'The Last of a Breed' Faction?


Championship Contender
Watching the Punk/Jericho promo right now and Jericho was saying how he was part of a dying breed of wrestlers traveling the world, owning their craft, etc, etc. Last week, HHH said he and Taker were the end of an era of wrestlers from the past.

Now this is strictly fantasy. I'm not predicting a storyline, but it would be pretty cool if after Mania, this 'Last of a Dying Breed' of wrestlers become a stable. If you remember near the end of WCW, there was a lot of potential with the Millionaires Club and the New Blood, but it was booked the opposite with the older generation as the faces and the younger guys as the heels.

Wouldn't it be cool if the older guys (HHH, Taker, Jericho, Christian, Regal, etc) become a heel faction and raise the game for the new generation (Sheamus, Barrett, Punk, Rhodes, Kofi, etc). Maybe have guys like Cena play tweener. I figure the balance of power can be exploited all the way through Survivor Series. What do you think?
Its happened twice before and surprisingly TNA did it better, if the WWE were to do this it would not work for many clear cut reasons:

1) Undertaker is not active
2) Rock is not active
3) HHH is not active
All three are mainly for big PPVs and thats it
4) Regal is rarely active
5) Jericho doesn't do factions or groups, it'll be totally out of character.
6) Christian just isn't in the same league... face it its true
7) Kane could but that doesn't keep in line with embracing hate
... and the rest are either retired, rarely active or not worth mentioning.
This would be a great angle and the WWE would do it much better than WCW did it. They could sign a guy or two to bring back into this.....maybe RVD or JBL. If the WWE writers would only read some of this stuff and work with it, I bet they would be shocked when ratings increased!
Jericho's promo is just a foreboding truth about what will happen in Wrestlemania 28. What happens afterwards? Rock is gonna put Cena over in his hometown, Punk is gonna go over Jericho, this might be Taker's last match or it could technically be Triple H's or it could be both of their last matches. Wrestlemania 28 is looking like the definitive start of where the new guys take over and the old generation slowly disappears.
Well, the "breed" of wrestlers he was talking about are not from the attitude era, Jericho was talking about his WCW buddies, Eddie, Benoit, Malenko, Mysterio, Saturn, and himself.
Sound like some shit TNA would try, and it would be horrible.

The less Triple H, HBK, Undertaker, and the Rock are featured weekly on WWE TV, the better. The Attitude Era is over, many of these wrestlers have stepped out of the spot light for a reason, injuries, retirement, age, ect, ect.

Big Stables do not work in the WWE, they have constantly failed over the past few years. This would be the worst idea ever.
I enjoyed Jericho's promo tonight and simply took it as meaning he's one of the last of an era and not necessarily the beginning of any faction. It was a cool refrence and probably nothing more. Besides, what you are proposing has already been done in WCW. New blood vs. The Millionaire's club. If history has taught us anything, it's that wrestling shouldn't rely on recycling material that wasn't successful the first time. Remember the 1997 "ECW Invasion"? They resurrected that idea in 2005/2006 and half-assed it yet again. If it didn't work the first time, you generally don't wanna try it again with the same results.
Would be a fantastic way to bring Lance Storm in for a bit, maybe get a Thrillseekers reunion. Not to mention the effect those two would have backstage with newer tag teams.
:banghead: :banghead:

Hell while we're at it, let's just get Nash, X-Pac, Flair, sign Sting, re-sign Angle...it can be WWE's version of the Main Event Mafia!!

NO!!!! Is that big and bright enough?

No stables. No stables that include legends or future legends. Guys like HBK, Triple H, Rock, Undertaker, etc. dont need to be in a stable, feuding against younger ESTABLISHED stars! Cena doesn't need to be a "tweener" (I HATE that word).

Triple H passed the torch to Sheamus the day Sheamus took Trips "out of action" for almost a year. Granted Triple H got his revenge, but that attacked helped launch Sheamus. Rock is going to pass the torch to Cena and WM28...they have feuded for over a year. It needs to DIE at WM28.

These guys need to slowly ride off into the sunset. I love them as much as the next fan, but it's time to move on.

I've said it on here MANY TIMES...PUSH YOUR FUTURE STARS!!!!

Logic isn't a strong point for most people around here.

^This pretty much sums up some of the thinking around here.
I think this whole new blood vs old "Attitude Era" guys is leading to something personally. Maybe im just the minority here but i could see WWE running an angle of Pg Era vs Attitude Era story line.

Why do i think this?

I think it has to do with the WWE 13 video game. They always tend to run past Story lines in those games. WWE 12 ran the old WCW Invasion in one of its Story Modes(the created player Story Mode) Maybe they are preparing for the current/future feuds. The game typically releases in November so that gives them plenty of time to have some sort of storyline to promote the new game.

