The "Internet Fan"


Dark Match Winner
I've noticed for a while that the internet has become a negative when being mentioned in wrestling. More importantly the internet fan has been bashed to no end. John Cena has done it on raw, Triple H has done it on raw, Eric Bischoff has done it and more recently Gunner has bashed it. Now while i do understand some of the issues that people have with the "IWC", I think it has to be acknowledged that the internet fans are the real fans of the wrestling business. We've been following it when it was popular, we follow it when it is boring and stale. Yeah we complain, but as TRUE fans why don't we have the right to give our opinion on the business we love. I say this for one reason. I feel like while the internet fans are ridiculed for thinking we know everything we should be appreciated for being the reason raw gets that 3.5 rating every week and Impact getting there 1.1 because if we weren't watching and complaining the shows would be even lower. We are the TRUE FANS
Yeah I hear you on that. Although is a lot of us "internet fans" started watching at a very early age way before there was even a thought of an grandfather took me to events as a child, my parents used to let me have pay per view parties at our house, back when there were only a few each year,and all my friends came(as long as they chipped in 5 bucks lol) and I now take my own kids to events when they come around. Our hard earned money goes to support the product just like anybody else, and I think we are a larger part of the fan base than we get credit for. We are often unhappy because we remember times when things were "so much better". Problem is they know they have our money, so pleasing us is less important than chasing a larger mainstream audience. The negativity comes from all the complaining and people taking it too seriously, but the fact that they acknowledge it at all , means they do pay some sort of attention and I think it gets to them on some level, because even they know the product had gotten stale. A lot of the people on these boards are dead on about the issues they discuss, and really just here to bounce ideas off of other fans. Some are way off, disrespectful, and out just of touch with reality. But really we are all just fans wanting to see a better show, if we don't like it the channel will get changed, ppv's get ignored or streamed...only 1600 may show up for a smack down taping...people vote with their wallets and that's heard louder than any complaining done here.
if you were a wrestler and a snide ignorant untrained inexperienced teenager/young adult is telling you you don't have "it" when you got a wrestling license and experience in the biz is frustrating. The job of a wrestler is to make EVERY fan a MARK. Cody Rhodes just talked in an interview about how fans are putting on his paper bags and not ripping them or throwing them down or how Jericho mentione din his recent book that he ignored this little 5 year old Jericho fan and his dad because he was heel and how bad he felt. The NXT guys before and after the whole attack on Raw couldn't sign autographs or hang around fans.

A pro wrestling show is suppose to make a fanboy out of everyone, deal with it you aren't a movie critic you are wrestling fan. I get it we feel we are above "marks" because our opinions are factual and what not but fact is at the end of the day if you were in their spot you wouldn't listen to the IWC at all either.
thr poster above me is right.

there is much more to the wreslting world than what the IWC knows. their job is to make people invested in the product and spend their money on pay per views. there is no point in caring for or catering for a small portionh of your viewers when they constantly bash (not constructive criticism) you, and chances are mos of them stream pay per views and get to watch you bust your ass without giving in their cash.

the intertnet fans are the best in the world at what they do: bash professional wrestlers , and we are awesome at it .
Uh, no. The "real" fans are the ones paying for events, t-shirts, Pay-Per-View broadcasts, etc. "Internet" fans tend to do everything they can not to fork over the money they don't have, which means they watch via illegal streams and rarely if ever actually give over any of their own money to a company no matter the means.

"Internet" fans tend to think and act through some unwarranted sense of entitlement.
I am going to go against the grain here and say that HHH and Cena bashing "the internet" is a great heel move against the internet smarks that hate them.
"The internet" is a strange twisted vortex of heat.
Their are certain wrestlers that will be loved by the internet no matter what they do or how the WWE want to portray them. Punk, Slater, Wade and Zack for example and then there are wrestlers like Cena who will forever be our heels (I would have said Orton at this point last year but new gurning crazy Smackdown Orton is all kinds of awesome) and if a heel isn't making you crazy enough to want to chant at him or buy a PPV so you can see him get his behind kicked then he isn't doing his job.

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