It". I understand that this is an opinion, but it is a little flawed to use this terminology.

The Miz is being built up the right way. He isn't a fly-by night Main Eventer like a few WWE has put over. He isn't a jobber that has been in the game forever and is finally getting a break either. Ever since he finished up in the last Tough Enough, he has been, simply put, a success. Not a huge one, but still a success.

Mike Mizanin reminds me of a young Edge honestly. I know several people here like to compare him to Chris Jericho based on appearance and all, but Edge didn't get his big break until a few years ago. He (Edge) has been around for a decade or so, and we all knew he would make it to the top, we just didn't know when.

I think WWE are going to keep building up Mizanin until they are absolutely sure he is ready to step up. He has better mic skills then most stars in the WWE, he can definitely hold his own within matches (now that I think on it I'm not sure I have ever seen him even botch once), and he has "the look"- whether or not he's sporting a punk image or a classier attire.
Bill Simmons of wrote a diary of wrestlemania as he watched it. This is his quote on the Miz...."I continue to be dumbfounded that The Miz --once upon a time a skinny "Real World: New York" roomate named Mike who referred to himself as "The Miz" and cracked his housemates up with fake wrestling speeches, then went on to a moderately successful "Real World/Road Rules Challenge" guy as he continued to refer to himself as "The Miz" -- somehow became a WWE tag-team champon named "The Miz." This is like Darryl Strawberry winning "Celebrity Apprentice," then becoming a Fortune 500CEO." He nailed it right on the head with that quote. Anyone who casually watches wrestling realizes this guy is a bad joke.
Bill Simmons of wrote a diary of wrestlemania as he watched it. This is his quote on the Miz...."I continue to be dumbfounded that The Miz --once upon a time a skinny "Real World: New York" roomate named Mike who referred to himself as "The Miz" and cracked his housemates up with fake wrestling speeches, then went on to a moderately successful "Real World/Road Rules Challenge" guy as he continued to refer to himself as "The Miz" -- somehow became a WWE tag-team champon named "The Miz." This is like Darryl Strawberry winning "Celebrity Apprentice," then becoming a Fortune 500CEO." He nailed it right on the head with that quote. Anyone who casually watches wrestling realizes this guy is a bad joke.

Obviously Bill Simmons of didn't watch wrestling casually. The Miz, above everything else, knows how to work the crowd. Mic Skills go a long way in professional wrestling. Any guy can go into a gym and and lift weights- but public speaking, in a poll, is the number one most feared aspect a person has. Even more than death. So not many can make it sound good.

And with Miz's imitations of being a superstar...what does that have to do with him being a success? People make fun of police officers, lawyers, doctors...but still it's a profession that one day they could be interested in.

Mike Mizanin, like him or hate him, can be called a lot of things, but not a bad joke because he was in a reality show. Wrestling is a reality show, so to speak. That's like people thinking the monster Kane can't be that educated...but he has a Master's Degree in English. Or that the Original ECW hardcore icon Raven can't be that smart...but he is a member of Mensa.

Don't mean to cloud your judgment here, but you shouldn't say people that watch wrestling on occasion know he is a bad joke. Lots of people enjoy him. Others do not. That is an opinion, not an actual statement to make there.
On the mic, the Miz is golden. He is funny, entertaining, and full of one-liners (always a plus). He is the perfect promo-cutting heel. He is a flashy dresser. He has a strut. You name it, character-wise, he does it.

But in the ring, I get nothing from him. I have seen a lot of terrible wrestlers have Hall of Fame-caliber careers, like Hogan, Warrior, Cena, Batista, etc. But those guys always did/do get some kind of emotion out of the crowd. Hogan and Warrior, for as bad as they were technically, always knew how to get the crowd jacked up. Cena and Batista (especially when he's a heel) are pretty good in that regard too. I just don't see that from the Miz.

The Miz has charisma on the mic, but I don't see any in the ring. The Rock was no Bret Hart in the ring, but he made up for it with charisma. Miz isn't on that level, and he is no technical wrestler either. I see the Miz continuing to have great success as a heel, because of his mic skills. But to shoot up into that Hall of Fame type category, he needs to greatly, greatly improve in the ring.
On a side note, the coolest, funniest, most awesome "because it's true" was The Miz calling Bret Hart out on his "25 man handicap match" and saying "My fist is gonna "bring closure" to your face".
I'm sure he will in fact be furture world champion one day, right now, the miz is in a good spot right now, building up his crediblity as a dual champion, a great singles superstar, the perfect tag team partner, so right now the future is bright for the miz, but as long as he gradually and patiently works his way up the ladder of success, anything is possible for "The Awesome One":worship:
The Miz has made huge strides since breaking up with Morrison. Morrison was supposedly the bigger star of that team but Miz has definitely surpassed him, as shown by his three belts (now 1). His ring skills are more than decent, even though he's not a technician. His background was acting, not wrestling. And as has been noted, Rock was no technician either, but he was the greatest actor and promo guy the WWE ever had, and combined with decent wrestling ability, was more than enough to make him a huge star and a household name along with Stone Cold. And look at Cena, he's no technical master, the guy wears jean shorts and tennis shoes in the ring. Yet he is the top guy by leaps and bounds. Miz has shown a passion for the business, regardless of his past career. Some of the young guys are only in it for the paycheck.
Can someone please tell me when was the last time the Miz defended the US title? I see him carry the belt and they call him the champion, but I don't remember him defending it since he won it...
Miz has it. He is just so charasmatic, and he is one of the few people whose promos excite me. He has unlimited potential if he just works on his in ring ability (which has improved drasticly in recent years) He reminds me of Jericho somewhat, which is one of the reasons I am looking forward to seeing them work together.
The only thing which I think is restricting him, is his name. 'The Miz.' I mean, could you really see someone called 'The Miz' headlining Wrestlemania? That being said, i bet people said the same about 'The Rock'
for me, Miz is the next one to get a ME push. He's getting biiig heat already, and i think that he will drop title really soon. Maybe even this monday... Well, for me, he is close to being the next Rock. Miz is AWESOME(yes he is awesome) on mic, is good on mat, and is very charismatic. And now, how many superstars can say they were given a chance to have a match with Bret Hart? Huh!?

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