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The IWC Power 1O: April 4


It's time again for Power 1O for the IWC. And what better time to do it when the WWE is at a major high point right now.

Just to make this clear, MY Power 1O is NOT to be the Power 1O for everyone here on Wrestlezone Forums. I simply want to hear who your top performers have been since the last Power 1O . I like to give my opinion and then hear yours!

Also, I generally only do WWE superstars but If you would like to use TNA superstars then feel free to.

So, with that said, here is MY Power 10...

1. The Rock- Yes, The Rock. It was a pretty tough one for the top spot. It was hard for me to decide between The Rock and this next one. But lets face it. The year of build up did not dissapoint. The Rock and John Cena match is what we expected. The Rock looks as good as he has EVER been. On top of that, he gave a good promo on RAW and even making the statement that he will be WWE Champion.

2. Undertaker/Triple H/Shawn Michaels- Heres a first, a three way tie. Simply because after the match at WrestleMania, you cannot put any of them in front of eachother. The match was PERFECT. A very emotional match that made me happy to be a wrestling fan. What made the match that much better was the dialogue during the match. The dialogue during the match was perfect and took the match to a whole new level. I threw Shawn Michaels in here to because of the emotion he showed during the match. The build up to this match isnt what we wanted...but it all didnt matter on Sunday.

3. John Cena- A good match cannot happen without both opponents. John Cena put everything on the line at WrestleMania. He did a good job showing the emotion after the match and you could really tell how devastated he was after losing. He gave a decent promo on RAW, but we all know why that doesnt matter.

4. CM Punk- I was debating on wether to put Punk on 3 or 4. Id say either way this is a pretty decent spot considering the ones in front of him. As we expected Punk and Jericho put on a great match at Mania. Did anyone expect less? They put a different angle on it and made it more of a submission match which I didnt expect but liked.

5. Chris Jericho- As usual, his promos are great. The one he gave on Monday was very good and I loved the alchohol part. Even though he lost, he helped put on a great match in Miami at Mania

6. Kane- I was pleasently suprised that Kane won at Mania. He needed it. It was a good decision to let Kane win. Also the match was very underated, and was a very good match.

7. Daniel Bryan- We all know what happened at Mania but Im not going to get in to that. Bryan makes the list because he is beggining a big thing for hisself. He is OVER. emphasis on the OVER part. This is why he makes the list. Anyone who is over, gets on the favorites list of VKM.

8. Sheamus- Although in a very lackluster way, Sheamus did win the World Heavy Weight Championship. He usually gives good promos and that was no different on RAW. He is going to get heavuly booed for a while though.

9. Brock Lesnar- Its only the beggining, but his return on RAW was one of the best Ive seen in a while. It looked great. He faked the handshake and hit a well done F5 on Cena. Future looks bright.

1O. Miami Crowd- Yes...the crowd has made the list for me today. This week is a first for everything. This crowd MADE the RAW on monday. They could make segments that are terrible better than they look. Only if they could be at every WWE Show.

Honorable Mentions
Santino Marella- Retained his title on Monday and Im happy they are giving him a legit title run.
Big Show- New Intercontinental Champion. May not be everyones favorite thing but Im fine with it.
The Miz- Starting to comeback on the rise. Got the winning pin at Mania, and a win on RAW.

DisHonorable Mentions-
Couldnt really think of any really bad superstars for the past few weeks. Which is a very good sign right now.

So there it is. Again, this is only my opinoin and I would like to hear yours.

