The Legion of the Lost

Mustang Sally

Sells seashells by the seashore
Or maybe we should call it......Jobber's Paradise?

Last night's 8-man tag featured a new team called 'The Social Outcasts' as they were ably opposed by a group I am dubbing: 'The Legion of the Lost' consisting of.......wait for it.......Damien Sandow.....Goldust.....Jack Swagger.....Zack Ryder !!!! (cue the blare of trumpets!)

First comment: A Damien Sandow sighting! He led off the match for his team, his body looking soft and his gut reflecting a few too many bowls of pasta.

Second comment: There is no second comment. The Legion consisted of good guy 'former somebodies' (Swagger, Goldust)... 'wannabees' (Sandow)... and a 'never was' (Ryder).

They were created, probably for one night only, to further the mega-push :blush: going to The Social Outcasts.......for the ultimate probable purpose of morphing them into 3MB II, a joke team with most of the members on their last legs before release.

Oh, and Bo Dallas looks like shit, too. He's got a great future in obesity if he keeps emulating his brother's eating habits.

As for the Legion of the Lost, I don't foresee world titles for them, either. In fact, I don't foresee them ever again appearing as a team.

Do you like the idea of creating temporary teams for jobbing purposes?

Do you like the idea of creating temporary teams just to give some ring work to guys who badly need it? After all, we fans complain if some guys are never used....and now, here I am, lamenting when they are used.

How do you see it?
Or maybe we should call it......Jobber's Paradise?

Last night's 8-man tag featured a new team called 'The Social Outcasts' as they were ably opposed by a group I am dubbing: 'The Legion of the Lost' consisting of.......wait for it.......Damien Sandow.....Goldust.....Jack Swagger.....Zack Ryder !!!! (cue the blare of trumpets!)

First comment: A Damien Sandow sighting! He led off the match for his team, his body looking soft and his gut reflecting a few too many bowls of pasta.

Second comment: There is no second comment. The Legion consisted of good guy 'former somebodies' (Swagger, Goldust)... 'wannabees' (Sandow)... and a 'never was' (Ryder).

They were created, probably for one night only, to further the mega-push :blush: going to The Social Outcasts.......for the ultimate probable purpose of morphing them into 3MB II, a joke team with most of the members on their last legs before release.

Oh, and Bo Dallas looks like shit, too. He's got a great future in obesity if he keeps emulating his brother's eating habits.

As for the Legion of the Lost, I don't foresee world titles for them, either. In fact, I don't foresee them ever again appearing as a team.

Do you like the idea of creating temporary teams for jobbing purposes?

Do you like the idea of creating temporary teams just to give some ring work to guys who badly need it? After all, we fans complain if some guys are never used....and now, here I am, lamenting when they are used.

How do you see it?

I thought this was going to be about the LON and how they sucked. I was going to be like like ''Ahahaa you messed up with title Sally'' How wrong I was.

Anyway for threads contribution sake a new J.O.B Squad wouldn't harm.
The highlight of that match was the Running Bulldog that knocked Heath Slater off the apron, amusing.

Bo Dallas is going to reprise Bray's Husky Harris moniker - he looks terribly out of shape.

The good here is these guys are getting TV time. I remember when mid card had a level of importance and the mid carders today aren't viewed like the lower card of yesterday in terms of getting over. It's still a game of patience with the Outcasts because I'm still quite unsure what to make of this just yet.

As for the challengers - the one person this effects the most is Jack Swagger. He has suffered the most over the years and has looked like enhancement talent for the likes of Rusev and as recent as ADR. I thought we were going to see him and Zeb back together but nothing to note yet. I really feel that DUI arrest permenantely halted his momentum. Which is bad because he's a good worker.

Goldust probably suffers the least amount. I haven't found Goldust a must see since he was tagging with Booker T over a decade ago. It wasn't actually a must see I reiterate - but an interesting combination. He's a veteran and has been around over 20 years. With his persona being washed away over the years he's less and less important. Another vet buying time.

I'll be honest - I never cared for Zack Ryder. Not even when he was the flavor of the month 2 or 3 years back. After Kane basically destroyed him and stopped his momentum he's usually a channel changer to American Pickers for 5 minutes. I really think he's on his last leg and has floated around in obscurity for too long.

