The Miz - Main Event Feel?

Barbedwire Ropes

Is it just me, or did The Miz have that main event feel to him this past episode of RAW?

I know alot of people might flame on me for this thread, but I honestly feel like The Miz has what it takes to break in the top now. He saved a potentially horrific segment featuring John Heder into one worth watching. Then, there is the fact that he has been looking absolutely GOLDEN in the ring lately.

So my question is, where will The Miz be the same time next year?

My prediction is that by next year's Royal Rumble event he will either be featured in one of the main event title matches or win the Royal Rumble match itself. I know, it seems far fetched but I truly believe it can happen. The WWE has invested alot into this guy already, so they do in fact have faith in him.

So who thinks Im crazy or does anyone else get the same vibe?
Hey WZ Forum people, first post here, so please don't flame me too bad for my user name (I'm sure it won't be too popular, but I stand by it).

To be fair, I'll admit I'm a huge fan of the Miz right now. Normally I can't stand the cocky heels, and I was trying to figure out why I find myself rooting for him. And I realized it's because of his MVP promo from a few weeks ago. The creative team has come up with something that I don't think they've really tried before, and it's something that will really catch on with a lot of fans. His character isn't a cocky heel because he's just your typical privileged, suburban d-bag. Instead, he's cocky because he was always kicked around. He was put down. He was told what he couldn't do. He is the underdog. And his character has responded to this by developing a serious chip on his shoulder and using this to motivate himself.

Underdog characters played by the right wrestler can really generate huge pops. He's clearly getting over with the crowd, and it sounds like a lot more fans are siding with "awesome" rather than "awful" each week. I think over time, and probably not too long in the future, he'll get some title shots as a heel, perhaps in heel vs. heel matches, where he keeps coming up on the losing end, until he finally tempers the cockiness into more reserved confidence, gets completely over with the crowd, goes face, and beats a heel champion.

So to answer your question, yes I do think he has that main event feel, and could easily see him winning a world title as early as this year. The creative team has given him a great character, and he seems to have the charisma, talent, and work ethic to run with it.
I couldn't agree more with your 'feel' on him. Another point to add is the fact that there aren't that many great heels on Raw. Sheamus doesn't have a personality, granted Orton is awesome, but there is a possible face turn in the process?

To answer your actual question I feel like he will have a shot at the World Title by next year at this time, however he will not have won it and will be in chaser mode. So that would open up the opportunity to win the Royal Rumble and go onto Wrestlemania.

Also it's possible that he drops the U.S. Title to MVP and goes to participate in the Elimination Chamber
Hey (Flair is Overrated) I completely agree with you on this he is very overrated!!!!!
And I think The Miz is Awsome!!!! He is amazing and i usually can't stand people with cocky attitudes like Jericho but i like The Miz and I also like Jack Swagger!!!!! those too got main event potential!! I see both of them there in the next year or two.
The Miz is main event material he just needs a main event level feud where it doesn't have him get squashed at the end (*cough* Cena *cough*) to take off.

He has the mic skills, the look, and song decent in ring work. Funny how one of the posters is "Flair is Overrated" because maybe the WWE can build up The Miz as a young Ric Flair. Don't know why but I think it could work.
I actually agree on this one!

He is getting to the point where you can't wait for someone to knock his fucking head off!!

"But as Gorgeous George once told a young Mohammed Ali way back in the day..Get them to where they hate your guts,Doesn't matter if they love ya or hate ya....IT'S STILL 5 BUCKS IN THE SEAT!"

It may be dated,But you get the general point
The Miz does have a main event feel to him... on the mic. On the mic, this kid is special. He is playing the "whoa is me" card to perfection, and that chip on his shoulded will take him places...if he becomes better in the ring. I hated the Miz when he debuted, and still did up until he changed out of that idiotic looking get-up he used to wear (ok, wrestling in his tights isn't really something I WANT to see, but is better than those stupid shorts). Didn't hate him so much after that, and now that he is cutting these funny, entertaining promos, I am actually starting to like him. I still don't think he is a main event-caliber wrestler (in the ring). But with him being the type of heel he is, I don't think he needs to be top notch in the ring. So, I guess I could see it happening, but I think he needs to just focus on doing well with the U.S. (and intercontinental) title maybe for a couple more years. Not EVERYONE needs to be pushed to main event status people, WWE could use some more solid mid card talent going forward. NOthing wrong with being a talented mid carder.
Every week the Miz make me more a fan than the prior week. Out of all the younger guys I think The Miz is the best overall and has the best set of skills much over Kofi..Dolph or Morrison, if you asked me say before he came back to RAW after getting "fired" I would have laughed. But if I was WWE and looking to push him I would give him a constant Mid-Card push for maybe 4-6 more months and let Miz really gain some momentum before I think about really pushing him into the main event.
Really i mean Reeeaaalllyyyy after last weeks segment he shot with MVP he won me over and making Big Show seem like a smaller superstar than him this past Monday night on RAW seriously to a new viewer The Miz looked like he legitimately was the don of RAW. And his getting over with the crowd real quick seriously who doesn't say im The Miz and im awesome.
I don't think anyone has worked has hard as The Miz over the last couple of years to really improve himself as a wrestler and performing. Seriously, how much has he improved since he debuted.

