The Lonely Island


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The Lonely Island is Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer & Jorma Taccone. They're nothing to be taken serious. Pretty much strictly a comedy group. So don't come in here and compare them to any other group. I'm listening to their debut album. "Incredibad" Does anyone else find the songs pretty damn funny? The one i've been hooked on is "I'm on a Boat" w/ T-Pain. The video, the song. :lmao: Andy Samberg is fucking hilarious.

they grew old very very quickly, the first listen was funny, but it just got shitter and shitter and shitter, with the next listen. "Im on a Boat" has to be one of the most stupid fucking songs. I know it is supposed to be comedy, but it isn't really. Flight of the Concords is a better singing comedy group. As is Bill Bailey.
I used to watch SNL every Saturday and I saw I'm on a boat the day it debuted. I liked it before it went viral but the video that got me hooked was Ras Trent. Not their best song but when I saw it I cracked up.
I find some of their videos pretty funny, but my favorite by far is we like sports, the song is hysterical, and the video is just as good.

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The Lonely Island boys are hilarious. Anything Andy Samberg touches is gold. Comic gold. One of my favorite jams from them includes I'm On a Boat, Jizz in My Pants, and Andy's new song, Threw It on the Ground. Just funny. Real funny.

It's a change of pace from Weird Al, who was as funny as they came in the 90's. Now? He's kinda ridiculous. And Hot Rod is a great movie by the way. It's not The Godfather, but it's a damn fine move to watch while sparking a bowl of stuff.
they grew old very very quickly, the first listen was funny, but it just got shitter and shitter and shitter, with the next listen. "Im on a Boat" has to be one of the most stupid fucking songs. I know it is supposed to be comedy, but it isn't really. Flight of the Concords is a better singing comedy group. As is Bill Bailey.

Did you really expect it to stay fresh very long? It's a comedy group that emanated from SNL. It's a good chuckle, still better to listen to then half the trash they play on the radio. They managed to stay fresh enough to release an album and actually have people buy it.
I love these guys. When I first saw "I'm On A Boat", I thought it was an actual rap song, until the "I fucked a mermaid" line from T-Pain :lmao:. They're better than Weird Al, and they don't do parodies; they have original comedy. They are funny as hell and have pretty nice beats. My favorite song has to be Dick In A Box:


I don't expect them to win any Grammys or anything, but they are real funny and bring some good humor to the music business.

"It's my Dick in a box!"

The Lonely Island are pretty funny. They are not my favourite comedy band by a long shot but they are quite talented and I definitely like some of their songs a lot. "I'm on a boat" and "Like A Boss" were pretty incredible and "Jizz in My Pants" was hilarious. These guys have become tremendously successful from it and I think that it is very justified, They have shown some real imagination and creation when they were making the album and it has shown through in a huge amount. Personally, I have only listened to a lot of the songs a few times but the songs I mentioned beforehand are plenty of reasons to go out and buy the album.
The lonely island was a interesting idea, i had no clue what to expect from these guys but i gave it a shot. I got the cd after watching snl and listening to a few of their songs like jizz in my pants and im on a boat. I liked what they were trying to do, its basically songs mixed with comedy with some catchy beats, funny lines and premises that are different. Now is the whole album good? eh not to me, is it decent? yes i liked it, theres some people that will bash them for making fun of music, theres others that will bash them for not being "good", and theres those people who get what their trying to do and understand its a mixture of a lot of things. So basically their good, funny, different and i wouldnt mind a 2nd album in the future.

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