The Miz: Feud with Cena, Gimmick Change.


Pre-Show Stalwart
Back in August, the Miz took a short break, and came back with a new look, and basically a new gimmick. New hair, new attire, he lost the stupid hat, got himself a catch phrase, with in my opinion, it's pretty awesome.

He immediately started taking advantage of John Cena's "injury", and challenged him to "matches", which he couldn't attend due to accidentally falling into a giant light, which I have no Idea a why a giant light was next to the entrance stage in the first place, when there has never been before, or after the incident. Eventually The Miz and Cena actually faced off in a real match at The Bash, and Miz got crushed by the main eventer.

After this, The Miz seemed to get more popular, more segments, more ring time, great promos. He started getting some rivalries, and he even still has a nice United States championship reign going on, thanks to Big Ben ;p.

Now he is in a current tag team relationship with The Big Show, and is in a semi nice small feud with Bryan Danielson or whatever his name is.

I can picture Miz in the future, with the World heavy weight title around his waist. He is possibly one of the bests young superstars, and also one of the best heels. He's great on the mic, decent in the ring (but overtime he can improve greatly, I'm sure of it!) He's got it all.

How many of you think that if his feud with John Cena was now (not referring to dates, and pre wrestlemania time, just skill wise.) Do you think Cena and Miz could have had a longer, more intense rivalry, or at least a better match?

Also, I think the best rivalry for The Miz to have right now, would be against Kofi. Put the US title on the line, maybe some good promos, that would be great, too young, very talented superstars battling it out!

Speaking of Kingston, how many of you are predicting his going to win the MITB, for me, it couldn't be anymore obvious, but knowing WWE, they may not have him win just for that very reason.
I Loved that feud with Cena and I think it helped people realize just how good he is on the mic.

Kofi feuding with Miz means Kofi is stuck in midcard hell, which I don't want to happen.

Christian is my pick to win MITB.
I Loved that feud with Cena and I think it helped people realize just how good he is on the mic.

Kofi feuding with Miz means Kofi is stuck in midcard hell, which I don't want to happen.

Christian is my pick to win MITB.

Your right on that, but I think the fued could really least one of them to the main events.

Christian would also be a good one for the bank in the money, but I don't think Vince would do that. Then again, they may not pick Kofi to win it, because that's the easy way to making him a main eventer, and it isn't always that good. So Vince sending Kofi to the main events with by the MITB, is like Shepperd giving Allen the operation with the airport, to get shot in the head right after. Look at Mr. Kennedy, he was getting the push from the MITB, and now he's stuggling to get it on TNA.

So now that you say it, I have to agree with you. Christian will be the perfect owner of the breifcase, as he has the experince in that main events, and WWE can continue slowly progressing Kofi Kingston into the main events. What they need to do is get him another good feud with one of the top dogs. Like maybe after Jericho get's his ass kicked at mania, they can have them fued with each other, but now that I think about that, you think Kofi will prosper easier on smackdown, you think creative will think that? I mean, the draft is comming up, what was it...April 26th?

Back to The Miz, like you said, it was really Miz's push, but he got the push he wanted, they scrapped The Miz out of the bottom of the bucket, and pushed him into the high midcard, which is actulley a great spot to be in, if your competeing in the WWE. That's just my opinion though, and as it would probably be a great spot, nobody wants to stay there too long. I think WWE will start trying to push Miz farther in about..I'd say a year and a half, unless they really get a bright idea, then just throw him in the main event, but that ruins careers, and they know that. Look at Sheamus. Even though I'm not a fan of Sheamus, I know people are rooting for Triple H vs Sheamus at mania, but maybe put Sheamus into the MITB. It's always a great way for young talent to show their stuff, Kofi had a great match last year at mania, and that's probably why they decided to main event him in the first place.

But thinking about more of the Miz push, when I said earlier I can picture the future with him holding a world title, well unfortunetly I think the Miz's first world title will be somewhat of a fluke, kind of like sheamus', or maybe he'll cheat too get it. But I want The Miz to earn a title, to show WWE that he is the Miz, and he is awesome. Another thing I was just thinking about while I was just typing those few lines, Kofi could be a good heel..his mic skills, they way he does it, just seems kinda off heelish, just his voice. I hope WWE decideds to wait maybe till after his first world Cm Punk..Cm punk.....

About 1-2 years ago, Cm Punk was in the exact position Kofi is right now, EXACT. Kofi and punk held the tag team titles, but Punk went on, and Kofi straggled behind. Punk won the intercontentil championship..had a good reign, (Just like Kofi's), After Punk won the MITB, he had a pretty good fued with Batista..a top dog...(Kinda like Randy Orton.) After his second cash of the MITB, Punk went on too victory in the Main events...for a little while anyway.

It may not be in exact order, but they're pretty similar. Also, speaking of Cm Punk now, I'm really hoping him and Rey DO NOT have that match. Seems like they're starting to pull that together, and that idea will be terrible, everybody knows whos going to win, and I don't want to see Cm Punk lose his hair!

What I think, Cm Punk should win, Obviously we're going to see some bigger face wins that night besides Mysterio, so have Punk win, but not as big as a stake like Kane's, where he had to leave it off, have Punk say he has to show his dignity, and to be a better me, he has to embarasse himself by stripping himself to the world, showing his naked side (not nessecarly naked, just metapholicly speacking, considering Rey thinks he's nothing without his mask) And how Cm Punk wants to change him. You think Punks heel could be better if he talked in third person? Well I'm just ramballing on here, blogging you could say, about my ideas. So I'm going to stop now.
You dumb.

Yes, I am the idiotic one, when you just replied to around a five paragraph response with two words. That's also improper English, ImAStupidCuntWhoCantFollowRules would be angry if he where to see that.

I believe the correct way of saying it would be Your dumb. Although that is debatable by some.
It's "you're", as in you're both fucktards.

I knew I had it wrong, that's why I said it can be debatable.

I'm never good in the apostrophes, and different spellings for the same words for different ways. I didn't pay attention much in second grade when I learned most of it.
....Cena didn't... fall into a light. ...Did you even see the match? Or do some research on the PPV? Show chokeslam-ish'd him into a searchlight.
....Cena didn't... fall into a light. ...Did you even see the match? Or do some research on the PPV? Show chokeslam-ish'd him into a searchlight.

Thanks for letting me know, I was being sarcastic. God..some people, I know what freaking happened, I've ordered every pay per view since Unforgiven 2007. That was my first pay per view, which is why it made me angry when Vince decided to rid of it. But yes, I know what happened to Cena, and I predicted Edge to win, due to his attack on Cena the raw before the pay per view, doing basically the same thing that Orton did in O7 before No Mercy, Orton was scheduled to win that match before Cena's injury, they we're both last man standings, and the same thing happened in both as well. It just made me think Edge for the win, I think WWE was just re-using the storyline that never necessary got finished. They could have changed it around though, I also predicted Edge to win, because during that time, Edge had a win-lose streak going with the championships since his return at Survivor Series.

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