The Intercontinental Cup


As Main Event was going off the air last night, a graphic appeared at the bottom of the screen and Michael Cole announced that next week will be the start of the "Intercontinental Cup" and that it will be spanned out over a course of three weeks.

I'm not sure if it's a tournament or if it'll be a series of qualifying matches to determine a new #1 contender for Barrett's IC title. I'm going with the latter as it just seems to be more expedient. There was very little info given out on it last night, so hopefully more will be revealed on SD! and Raw.

At any rate, it's got me interested. Main Event has been, overall, in a bit of a slump for a few weeks. It's just been overshadowed by the build for the Royal Rumble and especially the goings on with The Rock facing CM Punk for the WWE Championship. However, this could be interesting, depending upon who the wrestlers are competing and exactly under what sort of format they'll be competing in.
I will be interesting to see if they open it up to everybody that ONLY live outside the United States.

There are plenty of options available

Sin Cara
Drew McIntyre
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Yoshi Tatsu

I'm bound to have missed somebody out, you could bring up a guy from NXT if you want just to squash them in the first round

So you could very easily make up an 8, or even 16 man tournament out of those guys
I believe this is a great idea. Shakes things up a little bit, though I still believe Barrett is the best out of all other said names. More or less a time filler IMO. Hopefully something great comes out of it.
Just a couple weeks ago, there was a thread where someone was saying WWE should do more tournaments and #1 contender stuff, so that guy is probably excited right now. I'm with TheRocker in agreement that Wade Barrett is the best choice for IC Champ, but that doesn't make this any less of a good idea. Just having a little derby like this gives the IC title a little prestige. Should be fun.
Yeah seems like a legit tournament. some of those guys on the previous list couldn't compete. Santino is injured. Christian is coming back at RR, and I doubt will be put in a huge push against Barrett this early. Finally, Sin Cara is injured also, so if he some how makes it to the tourney it'll make me open my eyes, but he'll prolly botch himself into an injury again.

Kofi, 3MB, and a few other guys on that list could really push Barrett. Hopefully they make it something, cuz in my opinion Barrett hasn't done anything with that title yet.
I think it gives a great opportunity to mid-card guys. It also gives the I-C title more value. I think you have these matches, tourney style, round robin, whatever. And have your #1 contender in time for a feud leading into Mainia.

I wish they would have 6 contenders and use the Elimination Chamber to have the final guy, but that's 3 EC matches in one PPV, so wishful thinking...
This sounds like a great idea.

The great thing about tournaments in pro wrestling is you usually get to see a bunch of different match-ups than the 'same old, same old' and usually get to see an upset or two because even if FOR EXAMPLE Yoshi Tatsu beats Heath Slater then in Tatsu's next match in the tournament 3MB may cost him the match so no one has to complain about 'so and so got buried', in fact, it just gives more exposure to more Superstars.

I fully expect after this tournament whoever faces Barrett will lose. But that's not the point. The point is to show everybody that other Superstars are striving for the Intercontinental Title and whoever wins the tournament instantly has something going for him and some build behind him.

Good for the WWE, I just hope they do this more often in 2013 than they did in 2012.
They should use this to push Alex Riley. I think he and Barrett could put on a solid match. Riley would look good, even in a loss.
An intriguing and ingenious concept. I look with adulation at tournaments and cups. The plausible candidates for me would be Kingston, Sandow, Rhodes, Heath Slater, Santino, a returning Christian (though I prefer to see him in the WC scene) to name a few.y
Yeah seems like a legit tournament. some of those guys on the previous list couldn't compete. Santino is injured. Christian is coming back at RR, and I doubt will be put in a huge push against Barrett this early. Finally, Sin Cara is injured also, so if he some how makes it to the tourney it'll make me open my eyes, but he'll prolly botch himself into an injury again.

Kofi, 3MB, and a few other guys on that list could really push Barrett. Hopefully they make it something, cuz in my opinion Barrett hasn't done anything with that title yet.