Think about it for a minute before you shoot it down.

Jericho(was a key talent all his career but was one of the first to jump ship to WWE during the Ratings War Era(Attitude Era for WWE) is facing Punk.

Rock is going one on one with the face of today Cena all while "other guys" are bashing the Rock for showing up and stealing his spot.

Xpac recently posted a complaint about THQ(Maker of the WWE Games) low balling "Attitude Era" superstars when it comes to royalties in the game WWE 13 because apparently the company doesn't want to pay the Attitude guys the same as the current active roster guys.

It could all be nothing or it could all be pointing to what i just posted. Some sort of faction vs faction type story leading up to/after WWE 13.

Just my opinion but ive been wrong before,
I would hate to see this feud because they would most likely make the Attitude guys the heels, despite what the fans want. For example, y2j has to will the fans to stop cheering him. y2j-CMP should be face-face, while Rock-Cena should be face-heel.
Why would The Undertaker, HHH, The Rock, and Jericho ever be in a stable together? They've all feuded with one another and have very little in common other than being from a certain era. It doesn't make any sense at all.
Why would The Undertaker, HHH, The Rock, and Jericho ever be in a stable together? They've all feuded with one another and have very little in common other than being from a certain era. It doesn't make any sense at all.

Team WWF: Undertaker, Jericho, Rock, Kane, Big Show... just saying three of those guys listed were technically in a stable together, however doing it now makes no sense.
I think this would be a fantastic idea. I think this Stable should be called “Attitude” or the “Era”. Of course it would have to be a cross branded Stable, but I would never have them refer to it as a Stable. I think it should just be an understood term for those SuperStars who survived the Monday Night War. I’d have Triple H be the focal point of the storyline being that he belongs to both sides of this fight.

Looking at the current roster, we have Chris Jericho, The Rock, Jerry the King Lawler (as the “Era’s announcer), Kane, Rey Mysterio, R-Truth (to a certain extent), Big Show, Booker T. (as the “Era’s announcer), Christian, Mark Henry, the Undertaker, and William Regal (as the “Era’s announcer). That’s 12 “War” Veterans right there. With guest appearances from Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels, I think this could work out really well after WM XXVIII, all the way up to WM XXIX. At the conclusion of this storyline, we could have an “Old vs. New” themed WM.
You guys honestly need to stop living in the past. That's all this idea is doing. I mean, let's be real here... one of the main complaints is how the WWE doesn't push stars for the FUTURE. Yet, posters like the OP of this thread dig back into past superstars and want to bring the over-the-hill guys back to the forefront of the show. What would be the point of that?

Others were smart enough to mention the amount of fail that came from the Main Event Mafia in TNA. Just because the WWE has more superior writers than TNA doesn't mean the storyline would be any different, any better, or any more effective than it was in the other promotion. This just screams "stupid idea" in every possible way that I could think of.
My opinion is that in a roster that's very bottomheavy already, lumping all of your top heels into essentially one story-arc is dangerous. At best, one or two faces get over huge and rest of the faces and heels on the roster remain stagnant at best.
i like the idea a lot. could be a great way to put over the new guys as long as its believable. problem though is that you are saying the attitude era guys would be the heels. they could try to do that but if it involves, hhh, undertaker or the rock then they'll be the faces. cant have the new breed look like the bad guys if they are going to carry the business. maybe theyll do a lot of confrontations with all the big names to help the young guys out.
Well, the "breed" of wrestlers he was talking about are not from the attitude era, Jericho was talking about his WCW buddies, Eddie, Benoit, Malenko, Mysterio, Saturn, and himself.

exactly (although, I'm not sure he meant Saturn).

My problem with the promo was that Jericho said he was the last of said breed, when Bryan and Punk have done those same exact things before joining WWE (and they did so without being a part of the #1 wrestling show in the world (Jericho and Co. were ALL in WCW: the top wrestling organization in the world during the time they were there).
My problem is we've seen this before, NWO vs WCW, New Blood vs Establishment/Millionares Club, WWE vs WCW/ECW Invasion.

Plus, what do the new stars hope to accomplish ? In the NWO angle they were selfish greedy mercenaries out to bleed the company dry (In a way they did), The New Blood were almost all young mid carders hungry to take the top spots in the company away from the veterans, The Invasion was for control of the company. Fact is, the few remaining stars from The Attitude Era, other than Jericho (who spent most of that time in WCW) are all semi retired or part time wrestlers, none of them holding a top spot in the company. If you throw Big Show & Kane in there they are just perenial mid carders, who's being denied a main event spot by them ?

