The Magical Power to Repackage

Rampage Bentley

Saving WZ one post at a time.
Repackaging is one of the most exciting parts of professional wrestling. It's the art of taking a floundering talent, putting different clothes on him, referring to him by a different name, and watching him get a second (third or fourth) chance at connecting with the audience and becoming a superstar. Repackaging has turned Terra Ryzing into Triple H, Stunning Steve into Stone Cold, Mean Mark into The Undertaker and most recently, Husky Harris into Bray Wyatt.

Today is your turn Wrestlezone forums. For I am bequeathing unto you the power to take any superstar of your choosing and remake him in your own image! Which talent will you breathe second life into with the resurrection power known as repackaging?

Mine, I'm sure will be controversial.... he's probably the most stale character in WWE, he's in dire need of a heel turn. He has not grown or evolved in over decade. Despite his ability to put together solid matches, his move set has become repetitive and predictable. Of course, I'm talking about Rob Van Dam.... :)

First thing I would do is see if Rob is willing to cut his 1990's oldest brother from Home Improvement haircut. I would turn him heel, put a suit on him and place him with the authority. I would use him as kind of a hitman-like character (profession, not Bret Hart). With his background in martial arts, I think he could pull this off really well. His in ring style would have to change a bit, he'd after be more aggressive and flip around less. I'd encourage him to establish himself as more of a wily veteran who will cut any corners to get the job done. A new finisher would do wonders for him as well. He can still use his acrobatic spot monkey style, but only in circumstances where power, technique, and cunning would fail him.

So how about you? Who will you repackage?
I think, maybe Cesaro would be the one. Few last shows he looked like he is lost, like he got nothing to do, just be in the ring and punch his opponent.
Would be great if WWE try to do something with him.
And I would extend Reigns' move set :p
How about Damien Sandow xD I know it's such an obvious answer but he's got to change. I can't stand someone as talented as him, who's already proven he can hang, suddenly being a joke. Stop with the outfits, one day he shows up dressed as himself and says I'm done with this crap. If this is what it takes for you fans to like me, than I'd rather not be known at all. He vanishes from TV for a month or so, comes back with a new hairstyle and new everything. Suddenly he isn't a joke, he's a cunning guy who will take you out. I picture his new gimmick something akin to Edge back when he was the ultimate opportunist.

That'd be way too nice though xD
I would change Adam Rose and Fandango and make them a tag team. They would be methodical and take people apart. It's the same thing I would have done with Santino if he were still wrestling. Since he isn't though I'd give the gimmick to those two.

And I would have Regal manage them. I think he would be perfect in a heel manager role like that. On the plus side also is that if he traveled with them they could learn so much from him.
I would change Adam Rose and Fandango and make them a tag team. They would be methodical and take people apart. It's the same thing I would have done with Santino if he were still wrestling. Since he isn't though I'd give the gimmick to those two.

And I would have Regal manage them. I think he would be perfect in a heel manager role like that. On the plus side also is that if he traveled with them they could learn so much from him.

What about feud with Big E, Kingston and Woods then? It may be nice.
It's an interesting concept however some of the examples to me illustrate the issue with repackaging.

History has shown that when a company repackages a guy it's usually because:-

a) they moved company and don't own the name - so they create one they do own. Thus Daniel Bryan or Seth Rollins/Dean Ambrose rather than their original names, Brodie Lee becomes Luke Harper etc.

b) the talent has fallen so far off the radar or down the pecking order that the "reboot" is not going to do any harm to the character. in NXT right now this would be Tyler Breeze who was there forever as Mike Dalton but historically a great example is Glen Jacobs...

c) Someone has an "idea" they are certain will get over and forces it through... Jim Herd and the famed Ding Dongs tag team, Fandango, even Naked Mideon...

History has generally proven that these rarely work... guys like Kane are the exception not the rule.

Repackaging is best done by the talent themselves, Bray Wyatt is the best recent example, but Stone Cold, The Rock, John Cena, Chris Jericho and further back Brian Pillman all had traits within them that lent themselves to killer gimmicks, it was only when they were "let off the chain" and given the freedom to repackage themselves that greatness was achieved.

