The List of Number One Contenders is Growing


With the safety off!!
I've read on a couple of threads lately, that some want a number one contender's match for the WWE title, and it got me wondering. Never a good thing.

We have already quite the list of possible contenders already so why add to it. Let's see who we have already.

Randy Orton - He still says he deserves another title shot, due to his rematch clause from last year's Mania, and he's right. HHH promised him one after the Shield was taken care of and they sort of have been. So he's on the list.

Roman Reigns - If rumour has it right then he should be back in time for the Royal Rumble, and that with his showing last year, he's a good shot to win it again. If he does, that puts him into the main event picture at Mania.

Dean Ambrose - He is this year's Daniel Bryan. He's the most over guy on the roster right now, and partly responsible for carrying this company through rough times. If they don't give him a shot at the championship it would be a shame

Daniel Bryan - Is due back also, and as he didn't lose the belts in the proper manner, he also deserves a chance to win it back, without going through the gauntlet that a Reigns or Ambrose might have too. It all depends on his condition and how much he can put his body through.

Batista - Won the Rumble last year, and on one of the RAW's before he left, HHH also promised him a shot. Again once the Shield was taken care of. Well he's coming back, the Shield is no more, and he'll want a shot at it as well.

John Cena - Enough said right there. He might be the only guy on the roster right now with a legitimate chance at beating Lesnar.

Seth Rollins - Mr. Money in the Bank. As long as he's carrying that suitcase with the contract in it, he's a threat to any champion at any time. With the backing of the Authority, he wouldn't be the greatest on the list, but he's still there anyway. And because of the contract he holds, he doesn't actually have to fight for it. He can wait until Lesnar is beaten down to the point that he can just run in and grab it.

So we have 7 credible main event stars that could all have a chance to get into the main event at Wrestlemania. I for one will be watching closely to see how this plays out and who the WWE will go with. I'm hoping it's Reigns or Ambrose, and will be disappointed if it's Batista.
Yep, I expect these 7 and only these to be involved in the title picture from now til at least 2016 barring any surprises. Cena, Bryan and to a lesser extent, Roman, are already credible enough. Now it's time to build up Ambrose and Rollins some more to join the pack.
I even think Bryan will take a backseat to the Shield guys and Cena, but still be a bonafide main eventer.
Personally, I'd cross Batista off the list. Unless he's got another movie to shill around that time, I don't think they'd bother bringing him back after the big debacle last time.

And as much as it absolutely pains me to say it, I'm afraid that as soon as Reigns and Bryan come back, you're going to see a huge de-push in Ambrose unless he really impresses with this opportunity he's got. The WWE is still sold on Reigns, they'll need to be sold on Ambrose. And now he's got that chance.

As for Rollins, I really don't see a whole lot in him. I get the feeling that the Cena Curse is going to be in effect for the MITB for a while, because there's no way I can buy one of HHH's henchmen as holding the WWE title.

There's one name you left off that list, though. Wade Barrett's supposed to be coming back soon, and seeing as how the IC title is complicated enough, it'd be interesting to see Barrett come back at the top of the card. After all, if Brock Lesnar is dominating the WWE with 'real' wrestling and UFC experience, why not go after him with a guy who's got 'real' fighting experience as a bare-knuckle boxer?
There's one name you left off that list, though. Wade Barrett's supposed to be coming back soon, and seeing as how the IC title is complicated enough, it'd be interesting to see Barrett come back at the top of the card. After all, if Brock Lesnar is dominating the WWE with 'real' wrestling and UFC experience, why not go after him with a guy who's got 'real' fighting experience as a bare-knuckle boxer

I love the idea, I really do. WWE has to be careful though and so does Barrett. If he gets injured again right when he's going to break out, then he might end up ultimately getting the Dolph Ziggler treatment. You know, a guy the WWE can count on in the midcard and to have good matches/feuds, but not someone who they can trust enough to let them move up due to the fact that they don't want to keep investing in him only to have him go out with another injury. That being said I know that's a match I really want to see. Thing is, though, when he does come back it'll take a while before they move him up to even get a chance, considering how many are in line before him, so unless it's a non-title match or Brock holds the belt again I don't see it happening.
How about Bad News Barrett? He's been out a while and not to mention Rusev wouldn't he be considered a contender? Or how about Miz or even Ziggler? Or how about Sheamus the WWE United States Champion? Or how about Cesaro even? Or how about Swagger?
How about Bad News Barrett? He's been out a while and not to mention Rusev wouldn't he be considered a contender? Or how about Miz or even Ziggler? Or how about Sheamus the WWE United States Champion? Or how about Cesaro even? Or how about Swagger?