I'd buy him as a maineventer and as a challenger to the title. However, I see his character over the next 12 months transitioning into a face as he gains more popularity and think it will be easier for him to challenge as a face.
I seriously think that he could be in line for a major face turn at some point down the road. Not yet, let the heat bubble and the crowd get into a bit more but eventually I can see the Miz as a main event face. The 'awesome' catchphrase has really taken off and reminds me of early heel Rock, when fans used to chant his catchphrases even though they were supposed to be hating him.
I don't think that anyone has changed opinions about themselves any more than The Miz in the history of wrestling. When I started getting into wrestling properly again at the start of 2008, everyone thought that he was terrible, now everyone thinks he is fantastic. Miz is not there yet by any stretch of the imagination - he has to consolidate his position where he is now first, but I certainly feel that he is capable of making the step up. Ordinarily, I'd doubt that a man of his size could do it, but given the determination that he has already shown, it seems possible that he will continue to improve.
I also agree 100% on this. The mIz has worked hard to get where he is now.He was part of the main event on Raw this past week and currently the US title holder. He so great on the mic and generates soo much heat that i love each time he comes out.So i could very well see him holding the WWE title in the near future.
The face turn is inevitable, I mean have we ever had a Heel with a popular catchphrase that hasn't been turned face? The only problem I see is if they do it too prematurely. I'm also struggling to come up with a suitable, established main eventer to help elevate him.

The Miz is amazing. Like many of you said already, he almost has it all. The look, the great Mic work, really improved ring work over the past year or so, and he gets huge heat. This guy will be an amazing heel champ hopefully in the near future. I'd rather see Miz in Sheamus' spot right now, but hey...wouldn't want to get Trips mad now right? lol
He's got "it", that's for sure. He's got that special kind of charisma that Rocky had when he became The Rock. Obviously he hasn't got it to the degree of The Rock, but you can just feel it. This guys is going to the main event. Sure he needs to polish his in-ring skills so he could put on decent length matches without them getting boring, but he's got every other aspect of being a wrestler down. He's got the charisma and the mic skills. He's got a gimmick that works for him that he understands. He's got a decent look and he has a sing along catchphrase that is very over.

I personally would accept it if he challenged for the WWE some time soon, maybe after Wrestlemania. He has some decent wins and he managed to beat up on Cena a fair bit during their feud. And considering how much he's improved, a WWE title shot shouldn't be far off. Plus he's much more talented than Sheamus.
i agree with all of u the miz look great last week with that promo that mvp n miz made and i agree with miz being a main eventer but i dont agree that he will get the strap this year he might get a title shot but not the strap but i one thing we already have alot of heels in the wwe im tired of seeing heel take everything trust me im a heel person but lets take cena of raw n put miz as raws number one face cause belive me cena is not in my cool list no more but miz as raws num 1 face and a maineventer hell yeah...oh one more thing that finisher has 2 go the skull crashing finaly suck just like the fu my little son could kick out from those two finisher
Tasty hit this right on the nose. Now back when Miz was with JoMo most people touted Morrison as the guy from the tag team that would be the up and coming star in the E. And most people put Miz down. I wasn't a big Miz fan then, but I thought he had some talent to be a higher up in the midcard ranks. Looking at it now, it looks like Miz might have the brighter future of the two. Don't get me wrong Morrison has a great future and will probably be a world champ some day, but Miz can also lay claim to that. Though Miz ultimately lost the feud with Cena it put him over. It got Miz to where he is right now. Calling out Cena each and every week put Miz on the map. Now he has a catchphrase and is United States champ. Plus he has the backing off a lot of internet fans.

Do I believe he will be a main eventer, no doubt about it. I don't however believe he will win a World Title this year. Yes Miz is more talented than Sheamus and I agree that I'd rather see Miz getting Sheamus' push, but that is for another time. I think Miz just might be the favorite to capture the MITB briefcase in 2011 or maybe be that breakout star to win the RR in 2011. Miz can only go up right now. He is great on the mic and improving in the ring. He needs that one feud to put him over the top. A feud with someone like Triple H or Shawn Michaels, or hell even Cena again. But Miz definitely has that main event feel and will one day get there.
The face turn is inevitable, I mean have we ever had a Heel with a popular catchphrase that hasn't been turned face? The only problem I see is if they do it too prematurely. I'm also struggling to come up with a suitable, established main eventer to help elevate him.


Why not use the guy that is prefect at getting wrestlers over?

Randy Orton.

Whether Randy is the face or Miz is it, that would be a good fued. Randy can push those mid-carders up with the best of them. Look what Orton did with Kofi?

