The Incredible Hulk


Dark Match Jobber
"The Incredible Hulk" scheduled for 2008 release starring Ed Norton and Liv Tyler. Written by Ed Norton. Going into it you are supposed to act like the first movie never happened. Something Ive been doing since I saw the first movie. Supposedly based more closely on the comic and the TV show as opposed to someone just making it up as he went along. High hopes for this one. So far so good.
The problem is people will be going into this with super high hopes. Edward Norton's a god, yes, and it helps that he's writing it, but really, if it didn't work the first time (and the movie had all the makings of a great film, I just felt they couldn't put it together in the end), I don't see how they can pull it off this time.

I hate to be a pessimist and I'm usually not when it comes to films, especially comic book movies, but this just has bad written all over it, other than Edward Norton. But we'll see.

On a side note I heard a rumor it's going to be Gray Hulk they're doing in this one, anyone else heard that?
havent heard anything on Gray Hulk. Ed Norton is a huge fan of Hulk though. so ill continue being the Yang to your Yin. cant rain all the time. :p
It's got Tim Roth in it as well. Personally I loved the last one. Until The Hulk was in it. I'll watch it but I cant say I'm too excited. I expect The Hulk to look just as silly as he did last time. And I think it's a bad move turning him grey. The core audience will be young boys and they wont recognise the grey Hulk.
I don't think any kiddies will notice except he is grey instead of green. My stepkid is 6 and is obsessed with the Hulk, and as long as it's the Hulk, all he'sgoing to say is, eww, the hulk is gwey instead of gween, Hulk Smash.

I think this movie sounds a thousand times better then the Hulk. Hmm, when a movie is promoted based around "Visionary Director Ang Lee" you know the movie is going to be shit going into it. I can't find one redeeming thing about the Hulk, other then it ended.

Now, Norton and Roth, Hulk and Leader, that sounds damn good. Norton and Roth are amazing actors, and I think this movie will probably be one of the better comic book movies.
I hope you guys are right, I'm just going in it with reduced expectations.

But anyway thinking about it further it would really be pointless for it to be Grey Hulk. It's really just regular Hulk but a little smarter who can bench press less in the daytime. So whatever, no point really.

If they had a couple different incarnations of the Hulk that would be kind of interesting.


These kinda confirm to me that The Hulk isn't really film material. Hulk doesn't look better, nor worse than in the last film. He just won't work whatever he looks like. Same with that crustacean creature. I'll still see it, and I'm still more intrested in this than I am Iron-Man & Hellboy.
What the hell is that in the second picture? Looks like the Hulk mutated with Nemesis from Resident Evil into one even uglier mutate.

Ive never liked the Hulk myself. As a comic character, his cartoon tv series, the tv series and the 2003 film pretty much sucked. They should do these kind of movies on more interesting persona's within the Marvel universe.
What the hell is that in the second picture? Looks like the Hulk mutated with Nemesis from Resident Evil into one even uglier mutate.

Ive never liked the Hulk myself. As a comic character, his cartoon tv series, the tv series and the 2003 film pretty much sucked. They should do these kind of movies on more interesting persona's within the Marvel universe.

its the abomination, the hulks nemises, but the original was fish like and had scales, the director was like did he mege with a fish or so lets just make him like a mutated human... it works better and robert downy junior is in this one as tony stark, they are cross referencing all movie characters which is a great idea
Personally, I think Hulk looks a lot better in this one. The color isn't a bright green, but a more subtle, duller green, which I think looks better. You can see muscle tendons and plenty of veins popping out. And, probably the best improvement, he doesn't look a thing like Norton to me. I always thought that established the difference between the two "entities".

Abomination looks good to me. I just don't see the scaley comic book version ever working on screen, so I like the compromise. He looks exactly like the name implies-bone outline is seen, spikes are shooting out of his body. He's vile, disgusting, and I'm sure Roth will do the roll justice.