Nope to all of them, excluding multi man matches like EC and MITB. BNB is still midcard, and they put the shield above him already so it will take a long time for him. Rusev, let's be serious here, is just monster/foreign heel#974224. Miz would be a LONG stretch, he would have to be a top heel( above Orton/Kane/HHH/Seth Brock..). They won't build Ziggler as a main event face, they are already building Reigns/Ambrose as face, it takes time and ressources for this to come to fruition. I don't see them dedicating that to him. They didn't do it in the past neither did they recently when the roster is thin on babyface. They sure as hell won't elevate him when Bryan/Reigns/Cena/Ambrose will be there in full force in the coming year.

I forget to include Cesaro/ Swagger and Sheamus. Cesaro can be salvable, they were willing to push him around WM soo it's still possible, but frankly he doesn't have the personality to be a perennial ME. Swagger's ceilling is uppermidcard, he'll never be a ME. Sheamus if heel turn yeah I see him being a contender easily.
Personally, I'd cross Batista off the list. Unless he's got another movie to shill around that time, I don't think they'd bother bringing him back after the big debacle last time.

And as much as it absolutely pains me to say it, I'm afraid that as soon as Reigns and Bryan come back, you're going to see a huge de-push in Ambrose unless he really impresses with this opportunity he's got. The WWE is still sold on Reigns, they'll need to be sold on Ambrose. And now he's got that chance.

As for Rollins, I really don't see a whole lot in him. I get the feeling that the Cena Curse is going to be in effect for the MITB for a while, because there's no way I can buy one of HHH's henchmen as holding the WWE title.

There's one name you left off that list, though. Wade Barrett's supposed to be coming back soon, and seeing as how the IC title is complicated enough, it'd be interesting to see Barrett come back at the top of the card. After all, if Brock Lesnar is dominating the WWE with 'real' wrestling and UFC experience, why not go after him with a guy who's got 'real' fighting experience as a bare-knuckle boxer?

Oh I think Batista will come back, and after the way he left, he'll come back as a face, and demand a title shot. Doesn't mean he's going to get it, but he's still a credible threat to anyone holding it.

As for BNB, I would have included him, but they see him as injury prone by now. He's had two pushes and both time was injured while they were happening. Don't get me wrong I think he's great and if he hadn't injured his shoulder could have seen him transition to the main event. With Bryan out and then Reigns, Barrett could have easily moved up. But he was injured as well. With him it's just a case of sheer bad luck, and bad luck is something they won't invest in, not in this business.

How about Bad News Barrett? He's been out a while and not to mention Rusev wouldn't he be considered a contender? Or how about Miz or even Ziggler? Or how about Sheamus the WWE United States Champion? Or how about Cesaro even? Or how about Swagger?

Well Barrett see my above point, pretty much explains it all. Rusev is not over and even though they are pushing him as much as they can, he's just not getting the fan reaction he should be. Why, I have no idea, but even I find him boring as hell, and if he didn't have Lana, he'd not be on the main roster with the gimmick he has. I would put Sheamus into the same catagory of not being over. Love the guy, good in the ring, but the fans for some reason don't get behind him. With Reigns, Ambrose, Bryan and Cena, he's getting overshadowed. His first title run was dismal, the second was okay, but he's more of a multi match kind of guy, and I can't see another title run for him.

The boat has sailed on both Miz and Ziggler, again they suffer from sort of the same problem Sheamus does, even though they are both good in the ring, Ziggler is crazy over with the fans, they too are overshadowed by others. It would take a lot of injuries for either of them to get another title shot, and to tell you the truth they both seem rather comfortable where they are on the roster. I wouldn't consider Swagger for anything other than a mid card title, he just isn't main event material.

Cesaro if they play their cards with him right could move up and challenge. He has the moves, the strength and more importantly he has the Swing. The fans are desperate to see the Swing. He just has to develop more of a personality first. If he had the personality and mic skills Ambrose has, he'd be leading the pack right now.
I really think they should insert Bad News Barrett into the WWE Championship picture in 2015. His injury couldn't have come at a worse time. His popularity was growing every week. When he returns, I think he'll reclaim the IC Title and have a great feud with Ziggler for the remainder of this year.

I'd have Barrett drop the belt at Mania, then push him towards the main event. Come late summer/early fall, I think he could be a great challenger to Reigns, or whomever the champ may be.

Randy Orton not ever getting a rematch, when he wasn't pinned at WrestleMania, kind of drives me nuts to be honest.

Daniel Bryan is an obvious choice for #1 contender upon his return, with him never losing the championship.

Then you can rank the following however you want, but these guys would be the only ones you can take seriously: Ambrose, Reigns, and Cena. I leave Rollins out because he has the briefcase and that excludes him from being owed a match in advance.

