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The Miz: ECW Title Contender

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
- The Miz is interviewed on WWE.com, following his victorious ECW debut against Nunzio. Miz said fans will see a more serious side to him in ECW and a whole lot less joking around and playing games and even hinted at going for the ECW World title. The former SmackDown star also said he has his eyes of the Extreme Expose divas.

Please dont let him go for that title. The thought of The Miz vs. Nitro, Punk or Vis doesn't intrest me. The thought of The Miz anywhere doesn't intrest me. Let him become a part of the Extreme Expose instead. He's better looking than Kelly Kelly anyway.
Please. If ECW hadn't already gone to hell when McMahon had the title, it damn sure will be partying with Satan if Miz gets anywhere near that title. Nitro is about the extent I'm willing to allow to hold that title, and it's not so much that I fear for the current title's sake, it's just that each week, I see the original ECW get degraded and devalued even further. There is absolutely no point in having the name 'Extreme' in this brand's name other than for commercial value, and the fact that a guy like the Miz could be a title contender for something guys bled and destroyed their bodies for, solidifies that point.

In saying all that, I gave up all hope and expectations for ECW a long time ago, and I do realise it's a place where guys like Miz should be, but I am just sick of them parading their wrestlers around as 'extremists' just because they are on this brand. But let's not turn this into another anti-ECW thread, it's about Miz. The fact is, the Miz is as green as they come, and not worth even being called championship material. The day when the Miz is seen as a better wrestler than CM Punk is the day I finally realise just how troubled and confused the WWE is.

JBL always brought up the point that this guy got into the WWE because he was on some reality TV show, and he's exactly right. The WWE need to go looking for talented young guys on the indy scene, not plucking them out of MTV because they 'have a good image'. Talent like CM Punk doesn't come around everyday, and he's a guy that deserves a title, and Miz damn sure doesn't. Punk is clearly the most over guy on the brand, yet Miz barely gets a reaction. I'm confused as to where the hell this guy is at the moment. Is he heel or face or what? Whatever they tried this week, it didn't work. I'm going as far as to say that the Miz could very well be in the Top 5 worst WWE wrestlers, right alongside the Great Khali and Boogeyman.

Extreme Expose is all I really could handle Miz involving himself with. I figure that I can miss out on Miz and Expose all in one switch of the channel. That's with the thinking that I actually bring myself to watch ECW. And considering that their main highlights are Miz, Boogeyman, and a huge fat guy with boobs that jiggle with the slightest movement, I'm not going to be tuning in anytime soon. But again, Miz should never, EVER be a champion on ANY brand. If they want to desecrate the ECW title with Miz, I pray they reconsider and a. Fire Miz, or b. Get rid of every mention of ECW on Tuesday Nights, and pretend it never had any involvement in the past year or so whatsoever.
I hope not but we all must come to grip that he will down the road get a title shot espically if Punk gets the gold. You know why should any of use have high expections for the new ECW its nothing more than a place for the wrestler to get some fien tuning and then be moved to RAW or Smackdown.

The Miz will get his shot though I dont think he will, but if he shows some major improvemnet i could see Miz ECW champion by Backlash next year. But he is in WWE due to reality TV days and he will be here for awhile. So its just a matter of time before he is in title contention.
I understand the whole purpose of ECW, it is for the new guys to get better before moving to smackdown and ECW. But for christ sake, the miz is fucking horrible. He's shit in the ring, horrible on the mic, and just plain wrong for any title. Hell the hardcore title is too much for the miz to handle.