The new guys have no motivation to attack the veterans. Punk, Bryan, Barrett, Miz, Sheamus, are all prominent stars who get a lot more main events than HHH or Taker let alone Rock (soon to leave after his brief guest run), Jericho (career mid carder, rarely main events, also wrestles in short stints due to obligations outside wrestling), or the aforementioned Kane & Big Show. Heck, the two most prominently featured stars are Orton & Cena, who along with Punk are all post Attitude era guys.

I just cant see this feud working, the new guys pretty much run the show anyway, they have nothing to prove.
Sound like some shit TNA would try, and it would be horrible.

Am I the only one paying attention here? TNA did try it and it was an epic fail. "The Main Event Mafia", Nash, Angle, Booker T, Steiner, all guys past their prime, ready to call it a career and decided to form a group. I don't think WWE should do it. They don't have consistant veterans on the roster full time.
In my opinion, it's a horrible idea and sounds very much like the same shit that TNA has done for years and has only finally been moving away from within the past several months.

In a nutshell, this sounds very much like the faction wars/power struggle angle that TNA has done to death for the past several years and made them damn near unwatchable much of the time. I dig the fact that the focus in the WWE has, for the past few years, been primarily upon the young guys on the roster. It's lead to a fresher feeling product overall and you have to look realistically at the guys who could potentially be involved:

The Rock - The Rock isn't giving up his successful movie career that allows him to make millions of dollars per film to return to pro wrestling on a full time basis. Just having him pop up every now and again as part of this faction would do nothing more than give an occassional ratings pop.

Triple H - As he said on Raw with HBK a few weeks back, the WWE is going to be his someday and his energies are mostly spent on working behind the scenes, working with the WWE Developmental System and generally getting a handle on things from a business perspective. It'd make no sense for Trips to do a complete 180.

The Undertaker - Taker's injuries have finally caught up with him over the past few years. The idea of using him as a special attraction for WM is an idea that's been working well and makes his appearances seem all the more special.

Chris Jericho - Being part of a faction doesn't fit who Jericho's heel character is or has ever been. Besides, with rumors of him touring with Fozzy this summer running around, who knows if Jericho would be around to see this angle come about.

Eddie Guerrero - He's dead.

Chris Benoit - He's dead.

Stone Cold Steve Austin - He retired in the first place because of his injuries. He looks like he's in great shape but that doesn't mean he can still go inside the ring.

Kevin Nash - Like Austin, Nash looks like he's in great shape. However, time is definitely catching up to him as well. Plus, look at how many times we've seen Nash involved in this sort of angle.

Shawn Michaels - Based on what I've read, HBK is perfectly content being retired and doing his own thing.

So who exactly does that leave of the old guard that's still worth a shit at being a pro wrestler? Sting is signed with TNA and he's just not going to be in the WWE. X-Pac never was worth a shit. Ric Flair wrestling at his age is something of an embarassment and he always gets hurt whenever he wrestles these days, plus he's with TNA. Hogan can't go anymore and he's with TNA.

On top of it all, what's to gain for any of those guys? Most of them have done it all already, they're revered legends and they know that their time is coming to an end or has already come to an end. If this idea did happen and things went forward, you'd have fans complaining if the legends were going over the younger guys & how the younger guys were being made to look weak or you'd have those that criticized the angle if the young guys were coming out on top since the older guys were too old or hurt to be legit competition.
Good god I hope not, that angle has been done several times before & it has sucked every time. I can only think of a couple of stables that have actually worked and (four horsemen aside) they were at a time when the storytelling was much better. They had a chance to form a good heel faction towards the end of last year but WWE decided to back away.
I think it would be kinda nice to see them as tweener agents (kayfabe) backstage managing wrestlers on and off and over time becoming their own sort of Board of Directors. Sadly I dont see it happening, but it would be awesome to see taker out of character and working hands on with some of the guys in a storyline. Or Jericho and Triple H mentoring a group and then having the opposing groups face eachother just so they could determine whos going to be favored more by their dying breed group and be bread for success by them. Its a bit of a TNAish idea and I guess bringing up the whole dying breed thing might just be more hype for mania since we have way more legends facing established present day stars at this years Mania than ever before. This WM might just be about "passing the torch".

The fuck. This isn't the 90's. This isn't the attitude era. Those times are OVER. O-V-E-R.
The current stars here from the A.E. are here to put young talent over. The future deserves to be put over. Not in some crappy stable war that's been done so many times. Unlike the older guys in WCW and TNA, the older WWE guys put talent over. Chris Jericho, William Regal, Mark Henry, Booker T, etc. (Yes, I know Kidman defeated Hogan).
This won't happen. Undertaker and Triple H aren't active. The Rock isn't active. Booker T isn't active. And the aforementioned Jericho, Regal, and Henry are there to put talent over, as they understand the future. Deal with it, sir.

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