My list was purely based on a theoretical example assuming all superstars were healthy and not-suspended, so I see where you're coming from in ruling out some for THIS tournament, but in future you could very easily do it
they actually said on Main Event the Intercontinental Cup would be a 6 man tourney to come up with a number one contender for the IC Title. With 6 being the number bandied, Im guessing it will be a round robin, everybody meets each other once over a 5 week periosd, thus leading to Wade Barrett vs the winner at Elimination Chaber. A 6 man tournament does not work, as we have 3 left after the first round.
This is a great idea! It's not soo much a tournament or a battle royal to determine a #1 contender like the norm, but rather a series of matches to see who the next superstar to face Wade Barrett should be. I love this idea and I really want to see an up and comer win it like Justin Gabriel or even a veteran like Christian put him over as the champion. Great way to put some much need importantance and spotlight back on the i.c title.
they actually said on Main Event the Intercontinental Cup would be a 6 man tourney to come up with a number one contender for the IC Title. With 6 being the number bandied, Im guessing it will be a round robin, everybody meets each other once over a 5 week periosd, thus leading to Wade Barrett vs the winner at Elimination Chaber. A 6 man tournament does not work, as we have 3 left after the first round.
A 6 man tourney can work if you give the top 2 seeds byes to the semifinals.

It's interesting that they used this name, because the Intercontinental Cup was the world club football championship from the 1960s until 2004. Now it's been replaced by the Club World Cup.

I have posted here before my idea for the WWElympics, where wrestlers from all countries represented in the roster would fight it out for gold, silver and bronze. One wrestler per country. I wonder if that's what they're gonna do here.

Better than nothing. It'd be illegal to use the name WWElympics anyway, I reckon.
I think it gives a great opportunity to mid-card guys.

Agreed. With relatively few people at main event level, it's wise of the company to focus some attention on the middle guys. Also, this would give Wade Barrett a chance to sit at ringside and give a bunch of obnoxious opinions while basking in the glory of having a slew of contenders vying for his title.

This is a good thing, remembering how important the Intercontinental title used to be.....and how trivial it's become. I like the whole concept, however they play it.
It wouldn't bother me if this became an annual thing, depending upon how smoothly it goes. If it goes well, perhaps it could be expanded next year to seem like a bigger deal.

Also, I think it's a perfect use of the Main Event show in and of itself. Main Event, to me, is constantly entertaining. Some weeks are better than others of course, but it's been a consistently strong show. Most of the time, even the non "main event" match on the show is pretty good as well.

I'm not necessarily expecting something epic as I figure there'll be more than one participant in the IC Cup that seems unimportant but that's really how it is for most mid-card guys. It could still lead to some good matches and elevate some of the wrestlers all at the same time.
I love the idea of this Intercontinental Cup tournament, but their format could use some work. I would have rather have an 8 or 16 or 32 or even a 64 Man tournament spread over 1 -3 months leading up to WrestleMania. As a matter of fact, they should have started this the Raw after TLC. As far as the participants go, there are 4 groupings I would like explore.

WWE / World / ECW Champions – This group consists of current SuperStars who have won the WWE or World or ECW (Yes, it is a World Championship) Championship. Having these guys in the Tournament would increase importance to the Intercontinental Title. This would be a case where the Star gives the Title “prestige”. Pick 16 out of the 19 in group 1.

1. Alberto Del Rio (I’d cut him out, cause he has the World Title)
2. Big Show
3. Brock Lesnar
4. Christian
5. CM Punk (I’d cut him out, cause he has the WWE Title)
6. Daniel Bryan
7. Dolph Ziggler
8. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (I’d cut him out, cause he’s the Rock)
9. Ezekiel Jackson
10. The Great Khali
11. Jack Swagger
12. John Cena
13. Kane
14. Mark Henry
15. The Miz
16. Randy Orton
17. Rey Mysterio
18. Sheamus
19. Undertaker (I’d leave him in, cause he makes it to the finals at WM…)

Intercontinental / United States Champions - This group consists of current SuperStars who have won the Intercontinental or United States Championship, but haven’t won the WWE or World Championship just yet. Having these guys in the Tournament is okay, because they are established Mid-Carders, but the least of my favorite option. It would almost be redundant to have these guys in it as they are not progressing. To make this at 8 man tournament, I’d have to eliminate 2 of them.

1. Antonio Cesaro (I’d cut him out, cause he has the United States Title)
2. Cody Rhodes
3. Drew McIntyre
4. Kofi Kingston
5. R-Truth
6. Santino Marella
7. Tensai
8. Wade Barrett (I’d cut him out, cause he has the Intercontinental Title)
9. William Regal
10. Zack Ryder

Unified WWE / World Tag Team Champions - This group consists of current SuperStars who have won the Unified WWE / World Tag Team Championship, but haven’t won the WWE or World Championship just yet. Having these guys in the Tournament is great to push these young competitors to the “next level”. Being that there are only 9 Stars here and 10 Stars in the IC / US category, I’m thinking about merging them together and eliminating 3 of the selections. So, again, pick 16 out of 19, but this time, in groups 2 and 3 together.