The WWE is using ECW to develop young talent, and Miz as a champion would only ruin the career of whom ever he takes the strap off of.
:disappointed: , I honaslty don't know what to say, other than if do give Miz the title then The ECW title will mean less than the Womens title, for fuck sake I would rather see Candice as ECW champion than Miz, WTF are doing over there, there is not on thing Miz does in that ring that is mildly entertaining, and to say he is horrible is a huge understatement, the Great Khali has worlds more talent than Miz, hell the Chop of Doom alone seems like more of a devastating finisher, than Miz's piss poor swinging neckbreaker, I FUCKING HATE MIZ!!!!!!, he should just go back the shit ass MTV bullshit reality fuckcrap he did before, I hope he gets crippled in the ring everytime I hear his music, I hate the guy more than I have ever hated anyone else in the wrestling industry, he is the Paris Hilton of wrestling and should even be allowed to a wrestling event let alone in the title picture, the thought of him in the titler picture alone makes me want to breack something!!!!, FUCK MIZ!!!!!:let_it_all_out:
The Miz isn't as bad as most people say he is, but he's best used as a special attraction, host of Miz TV, etc. No way at this point in his career should be be challenging for the ECW Championship. I like the idea of a storyline with Extreme Expose where they fight over him. I think that could get him over a bit more, and maybe get him a valet, who could try and act annoying just like him. But letting him challenge for the ECW Title right now would be a pretty dumb decision. Nitro is doing fine with the belt, and I want to see a long feud between him and CM Punk, possibly culminating in Punk taking the title from Nitro, if he's ready, that is.
In my opinion its kind of unfair that because of the Miz’s background in reality television people don’t take him seriously and think that he can’t have a successful future in wrestling. The Real World is a show that takes people from different walks of life and films them, that’s it. These people have to move on with there lives after being on the show and what better way to move on then to pursue your dream. People shouldn’t dismiss him because he was on a reality TV show. If that’s the case then does that also mean no one who has ever been on a reality TV show should ever be able to pursue a career in anything other than reality TV. Bottom line is that The Miz has the look, the charisma, he appeals to the younger crowd, he’s improving on the microphone and in the ring, and he’s good for business.
That being said even as a fan of the Miz, him even being in the picture for the ECW Championship is not a good thing. He really is not ready to be a main eventer even on the ECW brand. Not because it would be a giant blow to the memory of the original ECW and the ECW originals because in my opinion the old ECW was all hype and nostalgia but because it really would be an insult to the people that are ready right now. Not that I wouldn’t like to see the Miz as champion in a few years. He has to get in a very long line of people that are on the rise. People like Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, and Matt Striker should get a shot at title way before the Miz does. I think the Miz should be in a few long feuds and a capture a second tier title a few times before he gets into a world title picture.
The Miz as ECW champion? Wow would that be worse than David Arquette as wCW champion? To me it would be a mighty close thing!

The Miz is a great big waste of space, who should be cut from the WWE altogether. They release guys they could use and keep his useless ass around, just a travesty really.

Surely not even the WWE is stupid enough to have this guy even in the running for the title let alone carrying the strap. If they do, well any credibilty of the title and the brand would be gone. If there is anyleft that is.

I dont wanna see The Miz on my tv set at all so he should be cut.
The Miz as ECW champion? Wow would that be worse than David Arquette as wCW champion? To me it would be a mighty close thing!

The Miz is a great big waste of space, who should be cut from the WWE altogether. They release guys they could use and keep his useless ass around, just a travesty really.

Surely not even the WWE is stupid enough to have this guy even in the running for the title let alone carrying the strap. If they do, well any credibilty of the title and the brand would be gone. If there is anyleft that is.

I dont wanna see The Miz on my tv set at all so he should be cut.

No I think that the Miz is worse than Arquette. At least Arquette had star value at the time. The Miz, unfortunately is just poor at wrestling. Its not his fault. He came in with virtually zero experience and unfortunately has not really improved. He should NOT be ECW world champ for the record.
I agree with Word Life and Outrageous on this one. The fact that people seem to forget is that there is a big difference between indy wrestling and WWE wrestling. When you go to an indy show or buy DVDs from Japan, you're wanting to see wrestling and that's it. Sure they may have one or two promos, but for the most part, the action in the ring is all that matters. However, when it comes to the WWE, they can't just throw guys in the ring every show for no rhyme or reason with no backstory. People won't keep watching. These days, as absolutely important as it is to be a talented wrestler, it's almost just as important to have the look, personality, and mic skills to be able to portray your character and draw either positive or negative heat from the audience. The Miz is very good at the second half of the product. You're right, he's obnoxious and annoying, and guess what? He wants it that way. His job is to make you hate him and he's succeeding. Now I think any true World Champion should be equipt with both sides of the spectrum, not just one or the other, but in a world that has Khali as the new World Heavyweight Champion, The Miz ain't so bad. Should he be considered for an ECW Title shot? No, not yet, and not for a while. But believe me, look at the endless parade of guys like Khali, Big Daddy V, and Mark Henry, and realize the WWE can, and more than likely will, do much, much worse.
I wouldn't mind seeing the Miz with a title....but not a Main card title.....also he'd have to have a good fued...and with the storyline he has now...and the rumors of mike knox coming back....do i smell a kelly kelly jealous angle w/ mike knox? I sure hope so...it'd be half-way decent...
if i ever see the Miz with the ECW iwill not watch the show til he loses the belt, i loath the man as an in ring competitor. he sucks
Well Vince McMahon is blatantly ruining ECW. The Miz beat two ECW originals in "Nunzio" and Balls Mahoney. If this were Heyman's ECW and not McMahon's, the Miz would be a jobber, and a title run wouldnt even be mentioned. The kid doesnt deserve this push at all. Everything about him is horrible. He isnt making me hate him; he's making me hate the terd sandwiches that put this giant douche on tv in the first place. He isnt over as a heel. He isnt over as a face. He isnt over as anything because he isnt anything at all worth mentioning in any discussion. He has the in-ring skills of Michael Cole. And stop saying that he has mic skills. His mic skills are nothing special. He only gets a reaction from the crowd with a hoorah, which is a cheap pop for the troops. Having the Miz win ANY belt is worse than that WCW crap with David Arquette.
Haha. This is why I detest Vince McMahon as much as I do. I have gotten over the fact that he had absolutely tarnished the good name of ECW- but putting the belt on the Miz is just like kicking a dead horse. Repeatly. Someone please explain to me what the purpose of that would be? ECW is being used to push midcard guys to higher levels so they can be moved to RAW or Smackdown. I understand that they have been a lot of key injuries lately, but does anyone really see the Miz competing on RAW or even Smackdown having main event status? That's just funny.
Well.....Lets just hope the miz isn't anywhere close to the title scene yet or ever! I don't like him, i never will,heck i don't even want to see him hold the IC title and that title is a complete joke at the moment, let alone the ecw title i dont mind john morrison as champion but i think the miz is even worse than Vince Mcmahon as ecw champion....and i also find it awkward that...well can anybody remember a while back on Smackdown when Layla(extreme expose) didn't like the miz, and now she do? Hmmmm
WOW alot of people on this thread need to relax! In the immortal words of Owen Wilson, "put your swords away."