That being said, i love the Miz, and have for a while now, I think it is just a matter of time before he is main event status. He needs to dump the US title and go for a bigger prize. Maybe keep it and go for the IC title as well. Having 2 titles would be great for his character.
Back in 07-08 i started quite a few threads on here about how great the miz will become. In each thread I was made fun of and insulted for comparing him to the likes of the rock and other great superstars. Back then I saw the potential in him to have a Rock like repore with the fans. I also saw mic skills that were developing into something that I havent seen since rock. Now thats its 2010 I see the miz really taking off. With Kofi's push dying down I really see the miz winning this years money in the bank. How amazing will it be to see him with the breifcase, I think it will play into his character perfectly. I see the miz come sumerslam maineventing in a title match for smackdown vs cm punk. I think Miz will have his first title before 2011 and posibbly be in a position to compete in a tripple threat for a championship in wrestlemania in 2011. Overall the miz has it and hes going to be the breakout superstar of this year. Shemus getting the title is a joke because if anything that push belonged to the miz who worked his ass off for it.

Now I think he's proven he deserves a push of his own. Look at it this way: mysterio is injured and will take time off after wrestlemania, taker will take time off after wrestlemania, hbk will jump back to midcard after wrestlemania, batistia will likely get injured before or after wrestlemania being that this is like the longest hes been healthy in years, and edge wont be fully healed for a little while after wrestlemania. I see tthis as an opportunity for the Miz to jump into the title picture because after the draft smackdown is going to look like cm punk and jericho and edge vs the young guns (with taker out indefinitely as well as mysterio out for a while). From this picture edge and jericho will be out of the title picture since they will fued non title likely leaving cm punk to challange the likes of sheamus, morrison, and miz. So just saying the miz will have his shots.
Really i mean Reeeaaalllyyyy after last weeks segment he shot with MVP he won me over and making Big Show seem like a smaller superstar than him this past Monday night on RAW seriously to a new viewer The Miz looked like he legitimately was the don of RAW. And his getting over with the crowd real quick seriously who doesn't say im The Miz and im awesome.

I agree completely, I have been a Miz mark for a while, I voted for him over Daniel Puter when they competed in Tough Enough. turns out I was right on who the future star really was :D. The miz just had "it". I think he truely loves the business and is very talented considering he was a semi-celebrity before coming to WWE.
Definitely. Over the past few weeks Miz has really shown he's a star in the making and a sure fire future main eventer. As some people would say, he just has "it". I don't exactly know what "it" is, but I do know that Miz is great at generating fan reaction, he cuts a damn good promo, and the guy can wrestle. He really reminds me of The Rock when he was IC champ. Im not saying Miz is the next coming of Rock, but the guy has a hell of a lot of potential.
Hey WZ Forum people, first post here, so please don't flame me too bad for my user name (I'm sure it won't be too popular, but I stand by it).

To be fair, I'll admit I'm a huge fan of the Miz right now. Normally I can't stand the cocky heels, and I was trying to figure out why I find myself rooting for him. And I realized it's because of his MVP promo from a few weeks ago. The creative team has come up with something that I don't think they've really tried before, and it's something that will really catch on with a lot of fans. His character isn't a cocky heel because he's just your typical privileged, suburban d-bag. Instead, he's cocky because he was always kicked around. He was put down. He was told what he couldn't do. He is the underdog. And his character has responded to this by developing a serious chip on his shoulder and using this to motivate himself.

Underdog characters played by the right wrestler can really generate huge pops. He's clearly getting over with the crowd, and it sounds like a lot more fans are siding with "awesome" rather than "awful" each week. I think over time, and probably not too long in the future, he'll get some title shots as a heel, perhaps in heel vs. heel matches, where he keeps coming up on the losing end, until he finally tempers the cockiness into more reserved confidence, gets completely over with the crowd, goes face, and beats a heel champion.

So to answer your question, yes I do think he has that main event feel, and could easily see him winning a world title as early as this year. The creative team has given him a great character, and he seems to have the charisma, talent, and work ethic to run with it.

i like where the miz has come from...he used to be the big big loser and nobody liked him.but look at the miz look new ring attire new music...and hes champ.i like the cockiness..i think hes earned what hes got and hopefully will soar higher in the wwe.
oh one more thing that finisher has 2 go the skull crashing finaly suck just like the fu my little son could kick out from those two finisher

Sorry but I have to disagree. The SCF is WAAAY better than his reality check. You have to have that hittable finisher at any moment. Honestly, I think its a lot more devestating than the sloppy RKO. For christ sake he restricts theirs arms so they have to choice but to take the move face first. If I see one more shithead take a sloppy RKO Im done watching his matches.

I think the SCF it suits him. The name not so much, but move is a throw back to another great heel - Jeff Jarrett. I say keep it. Plus he sells the move well in that he hits it at perfect times such as when he had Bourne on his shoulders in a victory roll setup and pushed him off right into the hold.

This thread is a prefect salute to us Miz marks who have been singing his praises for a while now. Should be fun watching him. Although I look forward to his push - I hope they take their time and do it right.
Oh and who can forget the "Whose the Jannetty now" after he won the US Title. How can you not love this guy!? Those 4 words were better than anything Cena has ever poked fun at (like the HORRIBLE Mike Tyson Punch Out references).

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