1. Curt Hawkins
2. David Otunga
3. Evan Bourne
4. Heath Slater
5. Justin Gabriel
6. Michael McGillicutty
7. Primo
8. Ted DiBiase (I’d cut him out, and bring back the Million Dollar Title and start the Million Dollar Corporation…hmmmm….millions and billions??)
9. Tyson Kidd

?? – This group consists of current SuperStars who haven’t won a Championship in the WWE yet. Putting these 24 SuperStars in this Tournament is the best idea in my opinion. This would be the case where the Title gives the Star credibility. I wouldn’t take anyone out of this, if they actually went with group 4. Considering that there are 24 Stars here, I’m thinking of adding the Tag Team Champions from group 3, minus the Million Dollar Boy, and making it a 32 man tournament.

1. Alex Riley
2. Big E Langston
3. Brad Maddox
4. Brodus Clay
5. Camacho
6. Damien Sandow
7. Darren Young
8. Dean Ambrose
9. Derrick Bateman
10. Epico
11. Fandango
12. Hunico
13. Jey Uso
14. Jimmy Uso
15. Jinder Mahal
16. JTG
17. Mason Ryan
18. Percy Watson
19. Roman Reigns
20. Ryback
21. Seth Rollins
22. Sin Cara
23. Titus O'Neil
24. Yoshi Tatsu

Either way, I think any of these options, group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4, group 2 and 3, or group 3 and 4, would be better than what we’re getting on TV…again.
I'm not so sure the "cup" needs an established superstar in order to give it or the title any added prestige or weight. I think, if played with well, it could do wonders for the title and for the superstars involved. Part of why I think the IC title has lost its luster is because I don't often see the superstars involved in the feuds surrounding it CRAVING the belt. The belt always feels secondary, almost as if it's a prop (even though it is). Instead, feuds should be built equally around a disdain between superstars and a lust for the belt/for protecting the belt. Seeing a superstar fight through a virtual gauntlet because they desperately want a shot at the title will make said title seem important. Having Wade Barrett feud with someone "just because" won't do squat for the belt.

Remember, the IC title isn't touted as a "secondary" title, but most fans know that it is. It doesn't make sense to take a guy who has been wrestling for the top prize in the business to suddenly want a shot at the IC title. It is a MID-CARD belt, without question. For a guy like Sheamus to suddenly set his sights on the IC title would seem...out of place. It may not be written like it is a step down, but let's face it -- we'd all view it as such. It is a stepping stone and always has been. Give the workhorses that carry the mid-card/lower-card a chance to grab a brass ring and show off a bit. An IC title feud/tourney can give a guy like Tyson Kidd (sadly) a chance to showcase his talents, showcase intensity and determination, and showcase mic skills by cutting a promo about winning the tourney and getting a shot at the prize.

Oh, and Barrett needs to be ringside, possibly on commentary, throughout this entire tournament. I want to hear his thoughts on the contenders, his love for the belt, and his mic skills as often as possible surrounding this new (old) idea.
I feel like some of you may be expecting a bit too much from this idea. It's only 3 weeks long, and so far as we've been told, it's going to be hosted exclusively on Main Event. That means we've got a maximum of two matches each week, for 6 matches total. And that's IF they grant the Cup both matches on the card, which is doubtful.

So long as it's not a stupid 3-match tournament like TNA did recently, I think it could be fun. I like longer tournaments, where you don't actually know who is going to win which match. Unfortunately, WWE likes to do things like "Ryback vs. Heath Slater...who will win!?!?!"

If I had to guess, I'd say 3MB will most definitely be involved. Justin Gabriel and Kofi Kingston are logical picks. Santino and maybe Tensai. Would be cool to get William Regal involved. I'd love to see a match between Barrett and Regal for the IC title. I think UK fans would probably explode. It's got a good underdog feel to it.
I will be interesting to see if they open it up to everybody that ONLY live outside the United States.