What is your Power 1O for the past 2 weeks.
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1.The Rock: He checked John Cena's candy ass into the Smackdown Hotel and electrified the millions in doing so.
2.HHH/Taker/HBK: The best match at mania, a classic which told a great story and honestly surprised me in quality.
3.CM Punk: Retained the WWE title in a very good match at mania, solid performance.
4. Brock Lesnar: Great return, massive pop F% to the biggets full-time star in the company, nuff said.
5. The Miz: Got the pin at mania followed by an impressive win over Ryder on Raw definently looks to be on the way back up.
6.Daniel Bryan: May have been crushed at mania and lost his title but in doing so has become more popular than ever, Yes! Yes! Yes!
7.Chris Jericho: May have lost at mania but dominated the majority of the match and looked strong attacking Punk on Raw, tremendous promo-work as always.
8. Kane: Got a massive win over Orton at mania much needed to regain some momentum following the defeat to Cena, still retains the renewed aura which the mask provides.
9. John Cena: May have lost at mania and have gotten pulverized last night but helped put on a tremendous main event and his promo/selling of Lesnar's F5 were stellar.
10. John Laurinitis: Won at mania, is Gm of both shows, cut a good promo on Punk on Raw.

Honourable Mentions: Mark Henry, Brodus Clay, Eve Torres, Big Show
I agree, The Rock is number one.

I Honeslty think it took the Rock winning at mania for the older fans come back. With him coming back, yeah, there was the anticipation and excitement, but most of us thought he would lose to cena and i know of a few friends who would not watch raw or survivor series cause they expected cena to win in the long run and thus killing their excitement. Having the rock win has brought back an older crowd which is essential right now; just look at the miami crowd, thats exactly what the business needs, i was watching it with some friends who do not watch wrestling and they were all like "shit that looks fun, i wanna go!" and even compared the crowd to a rowdy football (soccer) crowd. And we got the rock to thank for all that
I don't know how you can put anyone other than DBD at the top of that list. I'll give Rocky credit, he won the match of the century, but there are certain parts of the Universe that are still against him (primarily Cena fans). DBD got something no other wrestler has - legit sympathy. People truly care about DBD now, just like how people cared about Christian after he lost the title and Punk when he was on his way out of the company.

1. DBD - With a bullet
2. Rock - You can't win the biggest match of all time without being over.
3. Cena - Main evented WM, won over a bit of a hostile crowd, and will always be the face of the company.
4. Punk - He got a bit lost in the shuffle with the hype surrounding the other main events, but the fact that Jericho's bottle smash was so shocking shows people still care about Punk.
5. Jericho - The heel all other heels should try to emulate. I'm betting by Summerslam he'll be at the top of this list. Unforgettable and nobody better at getting heat.
6. Sheamus - I feel bad for this fella because prior to WM, crowds were going nuts for him. The length of the match was not his fault at all, and a smarky crowd were booing him for DBD's sake, but I would wager most of the Universe still sees Sheamus as a dominant face.
7. Lesnar - Talk about an entrance. Lesnar is on his way to a main event feud and who knows where he'll go (match with Rock at WM?). But one thing's for sure, there is no way anyone in the WWE can compare to his legit intensity. If Rock has the Hollywood crowd, Lesnar has the male crowd.
8. Johnny Laurinitus - The match was ignored for many reasons, but one being that we already knew Johnny Ace was going to be the head of both brands. We all know this because we're all aware of how effective of a heel he can be. He's still got a way to go to be better than the Mr. McMahon character, but he's getting there. It's a shame his initial feud with Punk didn't materialize into anything substantial, but here's hoping the new storylines will get him more over.
9. Miz - I was surprised at how many people cared about Miz not being on the WM card. Miz has improved by leaps and bounds to the point where I want to rate him higher than this. I absolutely love the Miz character and hope he gets some wins to augment his annoying personality.
10 Dolph Ziggler - Was the IWC champion prior to DBD's squash match. He's slipping fast, but not to his own doing. There are a lot bigger guys getting a lot more heat than Dolph. I would love to see Dolph start going the way Jericho did when he entered WWE, scathing promos, being played as a fool, letting the crowd get under his skin. Part of Dolph's problem with getting over is that the WWE Universe don't think they can get under his skin, or that Dolph isn't listening to him. Look at R-Truth when he was getting over as a heel. He constantly said "don't ya'll be What?!'n me" and the fans reacted. Letting the fans see they can impact his mental state will help Dolph connect with the Universe.
Awesome choices all of you. Mine are as followed: 1. Brock for obvious reasons. upon returning taking out the top star in the business and leaving us wanting more and looking forward to next week. 2. Cena. His ability to improvise and work with the smarky crowd is impeccable as well as his acceptance of his loss to Rocky. 3. Jericho, the guy is compelling and keep us interested in a fued that would normally be boring by now. taking an overused situation and story and keeping the interest and making the fued more personal I love it. 4. Rock, for staying humble and colloquial with the people and subtly admitting to the fans that he wont be around all the time but will return. 5. Kane, for defeating Orton and bringing new faith to being a monster again. 6. Mark Henry, something about his character is so entertaining the way he owns and bullies his competition keeps me intune with is match. 7. Punk, though his segment with Ace was poor, the man is a skilled wrestler and takes a beating well and I hope he finds things about Jericho and expose him in return. 8. D Bryan, simply for being the superstar of the night and was only onscreen no longer than 3 minutes. 9. Albert, I wasnt digging his return but this character gives him a second chance and makes me want to see what it will become. 10. Larenitus. for some reason I still like his stiff corporate character and is a great Mcmahon to Punks Austin. just my opinion. Thank you
I'll do only WWE this week since we are coming off 'Mania.