I even heard that Banner's gonna transform in minute three. That just shows me that they know what the fans want-The Hulk going apes#!t on anything and everything. Oh, and I heard there's a story to it, too :p.
Those are really bad pictures you've got Jake. In motion, or in any other poses, the two look much better:


I'm glad to see that the film is taking a lot from The Ultimates. That whole dropping out of the helicopter to trigger the Hulk bit? From The Ultimates. That smashing out of the rubble transformed bit? From The Ultimates. The entire design of the Abomination? Pretty much Bryan Hitch's... from The Ultimates. The fight in a big city? Yeah, you guessed it. May have been done before, mind. Honestly, I think they should've used grey Hulk... he just seems so much more believable and I just think it would translate better to the big screen. Edward Norton is my God, but I don't feel he's geeky enough to play the Hulk. I know he's hardly a hard man in this movie, but still.
There was a grey hulk, and I cannot remember how he came about, but he could talk and had personality. I think something happened to Banner where his transformation got screwed up, and he only changed into the Hulk at night.

In the comic, the grey Hulk wore sunglasses and shit, and was cool.

I don't know what all the hating is about on the first Hulk. I actually liked it. Yeah, the CG was shit, but still, it wasn't THAT bad.

Nothing beats Bixby/Feregno in the original series, when his eyes would turn white and shit, and the Hulk kicked ass. When I saw the TV movie, "The Death Of The Incredible Hulk", I nearly cried at the end when Bill dies.

Correct me. Is this a sequel to the last one they did? Why the hell would they remake the remake so soon. I can see that soon we will have 3 versions of one movie in the same year. No more original ideas out there?
There was a grey hulk, and I cannot remember how he came about, but he could talk and had personality. I think something happened to Banner where his transformation got screwed up, and he only changed into the Hulk at night.

In the comic, the grey Hulk wore sunglasses and shit, and was cool.

I don't know what all the hating is about on the first Hulk. I actually liked it. Yeah, the CG was shit, but still, it wasn't THAT bad.

Nothing beats Bixby/Feregno in the original series, when his eyes would turn white and shit, and the Hulk kicked ass. When I saw the TV movie, "The Death Of The Incredible Hulk", I nearly cried at the end when Bill dies.

Correct me. Is this a sequel to the last one they did? Why the hell would they remake the remake so soon. I can see that soon we will have 3 versions of one movie in the same year. No more original ideas out there?

True, those were great. There is a DVD set you can get for pretty cheap if you don't already have it.

Edward Norton is calling this movie a do-over not a sequel. I read in EW that he was actually pissed off at the first movie, and I mean legitemately pissed off. He is a huge Hulk fan and is going to try to make it right.
True, those were great. There is a DVD set you can get for pretty cheap if you don't already have it.

Edward Norton is calling this movie a do-over not a sequel. I read in EW that he was actually pissed off at the first movie, and I mean legitemately pissed off. He is a huge Hulk fan and is going to try to make it right.
Yeah, but it's mind boggling how a studio can spend millions on a movie, have it suck, and then spend millions again doing it over. This could be history making, as I have never seen one redone so quickly, and I still didn't think the first one was THAT bad.

I'm wondering how much consulting was done with Stan Lee when they did the Hulk. The Spiderman movies ruled, except for the annoying, wimpy, sickening, vomitous relationship between Parker and Mary Jane. It did get absolutely sickening by the second move.

Peter Parker=Wuss

Back on topic, Ed Norton's a great actor, and this "remake" should be good. The one thing they need to work on is the CG, which was the blithering shits, especially the part where the Hulk was on the fighter jet and looked to be about as big as King Kong. Terrible, horrible CG.

We'll see what develops in this version.
Well, I'm going to either be pleasantly surprised with what this film is going to be...or I'm going to be disgusted. I haven't much faith in Louis Leterrier based on his past resume' of "work." However, even though Zak Penn's other superhero romp was a complete and utterly hollow asswipe of a script with nearly transparent characters and bad writing (X3: The Last Time I'm Paying For Shit at a Theater), maybe, just maybe Ed Norton's rewriting can prove to be a windfall. It could also just be that he spit-polished a turd, but at least the fight scenes look promising. I'm a huge fan of the actors involved in this one (as I was in Ang Lee's version).

And although Ang's foray into Hulk-dom was front heavy and needed some sharper pacing in the beginning, I feel it is still one of the best comic adaptions out there, especially in regards to acting. I know that Marvel took the reins on this one and is paying for the thing themselves (which is honestly the only fucking reason it's getting made...because Universal only agreed to distribute), but I think that either they'll trim where needed and come up with a smart and tight action picture...or it'll be an overly shaved mess of action sequences and plot coupons. I'm a geek, though, so you better believe my ass will be conjoined to a theater seat come the first midnight showing in my perimeter.