There are plenty of options available

Sin Cara
Drew McIntyre
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Yoshi Tatsu

I'm bound to have missed somebody out, you could bring up a guy from NXT if you want just to squash them in the first round

So you could very easily make up an 8, or even 16 man tournament out of those guys

Take out Tag Teams and you can have

Khali or Jinder Mahal (India)
Kofi (Ghana) or Justin Gabriel (South Africa)
Drew (Scotland)
Santino (Italy)
Sin Cara (Mexico)
Christian or Tyson Kidd (Canada)
Swagger (America)
Tensai or Yoshi Tatsu (Japan)

Should be a nice 8 man tournament, unless they're doing a point system.
I just read an article on listing the participants for the IC Cup:

Randy Orton
The Miz
Kofi Kingston
Antonio Cesaro
Dolph Ziggler
Cody Rhodes
Damien Sandow
Darren Young

A strong list overall. Really, the only one there who seems out of place at this time is Darren Young. I expected more lower card guys to be included like Zack Ryder or Santino Marella, thus making things much less interesting. One would have to assume that the three faces are the favorites to take it, though I personally like the idea of a champion vs. champion match between Cesaro & Barrett. With Dolph Ziggler's announcement that he'd ideally like to unify the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships and Cesaro being a participant in the IC Cup, the WWE is vaguely flirting with the prospect of unifying championships. It doesn't mean that it'll happen, but the slight possibility that there might be something to it is still intriguing.
I just read an article on listing the participants for the IC Cup:

Randy Orton
The Miz
Kofi Kingston
Antonio Cesaro
Dolph Ziggler
Cody Rhodes
Damien Sandow
Darren Young

A strong list overall. Really, the only one there who seems out of place at this time is Darren Young. I expected more lower card guys to be included like Zack Ryder or Santino Marella, thus making things much less interesting. One would have to assume that the three faces are the favorites to take it, though I personally like the idea of a champion vs. champion match between Cesaro & Barrett. With Dolph Ziggler's announcement that he'd ideally like to unify the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships and Cesaro being a participant in the IC Cup, the WWE is vaguely flirting with the prospect of unifying championships. It doesn't mean that it'll happen, but the slight possibility that there might be something to it is still intriguing.

I'm thinking Orton or Miz may win the IC Cup. I think they want star power in order to elevate the IC Title in the event of a World Title unification. I see Cesaro dropping the U.S. Title so that he can be moved further up the ladder. The U.S. Title may stay around as a prize for the likes of Zack Ryder and Heath Slater to fight over.
If the US & IC Titles are gonna be unified, I don't see Cesaro being the one who defends the US Title against Barrett in that match. With Miz looking to face Cesaro at Elimination Chamber for the US Title, it will likely be Miz who takes the title, and then defends it against Barrett and his IC Title in a unification match at Wrestlemania, since I also expect Barrett will be in the WHC Elimination Chamber match at the EC PPV. Even if the titles aren't gonna be unified, I'm still going with The Miz to win the Cup and get the #1 contender spot for the IC Title, with the title match taking place at Wrestlemania, cause he is the only babyface on that list that hasn't faced Wade Barrett in the last few months, and both men don't seem to have any planned opponents for Mania right now, so may aswell put them together at WM. Miz vs. Barrett for the IC Title at Mania sounds like it could be a decent match.
Wade Barrett has announced on twitter the cancellation of the intercontinental cup. WWE obviously changed there minds and is going full steam ahead with the Bo Dallas storyline. But this is just lazy of them to do its not like this required storylines or anything it could of just been a one of story featured on main event only well continuing the Bo Dallas thing on shows like Raw and Smackdown. WWE just got lazy with this one.
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, that's talk of WWE going through with the Intercontinental Cup in the near future.

The IC Cup was scheduled to actually begin taking place last week on Main Event but was dropped. There was never any real word given as to why, but that speculation was that Vince may simply have just lost interest in the idea. It appears as if Vince may be changing his mind as a lot of officials, according to the report, are high on the idea. Several officials want to use the Main Event show to further bolster the IC title in the way Raw & SmackDown! bolsters the WWE & World Heavyweight Championships.

I was disappointed that the IC Cup idea was dropped initially. It just sounds like an interesting idea. The WWE doesn't do tournaments very often and, to me, using Main Event to further bolster the IC title, and possibly even the US title, is great use of an extra hour of television that consistently features strong wrestling action.

Also, this gives WWE a very legit reason to get back on track with Wade Barrett. Barrett's run started out well but it's started to fizzle, especially with back to back losses to Randy Orton in a couple of 5 minute matches on television. Barrett's too strong of a talent to waste on another lame duck IC title run.

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