Damien Sandow, our new flavor of the week and the "should've been in outcasts" award recipient. I enjoyed him during his relevancy. His time with Cody Rhodes, the stunt double time - all good. But it honestly took me months to realize he was left off the program. He's an average worker with an average build. Nothing about him really stands out and I feel that's partly why he has been left out. His MITB win and subsequent loss has left me wondering what happened?

This was my first time watching a full episode of Smackdown in at least 10 years. I just saw that thrown together team being used as enhancement talent to put over another thrown together team. It was a pretty decent match - overall I am glad they're all getting TV time despite how bad Bo Dallas looks physically. I just get this feeling there will be some form of a rematch on Raw.
More like Dough Dallas, amirite? Seriously though, the dude is flabby and his plain white trunks don't help the look.

I still think the Social Outcasts were created in an attempt to "legitimize" them headed into the Rumble. It isn't a bad strategy. Give them a few wins and make whoever eliminates them look a little better than a guy who just dumped one of WWE's resident jobbers.

They need wins to make them seen credible, so they throw together the jobber team we saw on Smackdown. I don't see them serving any other purpose than simply being a random team to take a loss. I don't mind that they just throw a few guys together. Sandow was decently over as Mizdow, Swagger killed his own push with the DUI, Ryder was pushed off a stage to end his push, and Goldust is a guy in the twilight of his career. So it isn't like they were beating Shield 2.0.

Like you said though Sally, all 8 of these guys, minus maybe Goldust who will likely retire to end his WWE career, are on their last legs and this may be their last shot at relevancy before they get canned.
I personally think that everything about the match on paper came from a sound logic that I (for once) agree with. I haven't watched SD in a couple of years so I didn't actually see the match but the idea of a Stable beating a team of randoms is one that has been done many times successfully. For the winning team, it puts them over as a (somewhat) credible faction without devaluing a legitimate faction. This happens in singles wrestling all the time (any win Curtis Axel had during his "Axelmania" run) where jobbers who are over need to beat other jobbers to look like a threat to the midcard guys. With factions, that concept shouldn't change at all and I'm glad WWE has been able to keep that logic intact over the years.

As for the 4 guys who lost, they all should be very grateful. TV time is exposure, and exposure is almost always a good thing. They got to work a match on the USA Network, there's nothing wrong with that! In the world of kayfabe, it should make sense that a cohesive unit of people would dismantle 4 guys randomly thrown together. Would I prefer to see them used in a better manner? Absolutely, but at this point I'll take what I can get. I was never a fan of Swagger, Sandow seems to be missing something, I think WWE Creative absolutely despises Zack Ryder, and Goldust in almost 50 years old.

When the Dudleys and Wyatts keep losing on ppv, it's the victories on RAW and SD against low card guys like these that keep them relevant to the fans.
Or maybe we should call it......Jobber's Paradise?

Last night's 8-man tag featured a new team called 'The Social Outcasts' as they were ably opposed by a group I am dubbing: 'The Legion of the Lost' consisting of.......wait for it.......Damien Sandow.....Goldust.....Jack Swagger.....Zack Ryder !!!! (cue the blare of trumpets!)

First comment: A Damien Sandow sighting! He led off the match for his team, his body looking soft and his gut reflecting a few too many bowls of pasta.

Second comment: There is no second comment. The Legion consisted of good guy 'former somebodies' (Swagger, Goldust)... 'wannabees' (Sandow)... and a 'never was' (Ryder).

They were created, probably for one night only, to further the mega-push :blush: going to The Social Outcasts.......for the ultimate probable purpose of morphing them into 3MB II, a joke team with most of the members on their last legs before release.

Oh, and Bo Dallas looks like shit, too. He's got a great future in obesity if he keeps emulating his brother's eating habits.

As for the Legion of the Lost, I don't foresee world titles for them, either. In fact, I don't foresee them ever again appearing as a team.

Do you like the idea of creating temporary teams for jobbing purposes?

Do you like the idea of creating temporary teams just to give some ring work to guys who badly need it? After all, we fans complain if some guys are never used....and now, here I am, lamenting when they are used.

How do you see it?

You and many others in this topic seem a little too caught up on the physiques of these men. Who gives a rats arse if Sandow and Bo aren't chiseled like hhh or Vince. they can go in the ing and on the mic. Thats what matters. Its easy to be a keyboard warrior sat behind a screen with ice cream and chrisps dribbling down you chin.