It's pleasing to see Stardust right now because you can see this is something Cody has come up with rather than WWE, if he can't get over as himself then he has the best chance "replacing" his brother as the crazy WWE guy... and Dustin is more than happy to help that happen but you can tell this has come from Cody not WWE... everything is different, the moves, the way he moves, talks and interacts... he's created the character from the ground up just as Bray did.

Xavier Woods seems to be the latest one to be allowed to try something more "them", rather than the goofy side of him they're letting him loose with his educated, intelligent side. If the guy is soon goona be a PHD then it makes sense he takes the kind of role he is, organising guys his gimmick should be that he is always "The Smartest Guy in the room/arena".

Of course with all this in mind picking someone to repackage is tough... I don't know enough about what the guys do other than in the ring to suggest that killer gimmick.

If I'm gonna take a stab, I'm gonna go with Adrian Neville and for the main roster repackage him as a British Bulldog... not the "name" but the idea of him being a tough Geordie (which he is) who along with whoever his partner is (either Barrett or a rehired Harry Smith) has been taken around the UK by Regal and shown the old British way... introduced to guys like Dynamite (get him on TV, let him rant... it'll be good TV) and perhaps if Harry is involved go so far as to make them "anti-Harts", that the idea of being British in WWE is a "joke" and that there hasn't been a World Champion yet is an insult...

To me Regal would be the key to it... if anyone knows how to connect his fellow Brit to the fans it'll be him... Barrett didn't need it so much as his accent is not as strong... Nevilles accent may not be the easiest for some US fans to get... so Regal covering some of the talking may help...and can be part of the gimmick itself... "You fans don't have the decency to even listen to what I say properly and just say What?"

If Neville is gonna be someone big, this is the way to do it... much as I'd love to see he and Harry team and be this gens British Bulldogs, I'd be equally happy if that never happens.
Fandango Adam rose should come put cut a shoot style promo like we hate these bs gimmicks and be the modern day chronic
I would re-package Erick Rowan. I chose Erick because people including me think he is the forgotten part of the Wyatt Family. I would have him turn on Bray after the feud with Chris Jericho. Or the next time Bray loses to Jericho. Have him attack Wyatt week after week and no one knows its him until after a few weeks of Bray getting attacked. Have him attack Bray backstage. Then have him attack Bray in front of a live crowd. He would be talking about him getting attacked and then out of no where Erick pulls brass knuckles out and knock out Bray and Luke.

I would then make him shave his beard and head to get away from the old Erick image. Make him say that his real brother finally found him after years of searching and now he finally found him and made him realize that he is not a lunatic like Bray and Luke. Bray comes out and says that they were there real brother and where was his brother now. And they come down there and attack Erick. Then next week they try it again but this time his brother comes to the save. And they realize it's SNITZKSY! Then they feud with the wyatt's for a while. Then Erick becomes one of the scariest men in WWE. He destroys everyone. He will become the wwe's new badest man on the planet character.
There's a few guys on the roster that I think I could do a killer repacking on, but probably the first one that comes to mind is Big E.

I feel like his look is a just a mess, he's got these weird ultra short tights/singlet, no knee pads. He just looks disproportionate, then he's got the lion of Judah/Ehtiopian/Jamiacan colors or whatever, which as far I can tell has no relevancy to his on screen character. He's got this huge physique, is funny on twitter and out-of-character appearances, but then in character comes across as a stiff quasi-intellectual. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't know who he is/what he stands for.

The first thing I'd address is his look. I think he could be made to look really cool, by giving him sort of a modern Acolytes/APA appearance. I would get him in long black trunks, maybe with a silver design on the sides, black leather boots with some straps/buckles, black leather gauntlet style wrist bands and gloves, maybe arm bands too. Since he's already sporting a mohawk of sorts, i'd have him leave the top, but grow the back really long into dreadlocks. For the real defining characteristic, I'd get him some face paint, nothing excessive, but maybe like white stripes under the eyes like war paint, just to give him something different to stand out. Maybe bleach a few of dreads white while were at it.

