The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin DVD


Getting Noticed By Management
Has anyone seen The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin DVD im a fan of Stone Cold and wondered if it was any good? I just want to get opinions before i spend, in case it was crap so i dont waste money. Im going to see if i can find a review or something to get a better idea of the DVD.
I haven't seen it but if you're a fan of Austin, it is probably worth a buy. The only problem I have with WWE DVD's is that they don't always pick the best matches for the extra discs. I have the Bret Hart, Brian Pillman, Hulk Hogan, and Roddy Piper DVD's. They all have great matches but are also missing some key ones.

The documentaries are hit or miss. The Hogan one just goes from match to match with very little story or background. The Hart, Pillman, and Piper DVD's have awesome stories all fans should see.
Hey i found a review and its a pretty good one full of information. I might get it just coz i dont have any other Stone Cold DVDs and i like him, the problem is that old WWE DVDs are pretty dear and i can get new ones for sometimes cheaper. Like WM 17 its pretty dear and rare. Some WM are over £25 on ebay second hand.

Thanks for the help mate!

Oh one more thing is the Bret Hart DVD any good i seen it in a few places and just decided to leave it, just you mentioned it and seems like a good idea to bring it up.
Hart is my all time favorite wrestler so I may be slightly bias. The story is great because they basically put Bret in front of the camera and had him take you through his entire career. Hart, as said by Vince on the DVD, is one of the best storytellers ever and I doubt you'll disagree after watching.

As for the match selections there are a lot of great ones, but as I said before, its missing some classic bouts. If you are a Hart fan, there is no way you should pass on this.
The Hart DVD sucks. Mainly because Hart sucks in general. As for the Austin DVD. Buy it. It's one of the better ones I've gotten in awhile.
The Hart DVD sucks. Mainly because Hart sucks in general. As for the Austin DVD. Buy it. It's one of the better ones I've gotten in awhile.

The Hart DVD was one of the best produced WWE DVD's ever. The only knock on it is they left off some great matches. There is suppose to be a follow up one some time.
Has anyone seen The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin DVD im a fan of Stone Cold and wondered if it was any good? I just want to get opinions before i spend, in case it was crap so i dont waste money. Im going to see if i can find a review or something to get a better idea of the DVD.

I watched like 20 or 30 minutes on seemed to jump around to much....before you outlay 50 bucks, watch it on youtube.
Or i could download it from bittorent either way im gonna get the Stone Cold DVD it looks like one of the good WWE DVDs they do every so often. Its

So im guessing the Hart DVD is a no no!
Watching the Bret Hart DVD made me realize that, no matter how skilled he was, he was very booooooriiiiiing. People complain about Cena being vanilla? At least Cena seems the kind of guy you'd hang out with. Hart is bland.
Watching the Bret Hart DVD made me realize that, no matter how skilled he was, he was very booooooriiiiiing. People complain about Cena being vanilla? At least Cena seems the kind of guy you'd hang out with. Hart is bland.

To me Hart played the depression card towards people...
Watching the Bret Hart DVD made me realize that, no matter how skilled he was, he was very booooooriiiiiing. People complain about Cena being vanilla? At least Cena seems the kind of guy you'd hang out with. Hart is bland.

How in the hell was Bret Hart bland? Hart was the most instrumental character in the USA vs Canada rivalry that had the some of the hottest crowds ever. Hart cut promos that had people thinking he was actually shooting on Vince and the USA.
How in the hell was Bret Hart bland? Hart was the most instrumental character in the USA vs Canada rivalry that had the some of the hottest crowds ever. Hart cut promos that had people thinking he was actually shooting on Vince and the USA.

Fact.... He was awesome during that rivalry.
That was pretty good. But that rivalry was bigger than Hart. Hart by himself, especially as a face, was boring. Even as a little kid I thought he was boring.
The feud was just well written. Plus it was Stone Cold's chance to get out of control. It it had been anybody else other than Stone Cold, even if they would have had Dell Wilkes lead the American side, it would have been lackluster. Bret Hart did not carry that, Stone Cold did.
I can't talk bad about Bret. He's a legend, and his DVD was good. Just too many matches against his family (Owen, Davey Boy) is my only complaint.

As for the Stone Cold DVD, it definitely brings back a lot of memories for the fans of the Attitude era. The DVD doesn't include EVERY classic Stone Cold match, but the selection is very good. The DVD is completely narrated by Stone Cold, as there are no clips from anybody else. But that's okay. Definitely shows his rise in the business. Ends after the WrestleMania match against The Rock in 2001, which is probably a good thing, as there wasn't much of his career to highlight past that point. Pretty solid DVD. Worth the 20 bucks I spent on it. I hope the Triple H and Rock sets that come out this year are this good.
That was pretty good. But that rivalry was bigger than Hart. Hart by himself, especially as a face, was boring. Even as a little kid I thought he was boring.

You are in the vast minority on that one. Bret Hart was one of wrestlings biggest faces all over the world. He worked hard and gained a worldwide fanbase that believed he was the best. Thats what was so great about Hart as a face, he made people actually believe he could outwrestle anyone.
The feud was just well written. Plus it was Stone Cold's chance to get out of control. It it had been anybody else other than Stone Cold, even if they would have had Dell Wilkes lead the American side, it would have been lackluster. Bret Hart did not carry that, Stone Cold did.

