The Man, The Legend, That...Guy

Wrestling is decent now a days. Wrestlemania was a meh, but going into the summer, seems like its going to be alright. Getting a big screen, so should make it better.
I've Boycotted RAW and I can barely get through 2 hours of Smackdown every week. WWECW has sucked since the beginning so I don't watch that either
The only Show worth Watching is SD! So if you are going to go out of your way to watch one of the WWE shows then watch smackdown.

If you want to see some of the younger superstars then watch Ecw or Superstars.

And yeah it's a shame that you missed the undertaker vs hbk match at wm 25. You should definitely go out your way to watch that one.

If you just dont watch any shows then you can make your way to the Book This! forum and check out mines **cough** Raw is War **cough** and the other ones there.
The only Show worth Watching is SD! So if you are going to go out of your way to watch one of the WWE shows then watch smackdown.
Smackdown is barely watchable although it's gotten better now the the Vickie, Edge Big Show love fest is over
If you want to see some of the younger superstars then watch Ecw or Superstars.
ECW sucks Superstars is OK
If you just dont watch any shows then you can make your way to the Book This! forum and check out mines **cough** Raw is War **cough** and the other ones there.
Mine is better
Smackdown is barely watchable although it's gotten better now the the Vickie, Edge Big Show love fest is over

Yeah it has gotten better. I find it funny that they were trying to load Raw up more during the draft, but instead it feels like SD! became the better show.

ECW sucks Superstars is OK

Every once in a while ECW is good.

Mine is better

**cough** That's what you think :) **cough**
No it proves the Logo is better.

The actual show idk about. I think the one i posted earlier was pretty good. I actually would have probably enjoyed the opener of it in real life.
if its actually read. Anyways, go back to your Hook this. This is all about Xfear. In honour...:

We'll see, we'll see.

Tm why dont you want to read them?

I wont read Cory's because apparently you can't be negative towards it, or he gets upset. And I wont read yours because you voted against the team of the future. Janes had me, so I read it:)
Aww, TM that's not nice. How about if i said it hurts my feeling you dont want to read it?

I want to get some people that have been here for a while to read it because they are probably more experience writers. I want to get their feedback So that way it will be easier to improve.
and amputee's can't forget the amputees. Good to see you back. Terry Funk is still in for you to get behind in the tournament.
What does Aus Rotten have to do with me? Aus Rotten is the motherfuckin shiz-nit-apple. Probably hands down the best hardcore punk band of the 90s without a doubt, and I CANNOT believe you actually know who they are/remembered that I liked them. Not only that, but you picked my favorite song from them as well!

"They make you pay their taxes and they make you fight their wars
But they don't feed your hungry, they don't care about your poor
Instead they try and take you for all your fucking worth
And seperate with flags the people of this Earth".

Best lyrics in a punk song ever.

And Mr. Eko lives!
Wait til Jake gets back Xfear, this won't be the only thread in the barroom with your name on it. Remember that time he spammed the whole first page up with Xfear threads trying to get your attention?

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