Next up, the name. "Big E" is a terrible name. Big E Langston wasn't a whole lot better, but definitely better than what he's got now. To go with his new look, I think what he really needs is a gimmick name, something ala Edge or Mankind. Batista was going by Leviathan in OVW, maybe dust off that name? Or something similar.

Entrance, If there's one thing I actually do like about Big E, I think his whole powder cloud is pretty cool, so maybe keep that. As for his song, that sounds rather generic, so I'd give him something a little more exciting. Maybe like the beginning to this: just something that gives the clear indication this guy is here to wreak havoc immediately.

Then I'd let him go on a win streak, a serious one, not like a month and then he's jobbing on Main Event. Like a good 6-8 month build (likely as heel, or a badass baby face) that ultimately works his way up the ladder first capturing the IC belt, and then saying he'd vacate it for a shot at the WHC, and if he's getting over by then give it to him, if not, then he suffers his first loss, but at that point should be established enough to stay over.
I would repackage the guy who probably in WWE's eyes, has the least need to be repackaged: John Cena.

At Summerslam next Sunday, I'd have Brock and John have a classic match, really can go either way...for the first 10-15 minutes. Then out of nowhere, Brock gets the obvious upper hand and just starts beating the fuck out of Cena, dude's body should be limp when Brock leaves the ring. As a matter of fact have him lose by a 10 count Knockout (I don't know if that is a thing but fuck it, it should be) like how they do in Last Man Standing matches.

On the next RAW, they say Cena has suffered a concussion and is out indefinitely and from then on, you don't mention him again.

On the RAW after the Royal Rumble, you have Cena come out randomly at the start of the 11:00 segment of RAW. He has a long beard, and looks like he hasn't gotten a haircut or shaved in months. Have him do a long, drawn out speech where he does that "I'm dedicated and here every day" bullshit (where eventually people start to not pay attention) and have him announce at the end, that he is retiring from the WWE to live a quiet, boring life in West Bubblefuck, Massachusetts, USA (I don't know his real hometown but insert that here) and immediately drops the mic and goes to the back, thus getting a classic, trademark Cena, loud yet mixed reaction from the crowd.

That next week, throughout the night, you'd sell the WWE brass trying hard to get him not to retire.

At the 9:00 hour, you'd have a newly babyface Batista. Have him try to convince John that "he has a lot of gas left in the tank". That they came up together in the OVW class of 2003 (because the crowd loves when wrestlers say shit like that lol) and along with Orton, dominated the 2000's after Rock/Hogan/Austin left such big shoes to fill. He says that they are the new legends. No response from John.

At the 10:00 hour, you'd have The Authority come out. HHH and Steph do the sarcastic thing they do and try to appease John to the point of almost mocking him. HHH says that he'll rename the show WWE Presents: John Cena and Friends. Stephanie says that next week will be John Cena Appreciation Week. They say that they will make the whole roster come out and get on their hands and knees and beg him to stay. They say they will fund another rap album from him. Stephanie says that she'll do anything for him to stay (in a provocative, suggestive, seductive way), and HHH isn't amused. He thinks she took the joke too far and the crowd is wild with laughter and whistles. They walk to the back with HHH angry at Stephanie. No response from John.

Then at the 11:00 hour (after you had been selling "What's Going On With John Cena" all night), Vince McMahon comes out. He says that he's "not going to let this happen again" (referencing Punk). He says that he's going to cut to the chase and that if Cena doesn't come out and return to action next week he will sue him for everything he's earned. He starts to leave but then walks back to the ring. He says that he's Vincent Kennedy McMahon, damnit. He says he wants Cena out here right now. He starts to go on a tirade about how he's made so many stars and they are all ungrateful and try to leave:

John Cena - retires out of nowhere
CM Punk - leaves to go bitch, moan and watch hockey at home
Brock Lesnar - leaves to go play football and when he's not good enough to do that, becomes an UFC fighter
Stone Cold Steve Austin - takes his ball and goes home
The Rock - leaves to make crappy Hollywood movies
His Own Damn Son - Gave him everything he owns, the keys to the WWE Empire and he still turned his back on his father.
Hulk Hogan - leaves to go to WCW after he made him an ico-

Hulk Hogan's music hits and he goes to the ring and squares up face to face with Vince. He wants him to finish his sentence and Vince is backing down, backtracking from what he was about to say.