1. The Rock- He won the main event at WrestleMania. Any other stop would be stupid.

2. John Cena- Not a fan, but must respect him. His work as of late has been top of his game.

3. The Undertaker- 20-0

4.Daniel Bryan- YES! YES! YES! Loose in 18 seconds, become most over guy in Miami.

5.HHH- Put on one hell of a buil and the best match at 'Mania.

6.CM Punk- The Best In The World, but not the top this week.

7.Chris Jericho- Really steped his game up the past few weeks. He was professional enough to return and put over someone at WM unlike Rocky.

8. Zack Ryder- WWWYKI. Ryder is still staying relevant.

9. The Miz- Look whos springing back

10. Brock Lesner- just cracking the list. His return was one damn good return. I see a few dream match's coming. Oh yeah, the F5 is f'n awesome.
I'll probably grade this a little different to you guys but, here 'ya go;

1.The Rock
Can't really be anyone else, he made 'Mania this year, he's been consistantly entertaining since his return, he put Cena over before their match (which he didn't need to do) and he beat Cena at 'Mania, which put a massive smile on my face.

2.Brock Lesnar...with a but
Glad to see Brock back, WWE need some "power players" right now and Brock is certainly that. Proven main-eventer, it's bound to result in some fresh matches and I actually really like the guys ring-work and persona. The "but" is ofcourse, how long is he staying? If this is a "cup of coffee" to work Cena then he leaves to go, I dunno, try his hand at Pro Golf, he wouldn't make the list.

3. Daniel Bryan
Thought this guy was all IWC hype, just another "indy darling" but he's started to come into his own since he won the belt. I hate how he's been booked previously (weak babyface) but I expect big things from the man they used to call Danielson in the coming months/years. Yes!

tied 4. and 5.
Triple H and The Undertaker
Their match at Mania was sublime, a theater of brutality, which told a great story and had me GLUED to the screen. Both guys would've been rated higher if they'd had more matches this year.

6. Dolph Ziggler
I see a world of potential in this kid, hate to use the "Mr Perfect" analogy again but the guy is a bump machine. IMO he just needs that one angle to really put him in a main-event spot. I'm not a big Ryder fan but these guys had one of the best feuds never seen on TV on ZTLIStories, give him the ball and let him run!

7. R-Truth
Same with Ziggler, a world of potential, just a shame they killed his heat putting him with miz and making him Rap again. Good athletic work in the ring, again, he could be something big with a good push and a couple decent feuds.

And...yeah, that's about it, I dunno, I just don't feel the same attatchment to the roster I once did...

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