The Legacy of Edge- time to respect the man for his accomplishments


Pre-Show Stalwart
We all know about the never-ending lists of accomplishments that wrestlers such as Triple H, Ric Flair, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels and other legends have attained, but I think it's time to add another one to the group. And not just place him in there, but notice and appreciate what this man has achieved in professional wrestling. This man is Edge.

Edge has been in the WWE for nearly 12 years now, and has been over from day one. He played the "lovable goof", the "cocky arrogant heel", "the underdog", and every other character a wrestler can play. Let's take a look at his accomplishments.

- 9-time World Champion.
- 14-time Tag Team Champion
- 5-time Intercontinental Champion
- United States Champion
- King Of The Ring (2001)
- Royal Rumble Winner (2010)
- First ever "Mr. Money In The Bank" (2005)
- Main Evented 2 WrestleMania's. (Most likely a 3rd this year)
- Beat Mick Foley at WrestleMania 22
- Beat John Cena, Undertaker, Triple H, and Batista for some of his World Title reigns
- Competed in Hell In A Cell, TLC, Elimination Chamber, and almost every match in wrestling
- Has defeated Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Batista, John Cena, Undertaker, Randy Orton, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Christian
- Won the Tag Team Titles with Hulk Hogan
- 5-3 at WrestleMania

All these accolades and more. Having his own talk show. (The Cutting Edge) Having numerous nicknames like all the greats have. (Rated R Superstar, The Ultimate Opportunist.)

Edge has accomplished so much already, and at the age of 36, still has many great moments and matches ahead of him.
No doubt Edge deserves to be in the class with those men you mentioned. He has accomplished a great deal during his twelve year career. He is a future Hall of Famer and if he retired today would be a shoe-in. But I don't know if has as many years ahead as you think. 36 isn't exactly young coupled with his many huge injuries he has had in his career. When Edge gets injured he gets injured. Broken neck,torn pectoral muscle, torn achilles tendon. He gets hurt alot for large periods of time. This is his only setback as he is stellar in every other area.
I like this thread, it's like one big "lets talk about how awesome Edge is" thread, and I couldn't agree with either of you anymore, Edge is a future legend and hall of famer, he deserves all the credit he can get, he is one of the best in the business,he has always brought comedy and great wrestling skill to the ring and the shows, Although I will admit, I did kind of prefer him as a heel, but I still really like him as a face and hope he wins again at WM26 to further his accomplishments.
No just no, 9 World Titles? Sure I'll give you that but f**k come on how many of those 9 Title Reigns lasted longer then 2-2 1/2 months? I mean OK he deserves some of the reigns he got, maybe 3-4 but 9? Really, he is a transitional champion, he sets up the other guys.

Yes he is a Main Event guy but f**k he pisses me off with his stupid out of nowhere title wins that don't last longer then a divas match.
Thank you for posting this. Some people think that Edge is just a transitional champion, but this list shows the many accolades he has. One thing about is that he's injury prone but that in it self shows how tough he is. After a broken neck, torn pec and Acheilles he still wrestling today. When guys like HHH and HBK come out sometime the announcers say here come the future first ballot hall of famer. Edge should be in the conversation.
Edge will be a hall of famer but I doubt he will be anything close to a legend. Wrestlers like Ric Flair, Hogan, Sting, and Austin are considered legends because they helped revolutionize the business as we know and left us with moments and victories that we will never forget. The only moment Edge has given has that we will probably remember as one spear off a ladder as a tag team wrestler. When it's all said and done, he will not be mentioned with the likes of who I mentioned above but more along the lines of a HHH and Cena- great wrestlers but not iconic or legendary.
Edge deff deserves to be recognized for his accomplishments. Not only for the titles and RR & King of the Ring wins but also cuz along with the Hardys and Christian he helped make TLC, much like Shawn made the ladder match. In fact in my opinion, its very easy to compare Edge and Shawn, with one exception, Shawn has Edge outnumbered when it comes to memorible singles matches. Shawn is the man of firsts, ladder match, iron man, Hell in Cell, and each have been legendary. If given the opportunity Edge could easily do the same thing (as long as he doesn't get injured.)

Some matches that I would love to see Edge in:

1) Another Hell in a Cell- The first time around with the Undertaker was kind of cheap since no Hell in a Cell since Triple H vs Jericho has seen the combatants fight on top of the cell, the place where the magic happens (Shawn falling through the table, Foley falling through to the ring etc) Some good opponents would be: Jericho, Orton, Christian, Punk

2) Iron Man Match- Edge vs Jericho in this match would be fantastic. Jericho always claims to be the best at what he does and this would be his opportunity to prove it.

Although in reality, my dream come true would be to see Edge have one of these two matches vs Shawn. That would be epic.

P.S. Was there ever a better combo then Edge and Lita? I thought they complimented each other perfectly.
Edge will be a hall of famer but I doubt he will be anything close to a legend. Wrestlers like Ric Flair, Hogan, Sting, and Austin are considered legends because they helped revolutionize the business as we know and left us with moments and victories that we will never forget. The only moment Edge has given has that we will probably remember as one spear off a ladder as a tag team wrestler. When it's all said and done, he will not be mentioned with the likes of who I mentioned above but more along the lines of a HHH and Cena- great wrestlers but not iconic or legendary.
Actually it's what you consider a legend is. But when we look at likes of Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker they're all considered as legends but none of them really helped to revolutionize the business. As for having unforgettable moments how the hell you can say Edge didn't have any. Edge cashing in the MITB after the match first time, Spearing Foley into flaming table, having been in some of the greatest TLC matches, being the fastest 9 time champion and so much more. This guy even created you suck line for Kurt Angle. You can ignore all of these and can say that these are not memorable moments but they are. When Edge is retired maybe he won't be in the level of Hogan, Austin or Rock but at least he will be considered with the likes of Michaels,Hart and Flair easily. Because there is nothing those 3 man did and Edge didn't.
Sometimes I feel we never truly respect the legends of our time. Edge has a tremendous legacy, a resume of title wins that few can compete with. The reason why he has all those title wins? Because he is a guy the company looks towards to give it a boost. The WWE might be at a bit of a low, but with Edge on the show, it always feels a little more special. I respect everything he has done for the company, starting as a midcarder, up until he is a ten time world champion at Wreswtlemania.
Edge will be a hall of famer but I doubt he will be anything close to a legend.Cena- great wrestlers but not iconic or legendary.