Hulk says that's what he thought and he says he knows what will get Cena back. He challenges Cena to a match. Cena music hits, he comes out, goes to the ring and without grabbing a microphone or saying a word, he shakes Hogan's hand and the match is set for WM31:

Hulk Hogan vs. John Cena

Basically over the next couple of weeks, they sell the match as a respect/generation thing, Cena says it's an honor to step in the ring with a legend, the announcers build it up as the typical Lebron vs. Jordan; Ali vs. Tyson shit.

They make a big deal out of it being Cena's last match. They come out with a new Yellow and Red tee that says "Cena's Last Match - WM31 - (Date of Wrestlemania) - End of An Era". He goes on a big promotional run on talk shows and shit selling the match, building it up as his last match.

The match comes, it's WM31. When Cena comes down the ramp he gives his autographed "Cena's Last Match" shirt to a kid in the front row.*

The bell rings. They do the shit that Rock/Hogan did after their match to start things off. They do their signature poses. Cena with the U Can't See Me, Hogan with the hand to ear thing to all four sections of the crowd. They do this for about five minutes, crowd is getting restless (I'm sure you are too if you read this whole thing). Hogan sticks his hand out for Cena to shake it.

Cena waits for a minute, he smiles like he is about to cry tears of joy, and then spits in Hogan's face.

Before Hogan even has a chance to react, Cena is on him and beating the fuck out of him. Crowd goes wild with confusion. He's grounding and pounding him and beating the shit out of dude. He throws him out the ring and starts hitting him with chairs and shit. Cena is disqualified but he doesn't give a fuck. He puts Hogan through the announce table, spears him through a barricade. Beats him to a bloody pulp. Security and shit comes out. Referees throw up the X to really sell it.

Cena goes up the ramp and almost goes to the back. But he comes back and spits on Hogan on the stretcher again. He goes and finds the kid he gave his "Cena's Last Match" shirt to. He takes it, blows his nose with it, and throws it in the dad's face. The dad wants to fight Cena but Cena is already backed up onto the ramp and going to the back. (Obviously this would be a planted family).*

The crowd is shocked.

The next night on RAW at the 11:00 hour, have Cena come out with facial hair stubble (Like Hogan had in his nWo days) and all of his hair dyed black. Have him say that last night, looking at Hogan he realized he doesn't respect him. Because Hogan didn't have to go through the 21st Century nerdy wrestling fans. He says he didn't have to go through appeasing to the wimpy bitch ass kids who couldn't handle bullying. Cena says that he is now on a mission to be the greatest of all time and that he has another 10 years to go. He says that his only mission is to make sure that in 100 years, when people think pro wrestling, they think of "The Blueprint" John Cena (his new attire is now blue MMA shorts and MMA tape around his feet, because I'm tired of seeing those fuckin jean shorts) and that he's going to start by breaking Ric Flair's world title record.

Bam, now kids hate him, the purists/IWC hate him (even more) and you've got a new mega heel and just breathed life into one of the most stale characters in the history of WWE. Maybe you can start a stable or something with Cena as the head to get a few talents over.

Damn I just typed all that shit out at 6 in the morning I need to either get hired by a wrestling company or go get some pussy.

Damn I just typed all that shit out at 6 in the morning I need to either get hired by a wrestling company or go get some pussy.
I highly recommend the second since nobody will hire you for that idea.

You do realize Hogan can't take a bump without getting seriously hurt? And your idea is to have the main event of a Wrestlemania be a promo instead of a freaking match just for Cena to turn heel? I hope this is just trolling but the level of thought put into it suggests otherwise. This probably belong in the e-fed or whatever fanfiction section is for wrestling.
Incidentlly, scrolling through E-Fed postings on old 1990's Tripod websites is fn hilarious, I highly recommend it to everybody.

"Mideon turns on the Undertaker setting up their burried alive match at Wrestlemania with Sting as the special guest referee"
I highly recommend the second since nobody will hire you for that idea.