You have imperfections too. You're not Curt Hennig. If someone was to xall them oyt on the steeet youd go running to a soliciter crying that "these people harrassed my fat arse, get me money!"

On topic, if it means talent get used them I'm all for it. I'd rather each one be put in a half meaningful storyline though. Have the two groups feud, give them some time on the mic, see who the crowd get behind more.
Going to agree with Saeros here. Bashing guys based solely on looks just comes off as petty, especially with guys like Owens around proving that physique does not determine skill or ability.

Now, to say that they're not entertaining, that's a valid critique. I feel that's more of the way they've been handled on the 'main roster' more than anything else. Say what you will about Ryder, but he was over before they completely derailed him, and he's not bad in the ring either. Fortunately for him, he has his NXT tag-team run to fall back on. Sandow is similar. They just kinda made him disappear while he was getting big reactions. Swagger, like has been mentioned, hasn't ever really recovered from his DUI thing, and I also kinda have to wonder if maybe he's getting heat since a lot of guys getting hurt seem to have it happen when facing him. Goldust's program with Cody kinda just vanished for some reason, and now they're both not really doing anything. In any event, he's been putting on his best matches over the last year or two so I'm never upset to see him. At this point, he's likely just going to be used as a veteran to help get some of the younger guys over anyway. The fact that he's still around after everyone was sure he'd have been gone long ago is a testament to him, I think.

As for the random teams being thrown in together, it works for the current situation. The Outcasts guys are a newly formed team, so they're getting some wins to validate their unity and their new focus or whatever. But they also can't go on and beat the LON or the Wyatts, so a cobbled together group of guys is the best way to go about it.

And really, the team they fought are a bunch of other guys who are in the exact same situation, so they could, hypothetically end up maybe even recruiting some of them as well. Likely won't, but it would make sense.
Or maybe we should call it......Jobber's Paradise?

Upon first glance, this may seem like a vitriolic cataclysm pronounced upon those four individuals, but I can totally see the humour. And feel.

Last night's 8-man tag featured a new team called 'The Social Outcasts' as they were ably opposed by a group I am dubbing: 'The Legion of the Lost' consisting of.......wait for it.......Damien Sandow.....Goldust.....Jack Swagger.....Zack Ryder !!!! (cue the blare of trumpets!)

LOL@cue the blare of trumpets.

First comment: A Damien Sandow sighting! He led off the match for his team, his body looking soft and his gut reflecting a few too many bowls of pasta.


Second comment: There is no second comment. The Legion consisted of good guy 'former somebodies' (Swagger, Goldust)... 'wannabees' (Sandow)... and a 'never was' (Ryder).

Love the substantives used here- former somebodies, wannabe, never-was. Hah.

They were created, probably for one night only, to further the mega-push :blush: going to The Social Outcasts.......for the ultimate probable purpose of morphing them into 3MB II, a joke team with most of the members on their last legs before release.

Perhaps! I didn't watch smackdown(and it's already Saturday afternoon here), but I'll definitely watch the re-telecast soon. I can't wait to catch sight of Damien Sandow!

Oh, and Bo Dallas looks like shit, too. He's got a great future in obesity if he keeps emulating his brother's eating habits.

That's hilarious!

As for the Legion of the Lost, I don't foresee world titles for them, either. In fact, I don't foresee them ever again appearing as a team.

Do you like the idea of creating temporary teams for jobbing purposes?

Do you like the idea of creating temporary teams just to give some ring work to guys who badly need it? After all, we fans complain if some guys are never used....and now, here I am, lamenting when they are used.

How do you see it?

You may be overthinking here.

I believe now that there's yet another 4-man-team, they need someone to face them. And usually, they have an already established team and another team, or a singles star, team up to make 4. But for whatever reason, they called in Swagger, Goldust, Sandow, and..Zack Ryder?

I for one couldn't be happier because at least Sandow got to be on TV! And I like Goldust and Swagger, so no issues there.

As for other posters who fail to see the humour in Sally's vitriolic comments on the flabby fatness of Bo and Sandow(I didn't see flab on him coming)..get over it! And even if someone were to criticize two wrestlers for that, it's not a big deal. They're supposed to be "in shape". It's their fucking job. Unless of course, they were always an obese/big wrestler like Mick Foley, Vader, Bray Wyatt, King Kong Bundy, Mabel, and so on. Heck, if the Big Show went home before 2008 for like 15 months and returned 50-60 lbs lighter (he claimed 140 or 110 lbs actually, on No Way Out 2008? ) , Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow should be ashamed of themselves! (Though I'm more inclined to exclude Sandow from such harshness).

