The Miz is what Cena should be...


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So i got to thinking what i would like 2 see change about the current wwe product, and the one thing that always comes to the forefront is the cena heel turn, yeh its been discussed to death but i have a decent idea as to where they should be going. I realise wwe are making money off cena jus now so im not saying this shud be immediate but i'd like to c it happen.

Basically if cena was to turn heel i think he'd have to go down the route of the "im awesome and u fans dont deserve me" much like the miz does now and this is how i'd do. So cena loses a match, either on ppv or raw doesnt matter or against whoever, then he loses another and another, enough times so that it can be noted and stated that he's on a bit of a losing streak, constantly being frustrated but still smiling, eventually after weeks, even months he loses to a relly over face, my thinking is hbk, and out of complete frustration he attacks hbk after the match, brutally injuring him (giving hbk some time off again). Of course nxt week on raw cena explains that he's in this business to win titles and make money and his losing streak recently is because the fans booing him when they should be cheering has been getting to him and the chants of u cant wrestle were really winding him up, taking him off his A-game, essentially blaming the fans, and also the company, saying that they didnt support him through his losing and the boys in the back even ridculed him and saying he doesnt need any of them. Now of course this exact heel turn has been done on numerous occassions i.e the rock so maybe the iwc would hate him for jus copying others but thats ok bcos he's heel now. For a few months he becomes the arrogant coward heel, winning matches, doing heelish stuff, even no-showing events. Eventually of course hbk returns to kick his ass, they eventually wind up main eventing wmania in what could b hbks retirement match, hbk wins but its a hell of a match and cena gains hbks respect and in turn the fans and iwc, so could at that point turn face again depending on reactions.

So what im giving u is a plausible way of not only turning cena heel, but also turning him back and maybe making us iwc happy, and ensuring cena doesnt go stale for the future, what u think??
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It is original, I'll give you that. But making Cena exclusively attack Black guys and shout racial slurs is original. Original doesn't mean good. There are better methods to turning Cena face. It would have to be similar to Bret Hart's heel turn. Having him turn against the fanr and such. 2 notes though. 1. What does that scenario have to do with The Miz? 2. Stop typing like it's a text message.
Yeah the miz has nothing to do with that particular scenario but that wasn't my point, maybe I rushed the post so I'll make it a bit clearer, the character the miz portrays; cocky arrogant I'm awesome, claiming victories going 2 desperate measures 2 clain he's the top guy in the company is what a heel cena I think shud be like, only he can back up his claims a bit more as he was the face of the company, this kind of attitude wud fit right after a losing streak. The txt writing is because I'm posting on my phone, sorry if I got an A in advanced higher english and thought I'd be helpful by dumbing it down for the likes of you natedamacncheese! :D
NateDaMacNCheese. I think you just gave me an idea for my next name. So you know, about 95% of my post have been on a phone, including this one. What I mean is using text slang like u and bcoz. I think you will find that there are very intelligent posters here if you look around some more. Using proper grammar will definitely make you more likely to be taken seriously. To the point. I see what you mean, Cena is capable of being an arrogant ass. We have seen it before. But if he were to go heel, I see it being more of a bully angle. Like if he were to keep coming after The Miz long after his point was made and he beat his ass a bunch of times already. Either way, Cena wouldn't be going heel any time soon anyway. Too much money left to be made.
If Cena turned heel today, I wouldnt believe my eyes. Its all about the damn money, sad but true. I know that heels and faces have blended into one in the last decade, it not about the good guy vs bad guy anymore, but still the faces usually sell more merchandise than heels. Especially in the kids dept.

Just for the record, I have never, ever liked Cena. And like everyone else I have my reasons. I have a bit of respect for him. All I hear is "he's a good worker" "he's a workhorse" but that doesnt enetertain me. Good matches from Steamboat, Michaels and others of this same league is what entertains me.

We've been seeing the same from Cena for the past 5 years.

We need a change.
I'm pretty sure we're all in agreement that a Cena heel turn is unlikely at best and if it does happen, it'll be somewhere way down the line, probably when WWE ends this PG rating stuff. Cena is marketable to kids and as long as they're buying the Attitude Adjustment shirts, that's what counts to Vinnie Mac. But on the topic, if Cena were to go heel, it'd be a little strange to see it played out like the Miz. The Miz's character works because he's been a cocky little prick from day one. Even when Cena was a heel back in the day, he wasn't much of a coward. Even when he knew he was going to get his ass kicked, he walked straight into fights with his verbal guns blazing. If he were to go heel, I have to agree with NateDaMac, he'd work best as a bully. It'd blow all the kids away who look up to him and it wouldn't make everyone Cena's beaten in the last 4 or 5 years look pathetic. Imagine if Cena turned into a coward heel that couldn't beat a face after making Triple H tap out in the Main Event of a WrestleMania just a few years ago. Just wouldn't really make sense.
I think it sounds great, actually one of the better programs I've heard in awhile. It will probably take by the end of the year, lower merchandise sales, and more heel reaction though for this to happen.

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