You do realize Hogan can't take a bump without getting seriously hurt? And your idea is to have the main event of a Wrestlemania be a promo instead of a freaking match just for Cena to turn heel? I hope this is just trolling but the level of thought put into it suggests otherwise. This probably belong in the e-fed or whatever fanfiction section is for wrestling.

Nah not really. The main event is probably going to be some variation of Brock as Champ vs. Reigns or Cesaro. Not to mention, Rock, Sting, maybe Taker, Daniel Bryan, Orton, Batista, Bray Wyatt, Ambrose, Rollins would all have some place on the card so no one is going to miss a 60 Y/O fake fighting. Hogan isn't going to be a MOTY candidate at his age. Cena turning heel is a bigger moment than them having a shitty match and pose session afterwards.

As far as him "taking a bump", he won't be taking a bump, but even if he were, it amazes me that you've figured out the uncanny ability of knowing what someone you've probably (probably, you could be Nick Hogan or some shit, who knows) never had a personal interaction with, can and cannot put his body through. He wants to do one more match but maybe you know more about Hogan's body than Hulk Hogan himself.


Nevertheless, in the scenario I presented, Hogan would be taking fake punches and fake kicks and fake weapons, the table spot might be difficult but they could DDT him or something, IDK. I'm not a match agent that knows how to plan these things but you get the idea. Cena beats down Hogan.

I'm not really interested in an internet wrestling fan fiction but I'll be sure to put a slick reference to Alastor from WrestleZone when I'm on someone's creative team and you're on here wondering why whatever company I'm working for has been so damn good lately :).
At Summerslam next Sunday, I'd have Brock and John have a classic match, really can go either way...for the first 10-15 minutes. Then out of nowhere, Brock gets the obvious upper hand and just starts beating the fuck out of Cena, dude's body should be limp when Brock leaves the ring. As a matter of fact have him lose by a 10 count Knockout (I don't know if that is a thing but fuck it, it should be) like how they do in Last Man Standing matches.

he is retiring from the WWE

Hulk challenges Cena to a match.

When Cena comes down the ramp he gives his autographed "Cena's Last Match" shirt to a kid in the front row.*

Cena waits for a minute, he smiles like he is about to cry tears of joy, and then spits in Hogan's face.

Before Hogan even has a chance to react, Cena is on him and beating the fuck out of him. Crowd goes wild with confusion. He's grounding and pounding him and beating the shit out of dude. He throws him out the ring and starts hitting him with chairs and shit. Cena is disqualified but he doesn't give a fuck. He puts Hogan through the announce table, spears him through a barricade. Beats him to a bloody pulp. Security and shit comes out. Referees throw up the X to really sell it.

The next night on RAW at the 11:00 hour, have Cena come out with facial hair stubble and all of his hair dyed black. Have him say that last night, looking at Hogan he realized he doesn't respect him. Because Hogan didn't have to go through the 21st Century nerdy wrestling fans. He says he didn't have to go through appeasing to the wimpy bitch ass kids who couldn't handle bullying. Cena says that he is now on a mission to be the greatest of all time and that he has another 10 years to go. He says that his only mission is to make sure that in 100 years, when people think pro wrestling, John Cena and that he's going to start by breaking Ric Flair's world title record.

Bam, now kids hate him, the purists/IWC hate him (even more) and you've got a new mega heel and just breathed life into one of the most stale characters in the history of WWE. Maybe you can start a stable or something with Cena as the head to get a few talents over.

Damn I just typed all that shit out at 6 in the morning I need to either get hired by a wrestling company or go get some pussy.

You! You :D this is great, at first when you mentioned Hogan I was like wait why isn't he turning heel, I figured that was the idea but you brought it back to that! We have a heel Cena for a decade breaking records, breaking limbs because why not. Hogan never returns after the beating he suffers at the hands of John Cena xP that is the greatest phrase I've ever uttered.

:worship: for all the effort put into this! And as you mentioned it doesn't have to main event, keep it on the midcard so no one expects Cena to flip. Fans are just expecting a boring match but what they get is a bloodbath.

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