Bullshit, flat out bullshit. I'm just going to assume that you have no idea what we are talking about. Hart had the American crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. His promos were so good they thought he was serious. He was getting threatned on a daily basis in the US. Stone Cold was still developing.
Bullshit, flat out bullshit. I'm just going to assume that you have no idea what we are talking about. Hart had the American crowd eating out of the palm of his hand. His promos were so good they thought he was serious. He was getting threatned on a daily basis in the US. Stone Cold was still developing.

I have more of an idea than you do. Therefore I will assume that you are smoking some of that North of the border premium grade hash.

Bret Hart is like the goth kid in high school who moans about how say life is, how sad depression is, and how sad sadness is. He is stuck in one downward monotone mode whether he is happy or sad or whatever. The only reason why the crowd ate of of his hands was because Stone Cold played the hero. He was a strong hero who you loved to hate and hated to love. Against the grain and not quite Pro-American. You hated Hart in the angle because instead of doing the old USA version Canada angle, they had Stone Cold play the guy who could care less if the USA won, he just hated Hart that much. So the crowd fed off of that.

If The Patriot, LOD, Golddust, or anybody else would have lead that group, it would have been the same old same old angle and nobody would have given a crap about Hart being the leader. Stone Cold showed a pure and damned near genuinely sincere hatred for Hart. It was amplified by the crowd. Stone Cold was the maestro of that symphony, not Hart.
Stone Cold had nothing to do with the fans hating Hart. If it was all because of Stone Cold, why did the fans even react to Hart's promos that didn't even mention Austin? Why did the react so strongly when Bret was facing The Patriot. The focus was on US vs Canada, not Hart vs Austin. Look outside the US. If Austin being the hero was the reason the crowd was so hot, explain the crowds outside the US.
I don't know, Bret Hart was good, but to me it was just the same shit he did with HBK...Everyone wanted to see what Stonecold was gonna do next...Bret Hart got old coming out with the stable and flag and hating on America for 10 minutes till someone stopped him... Even HBk came out talked some stuff made some insults and had a match or something later. Stonecold came down and was like fuck that and started swinging.
Dude, you don't even offer strong evidence to back up that Hart carried the feud. So let me break it down for you. The whole thing stemmed from the Bret Hart versus Stone Cold Steve Austin match where Austin was able to make a slight face turn due to not tapping out to the Sharpshooter. Now it could have ended there, but Stone Cold refused to drop it and came after Hart every chance he got, which changed the norm for feuds.

Think about it. What was the catalyst for the face and heel changes for Stone Cold and Hart? Was it the fact that Bret Hart won, even though Stone Cold did not tap out in their match OR was it the fact that Stone Cold refused to tap out and passed out, even though Bret Hart won the match? Now everyone has seen Bret Hart win a match with the Sharpshooter and it was the boring old norm. But why did this particular match change things? Because of Stone Cold. And they play up after that of Hart being mad that Stone Cold go applause for lasting helped him as a heel. But if it were Hogan, Michaels, or anybody else, nobody would have cared much.

And what happened after that? Well Stone Cold refused t drop it, as every past opponent who had lost to Bret had done. Bret needed to get reinforcements as the crowds were behind Stone Cold and thusly the USA versus Canada feud was born. Look at all of the USA versus Canada angles before that and after that. They were lackluster. But Stone Cold's obsession with Hart is what drop the popularity of this one. As far as other countries eatting it up, the main country that popped loudly for the Canadians... was Canada! Wow. Go figure. I never would have seen that one.

You need to offer stronger evidence before I will even try to see it differently. all you say is Well Bret got booed. Big deal. That's a heels job. At least say why or what caused or his strong part in the booing other than he got on the mic. I mean out of his group, who else was going to get on the mic? Owen? He sucked. Bulldog? Boring. Neidhart? Can barely understand what he says anyways. Pillman? yeah, the loose cannon was gonna carry everything. Thing is that Bret could put together a complete sentence and was prety good on the mic. Not good enough to have done it without Stone Cold being the catalyst though. Oh, and btw, Dell Wilks sucks. The fued was already way over in popularity before they had him face off against Hart. They had already turned it into a USA versus Canada feud, which it wasn't at first.
What evidence do I need other than saying watch the fued, listen to Hart and the fans? I'm seriously doubting that you actually watched this fued at the time it was happening. The way you are talking, I think you just Youtubed it. The fued was based around the Harts, and mainy Hart vs HBK, not Austin. Austin was there because of his previous fued with Hart. The cutting edge promos that had people wondering if this was real hatred or not came from Hart.
Cutting Edge? He's one of the most boring promo men ever. he makes Lance Storm look like Cactus Jack. I watched the whole thing, first hand, from beginning to end on tv. I think that YOU obviously watched the Hart DVD, which is centered around Hart, and therefore use that to base your opinions. You offer no evidence. You can't account anything factual to support your opinion. You merely just try to question my credibility rather than citing anything. You have a weak argument. You're not even trying to make your opinion sound strong. Come back when you can name events or anything that actually makes your argument look worthwhile debating.

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