The FX look just as good as the first one (which I liked a lot). They trimmed Hulk's size down a bit, but whatever. As long as he's still kicking ass and taking names, then I'm fine with it. Here's to hoping that Norton can help to rescue the franchise and keep it lasting long enough to see some of the other classic Hulk villains and scenarios.
With a film directed by the man that bought us The Transporter, I expect nothing more than an average action film. Teens will love it, geeks will secretly love it but bitch about it. I'm neither. I'm not teen who gets excited by shit being blown up. Nor am I a Hulk geek. He could be pink with a French accent for all I care. All I know is that I'll come out of this film considerably slower than I went in.
Meh. The first Hulk didn't do it for me. Shit was all over the place.. I got confused, even though I am somewhat narrow-minded, so that could have been why. Good fight scenes though. :twocents:
Well, I'm going to either be pleasantly surprised with what this film is going to be...or I'm going to be disgusted. I haven't much faith in Louis Leterrier based on his past resume' of "work." However, even though Zak Penn's other superhero romp was a complete and utterly hollow asswipe of a script with nearly transparent characters and bad writing (X3: The Last Time I'm Paying For Shit at a Theater), maybe, just maybe Ed Norton's rewriting can prove to be a windfall. It could also just be that he spit-polished a turd, but at least the fight scenes look promising. I'm a huge fan of the actors involved in this one (as I was in Ang Lee's version).

And although Ang's foray into Hulk-dom was front heavy and needed some sharper pacing in the beginning, I feel it is still one of the best comic adaptions out there, especially in regards to acting. I know that Marvel took the reins on this one and is paying for the thing themselves (which is honestly the only fucking reason it's getting made...because Universal only agreed to distribute), but I think that either they'll trim where needed and come up with a smart and tight action picture...or it'll be an overly shaved mess of action sequences and plot coupons. I'm a geek, though, so you better believe my ass will be conjoined to a theater seat come the first midnight showing in my perimeter.

The FX look just as good as the first one (which I liked a lot). They trimmed Hulk's size down a bit, but whatever. As long as he's still kicking ass and taking names, then I'm fine with it. Here's to hoping that Norton can help to rescue the franchise and keep it lasting long enough to see some of the other classic Hulk villains and scenarios.

Ok here is the whole premise of THE HULK

[Taken from Wikipedia URL=""]Wikipedia Hulk Article [/URL]Hulk is a 2003 superhero film based on the comic book series The Incredible Hulk published by Marvel Comics. It was directed by Ang Lee and stars Eric Bana as Bruce Banner, as well as Jennifer Connelly as Betty Ross, Sam Elliott as General "Thunderbolt" Ross, Josh Lucas as Glenn Talbot and Nick Nolte as David Banner.

The film received mixed reviews, and polarized opinions from audiences with the film experiencing a second-weekend box office drop of 70%,[1] the second-largest drop ever recorded for a movie that opened as the top box office draw its opening week. The film is followed by the 2008 film The Incredible Hulk, which is not a direct sequel, but rather a reboot in the vein of Batman Begins.

With a 70% drop those numbers dont lie, so they had to reboot the movie to cover there losses, it may not have been the smartest thing going but i believe that the incredible Hulk will score the big numbers that Marvel Studios is looking for IMO
I have seen this film, and I highly recommend it to anyone. Lots of people were cautious about this film considering the all around shittiness of the last Hulk film, but this one is a lot more intelligent and true to the character. There is a chance we will see different incarnations of the Hulk in later films (as there are a lot of open doors, much like Iron Man) that have yet to be explored.

Ed Norton deserves a lot of credit. He, as a fan of the comics, has done a great job in keeping it as it should be and going to the root of Hulks war with the US army. I also think Abomination looks great.
I second Gorsty2k7. This is SOOO much better than the Ang Lee Hulk movie. The design of the Hulk looks a lot better, they have significantly improved the CGI. You see Hulk caught in the rain, wet, and it looks real. It doesn't look like CGI animated character getting soaked, it looks like real big green monster getting soaked. It is obvious that Edward Norton is partial to the character, his Bruce Banner, while not a copy of Bill Bixby, is definitely inspired by him. There are a few references to the TV show, and Norton plays Banner similarly. It reminded me of how Brandon Routh attempted to emulate Christopher Reeves' Clark Kent, rather than reinterpret the character himself. Norton essentially plays an updated Bixby Banner, which is exactly the right tone for the character, I think. This is the movie "Hulk" should have been.

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