The Inaugarural Brawl


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I was watching the InVasion DVD and it made me think. The main event was The Inaugural Brawl, a 5v5 one fall tag-team match which pitted the 'top' stars of each side against each other. I say 'top' because WCW/ECW's team comprised: Booker T, DDP Rhyno and the Dudley Boyz - neglecting the top stars who's contracts Vince hadn't bought out. The WWF's team was made up of Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Chris Jericho, Undertaker and Kane.

Anyway, my point is that the concept was that each company would take their five best and put it against the others five best. If this were to happen today who would be the WWF's five best?

The team was originally made up of the face of the company (Austin), A main eventer (Angle), an upper-midcarder nearing the main event (Jericho) and a top-tier tag team (Undertaker and Kane). If I were to replace them like for like then:

BoD: Chris Jericho and Big Show

Who would you pick? & Why?
If the invasion happened today, I don't think there'd be anyone from Smackdown in the team. The only reason Kane and maybe Jericho got into the team was because Triple H was injured and the Rock was still off making the movie. WWF weren't trying to construct a team with members from the top half of the card, that was literally the 5 best they had at that time.

Now if it was today, taking into account Batista currently being injured and HBK officially having returned, the line-up would look like this:
Randy Orton, John Cena, DX and perhaps Undertaker.

No Punk, no Jerishow and definately no Morrison.
John Cena - How could you not have the face of the company in this? Cena goes out and regularly gets the largest pops, has the best matches and cuts the best promos. His name being in this alone would be enough to make some people watch, and, as I'd assume this would take place on a PPV, to buy the show.

DX - They'd be my tag team in this thing. Both are ageing, but are also still being entertaining on a regular basis, plus, Triple H is still a regular in the Main Event scene - he's booked as a really strong wrestler.

Jericho - Again, very entertaining with strong matches on a regular basis.

I'm not too sure about the fifth, there are many young stars who could take the place; Morrison or Swagger would be really good for that and would give them a good boost.
I actually forgot about DX completely. I sat here for a while trying to think of a main event level tag-team and all I could come up with was Jericho and Show. My choice of Punk was me trying to equate to a strong main eventer, but I agree that Orton really should be included ahead of him. With DX having bumped Jericho/Show from the tag team slot I agree with Becca that Jericho would retain his place in the team. The fifth man seems to be an issue. If it was just top guys then The Undertaker would likely get in, however I just don't see how, with his gimmick, he'd co-operate with the rest of the team. Undertaker and DX together would look absurd - one is risen from the dead, the other are juvenile wise-cracking guys. American Badass 'taker was defending 'his yard' whereas the Deadman just seems to settle old scores. I can only remember him challenging someone else when he wants the title; normally it's heels that challenge The Undertaker. But, who would replace The Undertaker? I could maybe see CM Punk sneaking it, or Jeff Hardy considering Batista and Edge are unavailable. Big Show maybe?
John Cena is a given as he's the face of the company. Not having the face of the company on the team wouldn't be a wise choice.

DX would be the tag team since they are already back and they are basically the veterans of the team and would be there fighting for the company they helped build.

Jeff Hardy would be on the team as the main eventer who isn't the face of the company. He would be in there fighting for his job since he has nothing else to fight for.

I would also include a heel in my team: Chris Jericho. He would be the guy that went through this once and doesn't want "a second-rate company" trying to take away his livelihood once again. He would still be in his heel persona calling the fans names but he would be getting cheers for being in the WWE.
If you're going to do an Alliance again, you'd do it with the best you have to offer.

Randy Orton is the WWE Champion and is one tough bastard. I'd want him on my side punting the opposition.

CM Punk is another person with a unique fighting style that would be something different from the rest of the members.

Triple H and HBK or DX would be shoe ins. They're a great tag team, and they're the face of the WWE. Without those two, it'd be tough to fight the opposition, whomever that would be.

John Cena or Chris Jericho would be my alternates simply because they're great wrestlers and would be formidable against any opposition. But I'd take Orton, Punk, and DX over them any day.

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