Miz isn't ready for the ECW title, and he will not get a shot at it. I, personally, would like to see him cut his teeth in OVW a bit, but calling him a "waste of space" is unfair. He's got some potential, and if he is trying to harness it, let him.

I doubt you'd have to worry much about The Miz because it appears Stevie Richards may get a heel push. He'd be a good challenge for CM Punk or Morrison.

Before getting any major matches or even being in the conversation on ECW, he needs to be legitimized by getting decimated in a Hardcore match. Maybe against Tommy Dreamer. Randy Orton was legitimzed in his Summerslam match with Mick Foley, so Miz needs something like that before he's ever be considered. Personally, I see Miz eventually going the way of Chris Nowinski and working a backstage PR gig.
Absolutely not, he's not a world title contender. (not that i would classify the ECW title as one) The miz is more of a gimmick than a wrestler... The same thing as cena.. *shutter*
Please for the love of god, dnt let the Miz become ECW champ. His talents are ok, although they are gettin better and ECW is considered to be a development show, but give the belt to CM Punk for the love of god! He is deserving and I think he can carry ECW for quite a while
I agree. Keep Miz as far away as possible from the ECW Championship. You talk about burying that title. That would do it. The guy ain't got a lick of ability in the ring or on the mic. He bores me to tears. Hell the crowd doesn't even pay attention to him. He rarely gets any kind of reaction. Miz is a joke i'm surprised he's even around anymore. He won't get any kind of shot anytime soon. He's too busy in the storyline with "Extreme Waste of Space". Hopefully in the future he won't get a shot neither he will never be more than a mid carder on ECW. He can't hang with the big boys on RAW or SD! so keep him away. Guys like Burke are more deserving.
the Miz is a pudgy ass with no talent. I remember watching him in a match a while back on smackdown against Matt Hardy and he was causing Hardy to get fucked up on a few bad bumps because of his crap wrestling and Hardy got pissed and gave Miz a bloody nose. It was clearly a message like "stop fucking up or this will happen more often." Miz makes me...MIZerable lol and I can't stand even the sight of him with his queer haircut and his fat love handles hanging over his shirt but yet the ladies "love" him whatever...whoooowhat?
Wow loads of Miz hate, not that I'm surprised. That interview with the Miz probably doesn't mean that he's going to be a contender for the ECW World Title anytime soon. It sounds more like something a heel would say, to be arrogant and cocky, and get people to dislike him. Guess it worked just fine. :lol2:

Anyways, let's say in some hypothetical world where pigs fly that The Miz does become a contender for the ECW World title, and then *gasp* becomes ECW World Champion. Now keep in mind, this is hypothetical. Would it be so horrible? I'm sure some people would say "yes," but why? What is so wrong with The Miz that so many people can't accept the fact that the man... erm boy has talent! I'm not trying to impy that Miz should be ECW World Champion right now, or that he is even World Champion material at the moment, but I do think that he has the makings to be a big star in the future.

Flames Out
in the distant future and all that, maybe, could be you know all that... but not anywhere in the near future... push first those who's been there longer, better and deserves it more and not just because he was in a reality show... thats just my opinion...
The Miz's character is really interesting. He could become a arrogant,egotistic heel like Jericho has back in the day. He does have the opportunity to become a big draw in the company but only in due time. Like Zante said above, other wrestlers deserve a top spot on ECW. CM Punk vs. Morrison is becoming a nice little feud and if Morrison is on at Summerslam, their match would steal the show.
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