Bray Wyatt should be in this conversation, but the way he's been booked as of late is just inexplicable.
Oh God I forgot all about Bray Wyatt. Thanks WWE for making me do that. Shit.

Yes he should be in the conversation, but his booking along with the other Wyatt family members, has been nothing sort of abysmal. I have no idea what they are even going to do with them anymore, they seem to have run out of options.
Bray Wyatt should be in this conversation,
Yes he should be in the conversation
Bray Wyatt WOULD HAVE BEEN the great program for the BEAST INCARNATE to have after squashing Cena at NOC. But Bray is just a mid-carder now, an enhancement talent for Cena before winning title matches and for Big Show before his feud with Rusev :disappointed: . The segment with the Undertaker taunting Brock was amazing and just imagine what kind of mind games Bray would have done to Brock. Bray and Heyman trading words. Harper and Rowan assaulting Lesnar. Now that would have been something to watch.
I've read on a couple of threads lately, that some want a number one contender's match for the WWE title, and it got me wondering. Never a good thing.

We have already quite the list of possible contenders already so why add to it. Let's see who we have already.

Randy Orton - He still says he deserves another title shot, due to his rematch clause from last year's Mania, and he's right. HHH promised him one after the Shield was taken care of and they sort of have been. So he's on the list.

Roman Reigns - If rumour has it right then he should be back in time for the Royal Rumble, and that with his showing last year, he's a good shot to win it again. If he does, that puts him into the main event picture at Mania.

Dean Ambrose - He is this year's Daniel Bryan. He's the most over guy on the roster right now, and partly responsible for carrying this company through rough times. If they don't give him a shot at the championship it would be a shame

Daniel Bryan - Is due back also, and as he didn't lose the belts in the proper manner, he also deserves a chance to win it back, without going through the gauntlet that a Reigns or Ambrose might have too. It all depends on his condition and how much he can put his body through.

Batista - Won the Rumble last year, and on one of the RAW's before he left, HHH also promised him a shot. Again once the Shield was taken care of. Well he's coming back, the Shield is no more, and he'll want a shot at it as well.

John Cena - Enough said right there. He might be the only guy on the roster right now with a legitimate chance at beating Lesnar.

Seth Rollins - Mr. Money in the Bank. As long as he's carrying that suitcase with the contract in it, he's a threat to any champion at any time. With the backing of the Authority, he wouldn't be the greatest on the list, but he's still there anyway. And because of the contract he holds, he doesn't actually have to fight for it. He can wait until Lesnar is beaten down to the point that he can just run in and grab it.

So we have 7 credible main event stars that could all have a chance to get into the main event at Wrestlemania. I for one will be watching closely to see how this plays out and who the WWE will go with. I'm hoping it's Reigns or Ambrose, and will be disappointed if it's Batista.

As you have pointed out in another post, provided he gets decent booking then, Bray Wyatt makes 8 and also, Cesaro as Babyface can make 9.

I did mention this in another post, I do look forward to a time(hopefully, fingers crossed) when the WWE will be able to call on most, if not all of those mentioned. I absolutely salivate at that prospect.

We just have to hope all 3 Shield guys succeed in their pushes and come out of Wrestlemania 31 as legit future Main Event talents. So far so good with regards to that.

Honestly, I hope that (assuming they make it big) the Shield trio will have their own 3-way battle for the title post-Mania 31. I can honestly see Ambrose winning the MitB from Rollins and doing a shock cash-in(Face it, he's playing a tweener role and crowds will eat it up regardless), whilst Rollins is an Authority stooge, so he will always get himself into the title scene once he gets the relevant booking required. In such a scenario, obviously Reigns beats Lesnar at WM31 to set it all up.

Bad News Barrett is another mentioned, and I really think he has had hard luck with injuries. There is still a chance for him to make it, but I think it will be difficult if everything else falls into place with regards to others getting pushed.

Sheamus can also be a threat to Lesnar, but with the US title in his possession, he'll need a couple months at least, in order to build himself to the required level.
If we wait it out until WM 2016 than I think this list will be much larger.

1) Roman Reigns
2) Dean Ambrose
3) Seth Rollins
4) John Cena
5) Randy Orton (final hurrah)
6) Rusev
7) Bad News Barrett
8) Daniel Bryan
9) Cesaro
10) Brock Lesnar
11) Jeff Hardy (He's bound to come back)
I'm going to add a long shot contender to the list, but it's only while Brock Lesnar is the champion and that's The Undertaker. Does he deserve a shot, no, but if the WWE Upper management wanted to, the story of The Undertaker seeking revenge on Brock Lesnar with the title on the line is there.

Another possible contender is The Rock. If we're talking about those who deserve to invoke a rematch clause, wasn't The Rock's last match a 1 vs 1 loss against John Cena for the title?

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