Cena,a legend???????Dude 12 long years this guy,Adam Copeland has worked his arse of for us and won 9 world titles,so to be ten at Mania and you think this guy isn't a legend.But Cena is WTF go get some help cause you are off your head on idiot flu.14 time tag champ,KOTR,2010 rumble winner,and MITB.This guy is a legend or will be in the years to follow.

But John "Shitty
Old"Cena no.
Edge has been one of my favorites since he debuted. I had stopped watching wrestling in 03 but got back into it in late 05 thanks to Edge. His run with Lita and then being the world champ was very well done. While 9 titles were a lot for him to get in such a short time, it is the nature of the business now
Edge will be, and probably already is, the most decorated champion in WWE history. By the same token, he is also the only man that has won the three annual non title events - The Rumble, KOTR and MITB, and he will probably be the only one to ever do so. He has beaten just about everyone and he has won all of the titles of the Triple Crown multiple times. Indeed, he is the only man in WWE history to have won both World Titles, both tag titles, and both midcard titles.

The man has accomplished more on paper than anyone else, and that is unlikely to change for the unseeable future. Will he be the face of this era in the future? Probably not, but the man is certainly destined for the hall of fame.
I love this thread since I am a huge Edge fan. You are right people need to start respecting what he has done for the company. He won the first Money in the bank, he has been king of the ring and has had several title reigns. There isn't much else that he needs to do to prove that he is one of the best wrestlers in WWE history. So people need to at least respect his in-ring ability because he has a lot of in-ring talent.
It's hard to respect people for title accomplishments, when titles are given to people at management's whim.

I shouldn't respect people just for how many title reigns they are given, because Edge is given titles left and right by management. Imagine if Christian was in Edge's place and Edge was stuck in ECW. Would we be respecting Christian more than Edge simply because Christian would theoretically have more title reigns.

In many respects, the titles these days are nothing more than props, as Vince Russo says. Note that I don't believe in that philosophy but the number of reigns that Edge has been awarded have been absolutely ridiculous. And I firmly believe he has been one of the people on the roster who have contributed to the WWE product being stale, because of WWE management's constant reliance on him.

I can respect Edge for his matches and his match quality.

I can absolutely not respect Edge yet and put him in a top respected category for his "persona". He is not all that interesting a character at all compared to the All Time Greats.
It's hard to respect people for title accomplishments, when titles are given to people at management's whim.

I shouldn't respect people just for how many title reigns they are given, because Edge is given titles left and right by management. Imagine if Christian was in Edge's place and Edge was stuck in ECW. Would we be respecting Christian more than Edge simply because Christian would theoretically have more title reigns.

In many respects, the titles these days are nothing more than props, as Vince Russo says. Note that I don't believe in that philosophy but the number of reigns that Edge has been awarded have been absolutely ridiculous. And I firmly believe he has been one of the people on the roster who have contributed to the WWE product being stale, because of WWE management's constant reliance on him.

I can respect Edge for his matches and his match quality.

I can absolutely not respect Edge yet and put him in a top respected category for his "persona". He is not all that interesting a character at all compared to the All Time Greats.

I'm not sure I agree with the notion that titles are given at management's "whim." Sure the results are pre-scripted, but such scripting occurs because managemant feels, rightly or wrongly, that the wrestler in question has earned his spot. It's not given to him for no reason whatsoever.

Edge was given titles left and right because he's earned these title shots, with his in-ring skills, his mic-skills, his charisma, and his look. The Christian analogy is flawed. Christian is stuck in ECW because he's not as big as Edge, physically or his persona. And he's likely being punished for his lack of loyalty to WWE by jumping ship to TNA, whereas Edge is being rewarded for being loyal to the WWE throughout his career. Had Edge jumped ship and then returned years later, I'm sure he'd be languishing in ECW right now as well.

Whether or not you think the WWE product is stale (I personally do not), you cannot blame Edge for such alleged staleness. WWE's management has constant reliance on him because he has proven himself reliable (except for his recent rash of injuries).

I'm probably not ready, yet, to include him amongst the "all-time greats." But he has to be seen as one of the greatest of his era, his accomplishments speak for themselves, whether they were given to him or not.
ive always liked edge but seriously, he gets old fast, after a few months hell be stale as hell and ill be sick of him, ya i like him i respect his in ring ability and all that but think about it, he is beingt shoved down our throats, maybe not as much as cena, but still
I've been thinking about the whole 9 time champion thing or like Triple H who has something like 14, i think it's more a product of the WWE not holding the championships to a certain regard. Like honestly does it mean anything anymore for a guy to get the championship, yeah its an accomplishment but are we gonna have a moment like HBK kneeling in the ring staring at the title like his first kid was just born in the near future, I don't think so. Randy Orton has 6 main title runs and he has only been in the biz for 8 years.

With that said, I think Edge is great, his work early with Christian and those TLC matches are awesome, he was one of those guys that really went crazy out there. He's great but I wouldn't necessarily say "legend"

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