As for the KO comment by another poster, she didn't criticize KO here, or would do so. Because this was never about criticizing wrestlers who have become stars without having had a decent physique let alone a muscular physique. And KO is that guy. Damien Sandow and Bo Dallas, since they were never flabby/fat wrestlers to begin with, should work out more or consume lesser fats/calories and whatever other dietary hell...because it's their job. Does anyone remember FATT Hardy? I watched TNA the other day and he's still that- FATT Hardy, though less fat than the horrendous sight he subjected us to in 2009-2010. It just looks bad. RIP TNA.
You have imperfections too. You're not Curt Hennig.

True, but I'm not trying to pass myself off as a professional athlete who performs on TV in her underwear.:) These guys are, and if it wouldn't help them in the eyes of WWE management to look the part, it sure wouldn't hurt them, either.

On topic, if it means talent get used them I'm all for it. I'd rather each one be put in a half meaningful storyline though.

In that, we agree. Don't get me wrong; I love Damien Sandow and it's almost painful to see him in the ring for the first time in months as part of an insignificant tag team geared to job to a bunch of performers who are jobbers themselves. No one's saying: "Oh look. Sandow is back!" Instead, it's understood he was being thrown a bone. It would be great to see some of these people in storylines. Now, it's understood that everyone can't be featured at the same time, but I think Sandow has more than earned another chance after his program with Miz wound up getting Sandow over, which I don't believe was the original intention. I think he deserves better....but doubt he's going to get it.

Its easy to be a keyboard warrior sat behind a screen with ice cream and chrisps dribbling down you chin.

Yes, it is and........................oh, damn it to hell! In my excitement, I just schpritzed strawberry ice cream on my skirt. Oh hell, Momma's gonna be so mad when she comes down to the basement and sees this! Oh, shit. Oh, shit!
You and many others in this topic seem a little too caught up on the physiques of these men. Who gives a rats arse if Sandow and Bo aren't chiseled like hhh or Vince. they can go in the ing and on the mic. Thats what matters. Its easy to be a keyboard warrior sat behind a screen with ice cream and chrisps dribbling down you chin.

You have imperfections too. You're not Curt Hennig. If someone was to xall them oyt on the steeet youd go running to a soliciter crying that "these people harrassed my fat arse, get me money!"

On topic, if it means talent get used them I'm all for it. I'd rather each one be put in a half meaningful storyline though. Have the two groups feud, give them some time on the mic, see who the crowd get behind more.

Bo Dallas is an exceptional worker, nothing about him in the ring or on the microphone pulls you in. Dusty Rhodes was out of shape - overweight for that matter. But despite his size he was one of those guys who got by simply by being more entertaining and more charismatic than almost anyone in the pro wrestling business in his time. Kevin Owens has been another that isn't the lightest, but he is entertaining and quite agile for his size. Almost like a throwback Bam Bam.

Dallas on the other hand isn't entertaining or charismatic. His career has been thus far defined by a catchphrase. Adding in the fact that he's growing a noticeable gut does not alter my perspective on him to the good. I'm all for workers getting chances on TV and being utilized in different ways. The least he could be is more physical fit during his recent return to TV.
Well I agree with , the side saying ANY TV time iscgood. Whether you win orcloose. Goodcole Jim Ross said it best " your not being buried incyou make it on TV at all.

Job squad:
Sandow..excellence in working. The fans love him but he's missing so!etching.
Love Goldust...but he is wants his career ended this year. his music, that's it.
Swagger, never caught msay interest..

The outlast
Dallas, great mic work!!
Rose...needs repackaged.
Axel, he should be in the lower upper card.
Slater. I'm a huzge fan of his mic and ring work!!!!

Only thing Go needs to to is wrestle with a shirt on like Owens, Wyatt, and others.
I can really sympathise with Damien Sandow. He is an awesome talent but too underutilized. But i agree that he should remain fit. As a pro wrestler, its his duty. Goldust & Jack Swagger can be utilized for putting over young talents. Ryder should remain at NxT as Hype Bros with Mojo. And i have no idea what they have planned for Social Outcasts. I like the three guys in it but dislike Bo a lot. :shrug:


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